Songs Inspired by the Warriors Album Release Details

^Not feeling the fan-made tunes. Too anime boston for my taste.
I'm surprised there hasn't been a new single since February though. You would think Scorpion's Theme would have been released since his rival Sub-Zero's was
I'm surprised there hasn't been a new single since February though. You would think Scorpion's Theme would have been released since his rival Sub-Zero's was
Man, lol *smh* you guys are never satisfied. I'm enjoying these tracks. I think you have to understand how the artist are trying to explain the profiles of these characters in the music. Kano's theme sound good if you ask me. I think yall are just imagining this in the wrong way. The themes are not meant to sound like the character, it's suppose to represent the inner soul of the MK fighters. You guys are wanting the music to sound like their outside appearance, but it's much deeper than that. It's not about Kano, Scorpion, or Sub-Zero being a badass, ripping hearts out of people's torso's and stuff.. that's not what the soundtrack is representing. It's about their journey, not the character. Barraka's has a dark dubstep sound because his journey has always been about evil. The dude is literally STRAIGHT FROM HELL! Understand?

Who cares about the sour pusses on this board, start promoting the soundtrack album y'all! :dannii:

Bird Peterson has uploaded a longer preview of "Goro's Theme", it's insane how awesome this one is.
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Did this work?
Disco_Diva Wrote:
Bird Peterson has uploaded a longer preview of "Goro's Theme", it's insane how awesome this one is.
Did this work?
Bird Peterson has uploaded a longer preview of "Goro's Theme", it's insane how awesome this one is.
Did this work?
Sounds pretty cool.
I wonder if we might get extra themes eventually.
A tag team "Special Forces" theme would be cool.

I'm seriously shakin' my ass at how good this album is.
Unfortunately, 10 seconds is max that I managed to endure for most tracks...
I like the start of Liu's theme... That's pretty much it...

About Me
Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.
Nephrite Wrote:
Unfortunately, 10 seconds is max that I managed to endure for most tracks...
I like the start of Liu's theme... That's pretty much it...
Unfortunately, 10 seconds is max that I managed to endure for most tracks...
I like the start of Liu's theme... That's pretty much it...
I agree. I don't like this album at all really and it's kind of dissappointing.

Except Mileena's & Reptile's, the tracks are just terrible !
Sound like been made by a guy messing with Fast Tracker II and poor samples. Man this is awfull !
Sound like been made by a guy messing with Fast Tracker II and poor samples. Man this is awfull !

About Me
The biggest problem with this whole album isn't even that the music is bad. It's that these artists sound like they know absolutely nothing about Mortal Kombat, and if they do, then they have no sense whatsoever.
Because none of these songs capture the essence of the characters they represent. Goro's maybe comes kinda close.
But the rest of it, I mean... Raiden's theme sounds pretty cool. But it sounds like it should be a Fat Joe song. Heck, Fat Joe had the sound of thunder at the beginning of one of his songs, so it's already MORE suited for Raiden than this theme. Unless Raiden's gonna stand there with a stack of money and say, "I make it rain on them hoes!"
Because none of these songs capture the essence of the characters they represent. Goro's maybe comes kinda close.
But the rest of it, I mean... Raiden's theme sounds pretty cool. But it sounds like it should be a Fat Joe song. Heck, Fat Joe had the sound of thunder at the beginning of one of his songs, so it's already MORE suited for Raiden than this theme. Unless Raiden's gonna stand there with a stack of money and say, "I make it rain on them hoes!"
BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:
The biggest problem with this whole album isn't even that the music is bad. It's that these artists sound like they know absolutely nothing about Mortal Kombat, and if they do, then they have no sense whatsoever.
Because none of these songs capture the essence of the characters they represent. Goro's maybe comes kinda close.
But the rest of it, I mean... Raiden's theme sounds pretty cool. But it sounds like it should be a Fat Joe song. Heck, Fat Joe had the sound of thunder at the beginning of one of his songs, so it's already MORE suited for Raiden than this theme.
Unless Raiden's gonna stand there with a stack of money and say, "I make it rain on them hoes!"
The biggest problem with this whole album isn't even that the music is bad. It's that these artists sound like they know absolutely nothing about Mortal Kombat, and if they do, then they have no sense whatsoever.
Because none of these songs capture the essence of the characters they represent. Goro's maybe comes kinda close.
But the rest of it, I mean... Raiden's theme sounds pretty cool. But it sounds like it should be a Fat Joe song. Heck, Fat Joe had the sound of thunder at the beginning of one of his songs, so it's already MORE suited for Raiden than this theme.
Unless Raiden's gonna stand there with a stack of money and say, "I make it rain on them hoes!"
I agree with that first paragraph so much.
Who the hell hired these guys anyway ._.
I wish NRS themselves made the themes instead.

All I need is a damn iTunes card.

The album is amazing on the whole. The only dud is "Raiden's Theme", it totally kills the momentum. The second worst track is "Shao Kahn's Theme" because it just doesn't really do anything. The rest are all amazing in their own way, but "Goro's Theme", "Mileena's Theme" and "Liu Kang's Theme" are the best of them all.
About Me
"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot
Scorpion. His theme should be metal, and nothing else.
Sub-Zero. The fuck? Am I going to a rave?
Liu-Kang. It's good, wish it had more oriental flavor to fit the character.
Johnny Cage. Didn't hear it.
Mileena. Good track but it doesn't remind me of Mileena.
Raiden. This should had been Jax's.
Goro. Sounded good until 50 seconds came, at that point, it wasn't Goro at all.
Reptile. I guess it's good, but it's not Reptile.
Baraka. It's very good, but it's not Baraka. Sounds like I'm racing.
Kung Lao. lol fart noises mix with ecstasy mix with a long car crash.
Kitana. Didn't hear it.
In short, the songs are okay, well a few are, but in general they don't fit the characters.
Sub-Zero. The fuck? Am I going to a rave?
Liu-Kang. It's good, wish it had more oriental flavor to fit the character.
Johnny Cage. Didn't hear it.
Mileena. Good track but it doesn't remind me of Mileena.
Raiden. This should had been Jax's.
Goro. Sounded good until 50 seconds came, at that point, it wasn't Goro at all.
Reptile. I guess it's good, but it's not Reptile.
Baraka. It's very good, but it's not Baraka. Sounds like I'm racing.
Kung Lao. lol fart noises mix with ecstasy mix with a long car crash.
Kitana. Didn't hear it.
In short, the songs are okay, well a few are, but in general they don't fit the characters.

I think some of the people on this site are simply on drugs....and not good ones.
I bought this today and jammed like jar full of preserves!
In all, I don't like Kano's Theme and Sub-Zero's is waaaaay too long. (I refused to listen to it, I'll check it out later)
I bought this today and jammed like jar full of preserves!
In all, I don't like Kano's Theme and Sub-Zero's is waaaaay too long. (I refused to listen to it, I'll check it out later)

WeaponTheory Wrote:
Scorpion. His theme should be metal, and nothing else.
Sub-Zero. The fuck? Am I going to a rave?
Liu-Kang. It's good, wish it had more oriental flavor to fit the character.
Johnny Cage. Didn't hear it.
Mileena. Good track but it doesn't remind me of Mileena.
Raiden. This should had been Jax's.
Goro. Sounded good until 50 seconds came, at that point, it wasn't Goro at all.
Reptile. I guess it's good, but it's not Reptile.
Baraka. It's very good, but it's not Baraka. Sounds like I'm racing.
Kung Lao. lol fart noises mix with ecstasy mix with a long car crash.
Kitana. Didn't hear it.
In short, the songs are okay, well a few are, but in general they don't fit the characters.
Scorpion. His theme should be metal, and nothing else.
Sub-Zero. The fuck? Am I going to a rave?
Liu-Kang. It's good, wish it had more oriental flavor to fit the character.
Johnny Cage. Didn't hear it.
Mileena. Good track but it doesn't remind me of Mileena.
Raiden. This should had been Jax's.
Goro. Sounded good until 50 seconds came, at that point, it wasn't Goro at all.
Reptile. I guess it's good, but it's not Reptile.
Baraka. It's very good, but it's not Baraka. Sounds like I'm racing.
Kung Lao. lol fart noises mix with ecstasy mix with a long car crash.
Kitana. Didn't hear it.
In short, the songs are okay, well a few are, but in general they don't fit the characters.
so this:
sounds like this:
i finally heard all the songs on this album. first, if you are not a fan of techno then i can understand you will not like this. second, many of the songs have NOTHING to do with the characters they are named after. if you want songs with better theme feeling, check out ReduxStereo and EZXD on youtube. many of their songs are good and some fit their characters fairly well. back to the warrior themes cd, over half the songs are good, but again have nothing to do with the characters they are named after. my absolute favorite song is the rave quality, hard techno beat of kung lao's theme. this song would fit well in any dance club in europe (america only likes pop techno remixes, i.e. pussy techno). next up would be sub-zero's theme which has a lovely ambient drone throughout much of the song. other songs including shao kahn's theme, goro, liu kang and mileena are all great. reptile's theme is decent, a bit too pop, a bit too medium tempo, but its good. however, songs like raiden's theme FUCKING SUCK and sounds like a quick demo test. the person who made raiden's theme should be paid $0. kano's theme, johnny cage, baraka, and scorpion are just ok, just "there"-- nothing special, and nothing that gets my heart going during a workout. again, kung lao's theme is fucking FANTASTIC and very high quality techno, with sub-zero's theme coming in a close 2nd with its freaky droning sounds. shao kahn and goro come in 3rd and 4th followed by liu, mileena, then reptile. they are all worthy to be in my playlist. all the other songs did not make my playlist. so is this album worth it? well half the songs are in my workout/exercise playlist so yup. still, if you want more accurate themes stick with ReduxStereo and EZXD, which you can find on youtube.
oh man, I went to get this cd at best buy since it was rumored to have Kitana's theme, but none of the best buys in Dallas carry it and the bb website doesn't have that version. That was the number one track I was looking forward to :( This is just like when Kitana was supposed to be in MK3, but was cut... and like when Kitana was supposed to be in MK4, but was cut again... and also when Kitana was supposed to be in MK6... but was cut again. I see a trend...
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