all the singles are on youtube somewhere. there's 5:
Liu kang
Liu kang
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BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:
Wait, where have you heard Baraka's theme? I only heard the ones that have been officially released, the snippets.
Wait, where have you heard Baraka's theme? I only heard the ones that have been officially released, the snippets.
If I remember right, Baraka's theme was one of the freebies given away at the Truck Tour.

Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Am I the only one that thinks every track released off this record thus far has been complete and utter shit?
Am I the only one that thinks every track released off this record thus far has been complete and utter shit?
The only thing I'd call passable would be Mileena's theme. Otherwise, no, you are not alone.

$15 For an audio CD? Man this game really is a throwback to the 90's
I'm actually very surprised and disappointed that characters like Sonya, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Kano, Ermac, the Cyborgs, and Jax (among others) didn't get their own tracks.
I honestly didn't see them not doing a Sonya+Jax track or a track featuring the robots or the sorcerers (deadly alliance) considering some like Baraka, Reptile and even Kung Lao got a track. I'm surprised. Oh well.
Still, the Soundtrack idea is great news and I'm still really looking forward to it.
I honestly didn't see them not doing a Sonya+Jax track or a track featuring the robots or the sorcerers (deadly alliance) considering some like Baraka, Reptile and even Kung Lao got a track. I'm surprised. Oh well.
Still, the Soundtrack idea is great news and I'm still really looking forward to it.

I do think it's wrong Sindel and Jade didn't get a theme. I'll just add some sinister sounding dubstep remix of "Whip My Hair" as a bonus track and rename it "Sindel". And with Jade, like Reptile, she had a theme too in the movie! Click me She needs an update!
Technically, only three have been released to the general public: "Mileena", "Liu Kang" and "Sub Zero". "Baraka" was a promotional single only released to those who went to the truck and "Reptile" wasn't even officially released. It was just previewed on youtube.
gorostilllives Wrote:
all the singles are on youtube somewhere. there's 5:
Liu kang
all the singles are on youtube somewhere. there's 5:
Liu kang
Technically, only three have been released to the general public: "Mileena", "Liu Kang" and "Sub Zero". "Baraka" was a promotional single only released to those who went to the truck and "Reptile" wasn't even officially released. It was just previewed on youtube.
Kano's theme by Them jeans:
Tracklist might have changed, Kano is there instead of Kitana:
Maybe Kitana's track is the bonus with the Kollectors guide? Kinda sucks that they might have excluded some themes from this, I want em all!
Tracklist might have changed, Kano is there instead of Kitana:
Maybe Kitana's track is the bonus with the Kollectors guide? Kinda sucks that they might have excluded some themes from this, I want em all!
About Me

TheManWithTheGoldenGun Wrote:
$15 For an audio CD? Man this game really is a throwback to the 90's
$15 For an audio CD? Man this game really is a throwback to the 90's
gaming in the Clinton years!
Why is it so....happy?
Cripes, having heard roughly half the album, it's already balls. Only good, fitting ones are Mileena's and Kang's. Reptile's is okay but doesn't fit him at all. And Kung Lao's is trash. I couldn't even get through it, it was giving me a headache.

Kano's sounds more like if Sonya had a theme.
I can picture her in her MK3 outfit teaching aerobics at the Y to this song.
Wow I'm so glad I'm not buying this album.
I think I'll wait for all the tracks to be leaked on youtube decide which ones I like best and save them to a playlist or something.
I can picture her in her MK3 outfit teaching aerobics at the Y to this song.
Wow I'm so glad I'm not buying this album.
I think I'll wait for all the tracks to be leaked on youtube decide which ones I like best and save them to a playlist or something.
JAX007 Wrote:
Kano's theme by Them jeans:
Tracklist might have changed, Kano is there instead of Kitana:
Maybe Kitana's track is the bonus with the Kollectors guide? Kinda sucks that they might have excluded some themes from this, I want em all!
Kano's theme by Them jeans:
Tracklist might have changed, Kano is there instead of Kitana:
Maybe Kitana's track is the bonus with the Kollectors guide? Kinda sucks that they might have excluded some themes from this, I want em all!
Good find!
I don't like the thene itself (is it me or is it just too 70's-80's????), however, for some reason, I feel like it suits Kano.
There's something about Kano being sneaky, a jerk, and a "not so serious evil kind of guy" (unlike Goro and Kahn and Tsung) that fit with this song.
Yeah, I still don't like it. His and Kung Lao's are the 2 I don't like.
Detox Wrote:
The only thing I'd call passable would be Mileena's theme. Otherwise, no, you are not alone.
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Am I the only one that thinks every track released off this record thus far has been complete and utter shit?
Am I the only one that thinks every track released off this record thus far has been complete and utter shit?
The only thing I'd call passable would be Mileena's theme. Otherwise, no, you are not alone.
From the 30-second snippet on Amazon,Goro's theme sounds like it might be decent,but overall,this shit is awful.
Well,at least there's those fan-made tracks that heartoffire posted a while back...
The fan made ones on youtube are better in my opinion. But I'll still be downloading this official track. I heard a few I liked. Kano's theme sound good from what I heard.
Kano's theme sounds more like it would fit Sonya. Oh well, it still sounds good and I'll be listening to it while I play MK9 online.

Hmmm, it sucks that the Laidback Luke theme wasn't on the main disc (I mean it's 15$ already, what's wrong with adding another track) and the exclusive bonus from the Kollector's guide is a remake of "Techno Syndrome".

WTF! This kind of pisses me off. First Kitana has a track on the album, and now all of a sudden they've axed it and replaced it with a Kano track?! Not to mention Jade doesn't have a theme, GTFO! This seriously makes me wanna cancel my album pre-order.

I've come to love most of the tracks! :O I think "Raiden's Theme" may be the only dud.
When is this album gonna make like the demo and leak. :sponge: I must hear it in full nowwww!
EDIT: Did anyone else notice that the artists of "Johnny Cage's Theme" and "Shao Kahn's Theme" has changed as well? I wonder if we'll ever get to hear those. Honestly, this should've been a 15-track album. It's not like it was cheap enough to justify being 12 tracks.
When is this album gonna make like the demo and leak. :sponge: I must hear it in full nowwww!
EDIT: Did anyone else notice that the artists of "Johnny Cage's Theme" and "Shao Kahn's Theme" has changed as well? I wonder if we'll ever get to hear those. Honestly, this should've been a 15-track album. It's not like it was cheap enough to justify being 12 tracks.
Man don't let not having Kitana on the official sound ruin your purchase. I heard this fanmade one on youtube and it's just as good (if not better) than the ones made the official team.
Hope you enjoy!!!
Hope you enjoy!!!
CrazyMortalKombatFan Wrote:
Man don't let not having Kitana on the official sound ruin your purchase. I heard this fanmade one on youtube and it's just as good (if not better) than the ones made the official team.
Hope you enjoy!!!
Man don't let not having Kitana on the official sound ruin your purchase. I heard this fanmade one on youtube and it's just as good (if not better) than the ones made the official team.
Hope you enjoy!!!
Holy shit man, that was awesome. That song represents Kitana very well! I'm really impressed. Thanks for sharing bro.
But listening to this awesome fan made track only makes me not wanna buy the official album because it ain't nearly as good!
Are you guys sure Kitana's theme has been deleted?
For all we know she could be the "extra theme" available in the KE Guide. The theme just has to be there.
I sure hope that if the track actually exists that they didn't just delete it from memory. It should be available unless it was a "mistake" or something.
For all we know she could be the "extra theme" available in the KE Guide. The theme just has to be there.
I sure hope that if the track actually exists that they didn't just delete it from memory. It should be available unless it was a "mistake" or something.
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