Loving the photos.
Gotta say too - Liu and Kung look perfectly cast, as do the rest. Even Kano I think will be a good interpretation.
Agree too - so many "fans" upset that their 1990s fan fiction isn't this movie - yet they were okay with Kevin's Rebirth that had Baraka as a plastic surgeon's nightmare, Reptile as just a baby with a skin pigmentation defect, and Sub-Zero as a mutated person. But an MMA fighter instead of a role that doesn't exist IRL anymore (the Cage character.. there are no martial artist solely characters anymore I mean).
honsetly i cant wait for this movie and cant wait to see they withlore in the future im just sick and tired of marvel universe
Week 7 Production Begins:
Simon Quoid has finally posted a photo. The metatext reads this is "night and indoor":
Lewis Tan caption "Home for the week" on one of his videos despite showing us they are at wine valley. If this wine valley is what I think it is, Sub-Zero isn't needed for this.
They are located at the Barossa Valley Wine Region. Appears to look like a rural, farming community.
I would also recommend fowling simon assistant as well https://instagram.com/pictures_of_cocks?igshid=b0g6tqukqaw7
I did but shes not really posting new stuff.
I would also recommend fowling simon assistant as well https://instagram.com/pictures_of_cocks?igshid=b0g6tqukqaw7
i found this is this true? https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Iwm8HDY7x/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
In the 11/18 draft there is only one Sub-Zero, who goes by only Sub-Zero. However it is possible they could have hired another actor to play some of SZ's written parts to setup the possibility of a second Sub-Zero. Honestly, concerning the lore, the film keeps only the MK rules and concepts in play. The 11/18 draft changes locations, the story, etc. And veers from both MK1-3 and MK9 arcs, almost creating its own. Mortal Kombat is basically a stolen idea from the film, "Enter the Dragon," with only changes that were modern in the 90s. Remember - Enter the Dragon was made in 1973... so traveling to a mystical island on a junk ship is pretty outdated (it inda was then too).
i found this is this true? https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Iwm8HDY7x/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
In the 11/18 draft there is only one Sub-Zero, who goes by only Sub-Zero. However it is possible they could have hired another actor to play some of SZ's written parts to setup the possibility of a second Sub-Zero. Honestly, concerning the lore, the film keeps only the MK rules and concepts in play. The 11/18 draft changes locations, the story, etc. And veers from both MK1-3 and MK9 arcs, almost creating its own. Mortal Kombat is basically a stolen idea from the film, "Enter the Dragon," with only changes that were modern in the 90s. Remember - Enter the Dragon was made in 1973... so traveling to a mystical island on a junk ship is pretty outdated (it inda was then too).
i found this is this true? https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Iwm8HDY7x/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Oh I see thanks I remember that greg only wanted to focus on the first sub zero so unless he changed it
Week 7...
Nothing really new.
Ella F. has posted a strength-training video of Jessica Namee on her IG story.
However, in researching Mikaela Davies, who we have seen with the cast and crew a few times (as recent as Mehcad Brook's birthday), I noticed she has a Youtube channel where she favorited an Australian News video. It's been blocked here in the USa but if anyone can access it, download or even upload it to Youtube and share the link, please let me know so I can keep it. It reveals some of the agents involved and we could possibly learn more from it.
With that said... Mikaela Davis is an actress and has noted on her IG she was involved on Coober Pedy and will be involved on this film until Mid-December, just no details to her involvement. If she is playing an actress, she could very well be playing a horror character from MK's history yet unannounced that many won't expect... Otherwise she could be as her IG suggests and just an agent or manager or something like that. Time will tell.
It's about Heesom Casting's appointment to get all the extras. It shows four people fighting against a big guy: the link to that video is here: https://twitter.com/SA_Film/status/1144490852703621120
Look at their facebook page.. they have rolling casting calls for parts
Loving the photos.
Gotta say too - Liu and Kung look perfectly cast, as do the rest. Even Kano I think will be a good interpretation.
Agree too - so many "fans" upset that their 1990s fan fiction isn't this movie - yet they were okay with Kevin's Rebirth that had Baraka as a plastic surgeon's nightmare, Reptile as just a baby with a skin pigmentation defect, and Sub-Zero as a mutated person. But an MMA fighter instead of a role that doesn't exist IRL anymore (the Cage character.. there are no martial artist solely characters anymore I mean).
No, I wasn't ok with surgeon Baraka too.
Don't know the meaning of the sentence in brackets, but Johnny Cage being an actor of martial arts movies that does his own stunts made perfectly sense instead of that shitty Cole character.
And mk is a Dark Fantasy adventure, it does not need to be grounded in reality, so the mystical "Enter the Dragon" vibe was a necessity to make this movie at least being interesting. Also the lore is fine for what it is, I'd take the lore written in 25+ years of story rather than the script of a mr. Nobody and a rookie director.
But I cannot blame enough people excited for mediocre actors coming from B-list TV series and cheap Australian stages and Instagram stories. Those people are waiting for the next MK Annihilation and don't even know.
Gimme me a reliable director, at least a couple of a-list actors and kickass production values in the USA with USA standards rather than cheap Australia., and maybe I will take this movie seriously.
I just realized you're from Italy... This film will fare much better throughout Australia, Asia, even the UK... and most of Europe, and North America than Italy. Italy is just the "boot" of the world and cannot speak for the rest of us.
if the movie bombs, which is highly probable according to the premises, there ain't be a sequel, even less a shared universe.
I mean, seriously, what?
Are you imply that I can't speak about the movie because I am italian?
A good movie is a good movie everywhere, Italy or US or UK or South Africa or Japan or France or Australia it does not matter.
A bad movie is a bad movie, no matter the nation it is filmed and produced. Mk Annihilation sucks both in Italy and the rest of the world.
Also, Italian cinema is masterclass, so keep your "boot" of the world comment to yourself.
Attacking my nationality just to defend this shitty, low budgeted production is you stooping too low.
Loving the photos.
Gotta say too - Liu and Kung look perfectly cast, as do the rest. Even Kano I think will be a good interpretation.
Agree too - so many "fans" upset that their 1990s fan fiction isn't this movie - yet they were okay with Kevin's Rebirth that had Baraka as a plastic surgeon's nightmare, Reptile as just a baby with a skin pigmentation defect, and Sub-Zero as a mutated person. But an MMA fighter instead of a role that doesn't exist IRL anymore (the Cage character.. there are no martial artist solely characters anymore I mean).
No, I wasn't ok with surgeon Baraka too.
Don't know the meaning of the sentence in brackets, but Johnny Cage being an actor of martial arts movies that does his own stunts made perfectly sense instead of that shitty Cole character.
And mk is a Dark Fantasy adventure, it does not need to be grounded in reality, so the mystical "Enter the Dragon" vibe was a necessity to make this movie at least being interesting. Also the lore is fine for what it is, I'd take the lore written in 25+ years of story rather than the script of a mr. Nobody and a rookie director.
But I cannot blame enough people excited for mediocre actors coming from B-list TV series and cheap Australian stages and Instagram stories. Those people are waiting for the next MK Annihilation and don't even know.
Gimme me a reliable director, at least a couple of a-list actors and kickass production values in the USA with USA standards rather than cheap Australia., and maybe I will take this movie seriously.
having a list actors doest make it a good also andi rather have writer who a fan then a writer who doest know crap about this series that being said im fine with greg fresh take on the series having the movie being o the same old adaption doest cut it for me anymore i seen it so many times i just tired of it and need to change
Sorry but you are complaining for the sake of complaining based on nothing you know. The 1990s movie had a no-name cast, the biggest was Linden Ashby at the time and a director who didn't know the games let alone the lore. And you attacking the location just shows you are a troll.
How abut you delete your posts so this one can be about the production rather than your "i reckon". BTW, Greg Russo is a bigger fan than most people - he did the whole plot predictor in each game. This isn't a Marvel writer who reads one comic book series and does that.
Sorry but you are complaining for the sake of complaining based on nothing you know. The 1990s movie had a no-name cast, the biggest was Linden Ashby at the time and a director who didn't know the games let alone the lore. And you attacking the location just shows you are a troll.
How abut you delete your posts so this one can be about the production rather than your "i reckon". BTW, Greg Russo is a bigger fan than most people - he did the whole plot predictor in each game. This isn't a Marvel writer who reads one comic book series and does that.
The first movie had Cristopher Lambert and Carey Hiroyuki Tagawa, they were A-List.
How about you people accept diverging opinions and stop praising a low budget movie that is adding unnecessary original chatacters, using a ridiculous script and inexperienced people in key roles? MK Annihiliation was not enough of a lesson?
And no, I have nothing against Australia, which is a wonderful contry, but when the whole premise of the production is "we go to Australia because shooting is cheaper there", O have legit doubts about quality.
The silence on "Cole" role is indicative of how scared they are to reveal things about the movie.
No one forces you to watch the new film. You say Tagawa is A list, that guy always been a B movie star. Tadanobu and Sanada are very famous so what are you talking about? I have a very open mind about that movie because I simply don't want to watch the same story. Why does it have to be Liu Kang vs Shang Tsung again? We've seen that already. I'm sure the story will be something like Outworld trying to kill earthrealm fighters before the tournament begins and that sounds really cool.
September 22, 2019:
Max Huang(sic?), who will play Kung Lao, is prepping for his flight to Australia. With production underway his scenes have not been filmed yet.
September 23, 2019:
Jessica McNamee posts a training video as well as Josh Lawson, commenting it is his first day.
Mehcad Brooks posts another shirtless selfie, captioning with his workout routine.
All from the official Instagram accounts (please see my separate post for that).
No one forces you from not enjoying the movie, no one should keep me from criticizing the obvious lack of aim, direction and the uneccessary changes to the lore. And the "Cole" fiasco.
If you do a movie about the Iliad, you cannot avoud an Achilles vs Hector fight. The same goes for Mortal Kombat. Also, keep in check your expectations, best case scenario this movie is gonna spawn a sequel, but not a whole shared universe like the MCU. Stop delusioning yourselves and other fans.
Also, being a fan of the franchise doesn't make writers and directors comoetent enough to handle ths kind of movie.
No one forces you to watch the new film. You say Tagawa is A list, that guy always been a B movie star. Tadanobu and Sanada are very famous so what are you talking about? I have a very open mind about that movie because I simply don't want to watch the same story. Why does it have to be Liu Kang vs Shang Tsung again? We've seen that already. I'm sure the story will be something like Outworld trying to kill earthrealm fighters before the tournament begins and that sounds really cool.
September 22, 2019:
Max Huang(sic?), who will play Kung Lao, is prepping for his flight to Australia. With production underway his scenes have not been filmed yet.
September 23, 2019:
Jessica McNamee posts a training video as well as Josh Lawson, commenting it is his first day.
Mehcad Brooks posts another shirtless selfie, captioning with his workout routine.
All from the official Instagram accounts (please see my separate post for that).
No one forces you from not enjoying the movie, no one should keep me from criticizing the obvious lack of aim, direction and the uneccessary changes to the lore. And the "Cole" fiasco.
If you do a movie about the Iliad, you cannot avoud an Achilles vs Hector fight. The same goes for Mortal Kombat. Also, keep in check your expectations, best case scenario this movie is gonna spawn a sequel, but not a whole shared universe like the MCU. Stop delusioning yourselves and other fans.
Also, being a fan of the franchise doesn't make writers and directors comoetent enough to handle ths kind of movie.
No one forces you to watch the new film. You say Tagawa is A list, that guy always been a B movie star. Tadanobu and Sanada are very famous so what are you talking about? I have a very open mind about that movie because I simply don't want to watch the same story. Why does it have to be Liu Kang vs Shang Tsung again? We've seen that already. I'm sure the story will be something like Outworld trying to kill earthrealm fighters before the tournament begins and that sounds really cool.
September 22, 2019:
Max Huang(sic?), who will play Kung Lao, is prepping for his flight to Australia. With production underway his scenes have not been filmed yet.
September 23, 2019:
Jessica McNamee posts a training video as well as Josh Lawson, commenting it is his first day.
Mehcad Brooks posts another shirtless selfie, captioning with his workout routine.
All from the official Instagram accounts (please see my separate post for that).
you dont know what the lore changes are even are and what cole fisaco are you talking about are you upset he might overshadow everybody when that not case at all the writer know he doing as for possible universe you odnt know thae future is nobody know to say there wont be a whole universe without out any evidence is saying you know the futre when them ovie isnt out yet
Mehcad Brooks, who isn't on set, showed off his girlfriend in a bikini. And he keeps promoting his music.
With Jax out and Sub-Zero in for this week, I'm guessing we are filming the scene where some of the kombatants meet for the first time.
Looks like some kangaroos invaded set today... from Taslim:
However, in researching Mikaela Davies, who we have seen with the cast and crew a few times (as recent as Mehcad Brook's birthday), I noticed she has a Youtube channel where she favorited an Australian News video. It's been blocked here in the USa but if anyone can access it, download or even upload it to Youtube and share the link, please let me know so I can keep it. It reveals some of the agents involved and we could possibly learn more from it.
Here is the video...
The Cole fiasco is when you create an unnecessary original character instead of using the ones already existent. And the secrecy... Why don't just reveal what Role Lewis Tan is playing?
I feel like the production knows that some negative reactions are likely, so they want to play it safe and hope the movie will be successful enough to cater the "casual" audience rather than the hardcore fanbase.
No one forces you from not enjoying the movie, no one should keep me from criticizing the obvious lack of aim, direction and the uneccessary changes to the lore. And the "Cole" fiasco.
If you do a movie about the Iliad, you cannot avoud an Achilles vs Hector fight. The same goes for Mortal Kombat. Also, keep in check your expectations, best case scenario this movie is gonna spawn a sequel, but not a whole shared universe like the MCU. Stop delusioning yourselves and other fans.
Also, being a fan of the franchise doesn't make writers and directors comoetent enough to handle ths kind of movie.
No one forces you to watch the new film. You say Tagawa is A list, that guy always been a B movie star. Tadanobu and Sanada are very famous so what are you talking about? I have a very open mind about that movie because I simply don't want to watch the same story. Why does it have to be Liu Kang vs Shang Tsung again? We've seen that already. I'm sure the story will be something like Outworld trying to kill earthrealm fighters before the tournament begins and that sounds really cool.
September 22, 2019:
Max Huang(sic?), who will play Kung Lao, is prepping for his flight to Australia. With production underway his scenes have not been filmed yet.
September 23, 2019:
Jessica McNamee posts a training video as well as Josh Lawson, commenting it is his first day.
Mehcad Brooks posts another shirtless selfie, captioning with his workout routine.
All from the official Instagram accounts (please see my separate post for that).
you dont know what the lore changes are even are and what cole fisaco are you talking about are you upset he might overshadow everybody when that not case at all the writer know he doing as for possible universe you odnt know thae future is nobody know to say there wont be a whole universe without out any evidence is saying you know the futre when them ovie isnt out yet
The Cole fiasco is when you create an unnecessary original character instead of using the ones already existent. And the secrecy... Why don't just reveal what Role Lewis Tan is playing?
I feel like the production knows that some negative reactions are likely, so they want to play it safe and hope the movie will be successful enough to cater the "casual" audience rather than the hardcore fanbase.
No one forces you from not enjoying the movie, no one should keep me from criticizing the obvious lack of aim, direction and the uneccessary changes to the lore. And the "Cole" fiasco.
If you do a movie about the Iliad, you cannot avoud an Achilles vs Hector fight. The same goes for Mortal Kombat. Also, keep in check your expectations, best case scenario this movie is gonna spawn a sequel, but not a whole shared universe like the MCU. Stop delusioning yourselves and other fans.
Also, being a fan of the franchise doesn't make writers and directors comoetent enough to handle ths kind of movie.
No one forces you to watch the new film. You say Tagawa is A list, that guy always been a B movie star. Tadanobu and Sanada are very famous so what are you talking about? I have a very open mind about that movie because I simply don't want to watch the same story. Why does it have to be Liu Kang vs Shang Tsung again? We've seen that already. I'm sure the story will be something like Outworld trying to kill earthrealm fighters before the tournament begins and that sounds really cool.
September 22, 2019:
Max Huang(sic?), who will play Kung Lao, is prepping for his flight to Australia. With production underway his scenes have not been filmed yet.
September 23, 2019:
Jessica McNamee posts a training video as well as Josh Lawson, commenting it is his first day.
Mehcad Brooks posts another shirtless selfie, captioning with his workout routine.
All from the official Instagram accounts (please see my separate post for that).
you dont know what the lore changes are even are and what cole fisaco are you talking about are you upset he might overshadow everybody when that not case at all the writer know he doing as for possible universe you odnt know thae future is nobody know to say there wont be a whole universe without out any evidence is saying you know the futre when them ovie isnt out yet
they are catering to hardcore audience he not going to overshadow the other characters and the writer know that nobody wants that to happen as forwhy dont they reveal role yet they will probally after they done fliming or sometime at the begging of next year
Why do they have to reveal anything?
That is what is wrong with the world in 2019.. Generation Now.. Generation Me.. A LOT of times, the first thing you see of a character is a trailer, this is 12 months before that. Add to that the original movie, there was no one for the movie goer to connect to. You were watching a video game.. the movie wants you to feel the impact of deaths, destruction, hopelessness.. how are you going to do that with characters who are already well established. It's like people who want prequel movies.. no.. that would be the death. Other than hardcore fans, no one is going to watch a Shaolin Monks movie. The movie would lose hundreds of millions. So you need to do something to bring in a new market like the last Jedi did (which upset people who still think Ep4 is amazing acting...)

If you go onto the IMDB page for this movie, you will find that hey have added a song to the soundtrack list.
I'm not so sure if this will actually be on the soundtrack, but it is interesting.

Loving the photos.
Gotta say too - Liu and Kung look perfectly cast, as do the rest. Even Kano I think will be a good interpretation.
Agree too - so many "fans" upset that their 1990s fan fiction isn't this movie - yet they were okay with Kevin's Rebirth that had Baraka as a plastic surgeon's nightmare, Reptile as just a baby with a skin pigmentation defect, and Sub-Zero as a mutated person. But an MMA fighter instead of a role that doesn't exist IRL anymore (the Cage character.. there are no martial artist solely characters anymore I mean).
No, I wasn't ok with surgeon Baraka too.
Don't know the meaning of the sentence in brackets, but Johnny Cage being an actor of martial arts movies that does his own stunts made perfectly sense instead of that shitty Cole character.
And mk is a Dark Fantasy adventure, it does not need to be grounded in reality, so the mystical "Enter the Dragon" vibe was a necessity to make this movie at least being interesting. Also the lore is fine for what it is, I'd take the lore written in 25+ years of story rather than the script of a mr. Nobody and a rookie director.
But I cannot blame enough people excited for mediocre actors coming from B-list TV series and cheap Australian stages and Instagram stories. Those people are waiting for the next MK Annihilation and don't even know.
Gimme me a reliable director, at least a couple of a-list actors and kickass production values in the USA with USA standards rather than cheap Australia., and maybe I will take this movie seriously.
I can think of about 50+ movies where the cast was mainly A-listers and the films still flopped.
Having an A-List cast does not automatically make a film good.
Also, the fact that they are shooting on-location in Australia is a good thing. I would rather see actual locations than have everything be CGI like those shitty MCU movies.