Any one else find it suspicious that these two photos were released from SiSi at the same time? Could this be the direction for Mileena's costume in this film?
if that case no way that could of predicted just llke that
Actually, 13 months from the script you've read until casting was done is ages. Especially with the name they were able to get to play Scorpion. A number of movies in recent years have re-written small parts of the film from the primary script based on who they were able to get for the role, or the actors during the read throughs, etc. The first MK movie is a prime example.
Prepro started around February 2019, 3 months after the script I read (I read the 11/18 script, not the 2016 one). Casting followed. By that time the major elements of the script (characters, locations, costumes, effects, etc) are broken down do schedules, budgets, all that can be made so prepro, like casting and location scouting can happen.
The first MK went through many script rewrites and had many cuts. To this day a shooting draft of that script isn't available to the public. About the only changes that happened that required a new location and new roles casted were the Liu Kang/Scorpion lair fight and Reptile/Liu fight. Scorpion's lair was nothing but scaffolds stacked upon each other. Not reminiscent of Hell at all.
Week 13 Updates: Final Week?
Mehcad Brooks states this is the final week for shooting. Joe hinted two weeks left earlier this week, so I'm guessing he was counting the rest of this week as one of those weeks.
Other than that, a few more photos and videos of different cast/crew members goofing off and another stuntrig BTS photo.
Kabal? (If you look closely you can see he’s holding hookswords)
Unannounced fighters will be stunt actors

Unannounced fighters will be stunt actors
I think that’s pretty much confirmed, wondering whether Goro will be practical fx or cgi?

Also the black and white photo next to Reiko’s game art looks an awful lot like Nathan Jones’ Facebook
profile pic.....
Yup, that's his picture, He would be great as Goro or Shao Khan, I wonder who he will play.
well conidering it right next to reiko i think he is reiko
Makes sense. He pretty much confirmed to be in the movie back in August, I just didn't see him as Reiko since he looks more ideal to play Shao Khan or Goro.
i could be wrong though also for shao kahn i think they get a actor for him
I will neither confirm or deny any of this, however, I am hoping someone shares photos from the wrap party and we can see more people involved.
I will neither confirm or deny any of this, however, I am hoping someone shares photos from the wrap party and we can see more people involved.
the fliming should be over soon correct?
Yes. This is the last week.
Yes. This is the last week.
joe talism postest instragam story of i guess they doing maku up on him
Yep, doing Sub-Zero's makeup. He has spiked hair. Also worth noting, they show us footage from the film... behind an Elsa animated GIF lol. Good luck trying to see it though. He also shows us the 2nd AD chair and Simon's
Yes. This is the last week.
joe talism postest instragam story of i guess they doing maku up on him
THIS JUST IN!!! BTS video of Nathan Johns swinging a hammer, very large hammer. Who could he be?
This was filmed over a month ago where I was practicing hours everyday for #MortalKombat.. I'm getting pretty fancy with it #HammerTime
There no way they Shao Kahn this early i mean sure they can tease him but not show him
I think that pretty much confirms Nathan is playing Shao Kahn.
I also hope the Joe Taslim spiky hair doesnt mean they are doing the masked subzero with no head cover on like the photoshops going around, i think it looks terrible.
Reiko also uses a large hammer...
I think that pretty much confirms Nathan is playing Shao Kahn.
I also hope the Joe Taslim spiky hair doesnt mean they are doing the masked subzero with no head cover on like the photoshops going around, i think it looks terrible.
Reiko also uses a large hammer...
I think that pretty much confirms Nathan is playing Shao Kahn.
I also hope the Joe Taslim spiky hair doesnt mean they are doing the masked subzero with no head cover on like the photoshops going around, i think it looks terrible.
they moved mortal kombat from march to january in 221which is honsetly a good call for two reasons
1.i don’t want this movie or future universe to compete against marvel just yet
2. I want this movie do well