07/13/2007 02:17 PM (UTC)
That was a great post Predator, all of those sigmakers you mentionced are at least miles better than me; i suck at sigmaking almost.sadwink
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------------> DO
07/13/2007 06:01 PM (UTC)
I'll get started on your request in a few mins.... wooot I have 3 requests to do on friday the 13th.
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
07/13/2007 06:02 PM (UTC)

I'll do that, this could be a chance to show off my new sig making skills.
About Me

07/13/2007 06:08 PM (UTC)
ok, I didn't put any effort at all into the sigs I made Grotesque. I don't make excellent sigs, but I think I can take a request every once in a while. I use a mediocre program called Dogwaffle to make sigs, but to me, it's easier than GIMP.

Flameshang: I'll check the cutout thread, and redo it.
About Me
------------> DO
07/13/2007 06:19 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Where is Skins,Ulcatron,Pred,Pr0d1gY,and Xtactics? There all the main sig makers....

ThePredator151 Wrote

Am I in??? If so, not to be a lil bitch or anything but, I'm really sure that I can beat your latest sig....
Well btw here...is the real list in my opinion are real sig makers.
2. Skinsley
3. Vorpax:
4. Kamionero:
5. Randy:
6. OngBak:
7. CyborgChimp:
8. Hikari715:
11. .Xtactics
As you can see I made only a top 12. But there are many more people that I would like to mention..KARATE(I see that he's really good at making cutouts but still needs to progress in sig making, as you can see in his sigs he SO FAR always uses the same technique), Pred(he in fact doesn't make "over the top" nice siggys but does make decent ones, Ulcatron(he makes above par sigs), Keith(she is one of the best sig makers of MKO, most of her sigs comes out much better than some of the top rank sig makers sometimes as well), ClericOfChaos(this guy could've been on top of my list but he hadn't prove himself much because he hadn't made much work), Jago(I could've put this guy really high on the list as well but he hadn't made many sigs), and last but not least... me(I made many sigs, some are above par such as Ulcatron sigs but I have so much more to learn, but at least I am much confident to my skills and make above decent sigs). If your not on this list then it's either because of Friday The 13th or your name hadn't come to my head at the time.
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07/13/2007 08:47 PM (UTC)
It came out pretty decent, well I hope you like it. Btw I'm so sorry for the double post.
About Me

07/13/2007 09:35 PM (UTC)
Whoa, S3ktor, those are awesome! Redman already made one though.
About Me
Thanks for the sig Pr0d1gYKomodo 1,


3 -

Mattthew -

PinkRanger -

Shinnok-fan64 -

Ulcatron 1,


3 -

Skinsley -

Nest1 -

Wiido -

Jago -

ThePredator151 -

RomanK -

MK2007 -

Pr0d1gY 1,


3 -

Bone 1,

2 -

Flameshang -

Barakaz_Cuz -

Hikari 1,

2 -

Kamionero -

Xtactics 1,

2 -


DevilJin -

Mortalfool -


Anybody want to make me a new sig?

07/13/2007 09:45 PM (UTC)
s3Kt0r Wrote:
Am I in??? If so, not to be a lil bitch or anything but, I'm really sure that I can beat your latest sig....
Well btw here...is the real list in my opinion are real sig makers.
2. Skinsley
3. Vorpax:
4. Kamionero:
5. Randy:
6. OngBak:
7. CyborgChimp:
8. Hikari715:
11. .Xtactics
As you can see I made only a top 12. But there are many more people that I would like to mention..KARATE(I see that he's really good at making cutouts but still needs to progress in sig making, as you can see in his sigs he SO FAR always uses the same technique), Pred(he in fact doesn't make "over the top" nice siggys but does make decent ones, Ulcatron(he makes above par sigs), Keith(she is one of the best sig makers of MKO, most of her sigs comes out much better than some of the top rank sig makers sometimes as well), ClericOfChaos(this guy could've been on top of my list but he hadn't prove himself much because he hadn't made much work), Jago(I could've put this guy really high on the list as well but he hadn't made many sigs), and last but not least... me(I made many sigs, some are above par such as Ulcatron sigs but I have so much more to learn, but at least I am much confident to my skills and make above decent sigs). If your not on this list then it's either because of Friday The 13th or your name hadn't come to my head at the time.

Um no your not.

You say all of my sigs look the same? Look at yours. All you do is abuse C4D's all day. Everytime you make a sig its EXACTLY the same. Im a better sig maker than you are. so why are ttrying to act like your even up there with Preds list?

Your good,Nowhere near that list sorry to say.

p.s. Pred has spoken the truth and you shouldjust respect what he says and actually try to get better rather than just want dps....
About Me
------------> DO
07/13/2007 09:48 PM (UTC)
I NEVER said that I was ever on that list, I'm just saying at least I'm actually a decent sig maker. And so your bashing me while letting you get away with using the SAME technique and consider you as one of the real sig makers and do much better than I am???? I know for a fact that some of my sigs that I made come so much better than the ones "who need practice"! You pretty much lost my respect there buddy. And guess what all you bassicly do is smudge and btw if you saw all my sigs you'll see that THERE AREN'T EXACTLY THE SAME!
About Me
Thanks for the sig Pr0d1gYKomodo 1,


3 -

Mattthew -

PinkRanger -

Shinnok-fan64 -

Ulcatron 1,


3 -

Skinsley -

Nest1 -

Wiido -

Jago -

ThePredator151 -

RomanK -

MK2007 -

Pr0d1gY 1,


3 -

Bone 1,

2 -

Flameshang -

Barakaz_Cuz -

Hikari 1,

2 -

Kamionero -

Xtactics 1,

2 -


DevilJin -

Mortalfool -


Anybody want to make me a new sig?

07/13/2007 09:52 PM (UTC)
s3Kt0r Wrote:
I NEVER said that I was ever on that list, I'm just saying at least I'm actually a decent sig maker. And so your bashing me while letting Ulcatron and you get away with using the SAME technique and consider them the real sig makers and do much better than I am???? I know for a fact that some of my sigs that I made come so much better than the ones "who need practice"! You pretty much lost my respect there buddy.

Dude,Your sigs are EXACTLY the same EVERYTIME!!!!!!! I have made different kinds of sigs. Would you like me to post them up for you? Ill show you the difference in mine and all yours have C4D's all day!!!! C4D's dont even make a sig look good. GIVE IT UP! make a new idea or something and maybe Pred would even consider you.
About Me
------------> DO
07/13/2007 09:55 PM (UTC)
s3Kt0r Wrote:
I NEVER said that I was ever on that list, I'm just saying at least I'm actually a decent sig maker. And so your bashing me while letting Ulcatron and you get away with using the SAME technique and consider them the real sig makers and do much better than I am???? I know for a fact that some of my sigs that I made come so much better than the ones "who need practice"! You pretty much lost my respect there buddy.

Dude,Your sigs are EXACTLY the same EVERYTIME!!!!!!! I have made different kinds of sigs. Would you like me to post them up for you? Ill show you the difference in mine and all yours have C4D's all day!!!! C4D's dont even make a sig look good. GIVE IT UP! make a new idea or something and maybe Pred would even consider you.

I would even show you some of my sig in a few minutes...well I'm sorry for being so pissed of, mabey Friday The 13th got me, but as of now I mean what I said....I hope that champion rank didn't get to your head.
About Me
Thanks for the sig Pr0d1gYKomodo 1,


3 -

Mattthew -

PinkRanger -

Shinnok-fan64 -

Ulcatron 1,


3 -

Skinsley -

Nest1 -

Wiido -

Jago -

ThePredator151 -

RomanK -

MK2007 -

Pr0d1gY 1,


3 -

Bone 1,

2 -

Flameshang -

Barakaz_Cuz -

Hikari 1,

2 -

Kamionero -

Xtactics 1,

2 -


DevilJin -

Mortalfool -


Anybody want to make me a new sig?

07/13/2007 09:58 PM (UTC)
s3Kt0r Wrote:
I would even show you some of my sig in a few minutes...well I'm sorry for being so pissed of, mabey Friday The 13th got me, but as of now I mean what I said.

Dont even bother.

There all the SAME.

I have done many different techniques and you just do the same thing. So instead of talking about me,Maybe you should talk about your own sigmaking. I have never had a complaint. Im done argueing with you cause this is what the PM system is for and i dont want to spam this thread any further.
About Me
------------> DO
07/13/2007 10:00 PM (UTC)
Alright then I shouldn't even be over here flaming an individual as well.
About Me
07/13/2007 10:05 PM (UTC)
Guys stop with the bickering!

Nobody is better than anybody else. People have their own styles in making all sorts of art. What artists won't tolerate is people who put absolutely no effort into making their sigs so they can get free dragon points into it. I honestly think a lot of you don't know how to rate a signature when someone makes it. To be honest, I have seen plenty of horrible signatures in the Show off your new sigs thread that have people saying "Hey that's a good sig". I won't mention any names because I prefer to keep my opinions to myself. Bottom line is that anybody who is beginner at sig making is not going to make a signature as good as Keith's, DE, Bombs, etc. Sig making is an art and takes lots of time and practice. Nobody, including myself, would like to see artwork that is half-assed just so they can earn dragon points. You want to know some people who are good at rating signatures? Try asking users like Cleric, Xparty, and mortalfool over at mkinformer. They may be harsh with their ratings but they always make them very fair. Cleric rated my very first signature for Gimp and you know what he said? He said it sucked. He wasn't trying to be mean, in fact, he named a lot of reasons why it sucked so bad, and you know what? I agreed with him. Since then, I've improved a lot and he even told me so.

I'll say this again, Nobody is a better artist than the other, but when you see half-assed work in here, you know you there are serious problems.
About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





:Get Sig


:Fans [1] [2]


07/13/2007 10:08 PM (UTC)
Oh Sektor, I didn't mean to make that list as an "exclusive" list. It was relative, just to show people a standard.

I wouldn't exclude you or Karate from being "experienced" sig makers, so no dudes like you, KARATE Podigy, Skinsley ect..won't be considered to "beat my latest" and get that prize.

This is because it's pretty obvious you guys can//have at one point or another(besides, once you know what you're doing, I'm not hard to beat anyway, ask Skinsley).

All I did when I made that list was went back to the old Request thread and skipped around a bit...finding whatever looked good and who made it.

Another guy that is one of the leading sig makers on MkO is MINION. I just didn't mention him because he was just absent from the pages I skimmed through. I don't need to post up "everybody", just making the standard apparent.
07/13/2007 10:12 PM (UTC)
I guess i'm not a sigmaker
About Me

07/13/2007 10:13 PM (UTC)
I know it's taking a long time, FlameShang, but I need to get some cutouts of Kane in the cutout thread, I'll have the first two sigs to you soon.
About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





:Get Sig


:Fans [1] [2]


07/13/2007 10:22 PM (UTC)
Shinnok-fan64 Wrote:
I guess i'm not a sigmaker

It's not that at all man, it's just Really apparent that you need work. Use the sigs in that long ass post I made to practice and compare against....That's what I did in the beginning, and that's what we all still do now. I'm sure of it dude.

The more experienced people should have respect for what the less experienced people are going through. For instance, I still understand what it was like making my very first signature//avatar//Wallpaper.....
The shit took forever!! Lol!!

EDIT:At the same time though, we are supposed to give each other constructive criticism. Not sit up there and act like little kids and say stuff like: "That's awful", "That's Terrible", "You Suck".....and never give any advise or anything helpful in the process. "Try this, try that"...This is where you lack at" ect...

Takes forever to make crap at first, but when you have an example to look to...something to compare or gauge your skills to, you eventually see yourself in someone "newer" to this than you...

People like Skinsley and Karate are those people for me. Dragon3nergy and BOMBS- were my direct examples....No big fuggin deal....you just help them where ever they need it and they get better....We all just get better.

So don't worry dude.
07/13/2007 10:29 PM (UTC)
I was just kidding Pred, i wanted to use that smiley from Iron Maiden website.

Anyways, you're right; compared to most sigmakers on here i suck. I need to practice more, i don't have as much time as i used to, what with work and all that crap.

When i first started making sigs, i made usually 3 or 4 a day, now i make maybe 2 every couple weeks. Time is a huge factor for me sigmaking wise.

I appreciate your honesty and your post Predator; i'm glad you didn't lie and say that," OMFG Shinfan You're a sigmaking GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!", as i'm FARRRR from that.

Thanks again Predator, and i'll be taking requests in this thread from now on, to help others and myself. smile
About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





:Get Sig


:Fans [1] [2]


07/13/2007 10:41 PM (UTC)
Shinnok-fan64 Wrote:
I was just kidding Pred, i wanted to use that smiley from Iron Maiden website.

Anyways, you're right; compared to most sigmakers on here i suck. I need to practice more, i don't have as much time as i used to, what with work and all that crap.

When i first started making sigs, i made usually 3 or 4 a day, now i make maybe 2 every couple weeks. Time is a huge factor for me sigmaking wise.

I appreciate your honesty and your post Predator; i'm glad you didn't lie and say that," OMFG Shinfan You're a sigmaking GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!", as i'm FARRRR from that.

Thanks again Predator, and i'll be taking requests in this thread from now on, to help others and myself. smile

Haha, yea np d00d

later everyone...

Ps: Sektor, do us all a favor and edit that long post dude, I forgot to warn people not to quote that monster. lol
07/13/2007 11:30 PM (UTC)
I was... Actually very proud of myself when I made my first signature. I thought it would be very very hard, but then i acctually did it. I was happy with myself. But, my sigs curenntly suck. I need to practice so they acctually blend. I will try to look up some good, easy tutorials right now...I might try to use more from DBlade's tut.
About Me
Thanks for the sig Pr0d1gYKomodo 1,


3 -

Mattthew -

PinkRanger -

Shinnok-fan64 -

Ulcatron 1,


3 -

Skinsley -

Nest1 -

Wiido -

Jago -

ThePredator151 -

RomanK -

MK2007 -

Pr0d1gY 1,


3 -

Bone 1,

2 -

Flameshang -

Barakaz_Cuz -

Hikari 1,

2 -

Kamionero -

Xtactics 1,

2 -


DevilJin -

Mortalfool -


Anybody want to make me a new sig?

07/13/2007 11:49 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
I was... Actually very proud of myself when I made my first signature. I thought it would be very very hard, but then i acctually did it. I was happy with myself. But, my sigs curenntly suck. I need to practice so they acctually blend. I will try to look up some good, easy tutorials right now...I might try to use more from DBlade's tut.

100% truth right there.

All im saying is get better and then make requests.wink
07/14/2007 12:04 AM (UTC)
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
07/14/2007 12:49 AM (UTC)
here's your sig, superawesomeness:

Please tell me what you think, and it won't hurt my feelingsor anything if you don't like it. My feelings can't be hurt.
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