MKA Edited Fake: Rain v.s Sub-Zero

Art posted: 08/05/2006 12:47 PM
It's barely a year old.
Btw who's this random Xtactics guy? Never heard of him
It's barely a year old.
Btw who's this random Xtactics guy? Never heard of him
Alright its time for a new segment here, its called E-Cools 2 Cents, seriously two cents. okay okay....
huhummmm*clears throat* Will everyone shut up for a minute! I can see there are two sides here and both sides have very strong points. I know the side that says old threads shouldn't be bumped because what happens is new fakes get knocked down and as many people don't see them.
My argument to that however is that if the new fake is good enough it will with stand the older fakes being bumped. I try to check out peoples fakes all the time whether or not I post a reply I look at others fakes for both the pleasure and the learning to try and pick up on different techniques. I learn which users are notorious for posting good material and which are known to post crappy ones. You can usually tell.
Back to the argument tho, I think the rule of bumping old threads isn't good for the fan submission forum. Because how often do new users go 6 pages back, and its nice to see stuff from the past and to currently be able to comment on it. What needs not to happen are two things- UR should of posted more on the fake then that but if what he felt was good to say was "Now thats I call a good fake" then okay. We then get a few other comments then boom a flame war and an ageless argument erupts. Did anyone stop and think that by posting and posting senseless argumentative points was keeping this OLD FAKE at the top and NEW FAKES towards the bottom and knocking em off the page? So where UR was wrong for posting literally nothing to bump an old thread Everyone who argued until their little hearts could argue no more are not only killing what all this fake had to it as well as knocking new stuff off the list.
I know my post isn't helping out my argument because I'm actually being hypocritical of my argument, BUT I felt that proving the point at hand was impotent enough. Everyone stop being childish- and if you want to rate this fake then do it... at least then it will have a good reason it was bumped up.
Until next time this has been Ekule E-Cool and my 2cents.
huhummmm*clears throat* Will everyone shut up for a minute! I can see there are two sides here and both sides have very strong points. I know the side that says old threads shouldn't be bumped because what happens is new fakes get knocked down and as many people don't see them.
My argument to that however is that if the new fake is good enough it will with stand the older fakes being bumped. I try to check out peoples fakes all the time whether or not I post a reply I look at others fakes for both the pleasure and the learning to try and pick up on different techniques. I learn which users are notorious for posting good material and which are known to post crappy ones. You can usually tell.
Back to the argument tho, I think the rule of bumping old threads isn't good for the fan submission forum. Because how often do new users go 6 pages back, and its nice to see stuff from the past and to currently be able to comment on it. What needs not to happen are two things- UR should of posted more on the fake then that but if what he felt was good to say was "Now thats I call a good fake" then okay. We then get a few other comments then boom a flame war and an ageless argument erupts. Did anyone stop and think that by posting and posting senseless argumentative points was keeping this OLD FAKE at the top and NEW FAKES towards the bottom and knocking em off the page? So where UR was wrong for posting literally nothing to bump an old thread Everyone who argued until their little hearts could argue no more are not only killing what all this fake had to it as well as knocking new stuff off the list.
I know my post isn't helping out my argument because I'm actually being hypocritical of my argument, BUT I felt that proving the point at hand was impotent enough. Everyone stop being childish- and if you want to rate this fake then do it... at least then it will have a good reason it was bumped up.
Until next time this has been Ekule E-Cool and my 2cents.
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