MKA Edited Fake: Rain v.s Sub-Zero
MKA Edited Fake: Rain v.s Sub-Zero
Artist's Remarks: | |
First of all I have to say that the bg was borrowed from a friend, so the bg isnt mine. Also, I'm not sure if that is their real fighting styles in the game. Its an educated guess, because Im almost positive Sub's was Nan Chuan from a gamespot video. Rains was really just a guess, I looked at how his stance is, and looked for other characters that had a similar stance, Kobra's Shorin Ryu style was really close to this, others were Shotokan and Karate, and those didnt seem to fit Rain, Enjoy. :)
Full Scale | 410x260 | Category | Drawings (Digitally coloured) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 13 | Score |

Lightining is fucked up. And not a big fan of the blood. 7/10.
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FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
I liked your Scorpion vs. Sub-Zero sprites better.
These ones look wierd, and so does the floor.
These ones look wierd, and so does the floor.

About Me
For the most in-depth, in-detail, Mortal Kombat lore analysis vids, there's only one source:
Let this be a lesson to you, kids.
Never use GameSpot for your MK news needs when MKO is right at your fingertips.
Never use GameSpot for your MK news needs when MKO is right at your fingertips.
]{0MBAT Wrote:
Let this be a lesson to you, kids.
Never use GameSpot for your MK news needs when MKO is right at your fingertips.
Let this be a lesson to you, kids.
Never use GameSpot for your MK news needs when MKO is right at your fingertips.
Thank you ]{0MBAT.

Now that's how you make a fake
skinsley Wrote:
Posted: 08/05/2006
Why.? ultimate ryu if your gonna try and prove a point to someone, do it within the rules.
Posted: 08/05/2006
Why.? ultimate ryu if your gonna try and prove a point to someone, do it within the rules.
Jerrod said you can bump old topics in the Fan Sub thread.

Sweet00th Wrote:
Jerrod said you can bump old topics in the Fan Sub thread.
skinsley Wrote:
Posted: 08/05/2006
Why.? ultimate ryu if your gonna try and prove a point to someone, do it within the rules.
Posted: 08/05/2006
Why.? ultimate ryu if your gonna try and prove a point to someone, do it within the rules.
Jerrod said you can bump old topics in the Fan Sub thread.
Yea Skins you should know that by now...
skinsley Wrote:
Fuck what he still only bumped this thread so that you could prove a point in your little childish argument.
Sweet00th go fuck yourself.
Fuck what he still only bumped this thread so that you could prove a point in your little childish argument.
Sweet00th go fuck yourself.
I wish they'd kept that rule that says you can't bump old art threads. It feels weird reading a compliment directed at something that hasn't had any attention for such a long time.
Wow can you actually get skulled for that "go fuck yourself" since youre a Shadow Priest, Skin?

How is bringing good art to attention childish? If it was a shitty fake, then yea. Let's use some common sense for once ok.
Yes other shaddow priests or above could skull me if they wished, the rules apply to me just as they do to any other member here.
Ultimate ryu your comment needs no reply, you know exactly what I meant when I said your reason for bumping this thread was childish yet you replied too it as if I had said something completely different.
Ultimate ryu your comment needs no reply, you know exactly what I meant when I said your reason for bumping this thread was childish yet you replied too it as if I had said something completely different.

Making a point is childish? Grow up dude
Skinsley edited his post...
He said go fuck me. How mature?
Skinsley edited his post...
He said go fuck me. How mature?
Sweet00th Wrote:
Jerrod said you can bump old topics in the Fan Sub thread.
skinsley Wrote:
Posted: 08/05/2006
Why.? ultimate ryu if your gonna try and prove a point to someone, do it within the rules.
Posted: 08/05/2006
Why.? ultimate ryu if your gonna try and prove a point to someone, do it within the rules.
Jerrod said you can bump old topics in the Fan Sub thread.
Despite what you think Jerrod said. Jerrod said that you can only bump old threads when you give a Good post. Which his, was not.
*By good I mean: long, makes points, etc.*
Sweet00th Wrote:
Skinsley edited his post...
He said go fuck me. How mature?
Skinsley edited his post...
He said go fuck me. How mature?
Shut up.. I knew my post was already quoted so I know that you would have seen...thats all I needed.
and why is it as soon as I make a havik make one ?, what kind of wierdo are you ? eddie avatar, now havik your own damn thing.

fedegita Wrote:
The lightning doesn't look bad, it just doesn't seem to fit in. Maybe a little too cartooney
The lightning doesn't look bad, it just doesn't seem to fit in. Maybe a little too cartooney
Funny you mention that fed. Since the king of cartooney (me
It's cool though, and he had my permission to use it if anyone wonders.
Gotta love 4 year old, worthless bumps!
back to hibernation I go.

Everyone needs to relax. I'm so tired of reading this childish banter in this forum. For the love of God if you all take fucking fakes this seriously I can't imagine what else you hold so dear. Fakes are just fakes. They're not the Mona Lisa. All of these arguments get you nowhere.
As for this bumping rule. I think it's pretty ridiculous that it doesn't apply in this forum. I'm doing what I can to get it enforced, because it does no good to this forum when noobs and others bump random old threads and push the new ones down the page. Especially when it's only for one or two sentences of jargon.
If you want to respond to the fake itself please do so. Any and all side comments will be skulled for spamming.
As for this bumping rule. I think it's pretty ridiculous that it doesn't apply in this forum. I'm doing what I can to get it enforced, because it does no good to this forum when noobs and others bump random old threads and push the new ones down the page. Especially when it's only for one or two sentences of jargon.
If you want to respond to the fake itself please do so. Any and all side comments will be skulled for spamming.
fedegita Wrote:
I wish they'd kept that rule that says you can't bump old art threads. It feels weird reading a compliment directed at something that hasn't had any attention for such a long time.
Wow can you actually get skulled for that "go fuck yourself" since youre a Shadow Priest, Skin?
skinsley Wrote:
Fuck what he still only bumped this thread so that you could prove a point in your little childish argument.
Sweet00th go fuck yourself.
Fuck what he still only bumped this thread so that you could prove a point in your little childish argument.
Sweet00th go fuck yourself.
I wish they'd kept that rule that says you can't bump old art threads. It feels weird reading a compliment directed at something that hasn't had any attention for such a long time.
Wow can you actually get skulled for that "go fuck yourself" since youre a Shadow Priest, Skin?
not everyone gets to see the old art from the other pages, so thats why that rule does not apply here.
Funny you mention that fed. Since the king of cartooney (me
) made the background.
It's cool though, and he had my permission to use it if anyone wonders.
Gotta love 4 year old, worthless bumps!
back to hibernation I go.
fedegita Wrote:
The lightning doesn't look bad, it just doesn't seem to fit in. Maybe a little too cartooney
The lightning doesn't look bad, it just doesn't seem to fit in. Maybe a little too cartooney
Funny you mention that fed. Since the king of cartooney (me
It's cool though, and he had my permission to use it if anyone wonders.
Gotta love 4 year old, worthless bumps!
back to hibernation I go.
Haha i thought it looked familiar. good stuff dude that style suits you well.
Pink_Ranger Wrote:
For the love of God if you all take fucking fakes this seriously I can't imagine what else you hold so dear. Fakes are just fakes. They're not the Mona Lisa. All of these arguments get you nowhere.
For the love of God if you all take fucking fakes this seriously I can't imagine what else you hold so dear. Fakes are just fakes. They're not the Mona Lisa. All of these arguments get you nowhere.
You're right, theyre not the Mona Lisa. However, if you don't like people getting passionate about something they put a lot of time and effort in then maybe you shouldn't be monitoring the art forum.
"Now that's how you make a fake"
You call that passion? I call that a fucking excuse for a post. P_R isn't trying to step on anyone's shoes, she's trying to stop idiots from clogging up the Fan-Sub thread with shit that is a year old. If you're going to bump a FAKE which is OLD AS SHIT, then do something to warrant your reason to bump it, not:
"Now that's how you make a fake"
I'd rather eat fucking garbage than listen to some of the reason people are bumping year old fakes. Please have some integrity and don't reply to this, otherwise we both get skulled and we'll have some 2 year old PM war which I really don't have the time for. God how I wish we could close this thread.
You call that passion? I call that a fucking excuse for a post. P_R isn't trying to step on anyone's shoes, she's trying to stop idiots from clogging up the Fan-Sub thread with shit that is a year old. If you're going to bump a FAKE which is OLD AS SHIT, then do something to warrant your reason to bump it, not:
"Now that's how you make a fake"
I'd rather eat fucking garbage than listen to some of the reason people are bumping year old fakes. Please have some integrity and don't reply to this, otherwise we both get skulled and we'll have some 2 year old PM war which I really don't have the time for. God how I wish we could close this thread.

Old or not, art is timeless. Get out of the forum if you dont appreciate it.
You're right, theyre not the Mona Lisa. However, if you don't like people getting passionate about something they put a lot of time and effort in then maybe you shouldn't be monitoring the art forum
Agreed. This Isn't the General Discussion for dummies forum
You're right, theyre not the Mona Lisa. However, if you don't like people getting passionate about something they put a lot of time and effort in then maybe you shouldn't be monitoring the art forum
Agreed. This Isn't the General Discussion for dummies forum
Art, timeless as it is, can also be damaged with your stupid little analogies of what is and what is not an acceptable reason to show everyone someone else's work. I don't give a shit if you love unleash_your_tounges work, I frankly love it myself, but if you're going to take something all the way back from god know's what page, then you better have a good fucking excuse for doing so. Unleash's work is in the past, and when he posted it here, he wanted the opinion's and criticism of people that were users of that time. He doesn't even come back here anymore, so is there any real reason to comment on it? Especially if you're post is something like
"Now that's how you make a fake."
Let's dissect this for a second, eh? Perhaps UR did implement some kind of criticism. Let's start with "Now"
Anything useful there? Nope, Now is just refering to a a point in time, present tense.
Perhaps his next work will give the late unleash_your_tounge, or in fact, just anyone stupid enough to read his post, some insight into creating better fakes. "That's". Hmmm, that's. That's what? That's .... that's a pretty pathetic excuse for a fucking post? No? Okay, let's try the next one.
Ooohhh .. how. I like this word. How defines the manner in which something is done ... oh, but I can see how you handle yourself and in what manner, UltimateRyu. You think that this Forum is a place to create and vent your own little vendetta's like bumping artwork and other things from 05', well guess what smartass, like you said "Art is timeless", but it's not fucking appreciated if you keep bringing it up over and over again.
You know .. just looking at the rest of your post makes me feel sorry for you. I can't find anything that relates to his creation except one word: "fake". And that, my friend, is what you are. Fake, stubborn, and unwilling to accept and recognize any faults or mistakes you make.
Don't reply to this post, just read, or laugh, whatever it is childish users like you do these days. I said my bit, and I won't be returning to this thread.
"Now that's how you make a fake."
Let's dissect this for a second, eh? Perhaps UR did implement some kind of criticism. Let's start with "Now"
Anything useful there? Nope, Now is just refering to a a point in time, present tense.
Perhaps his next work will give the late unleash_your_tounge, or in fact, just anyone stupid enough to read his post, some insight into creating better fakes. "That's". Hmmm, that's. That's what? That's .... that's a pretty pathetic excuse for a fucking post? No? Okay, let's try the next one.
Ooohhh .. how. I like this word. How defines the manner in which something is done ... oh, but I can see how you handle yourself and in what manner, UltimateRyu. You think that this Forum is a place to create and vent your own little vendetta's like bumping artwork and other things from 05', well guess what smartass, like you said "Art is timeless", but it's not fucking appreciated if you keep bringing it up over and over again.
You know .. just looking at the rest of your post makes me feel sorry for you. I can't find anything that relates to his creation except one word: "fake". And that, my friend, is what you are. Fake, stubborn, and unwilling to accept and recognize any faults or mistakes you make.
Don't reply to this post, just read, or laugh, whatever it is childish users like you do these days. I said my bit, and I won't be returning to this thread.
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