07/14/2007 07:47 AM (UTC)by
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07/04/2003 02:19 AM (UTC)
07/10/2007 07:04 AM (UTC)
Writing is Okay.
The Drawing is Much Better.
A Four out of Five
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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07/10/2007 09:04 AM (UTC)
Midway, pay attention...

I love it because it is a true embodiment of what I perceive Hotaru to be. And it most certainly shows the true "unbiased" opinion Hotaru should have when it comes to "his take" on Lawful matters, not only concerning Mortal Kombat contestants, but of his Realm as a stand alone entity.

Chrome IS Hotaru in this instance, and Aculeus was the artist to do justice to the visual of that character.

I feel like it is utterly, or better yet, it is precisely correct.....even if I were to contest the "character" in any way. But I like Hotaru so ftw.


a.) 1 point of deduction was because Chrome writes just a smidge "sharp-er" than the picture of Hotaru is illustrated. There is more "softness" in the image than there should be for Chrome//Hotaru>>Chrome=Hotaru....see what I mean? I looked for more definition first...since this is Hotaru.

b.) The other 1 point is because, although it is extremely well written, the message in it has one or two opportunities to be lost. And the point of most writings is to have those that read it...completely understand it. Common issue, but it's there imO.

Bottom line?: This is what happens when a competent writer collaborates with a well capable artist....I Can-Not stress how much we need more of this tier creativity.

5/5 on the rating.
07/10/2007 10:38 AM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Midway, pay attention...

I love it because it is a true embodiment of what I perceive Hotaru to be. And it most certainly shows the true "unbiased" opinion Hotaru should have when it comes to "his take" on Lawful matters, not only concerning Mortal Kombat contestants, but of his Realm as a stand alone entity.

Chrome IS Hotaru in this instance, and Aculeus was the artist to do justice to the visual of that character.

I feel like it is utterly, or better yet, it is precisely correct.....even if I were to contest the "character" in any way. But I like Hotaru so ftw.


a.) 1 point of deduction was because Chrome writes just a smidge "sharp-er" than the picture of Hotaru is illustrated. There is more "softness" in the image than there should be for Chrome//Hotaru>>Chrome=Hotaru....see what I mean? I looked for more definition first...since this is Hotaru.

b.) The other 1 point is because, although it is extremely well written, the message in it has one or two opportunities to be lost. And the point of most writings is to have those that read it...completely understand it. Common issue, but it's there imO.

Bottom line?: This is what happens when a competent writer collaborates with a well capable artist....I Can-Not stress how much we need more of this tier creativity.

5/5 on the rating.

There's no denying that people like Aculeus, Jax007, Bleed and Chrome (and probably a few others around here) should be the creative brains behind MK instead of the actual MK team. It's just another reoccurring instance in which fans show themselves to be more competent at creating true art with a video game than the actual video game creators themselves. If these guys teamed up with enough funds and a decent programming team they could probably create a fighting game to blow current-day MK out of the water.

Anyway, I see no flaws with the artwork itself apart from the fact that Hotaru looks exactly like he does in the game. You didnt attempt to add your own touch with his design like you do with many other works (Smoke, Sektor, Meat, etc etc). But it's cool, he still turned out really good. 4.5/5
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07/10/2007 11:01 AM (UTC)
Nice Ach! Great job bro. Still anticipating a Taven one. Keep up the great work man.

P.S. Have you worked with Coral Painter?
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07/10/2007 07:02 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the input everyone! You guys put a lot of thought into your comments and I appreciate that.
Nice Ach! Great job bro. Still anticipating a Taven one. Keep up the great work man.

P.S. Have you worked with Coral Painter?

I've never worked with CP, but I've heard it's awesome. The various brushes and options are probably more sophisticated than Photoshop.
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Thanks for the sig Pr0d1gYKomodo 1,


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Anybody want to make me a new sig?

07/10/2007 07:29 PM (UTC)
Amazing job as always.


I was wondering could i cut this image out and put it on the front page of my Cutout thread with the rest of your Fan Art?
07/10/2007 08:26 PM (UTC)
i was waiting for a cool pic like this to come around. not that i don't like the other pictures that you draw... i love them, but this picture is GREAT!

but you know, i always thought that this guy should have facial hair for some reason... i dunno, it would look cooler. i hope you make a second bio for this guy, this times focusing on his secondary costume, which isn't different, only his helmet is the difference... but damn it would look so cool if you made him with the helmet.

you already know what i gave you from this nice compliment, but i'll still post it.

a big 5/5 grin
07/11/2007 03:30 AM (UTC)
I dunno, the drawing is awesome, don't get me wrong. And I like the idea behind the words. I just feel like that speech is too wordy and pretentious even for a self-righteous douche like Hotaru. I just feel as though, when I read it, the meaning behind the sentences becomes repetative and starts cannibalizing itself pretty quickly.
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07/11/2007 08:38 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I dunno, the drawing is awesome, don't get me wrong. And I like the idea behind the words. I just feel like that speech is too wordy and pretentious even for a self-righteous douche like Hotaru. I just feel as though, when I read it, the meaning behind the sentences becomes repetative and starts cannibalizing itself pretty quickly.

Thats exactly what I was going for. A zealot like Hotaru needs constant reassuration from and for himself. Another thing is: I picture Hotaru as
not one opressive fuck, but one who is simply that cold and rationalizing without most emotions that make up a normal human being.
What I am trying to say is that not only he acts like a complete douchebag,
but he has no problems with it, as it is his natural pattern of living. Hotaru can and will not act like a normal human being. Add that to the fact that he was defeated and you get a pretty unstable if-somewhat capable and calculating maniac willing to kill for his own peoples perceived good.

DAMNIT, I do speak like Hotaru...
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
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07/11/2007 02:52 PM (UTC)
This is a wonderful picture. I have to say that you both have talent when it comes to these things. I feel as though this is the first page of something more; will you guys continue the biography with a picture of Hotaru in his alternate costume?
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07/11/2007 09:44 PM (UTC)
Why hasn't Midway Hired you yet? This is exactly what Mortal Kombat needs...

07/12/2007 01:06 PM (UTC)
Awesome art, but what's with the bio? It seems like Hotaru is trying to desperately impress someone with fancy, but empty words. It has no substance. 3.5/5
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#MicksDesk, #gamiz, #tmk, #mortalkombat
07/12/2007 06:37 PM (UTC)
This is a Really Cool Drawing and Bio Aculeus 5/5 Score smile

MegaBabe Wrote:
Why hasn't Midway Hired you yet? This is exactly what Mortal Kombat needs...


My Thoughs Exactly
07/14/2007 02:57 AM (UTC)
UltimateRyu Wrote:
Awesome art, but what's with the bio? It seems like Hotaru is trying to desperately impress someone with fancy, but empty words. It has no substance. 3.5/5

i'm not trying to be rude, create a totally chaotic scene in this thread and then having some portal guard or whoever closes threads to close this one but ryu, is 3.5 really a good score? i mean, you're the only one in this thread so far that gave aculeus a low score.

i understand that his bio is too wordy, too serious, but he's capturing what Hotaru is meant to be like if he was a real person. capturing people like this gives talent... and people who do have talent will show it. just becuase things are too wordy and too serious doesn't mean it needs a low score. i mean come on, do people actually give J.K. Rowling less stars for her Harry Potter books because they're WAY too long, (even though i've never read anyone of them) no, she get's credit because of how creative she writes in these books, telling everything that is happening and describing every person for what he or she does.

therefore, it's just... what's the word i'm looking for here... it's just not right to give artists low scores on something that has a 5 point just for having the words too small and having someone sound like they're mad at the world.
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07/14/2007 07:47 AM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
UltimateRyu Wrote:
Awesome art, but what's with the bio? It seems like Hotaru is trying to desperately impress someone with fancy, but empty words. It has no substance. 3.5/5

i'm not trying to be rude, create a totally chaotic scene in this thread and then having some portal guard or whoever closes threads to close this one but ryu, is 3.5 really a good score? i mean, you're the only one in this thread so far that gave aculeus a low score.

i understand that his bio is too wordy, too serious, but he's capturing what Hotaru is meant to be like if he was a real person. capturing people like this gives talent... and people who do have talent will show it. just becuase things are too wordy and too serious doesn't mean it needs a low score. i mean come on, do people actually give J.K. Rowling less stars for her Harry Potter books because they're WAY too long, (even though i've never read anyone of them) no, she get's credit because of how creative she writes in these books, telling everything that is happening and describing every person for what he or she does.

therefore, it's just... what's the word i'm looking for here... it's just not right to give artists low scores on something that has a 5 point just for having the words too small and having someone sound like they're mad at the world.

Even though the bios was butchered by me, in my opinion. Nevermind, the enxt one should get more attention and time.
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