About Me
Quanchi9 Wrote:
Onaga, dude's like a tank.
Which character would you pick to frame for a crime?
OhYesMar$h Wrote:
Probably Johnny Cage. Cage is a movie star back on Earth, so I would expect something big and high end.
Which character would you choose to be your bodyguard, if trained assassins were out to get you??
Probably Johnny Cage. Cage is a movie star back on Earth, so I would expect something big and high end.
Which character would you choose to be your bodyguard, if trained assassins were out to get you??
Onaga, dude's like a tank.
Which character would you pick to frame for a crime?
Stryker lol
Who would you choose to go on a fishing trip with?

About Me
Blade4693 Wrote:
Stryker lol
Who would you choose to go on a fishing trip with?
Quanchi9 Wrote:
Onaga, dude's like a tank.
Which character would you pick to frame for a crime?
OhYesMar$h Wrote:
Probably Johnny Cage. Cage is a movie star back on Earth, so I would expect something big and high end.
Which character would you choose to be your bodyguard, if trained assassins were out to get you??
Probably Johnny Cage. Cage is a movie star back on Earth, so I would expect something big and high end.
Which character would you choose to be your bodyguard, if trained assassins were out to get you??
Onaga, dude's like a tank.
Which character would you pick to frame for a crime?
Stryker lol
Who would you choose to go on a fishing trip with?
Scorpion duh. He would be like a live fishing rod.
Who would scare the shit out of you in real life?

projectzero00 Wrote:
Scorpion duh. He would be like a live fishing rod.
Who would scare the shit out of you in real life?
Scorpion duh. He would be like a live fishing rod.
Who would scare the shit out of you in real life?
Which character would you pick to star in the next MK movie?

About Me
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Which character would you pick to star in the next MK movie?
projectzero00 Wrote:
Scorpion duh. He would be like a live fishing rod.
Who would scare the shit out of you in real life?
Scorpion duh. He would be like a live fishing rod.
Who would scare the shit out of you in real life?
Which character would you pick to star in the next MK movie?
Lol gotta go with big homie Scorpion :)
Which character would you pick to smoke a blunt with? (That's not against the rules is it?, if so I am sorry lol)

About Me
Blade4693 Wrote:
Lol gotta go with big homie Scorpion :)
Which character would you pick to smoke a blunt with? (That's not against the rules is it?, if so I am sorry lol)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Which character would you pick to star in the next MK movie?
projectzero00 Wrote:
Scorpion duh. He would be like a live fishing rod.
Who would scare the shit out of you in real life?
Scorpion duh. He would be like a live fishing rod.
Who would scare the shit out of you in real life?
Which character would you pick to star in the next MK movie?
Lol gotta go with big homie Scorpion :)
Which character would you pick to smoke a blunt with? (That's not against the rules is it?, if so I am sorry lol)
Well Smoke duh :P
Who would you dress up as drag?

projectzero00 Wrote:
Who would you dress up as drag?
OH OH, please let me be first on this! Who would you dress up as drag?
Well wait...wouldn't that......=Sheeva?
Which character would you pick to be the boss of MKX?

About Me
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
OH OH, please let me be first on this!
Well wait...doesn't that......=Sheeva?
Which character would you pick to be the boss of MKX?
projectzero00 Wrote:
Who would you dress up as drag?
Who would you dress up as drag?
OH OH, please let me be first on this!
Well wait...doesn't that......=Sheeva?
Which character would you pick to be the boss of MKX?
Hmm I would say a new character but if we are talking about characters we already know, I think Goro would be a cool final boss, give that dude some battle armor, make him super aggressive and hard to beat, and you have a perfect boss.
Which character would you pick to sleep with? (IMileena for me lol)

Blade4693 Wrote:
Which character would you pick to sleep with? (IMileena for me lol)
Which character would you pick to sleep with? (IMileena for me lol)
Now that's a toughie...the quality of attractive men in MK has never been a strong point of the series. So I'll do my best lol...
It's a toss up between Johnny Cage, Reiko, and MKX Kano.
Which character would you pick to paint your self portrait?

About Me
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Now that's a toughie...the quality of attractive men in MK has never been a strong point of the series. So I'll do my best lol...
It's a toss up between Johnny Cage, Reiko, and MKX Kano.
Which character would you pick to paint your self portrait?
Blade4693 Wrote:
Which character would you pick to sleep with? (IMileena for me lol)
Which character would you pick to sleep with? (IMileena for me lol)
Now that's a toughie...the quality of attractive men in MK has never been a strong point of the series. So I'll do my best lol...
It's a toss up between Johnny Cage, Reiko, and MKX Kano.
Which character would you pick to paint your self portrait?
Hmmm that's a tough once since I don't know if any of them know how to paint but if I had to pick, im going with Bo Rai Cho, I can picture him being a painter in his spare time lol
Blade4693 Wrote:
Hmmm that's a tough once since I don't know if any of them know how to paint but if I had to pick, im going with Bo Rai Cho, I can picture him being a painter in his spare time lol
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Now that's a toughie...the quality of attractive men in MK has never been a strong point of the series. So I'll do my best lol...
It's a toss up between Johnny Cage, Reiko, and MKX Kano.
Which character would you pick to paint your self portrait?
Blade4693 Wrote:
Which character would you pick to sleep with? (IMileena for me lol)
Which character would you pick to sleep with? (IMileena for me lol)
Now that's a toughie...the quality of attractive men in MK has never been a strong point of the series. So I'll do my best lol...
It's a toss up between Johnny Cage, Reiko, and MKX Kano.
Which character would you pick to paint your self portrait?
Hmmm that's a tough once since I don't know if any of them know how to paint but if I had to pick, im going with Bo Rai Cho, I can picture him being a painter in his spare time lol
Since you didn't put a questions, I'll just answer the last guy's question.
Rain. Water painting FTW.
Which character would you give a beer to?
About Me
"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.
Kano. He looks like a drinking mad man.
Which MK character do you want put out of MKX so far?
Which MK character do you want put out of MKX so far?

Quanchi9 Wrote:
Rain. Water painting FTW.
Rain. Water painting FTW.
OhYesMar$h Wrote:
Which MK character do you want put out of MKX so far?
Which MK character do you want put out of MKX so far?
Of the revealed characters?
Ferra/Torr. But that's just mainly because they hold the least amount of interest to me atm, compared to the others.
Which character would you pick to kill your favorite character?

About Me
That's a tough one, I guess Shao Kahn or Onaga, at least then it would be understandable lol
Which character would you pick to have the powers of in real life?
Which character would you pick to have the powers of in real life?
Blade4693 Wrote:
That's a tough one, I guess Shao Kahn or Onaga, at least then it would be understandable lol
Which character would you pick to have the powers of in real life?
That's a tough one, I guess Shao Kahn or Onaga, at least then it would be understandable lol
Which character would you pick to have the powers of in real life?
Ermac. Telekinesis would come in handy at a LOT of times.
Which character would you erase from existance?

About Me
Dairou, he is probably my least two favorite character in the entire series.
Which character would you pick to cosplay as?
Which character would you pick to cosplay as?

Blade4693 Wrote:
>Which character would you pick to cosplay as?
>Which character would you pick to cosplay as?
If I had the time and resources, I'd do Baraka.
Which character would you pick to be your nation's leader?

About Me
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
If I had the time and resources, I'd do Baraka.
Which character would you pick to be your nation's leader?
Blade4693 Wrote:
>Which character would you pick to cosplay as?
>Which character would you pick to cosplay as?
If I had the time and resources, I'd do Baraka.
Which character would you pick to be your nation's leader?
Shao Kahn lol maybe people would realize we don't have it so bad where I live if we had somebody like that lead us for a while
Which character would you choose to train you? Other than Bo.
About Me
"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.
Night wolf. The only one who won't kill your ass in the process of training you.
Which MK character has the least amount of appeal to you in all of MK?
Which MK character has the least amount of appeal to you in all of MK?

About Me
OhYesMar$h Wrote:
Night wolf. The only one who won't kill your ass in the process of training you.
Which MK character has the least amount of appeal to you in all of MK?
Night wolf. The only one who won't kill your ass in the process of training you.
Which MK character has the least amount of appeal to you in all of MK?
Dairou, I like Mokap and Meat more than him lol
Which MK character would you pick to take a full power punch from, square in the face?
Blade4693 Wrote:
Dairou, I like Mokap and Meat more than him lol
Which MK character would you pick to take a full power punch from, square in the face?
OhYesMar$h Wrote:
Night wolf. The only one who won't kill your ass in the process of training you.
Which MK character has the least amount of appeal to you in all of MK?
Night wolf. The only one who won't kill your ass in the process of training you.
Which MK character has the least amount of appeal to you in all of MK?
Dairou, I like Mokap and Meat more than him lol
Which MK character would you pick to take a full power punch from, square in the face?
Meat, he's just flesh, how much could it hurt?
Which character would you pick to drive a car into?

Quanchi9 Wrote:
Which character would you pick to drive a car into?
Which character would you pick to drive a car into?
He's blind. It...it was an accident.
Which ONE character would you pick to save out of all the newcomers in Deadly Alliance?

About Me
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
He's blind. It...it was an accident.
Which ONE character would you pick to save out of all the newcomers in Deadly Alliance?
Quanchi9 Wrote:
Which character would you pick to drive a car into?
Which character would you pick to drive a car into?
He's blind. It...it was an accident.
Which ONE character would you pick to save out of all the newcomers in Deadly Alliance?
Ill take Drahmin lol
Which character would you allow to take care of your pets while you were on vacation? (assuming you have any pets of course)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Ill take Drahmin lol
Which character would you allow to take care of your pets while you were on vacation? (assuming you have any pets of course)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
He's blind. It...it was an accident.
Which ONE character would you pick to save out of all the newcomers in Deadly Alliance?
Quanchi9 Wrote:
Which character would you pick to drive a car into?
Which character would you pick to drive a car into?
He's blind. It...it was an accident.
Which ONE character would you pick to save out of all the newcomers in Deadly Alliance?
Ill take Drahmin lol
Which character would you allow to take care of your pets while you were on vacation? (assuming you have any pets of course)
Repti- wait, no.. he'd eat them.. I choose... NIGHTWOLF!
Which character would you choose to grow a beard? If it's a character that already has a beard, just make it longer.

Quanchi9 Wrote:
Which character would you choose to grow a beard? If it's a character that already has a beard, just make it longer.
Which character would you choose to grow a beard? If it's a character that already has a beard, just make it longer.
Probably Sub-Zero. Cryo-mage in all his wisdom. Tbh, Scorpion looks kind of wacky with that beard in the comics.
Of all the characters that died in the MK9 Sindel church massacre, which character would you pick to be revived for MKX? (Naturally, Kung and Kitana are exempt :P)

About Me
Definitley Kabal or Smoke.
Which character would you pick to do stand up comedy? (No Johnny Cage)
Which character would you pick to do stand up comedy? (No Johnny Cage)
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