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Ok, not exactly. But she has something that Jade doesn't have: a development as a individual character. To be fair, neither Mileena, Jade or Kitana can outmatch Tanya in this individual point. But, as far I'm concerned, as long as KItana and Mileena became two major characters in the Mortal Kombat world and gaming in general, the figure of Jade just stand (in a stoic way, I think) as a "personal favourite" of part of the Mortal Kombat community. Jade can't evolve like other character are able to do, and, in argumental terms, her place on Kitana's side as her "bodyguard" dimished her image as individual character. Tanya, in solely two games, can broke her reputation as "filler" to became a character with her own ambitions; ambitions Jade doesn't have. Tanya, in my opinion, has a lot of potential to become part of the storyboard of another characters besides the "edenians", something Jade could not do it and, I imagine, would have not to been able.
My choice is Tanya, of course.

Both suck big time tho IMO. They have had two attempts to make Jade decent and failed on each one, pretty much giving her little personality or story of her own. Too much in Kitanas shadow. I was interested to see what the did with her in MK9 when I heard she had her own chapter but it could well have belonged to a handful of other characters and didnt really give her any personality or move her out of Kitanas shadow and story. Nothing that set it apart as hers. And they pretty much left her out of everything before and after except background posing. She's just a backup character. I hope they can find some way to make her more of an individual but I think its too late.
Tanya is a but boring too, typical generic henchman that floats between the resident bad guy in the hope to betray for her own gain. Also needs some development. But I find her fun to use gameplay wise and think if used right she could be half decent. They need to expand her aristocratic past.
Also hated the forced Jade/Tanya rivalry. So one sided from Jades end and generally unexplained. Poor story development.
Also Sheeva was robbed.
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