The most classic match up of them all, Sub-Zero vs. Scorpion!Who would win and why?
The most classic match up of them all, Sub-Zero vs. Scorpion!Who would win and why?
posted03/10/2007 08:54 PM (UTC)byMember Since
01/30/2005 01:06 AM (UTC)
Ok, well it's simple would win in this fight if they fought to the death?
Much like that Reptile vs. Ermac thread, this one is Subby vs. Scorpion.
I'm honestly stuck on this one for a few reasons.
You see, Sub could kill Scorpion rather easily with one ice blast, on the other hand Scorpion always comes back because he has powers of his own and he's undead.
Now, if this match happened after MK:A and say Sub's and Scorpions ending is indeed canon for sure, then I would say Sub wins easily.
I mean Ice God vs. Undead spectre.
But it's always a classic match up and although I think sub would win in the end, Scorpion always appeared as a cooler character or should I say hotter lol.
It's tough for me honestly though, but what's your thoughts on this?
Who would win, Sub-zero or Scorpion?
Much like that Reptile vs. Ermac thread, this one is Subby vs. Scorpion.
I'm honestly stuck on this one for a few reasons.
You see, Sub could kill Scorpion rather easily with one ice blast, on the other hand Scorpion always comes back because he has powers of his own and he's undead.
Now, if this match happened after MK:A and say Sub's and Scorpions ending is indeed canon for sure, then I would say Sub wins easily.
I mean Ice God vs. Undead spectre.
But it's always a classic match up and although I think sub would win in the end, Scorpion always appeared as a cooler character or should I say hotter lol.
It's tough for me honestly though, but what's your thoughts on this?
Who would win, Sub-zero or Scorpion?

gotta give it 2 sub, sub has been getting stronger (deception and armageddon ending) all scorpoin as been doign is falling in2 traps (mk da) and chasing around quan chi since mk 4. so scorpoin cant get his head out his ass, sub takes the cake easy
Scorpion wud win
Cuz o ver the years Scorpion gottn better,but Sub-zero has too,but
Sub-zero wud shoot ice and scorpion wud throw spear and it wud iht the ice and freeze it and fly back at sub zero ino him jus like the movie sept it was water.
Cuz o ver the years Scorpion gottn better,but Sub-zero has too,but
Sub-zero wud shoot ice and scorpion wud throw spear and it wud iht the ice and freeze it and fly back at sub zero ino him jus like the movie sept it was water.
Interesting so we have one for scorpion and 3 for subby so far.

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it's a tough one...... it'd be a close match that would prbably only take seconds..... but i'll have to go with Sub-zero.

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Sub-Zero because Scorpion is the worst piece of shit ever shat.
Sub-Zero because Scorpion is the worst piece of shit ever shat.
G_Ninja Wrote:
No, that's 2 for Scorpion and 2 for Sub.
mkflegend Wrote:
Interesting so we have one for scorpion and 3 for subby so far.
Interesting so we have one for scorpion and 3 for subby so far.
No, that's 2 for Scorpion and 2 for Sub.
Sorry I was on the phone when I posted that lol.My mistake.

yo ninja mime, yeah i voted for sub zero but scorpion is far from a piece of shit

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I assume we're going with Sub-Zero 2 as Sub-Zero 1 had his chance and died.
Sub-Zero has his armor and his Dragon Medallion but Scorpion beat him and that can't be discredited even if it was prior to his upgrades. Sub-Zero can freeze all he wants but Scorpion is relentless. He'll keep coming and nothing short of death will stop him and even then, it's not easy to kill him. I think Scorpion has become more powerful since his first appearance as well what with being chosen by the Elder Gods and having gone to the Netherrealm. However, if his newfound power didn't stick with him (Since he's not working with the Elder Gods anymore and Netherrealm power might only work in the Netherrealm.), Sub-Zero might have the upperhand as his powers are permanent (So long as he doesn't lose either aritcles of clothing.).
As for Scorpion vs Sub-Zero 1 now, actually Scorpion vs Noob Saibot, if Konquest is any indication, Noob can beat Sub-Zero. But Smoke might have helped out with that offscreen fight seeing as how he teleported to inform Noob about his loss to Taven and may have very well found him whilst fighting Sub-Zero or Sub-Zero might not have wanted to fight Noob and was thusly an easy target. In either case, I'm sure that Noob's more powerful than his old self. However, I'm still not so sure that he's very powerful at all.
Final decisions: Scorpion vs Sub-Zero 2: Tough one. Very even fight. I would like to say Scorpion but Midway's been favoring Sub-Zero lately I can't really say who I think would win.
Scorpion vs Noob Saibot: Scorpion.
Sub-Zero has his armor and his Dragon Medallion but Scorpion beat him and that can't be discredited even if it was prior to his upgrades. Sub-Zero can freeze all he wants but Scorpion is relentless. He'll keep coming and nothing short of death will stop him and even then, it's not easy to kill him. I think Scorpion has become more powerful since his first appearance as well what with being chosen by the Elder Gods and having gone to the Netherrealm. However, if his newfound power didn't stick with him (Since he's not working with the Elder Gods anymore and Netherrealm power might only work in the Netherrealm.), Sub-Zero might have the upperhand as his powers are permanent (So long as he doesn't lose either aritcles of clothing.).
As for Scorpion vs Sub-Zero 1 now, actually Scorpion vs Noob Saibot, if Konquest is any indication, Noob can beat Sub-Zero. But Smoke might have helped out with that offscreen fight seeing as how he teleported to inform Noob about his loss to Taven and may have very well found him whilst fighting Sub-Zero or Sub-Zero might not have wanted to fight Noob and was thusly an easy target. In either case, I'm sure that Noob's more powerful than his old self. However, I'm still not so sure that he's very powerful at all.
Final decisions: Scorpion vs Sub-Zero 2: Tough one. Very even fight. I would like to say Scorpion but Midway's been favoring Sub-Zero lately I can't really say who I think would win.
Scorpion vs Noob Saibot: Scorpion.
If sub's ending is canon in MK:A then there's no way Scorpion could beat him in this stage, Ice God vs. an undead spectre, no way Scorp's winning that lol.
God>spectre the way I see it.But we don't know yet if his ending is canon for sure yet or not.I hope it is.
The old Subby, yeah Scorpion killed him but now he's Noob and he killed him for the wrong reason as Quan-Chi is the true guy he wants now which scorpion knows.
As far as old sub now noob is concerned, at that point in time I felt Scorpion was more powerful then the original Sub.He did kill him afterall.
Noob aka old Sub I believe would give Scorpion run for his money now if not kill him if they fought.
God>spectre the way I see it.But we don't know yet if his ending is canon for sure yet or not.I hope it is.
The old Subby, yeah Scorpion killed him but now he's Noob and he killed him for the wrong reason as Quan-Chi is the true guy he wants now which scorpion knows.
As far as old sub now noob is concerned, at that point in time I felt Scorpion was more powerful then the original Sub.He did kill him afterall.
Noob aka old Sub I believe would give Scorpion run for his money now if not kill him if they fought.

Grandmaster, and if the armageddon ending is true, ice god vs. undead spectre. I would undoubtedly give it to sub-zero. Scorpion has a spear and can manipulate hell fire to an extent.Toasty. Youll end up with 3rd degree burns. Sub-zero can freeze you into popcycle, by numerous ways, throw ice spikes at you, even standing to close to him breathing would be fatal. Sub-Zero vs scorpion would probably be one of the best fights ever but sub takes it and scorpion's head and spine as a trophy.

This match up is insane,I really dont think that either of them would win IMO.There are just so many pro's and con's that follow with this match up.
But if it must be decided,I choose Sub-zero 2,I think his powers are slightly...............How do I say this???Invincible compared to Scorp.
But if it must be decided,I choose Sub-zero 2,I think his powers are slightly...............How do I say this???Invincible compared to Scorp.
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Woah TakerMK! Lame? I thinketh not! Watch thine harsh tongue for you don't know the power that you mock! Without either of these characters, MK wouldn't be as popular as it is today!
Going back to the fight, I'm not so sure Sub-Zero's ice powers would be as effective as you're all saying they would be. Granted, he froze Scorpion in Shaolin Monks' opening but how much of that game do you consider cannon? I think a fight between the two would be a lot more even like in the Armageddon opening...In fact, do you think Midway intended that to be the answer to our question right now? Sub-Zero wins?
Going back to the fight, I'm not so sure Sub-Zero's ice powers would be as effective as you're all saying they would be. Granted, he froze Scorpion in Shaolin Monks' opening but how much of that game do you consider cannon? I think a fight between the two would be a lot more even like in the Armageddon opening...In fact, do you think Midway intended that to be the answer to our question right now? Sub-Zero wins?
WOW, I think that's the first time I heard someone call both Subb and Scorp lame lol.He's entitled to his view like the rest of us man.
Personally, I disagree honestly and do feel that the both of them played a huge role in MK history and I remember when MK caused controversy, they always showed Sub doing the infamous spine rip remember guys?
So, taker who's your favorite ninja then if you don't mind me asking?
Personally, I disagree honestly and do feel that the both of them played a huge role in MK history and I remember when MK caused controversy, they always showed Sub doing the infamous spine rip remember guys?
So, taker who's your favorite ninja then if you don't mind me asking?
sub zero!
we seen him win the sword fight in the armageddon intro
we seen him win the sword fight in the armageddon intro
n00b-Saibot Wrote:
Woah TakerMK! Lame? I thinketh not! Watch thine harsh tongue for you don't know the power that you mock! Without either of these characters, MK wouldn't be as popular as it is today!
Going back to the fight, I'm not so sure Sub-Zero's ice powers would be as effective as you're all saying they would be. Granted, he froze Scorpion in Shaolin Monks' opening but how much of that game do you consider cannon? I think a fight between the two would be a lot more even like in the Armageddon opening...In fact, do you think Midway intended that to be the answer to our question right now? Sub-Zero wins?
Woah TakerMK! Lame? I thinketh not! Watch thine harsh tongue for you don't know the power that you mock! Without either of these characters, MK wouldn't be as popular as it is today!
Going back to the fight, I'm not so sure Sub-Zero's ice powers would be as effective as you're all saying they would be. Granted, he froze Scorpion in Shaolin Monks' opening but how much of that game do you consider cannon? I think a fight between the two would be a lot more even like in the Armageddon opening...In fact, do you think Midway intended that to be the answer to our question right now? Sub-Zero wins?
It would have been.
And where is exactly his harsh language? Power he mocks? Wow, i never would have known that badly designed video game characters can threa-ten anyones physical wellbeing...
and it is "canon".
I'm going to have to go with Sub-Zero. Scorpion has always been one of my favorable characters, at least in the early games, but Sub-Zero just has everything going for him. Dragon Medallion and Cryomancer armor outdo everything Scorpion has gained (or lack thereof). Unless the fight was in the Netherealm, then I would say Scorpion would have the upperhand. Sub-Zero probably also fights with more precision than Scorpion, seeing as how Sub-Zero seems like a more disciplined fighter, whereas Scorpion only fights in a blind rage, from what the games imply.
However, if they had let Scorpion's role as Champion of the Elder God's expand and grow, and we had actually seen what Scorpion was capable of, I'm willing to say Scorpion would be able to overthrow Sub-Zero. They didn't mention any strength boost, or special powers, or new abilities obtained when they had made him CoEG though, so I'm basing it off his MKDA level.
However, if they had let Scorpion's role as Champion of the Elder God's expand and grow, and we had actually seen what Scorpion was capable of, I'm willing to say Scorpion would be able to overthrow Sub-Zero. They didn't mention any strength boost, or special powers, or new abilities obtained when they had made him CoEG though, so I'm basing it off his MKDA level.

Scorpion would win.
1. He's already dead, and once he's killed in any realm, it comes back in that specific realm (this is seen in MK:DA's Konquest, when Quan Chi confronts Scorpion and throws him into acid, and comments on how he knows he'll be back soon); he's immortal, which is something Sub-Zero is not.
2. He can summon fire and giant burning skeletal hands; Subby can freeze him all he wants, but how much good will it do when a fiery hand can pick up the giant block of ice containing Scorpion and thaw him out?
1. He's already dead, and once he's killed in any realm, it comes back in that specific realm (this is seen in MK:DA's Konquest, when Quan Chi confronts Scorpion and throws him into acid, and comments on how he knows he'll be back soon); he's immortal, which is something Sub-Zero is not.
2. He can summon fire and giant burning skeletal hands; Subby can freeze him all he wants, but how much good will it do when a fiery hand can pick up the giant block of ice containing Scorpion and thaw him out?

Well no won ever relley dies in mortal kombat but I would have to go with Sub he could just freeze scorpion and rip off his head
Well, assuming Sub's and Scorpion's latest endings are canon it would be an endless battle but Sub would never lose since he's an Ice God.
A god vs. anything just about always favors the god.Undead or not.
Scorpion will inevidably come back time and time again against an Ice God however I think it wouldn't matter honestly.Scorpion comes back, Sub kills him, Scorpion comes back again Sub kills him...
See a trend here? lol
A god vs. anything just about always favors the god.Undead or not.
Scorpion will inevidably come back time and time again against an Ice God however I think it wouldn't matter honestly.Scorpion comes back, Sub kills him, Scorpion comes back again Sub kills him...
See a trend here? lol
mkflegend Wrote:
Ok, well it's simple would win in this fight if they fought to the death?
Much like that Reptile vs. Ermac thread, this one is Subby vs. Scorpion.
I'm honestly stuck on this one for a few reasons.
You see, Sub could kill Scorpion rather easily with one ice blast, on the other hand Scorpion always comes back because he has powers of his own and he's undead.
Now, if this match happened after MK:A and say Sub's and Scorpions ending is indeed canon for sure, then I would say Sub wins easily.
I mean Ice God vs. Undead spectre.
But it's always a classic match up and although I think sub would win in the end, Scorpion always appeared as a cooler character or should I say hotter lol.
It's tough for me honestly though, but what's your thoughts on this?
Who would win, Sub-zero or Scorpion?
Ok, well it's simple would win in this fight if they fought to the death?
Much like that Reptile vs. Ermac thread, this one is Subby vs. Scorpion.
I'm honestly stuck on this one for a few reasons.
You see, Sub could kill Scorpion rather easily with one ice blast, on the other hand Scorpion always comes back because he has powers of his own and he's undead.
Now, if this match happened after MK:A and say Sub's and Scorpions ending is indeed canon for sure, then I would say Sub wins easily.
I mean Ice God vs. Undead spectre.
But it's always a classic match up and although I think sub would win in the end, Scorpion always appeared as a cooler character or should I say hotter lol.
It's tough for me honestly though, but what's your thoughts on this?
Who would win, Sub-zero or Scorpion?
You can't Ask This Because Ed Boon Would Make them both drop. This is a fan base topic. Its bullshit. Neither would win. Ed Boon wanted it that way anyways.So sense you are looking for fan base answers I will Say Scorpion. I don't think he would win, I think he is cooler (not a pun intended on Subby's end). He just seemed to get my attention.
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