"Sonya Blade, this is Grandmaster Sektor of the Tekunin Clan. Our consciousness is no longer bound to flesh."
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A son's coming of age! An ancient prophecy! A god's game played with mortal lives! Blaze is the elemental instrument of destruction. A failsafe created by Edenian gods and deviated from its quest by the machinations of ancient overlords. Taven- son of Argus & Delia, demi-god of Edenia, chosen champion to save the realms and avert Armageddon with an inheritance of godly power! Can Taven fulfil his objective? Or will the power of Blaze be forced to destroy him? Choose their destiny!... FIGHT!

Taven gets my vote.
The only people Taven was an asshole to were Goro and Shujinko (and maybe Kabal).
Rain, Reiko, Sonya, Sub-Zero, Wu Lae, Goro, Shujinko, Kabal, etc.
That's a pretty good array if you ask me. Wut.
I wasn't referring to Taven in a pejorative sense, in case that confused you. His snarkiness is a good thing.

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong
...but then again Taven was also a pawn in the EXACT same plan. So basically it boils down to whichever pawn is the flashiest.
Taven had a storyline so sure. My vote goes for him.

Taven was a snarky asshole to nearly everyone in Armageddon
The only people Taven was an asshole to were Goro and Shujinko (and maybe Kabal).

Taven. Blaze is one of the worst and unoriginal characters in all of MK history and I hope we never see him again
The same could easily be said for both characters and any story elements introduced in MK:A.
**coin flip** Blaze.
Respect duh coin!
I vote for Blaze!!
I will rock you.

"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham
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Kintaro - the warrior Shokan with a tiger's ferocity! His insatiable capacity for destroy centaur earned him the status of personal bodyguard to The Emperor! Shang Tsung - powerful sorcerer whose mastery of the dark arts led him to the realm of Outworld. Empowered by The Emperor's magic, he is the trusted emissary who oversees the Mortal Kombat tournament. Shang has allied himself with the Shokan Prince, but what happens when it is he who faces four-armed wrath? Choose their destiny!... FIGHT!