Hahaha 8!
Another fan MK 12 intro;
Havik: Join me Hotaru....think of the endless possibilities of our combined might.
Hotaru: Only for you to betray me like you betrayed Reiko.
Havik: (laughs) The fool lacked vision beyond Outworld's throne.
8 - Not nearly enough mirror dialogues about time travel in a game that has a plot literally about time travel.
A real mirror match that failed without being verbal.
What I'm trying to say is scrap and work around the mirror match contest, from now on. That's reflection for you.
How 7 years of bad luck worked with Mileena, unless she's unsusceptible to it. No saying Candyman 5 times Mileena.
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
Baraka: You're out of your territory, Earthrealmer!
Johnny Cage: Whoa, can't we just meet in the middle on this?!
Baraka: I'll CUT the meat FROM your middle!
Kronika: Thank you for inviting me on your cooking show.
Scorpion: Well Kronika, you "Tok the Tok" but can you "Wok the Wok"?
Kronika: Sadly, you're out of Thyme...
Rain: Why do you ask me about these "video" games, Earthrealmer?
Johnny Cage: I just wanted your opinion on "drip feed dlc".
Rain: How bout I drip feed you a knuckle sandwich?
More MK 12 fan intros;
Quan Chi: I can smell your weekness, Monk
Kung Lao: Your insults have no hold on me Demon.
Quan Chi: (laughs) Tell me that when I break you.....
Kai: Your humbleness is your greatest strength Kung Lao.
Kung Lao: As is the fire that burns within you Kai.
Kai:(smiles) Then let us see who wins this sparring.
Quan Chi: the Lin Kuei defector.....
Scorpion: You face a Shirai Ryu Quan Chi!
Quan Chi: Prove yourself worthy in Kombat......
Sub-Zero: Why have you intercepted me?
Kung Lao: because Earthrealm needs your help.
Sub-Zero: why should help a realm already doomed.....
Cage: So you're the fool who blindly follows power....
Hotaru: The Dragon King will bring order to all realms.
Cage: Your faith is greatly misplaced Hotaru
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
Johnny Cage: In your lips, ice sends, a danger...
Frost: Ugh, don't make me puke!
Johnny Cage: You've got the ice, of a stranger!
Shao Kahn: Bow to me, Cetrion!
Cetrion: The only "bough" I give you is the Olive Branch.
Shao Kahn: Tell me, did you wield it to kill the Elder Gods?!
Shao Kahn: I could teach you some things about women, Earthrealmer!
Johnny Cage: Yeah, I bet they come runnin' just as fast as they can...
Shao Kahn: All the girls crazy 'bout a "sharp" dressed man!
D'Vorah: This one will kill you where you stand!
Hotaru: You will be burned alive before you get the chance!
D'Vorah: You underestimate the Kytinn fool.
Quan Chi: Your Necromancy is powerful Earthrealmer
Raza (new): I will not be swayed Quan Chi
Quan Chi: Then die!
Liu Kang: Earthrealm is under my protection Onaga!
Onaga: You are a fool to stand in my way!
Liu Kang: Remember your place Outworlder.....
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
Frost: I'm here! What do you want?
Johnny Cage: Have you konsidered trying out for "Dancing Despite The Skars"/"Mortal Kombat: Scars on Ice"?
Frost: Are... are you asking me to dance, creep?!
Johnny Cage: Name's Rain, huh? Sounds about right.../Should know what's koming next...
Rain: Just what do you mean, Earthrealmer?
Johnny Cage: This is where you fall down.
Johnny Cage: You've crossed the line, Cetrion!
Cetrion: Who are you to judge an Elder God?!
Johnny Cage: This is where you fall down.
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
Shao Kahn: Rain bow.
Rain: Not unless there's a pot of gold at the end of this.
Shao Kahn: I fork out for no poofter orphan.
(Think Shang Tsung's Friendship).
Kung Jin: I was educated from my antecedents you are far from righteous, emperor.
Shao Kahn: Affirmative, boaster. I am Shao Kahn not Shao Lin and I can also tell you was a thieve, stranger.
Kung Jin: Then I must make myself known.