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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

04/03/2011 02:41 PM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:
Keith Wrote:
People will always bitch. Especially here. >_>

Lol, English is not my first language so I guess what I tried to say was a bit off from what I meant. I meant it'd be nice if you could start a poll (like we can start threads) where there would be no posts at all (you'd only be able to select/vote for one or more suggested answers), hence no bitching about people's choices.

I do agree that people will always bitch, though...

projectzero00 Wrote:
How on earth people assume Mileena will stop being "popular" and turn into a punching bag is beyond me! All the people I know that have the demo told me they use her A LOT more than in previous games! Even if you search some youtube videos with ppl playing the demo, guys pick Mileena a lot more than Cage or even Sub Zero at times! It's just stupid to say she will sink after release....how the hell do you know that?
I will love to hear what you say when the next game comes out and Mileena is still there kicking Kitana and Sonya's ass when it comes to promotionwink

That's NOT WHAT I MEANT. Here's what I meant:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Mileena was heavily promoted for the game, yet IN THE GAME'S STORY MODE she turned out to be a punching bag. She didn't even get a chapter of her own and she only appears a few times throughout the story mode and each time someone kicks her ass- first Kitana, then Jade and finally Stryker, if I remember correctly.

With all the heavy promotion you'd expect her to play a prominent role in the story, but unfortunately she was downgraded to the level of Baraka, Reptile and Sheeva who also only appear a few times throughout the story and only get their asses kicked.

So in the end, even though she was promoted far more than Sonya, Kitana or any other female, her part in the story mode turned out to be minimal. Sonya and Kitana (and even Jade) got their own chapters in the end and actually beat someone. Mileena didn't get a chapter and she lost all her battles (if I remember well).

So yeah, I was talking about the story mode. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I agree with you, Mileena will remain popular. It's just a shame they treated her (and many other characters) so badly in the story mode.

now i didnt read the story spoilers, but just curious to how many chapters were given to the evil characters? how many chapters total?
04/03/2011 03:55 PM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:
Keith Wrote:
People will always bitch. Especially here. >_>

Lol, English is not my first language so I guess what I tried to say was a bit off from what I meant. I meant it'd be nice if you could start a poll (like we can start threads) where there would be no posts at all (you'd only be able to select/vote for one or more suggested answers), hence no bitching about people's choices.

I do agree that people will always bitch, though...

projectzero00 Wrote:
How on earth people assume Mileena will stop being "popular" and turn into a punching bag is beyond me! All the people I know that have the demo told me they use her A LOT more than in previous games! Even if you search some youtube videos with ppl playing the demo, guys pick Mileena a lot more than Cage or even Sub Zero at times! It's just stupid to say she will sink after release....how the hell do you know that?
I will love to hear what you say when the next game comes out and Mileena is still there kicking Kitana and Sonya's ass when it comes to promotionwink

That's NOT WHAT I MEANT. Here's what I meant:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Mileena was heavily promoted for the game, yet IN THE GAME'S STORY MODE she turned out to be a punching bag. She didn't even get a chapter of her own and she only appears a few times throughout the story mode and each time someone kicks her ass- first Kitana, then Jade and finally Stryker, if I remember correctly.

With all the heavy promotion you'd expect her to play a prominent role in the story, but unfortunately she was downgraded to the level of Baraka, Reptile and Sheeva who also only appear a few times throughout the story and only get their asses kicked.

So in the end, even though she was promoted far more than Sonya, Kitana or any other female, her part in the story mode turned out to be minimal. Sonya and Kitana (and even Jade) got their own chapters in the end and actually beat someone. Mileena didn't get a chapter and she lost all her battles (if I remember well).

So yeah, I was talking about the story mode. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I agree with you, Mileena will remain popular. It's just a shame they treated her (and many other characters) so badly in the story mode.

I agree with you on that. But did you notice that generally evil characters got the short end of the stick in the story mode...I didn't want to read the leaks from the story but I saw which characters got their chapter and was pretty bumped. If memory serves me right, mostly good aligned characters have their chapter (even Stryker who is not the most important guy to the story). Dunno why they decided to present only "one side" of the story and not bothsad
About Me

04/03/2011 03:58 PM (UTC)
^it's more than possible that there WILL be a second story mode for the 'evil' characters, that just wasn't present in the demo build. hell, even mkvsdc had a chapter for EVERY character, and nrs have told us frequently that this time the story mode is much longer
04/03/2011 04:00 PM (UTC)
jagro Wrote:hell, even mkvsdc had a chapter for EVERY character

Kitana din't get one. Lol.
04/03/2011 04:13 PM (UTC)
breakingdishesz Wrote:
jagro Wrote:hell, even mkvsdc had a chapter for EVERY character

Kitana din't get one. Lol.

That was weird I heard about that lol
04/03/2011 04:21 PM (UTC)
Wow....people diminishing Mileena's and Sonya's success and main female mascots status just because they don't like them as much as others...wow.

You know what? I really do care when people try to undervalue or diminish the achievements, status, recognition, or well deserved crown that some character deserves....as its happening against Mileena and Sonya in this very thread.

All of the sudden Mileena is not worth all the attention and recognition she's been given? Even after her success in MKD?....bullshit.

All of the sudden Sonya has never been a main female and arguably the main female icon and mascot for the game?....bigger bullshit.

I don't care about who people think is "the main". Let the fans love their faves. There's nothing wrong with that.

It bothers me, however, that because Sonya is not your favorite female character that some people feel the need to put her down and try to underestimate her value and recognition.

The "indifference" from some regarding how much truth there is behind her being a "main iconic female mascot" is just biased attitude considering facts are pretty solid clear.

I was not involved in this whole conversation/discussion which was mostly about Mileena, but, I'll definitely like to give my 2 cents.

And I'll keep it clean:

petrcech Wrote:

I apologize to everyone for getting carried away. (I had a boring as$ day, and
that + forums = trouble lol)

Well, thats not fair at all. tongue

But, seriously, no worries buddy. I know you mean no disrespect or anything, however, I have to address your posts (and another's) even if you apologized because I feel that many of your comments are either biased and unfair or you just really don't know/remember the facts:

Pretentious Wrote:
queve Wrote:

I respect the fact that you don't like the character, thats all fair.

However, I disagree with your thoughts on "why" you think she's been promoted to the level of Sonya.

Just, no.

To the level of Sonya? I know you're a fanboy and all but she's pretty blatantly above Sonya now as THE female character of the series.

I never said Sonya was better or more than Mileena. Despite the fact that Mileena is THE female face of the series for this game, it doesn't take away years of Sonya being THE female face: MK1, MK3/U/T, MK4, MKDA, MKA, and the very recent MKvsDC.

How is it that, suddenly, Sonya's well proved and stablished status in MKvsDC is being treated with indifference? That game alone speaks more than all her others combined.

More specifics and details of this matter below. I won't be shy.

petrcech Wrote:
"share honor with Sonya?"
lol that cracked me up no lies.
I think in this game, Sonya is just another female, nothing special.
Mileena in this new MK game is by far the female face of the serious followed by.....Kitana? Well not really (in this specific game) but the princess is definitely above Sonya.
This is an official MK9 poster, if you don't believe me, go to your local Walmart.


Where is Sonya?

I will write nothing wrong against Kitana (your baby smile) and I'll post my thoughts in an objective way, so, please don't take offense or don't get angry. You wrote stuff that imo is very biased, so, I'll answer back to the point:

1) Mileena, Kitana, and Sonya are the 3 most promoted females for this game. Kitana has a lot of recorded footage through Mkasts and fan recordings. However, Mileena and Sonya are the only 2 who actually got decent "Official Reveals" and "confirmation" videos. Kitana was revealed in same style and amount of Sektor, Cyrax, and most others who were simply shown and kind of taken for granted (like Stryker and Sindel, as 2 examples).

There was no "special mention" of her reveal. Sonya was treated differently in articles, mags, the official twitter, and even in the fb page. Her reveal was more in tone of what a reveal should be (even if she cam much later than Kitana, but so did Liu, Noob, Ermac, Raiden, etc) even if it wasn't as great and as huge as it was in MKvsDC or her other games.

Mileena obviously takes the crown for being one of the 6 main in the official website. No question.

2) That's a cute poster.

Now, if I started posting pictures of Sonya's numerous game posters, Official Kollectors Material, Official Promotional records, etc, this thread would instantly become a "Sonya Pictures" thread.

Kollectors Edition in MKA, Kollectors Edition in MKvsDC, Official Posters in MKDA, Special Card Edition in MKT, Special Posters in MK3, etc etc etc. And I'm not even getting into specifics here, but, trust me that I can.

Now, if we are talking specifically about this game: 1 single poster isn't that big of a deal, sorry.

You don't see me asking "Where is Kitana?" in MKvsDC which featured WonderWoman along side Sonya and not her "established counterpart", the Edenian Princess.

And I'm not just talking about the Alex Ross Special Cover...If you got the Kollectors Edition and watched the videos than you will see tons and tons of Sonya comments and features.

petrcech Wrote: queve wrote:"MKvsDC (where Sonya took the rightful spotlight once again as the iconic lady, like in all her past games)"

Sonya was in more posters than Kitana but when the time came, Kitana was the MK female who was obviously played as the most. I played MKvsDCU online A LOT and I rarely encountered any Sonya players, just like Cat Woman.

Yes, really.

See, I have nothing against you not liking Sonya or liking someone else better. But, when someone posts biased comments like that (I know its not your intention to be confrontational), than, I just have to respond with a couple of extra facts.

Putting down Sonya's obvious status as the Iconic Main Female face of the game that promoted itself as the "Great Game of THE Iconic Characters" is not fair at all. Its biased. Its bitter.

Just because you happened to not see many Sonya players online she lost every single promotional glory she was given? That's hardly a valid argument. Seriously.

Sonya didn't need MKvsDC to prove this fact considering her promotion and important status in MK1, MK3, MK4, MKDA, and MKA, but, there you have it. MKvsDC speaks volumes.

Sonya was not just "in more posters", oh no...she was heavily (and I mean heavily right up there with Scorpion and Sub-Zero) promoted in videos, articles, magazines, screenshots, interviews, game events, game shows, MKKasts (I can link you to each and every single one of them who speak wonders of Sonya and the developers don't stop praising her and even comment on the huge positive fan reaction she received when she was revealed), had a glorious reveal, featured in the MAIN Website along side Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Batman and Superman, got a special cover next to Wonder Woman, etc.

It was like being back in MK1, MK3, and MK4.

I can go on about the specifics in the "extra material" that's included in the KE but I'm too lazy to begin this.

And the MKasts truly did her justice. They actually took the time to talk about her a lot and there was always a moment of praise dedicated to her and her polarity within the MK team and the fan community. That was one of my favorite parts of MKvsDC's promotion.

petrcech Wrote:

I think Sonya gets most of her fame from the MK films. When it comes to the Movies, Sonya is the main female followed by the princess. Sonya kicks ass in the films! I can't wait to see her in the new upcoming webshow!

Very true.

But you are playing unfairly. There is a reason why she's such a big Mortal Kombat name in the films and material outside of the games.

She's not an "Alice" from RE who gets popular despite not being a real character in the game.

Sonya is an actual significant name in the game's canon. And it shows pretty well in the films and everything outside the games such as her main protagonist roles in the Comics and her numerous promotional materials (from action figures to game cards). I can totally go on specifics on this if I'm pushed to.

I'm not the only one who is saying this in this thread, btw.

She's not "just" and "only" a big of a deal outside the games. And this example you gave yourself pretty much proves it.

There's a reason why her name is included in almost every single game box that comes out along side the constant expression "Returning favorites include Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Sonya, Raiden", etc and in almost every article/interview about the game thats being featured.

petrcech Wrote:

As far as in the actual Mortal Kombat games, Sonya plays a pretty important role but not NEARLY as important as the Edenian goddess. Kitana is by far the main female in the MK storyline......
I think overall Kitana has the upper hand over all the females.
Kitana has the iconic weapons, specials and story that makes her the leader.....

Kitana is definitely significant and her storyline is absolutely important. There is no denying that her role in the series is one of the most elaborate and expanded because of her closer personal connection to characters such as Liu Kang and Shao Kahn and now days Mileena.

Sonya's role is important and when you say "not as NEARLY" is not fair.

You are comparing "oranges" to "apples" or to "bananas".

Kitana is from Edenia. Sonya is from Earth. They both play their own significant and extremely important roles in those two different important sections of the MK world.

When put together in the same situation, Sonya stands out just as much in her missions.

Sonya is to date (after sooo many long years of MK story) the ONLY chosen female from Earth Realm. That is a big deal, my friend.

She's not 10,000 years old and still she's facing off monsters, mutants, Onis, sorcerers, and kicking the butt of not just female rivals (as most females are usually portrayed) but also the butt of tough male opponents.

Your comment above is just biased. You are already talking about Kitana's special moves and steel fans and those have nothing to do with the current discussion.

If I wanted to get into that, I would just remind you how much the majority of the community has complained about how lackluster/dissapointing they look in this game.

And if I had to get into special moves I would remind you how her arsenal consists of stolen moves from iconic ladies such a Sonya (SWP, Neck Breaker in MK4, "Kiss" trademark name), Jade (Teleport), and Mileena (Special Roll). She's stolen moves from the 3 and this problem is dating all the way back to MK2. And she barely has any "new" ones in her arsenal.

Then again, thats not what this discussion is about, so, its not fair to point that out from either way. Don't you think?

PS: The steel fans are my absolute favorite weapon in the whole game and the main reason why I love Kitana.

PPS: Again, I mean no offense or attacks. I'm just responding back objectively to your statements which really did need attention.

petrcech Wrote:
Back to Mileena!
um I think she's at the top right now, but indeed will go down after release....

LOL, now that's convenient! wink

petrcech Wrote:
breakingdishesz Wrote:
petrcech Wrote:"share honor with Sonya?"
lol that cracked me up no lies.
I think in this game, Sonya is just another female, nothing special.

MK3, MK4, MKDA & MKvsDCU would all like to have a word with you. Mileena may be the main MK female in this game, but she has NOT been promoted for most of the mk games like Sonya was.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Kitana was only promoted in MK2, she's irrelevant.

Keep it classy.

I always keep it classy....

MK3 really?
Oh Sonya was awesome in MK4, but somehow Tanya stole the spotlight.
MKDA, explain to me why, did I miss something?
MKvsDCU, yep she indeed was the main face, but that quickly changed after release....
And don't get me wrong, I love Sonya especially in the Films, but I strongly disagree that she's the main MK female. I might be a little bit bias bcuz Kitana is my favorite but that's my opinion.

Mileena, like I said, will be at the top temporarily.

Yes, really.

If I need to link you to the countless of material that is out there proving Sonya's iconic mascot statues in all those games I will.

MK3 not only had Sonya as the first confirmed/revealed character, it also had her all over the place. I seriously mean ALL over the place. No marketing campaign has ever been as intense and huge as MK3 and she is literally everywhere.

You might say its just because Kerri Hoskins is a gorgeous hot volcano, but, the fact that the name of "Sonya Blade" was used this much speaks volumes. Just like it does in MKvsDC.

How in the world did Tanya steal anyone's spotlight in MK4? I am truly starting to believe you are just writing this biased stuff to diminish Sonya's value.

Don't you remember the official promotional commercial that featured Sonya, Sub-Zero, and Liu Kang? The craziness all over the promotional media featuring Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Sonya, Raiden, Johnny, and Quan Chi?

The official comic book? The posters? The tour? The interviews? The phone cards?

I'm not forgetting that Tanya was featured in a game cover VS Raiden and a big Goro on the top, but, you are being unfair by diminishing Sonya's status.

Did you really forget about MKDA??? Cause I'm not sure if I believe you. The excitement and craziness over E3? The buzz that was going on in every article?...and you don't remember Sonya as the female mascot along side the male ninja mascots?

Not only was she the first female confirmed and revealed and presented, she was also (after Quan Chi and Shang Tsung) one of the 3 first confirmed characters...guess who the other 2 were? Exactly.

And concerning her image, she was the most promoted female face of the game being featured in the first videos, screenshots, articles, interviews, Game shows and events (E3, etc) and what not.

The other one who came next wasn't even Kitana....it was Li Mei. Nitara got much more promotion as well (because of her newness). There was a lot of footage featuring Sonya above the rest of the females.

petrcech Wrote:

MKvsDCU, yep she indeed was the main face, but that quickly changed after release....

No. It didn't.

You are just being biased, my friend.

"That quickly changed after release"....wow....

And in case you also forgot, MKA featured Sonya as the main not only with yet another special Kollectors Edition Cover, but also with an expanded role in Konquest and she was one of the very few who got an actual bio (along side lovely Mileena).

petrcech Wrote:

And don't get me wrong, I love Sonya especially in the Films, but I strongly disagree that she's the main MK female. I might be a little bit bias bcuz Kitana is my favorite but that's my opinion.

Mileena, like I said, will be at the top temporarily.

I will not say she is the "main MK female ever". She is *my* main MK female.

But that still doesn't take away the fact that she's portrayed as one of the main mascots along side Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Rayden, and (recently) Mileena and Johnny Cage (again because he was a main mascot for the first 2 games and MK4-MKA).

Like someone else told you, Kitana was only portrayed in that kind of way during MK2.

That was it.

No need to diminish Mileena's and Sonya's success over this because you don't like them as much.

petrcech Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I like how every "favorite female" thread always turns into an argument about whether or not Sonya is as much of a mascot as one of the ninja girls. Like it even matters.

I guess your right, who cares really....I'll stop now, apologize if I got carried away.
This is MORTAL KOMBAT! Were all a big familia

We are a big family. And yes, while you did got carried away I do think its nice that this thread din't suddenly become a flame war.

Nephrite Wrote:
This forum seriously needs an option to have "poll-only" types of threads for these kinds of things. That way, people will vote, the numbers will speak and people won't bitch...

... ... ...

There was already a major vote about this very same thing a few months ago. Not only hardcore fans voted but also casual players (not MK fans) voted...and people are still bitching today: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Sonya were the top 3 voted characters. I'll find the pictures and links if necessary.

And still, polls and vote don't mean anything in this kind of situation considering the way they are handled. Unless you wanted to make it as a political event to have something serious, and really, its not worth it.

breakingdishesz Wrote:
petrcech Wrote:"share honor with Sonya?"
lol that cracked me up no lies.
I think in this game, Sonya is just another female, nothing special.

MK3, MK4, MKDA & MKvsDCU would all like to have a word with you. Mileena may be the main MK female in this game, but she has NOT been promoted for most of the mk games like Sonya was.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Kitana was only promoted in MK2, she's irrelevant.

Keep it classy.


Again, I can get into very specific and lengthily details about the facts. I'm not afraid of this because I can actually provide the material needed to back up my statements.

breakingdishesz Wrote:
petrcech Wrote:
MK3 really?
Oh Sonya was awesome in MK4, but somehow Tanya stole the spotlight.
MKDA, explain to me why, did I miss something?
MKvsDCU, yep she indeed was the main face, but that quickly changed after release....
And don't get me wrong, I love Sonya especially in the Films, but I strongly disagree that she's the main MK female. I might be a little bit bias bcuz Kitana is my favorite but that's my opinion.

Mileena, like I said, will be at the top temporarily.

Sonya was heavily promoted for MK3. I guess you're just to young to remember.

Don't get me started on Tanya, she's one of the most hated females, despite being my 2nd favorite.

Sonya was actually heavily promoted for MKDA too, and was the main female face of the game.

And Kitana didn't even have a chapter on MKvsDCU's story mode, i won't even go there. As if any Kitana stan could win an argument about MKvsDCU.

See, this is what I mean. I don't think is fair that a few like to diminish Sonya's (or Mileena's) obvious status and reputation because they either don't like her and are biased, or just because they prefer someone else.

I think its fine and perfectly fair not to like Sonya. But, even if you don't like her it doesn't mean that you've got to go blind about her significance and good reputation.

I don't really like Scorpion, and still, I'm not going to deny his significance as a mascot or popularity within the community.

I don't mean any insult, offense, or war against Kitana, but, if Sonya is being diminished unfairly, I feel like I have the right to point a few fair points about the other side of the coin:

1) Kitana was barely a name in MKvsDC. Clearly the most important game of the series in regards to "names" and promotion.

She didn't even feature a chapter (along side other "not as important" characters). She was not even portrayed as a main protagonist and her overall presence in that game is arguably one of the most disliked and hated of Kitana's appearances (along side MKSM and we'll see with MK2011). She was barely seen around (even in the loading screens).

For such an important game that sold itself as "The Game of the Iconic Significant Characters" and all that talk and promotion about icons and legends, and main names, well, Kitana was pretty much left in the dark. Badly.

She was not even featured in the Kollectors edition next to her "supposed counterpart" WonderWoman. It was Sonya. And they were drawn by none other than the huge legend Alex Ross.

The video footage inside the KE disc doesn't do Kitana any justice. Yet it does a lot to Sonya and even Catwoman.

And she stole Mileena's roll.

2) She's well known for being cut out of games and replaced by others like it happened more than once: in MK3, MK4, MKD (were Jaded came out of the shadows and proved to be just as successful as Mileena), and MKvsDC (her chapter).

3) In MKT she didn't even get her own special trilogy card. All the other females did. Sonya, Jade, Sindel, and even Sheeva are featured in a special collection of cards along side other characters. All except Kitana.

4) In MKG she stole Sonya's neck break and throw and didn't even get new moves.

5) In MKDA she was barely shown and not decently featured in any main promotional video.

6) In MKD material she was cloning Mileena's popular look. Some still like to confuse things and think that Mileena's primary was intended for Kitana. The original and official text clearly state and show that CERTAIN EARLY COSTUME (that doesn't even have the veil and sleeves and Arabic theme) was intended for Kitana, but, it ended up being design specifically for Mileena in mind (which then shows the addition of the veil, sleeves, pony tail, back-cloth, etc), not Kitana.

7) She was also not featured in the special "Epic Battles" Card game. Most females got a card showing some of them. Sonya was the only lucky female not from MKD who was featured in her own main card VS Kira. I'm not even going to get into action figures, the comics, etc.

8) In MKA she didn't even get a bio, a role in Konquest, a special Kollectors cover, and she stole Jade's teleport move, etc.

And regarding MK2011 (MK9):

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
She's one of a select few who actually get killed/offed.

I don't know much about the spoilers, but, I've heard her appearance is similar to that of MKvsDC? reason why some other big Kitana fans have hated her and complained about...

Also, from the little I know about Sonya in MK9:

She's the main female character and one of the top protagonist like she was in MKvsDC.

And regarding Mileena:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Not much love? But still more successful than others?

Again, all of this is not directed as an attack or offense at anyone.

i just think that if you are going to post statements as facts, you should be able to back them up.

Or at least not be biased against a character because you like the other one better.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:

To those of you who are questioning Sonya's status, let me remind you of a few things:

- The last game had a roster of the most iconic characters. Mileena was not one of them. Sonya was.

- MKA's select screen placed the characters in order from biggest to smallest. Scorpion was first, followed by Sub-Zero. For the female section, Sonya came first, followed by Kitana.

- What female will the upcoming Rebirth focus heavily on? Not Mileena. Do we even know who will play her? So how important is she?

- I can go even further and talk about the 2D games, movies, toon, etc., but I think you guys get the point.

Yes, it's obvious that Mileena is the star female for THIS game, just like in MKD, but that don't make her the face of the entire series. She simply has her ups and downs.

And what's sad is that she's only the star because they're trying to push the "sexuality" of the series. It ain't truly her that's the star, it's just her boobs. After all....
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Her nips are the End Game reward, right?

So the devs are giving other characters a chance to shine. It doesn't mean Sonya has lost the crown. Not permanently, anyways.

Quoted for being the absolute unbiased and very well posted truth.

Same goes for breakingdishesz's unbiased observations.
04/03/2011 04:29 PM (UTC)
O_O jaw drops ^^
04/03/2011 04:45 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Nephrite Wrote:
Keith Wrote:
People will always bitch. Especially here. >_>

Lol, English is not my first language so I guess what I tried to say was a bit off from what I meant. I meant it'd be nice if you could start a poll (like we can start threads) where there would be no posts at all (you'd only be able to select/vote for one or more suggested answers), hence no bitching about people's choices.

I do agree that people will always bitch, though...

projectzero00 Wrote:
How on earth people assume Mileena will stop being "popular" and turn into a punching bag is beyond me! All the people I know that have the demo told me they use her A LOT more than in previous games! Even if you search some youtube videos with ppl playing the demo, guys pick Mileena a lot more than Cage or even Sub Zero at times! It's just stupid to say she will sink after release....how the hell do you know that?
I will love to hear what you say when the next game comes out and Mileena is still there kicking Kitana and Sonya's ass when it comes to promotionwink

That's NOT WHAT I MEANT. Here's what I meant:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Mileena was heavily promoted for the game, yet IN THE GAME'S STORY MODE she turned out to be a punching bag. She didn't even get a chapter of her own and she only appears a few times throughout the story mode and each time someone kicks her ass- first Kitana, then Jade and finally Stryker, if I remember correctly.

With all the heavy promotion you'd expect her to play a prominent role in the story, but unfortunately she was downgraded to the level of Baraka, Reptile and Sheeva who also only appear a few times throughout the story and only get their asses kicked.

So in the end, even though she was promoted far more than Sonya, Kitana or any other female, her part in the story mode turned out to be minimal. Sonya and Kitana (and even Jade) got their own chapters in the end and actually beat someone. Mileena didn't get a chapter and she lost all her battles (if I remember well).

So yeah, I was talking about the story mode. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I agree with you, Mileena will remain popular. It's just a shame they treated her (and many other characters) so badly in the story mode.

now i didnt read the story spoilers, but just curious to how many chapters were given to the evil characters? how many chapters total?

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
not sure how many chapters are total but i don't believe that there are any "evil" character chapters
04/03/2011 05:26 PM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:

That's NOT WHAT I MEANT. Here's what I meant:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Mileena was heavily promoted for the game, yet IN THE GAME'S STORY MODE she turned out to be a punching bag. She didn't even get a chapter of her own and she only appears a few times throughout the story mode and each time someone kicks her ass- first Kitana, then Jade and finally Stryker, if I remember correctly.

With all the heavy promotion you'd expect her to play a prominent role in the story, but unfortunately she was downgraded to the level of Baraka, Reptile and Sheeva who also only appear a few times throughout the story and only get their asses kicked.

So in the end, even though she was promoted far more than Sonya, Kitana or any other female, her part in the story mode turned out to be minimal. Sonya and Kitana (and even Jade) got their own chapters in the end and actually beat someone. Mileena didn't get a chapter and she lost all her battles (if I remember well).

So yeah, I was talking about the story mode. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I agree with you, Mileena will remain popular. It's just a shame they treated her (and many other characters) so badly in the story mode.

The relation of Mileena's promotion to her role in the game's story is quite synonymous to any other celebrity.

Perfect example:

Angelina Jolie's character was heavily promoted for the film Beowulf, simply because Jolie is that famous. However, she didn't even make an official appearance in the film until halfway in, and had very few scenes afterward.

That's just the way promotions work. You put your best people first. Hell, NRS did the same thing with Mileena in Deception, and she didn't have any role at all in the story. Still, she ended up being featured in Playboy Magazine.

There is nothing wrong with Mileena's condition here. It's badass, if you ask me. Give her all the glory she deserves, with as much screen time as needed, which isn't a lot. Even if Mileena only had one scene in the game, it would be worth it for her fans, just like Jolie.
04/03/2011 06:11 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
The relation of Mileena's promotion to her role in the game's story is quite synonymous to any other celebrity.
That's just the way promotions work. You put your best people first. Hell, NRS did the same thing with Mileena in Deception, and she didn't have any role at all in the story. Still, she ended up being featured in Playboy Magazine.

There is nothing wrong with Mileena's condition here. It's badass, if you ask me. Give her all the glory she deserves, with as much screen time as needed, which isn't a lot. Even if Mileena only had one scene in the game, it would be worth it for her fans, just like Jolie.

I added spoiler tags again as...

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
...some people don't know how big/small her part in the story mode is.

I hope it's not too late, but I suggest you add spoilers toosmile

My answer:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Well, if you're happy that's cool. For me, I was disappointed with the way they treated her (any many other characters) in the story mode. I think I've come to a point where I just don't care about the story anymore (or at least no way near as I used to). I'll just be happy if my character makes it in the game so that I can play with him/her. It seems like MK4 is coming, well at least it gives me hope I'll finally be able to play as Fujin again. They'll probably treat him like shit story-wise, but I don't think I care anymore. I just wanna see his new design and play with him.

EDIT: I actually wrote replies to mkmileena and projectzero00 too, but since I was quoting multiple users I worked in separate windows and I accidentally overwrote everything I had written to them by copy/pasting the reply for Riyakou over the replies for the two of them. Damn it! My heart and mind is broken now. sad

Anaway (in a shorter version, lol):

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
None of the evil characters have a chapter.

@projectzero00: I think it wouldn't be bad to put your reply to me in spoiler tags as some don't know about the story and chapter distribution. I hope it's not too late, lol. smile
My answer to you:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Overall, I'm very disappointed with the story mode. Yes, none of the evil characters got a chapter and that's kinda lame. Also, what's worse many characters, even some that have a chapter, simply disappear at one point in the story mode and are never mentioned again. We have no idea what happens with them. I really dislike that. I think they screwed 90% of the characters and hardly anyone got any new development among the non-screwed ones. As for Stryker, I have to say I'm happy he got a chapter. I think the guy deserves to finally get some love and attention after all these years. Overall, he's one of the better characters, imo, in this game. It's cool to be a Stryker fan these days.
04/03/2011 06:38 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Angelina Jolie's character was heavily promoted for the film Beowulf, simply because Jolie is that famous. However, she didn't even make an official appearance in the film until halfway in, and had very few scenes afterward.

That's just the way promotions work. You put your best people first.

Yeah, just like in the movie Wanted. The commercials made it seem like Angelina was gonna be the main character so I went to the movies thinking that, but she wasn't.
04/03/2011 06:41 PM (UTC)
Mileena for sure. I consider her the official MK girl. Out of the MK females she reaks the most of MK IMO.

She is a ninja esque, she is hot, she is cazy, and she is a monster. To me that is very MKish.
About Me


04/03/2011 07:22 PM (UTC)
kitana with sonya as second favorite
04/03/2011 07:26 PM (UTC)

Oh my! your post has blown me away.
In that long post of yours, you disrespected me ZERO times, which is why I like queve =).

I did deserve most of that, but I disagree with many of the things you said...
But I wont get into, well at least not very specifically...

Sonya without a doubt is the QUEEN of promotion, and will be for a long time. Mileena is shinning right now, but trust she will go down in the future.

Kitana, ahhh my Edenian Princess is always in the background, promotion-wise. She's never really been the poster girl, but why? To this day, I still don't understand. I think the Mk team prefer Sonya over here, but it's okay.

As my good friend Nephrite stated.....
"People keep pointing out Kitana is not promoted as much as Sonya or Mileena and I think that's true, BUT the fact that even without all that "extra" promotion she is arguably the most popular female speaks volumes. Enough said."

Kitana is right up there with Sonya, if not above (don't kill me for this), popular-wise. Imagine if the MK team or NRS decided to finally make Kitana the poster girl...

I think what makes Kitana so iconic and different from the rest of the females is her gameplay. Scorpion and Subzero have their iconic signature moves; Kitana is right up there next to them with her moves.

As my buddy LeoBrZ81 said..

"Just pick your character and freely worship in peace."

I think we should all do that, nobody wants to here Oh mY Sonya/Kitana did this, or she has this and that. Or she stole this, but killed her, and married him and broke up with him....

At the end of the day....
K I T A N A- the gorgeous Edenian Princess
,S O N YA- the cranky badass chick with the legs
& M I L E E N A- the sexy evil Bitch
... are all fukin amazing characters that belong to the one and only,
M O R T A L K O M B A T!!!

Our love for MK unites us all and brings us together...
I consider all HARCORE MK fans (you guys), all my buddies =)

How awesome would it be if we could all get together and have an epic MK tourney under the same roof. grin
04/03/2011 07:34 PM (UTC)
Jade takes the lead as the greatest MK character EVER!!!
And I am totally unbiased!!!

04/03/2011 07:41 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Jade takes the lead as the greatest MK character EVER!!!
And I am totally unbiased!!!


who's Jade?
oHHH the green chick lol

She looks gorgeous in this new MK =)
About Me

Kitana, Jade, Mileena, Khameleon, Cyrax, Sektor, Smoke, Scorpion, Sub Zero, Reptile, Ermac, Rain, Chameleon, Noob Saibot and Smoke

Palette Swap love :-)

04/03/2011 07:43 PM (UTC)
Team Jade.
04/03/2011 08:28 PM (UTC)
04/03/2011 08:32 PM (UTC)
petrcech Wrote:
Sonya without a doubt is the QUEEN of promotion, and will be for a long time. Mileena is shinning right now, but trust she will go down in the future.

People keep pointing out Kitana is not promoted as much as Sonya or Mileena and I think that's true, BUT the fact that even without all that "extra" promotion she is arguably the most popular female speaks volumes. Enough said.

There goes that stupid theory that Mileena is going down...what proof do you have that the team will just forget about her?? They decided to go with Mileena in the game that was supposed to be the return of MK to its successful roots, not Kitana, not Sonya, no noone! She is a fresh character in the roster unlike Scorpion, Sub Zero, Sonya, Jax, Kitana etc who were overused in previous games and movies. And since the team realised she had a big fan base they decided to make her sth more than a mere pallette swap in MKD...and if memory serves me right, she was been MK's poster girl in every game she has appeared since then. So how on Earth will she go down in the future??? Wishful thinking I say...

Secondly how is Kitana "arguably" the most popular female? I think after MKDA and esp MKvsDC she has lost most of her fanbase...her outfits, her gameplay, her copying moves has made her really boring imo. it's not that I hate the character, it's just that I think ppl find Mileena/Sonya/Jade more interesting these days. Maybe it's just me but Kitana has really lost her spark latelysad
04/03/2011 08:46 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
petrcech Wrote:
Sonya without a doubt is the QUEEN of promotion, and will be for a long time. Mileena is shinning right now, but trust she will go down in the future.

People keep pointing out Kitana is not promoted as much as Sonya or Mileena and I think that's true, BUT the fact that even without all that "extra" promotion she is arguably the most popular female speaks volumes. Enough said.

There goes that stupid theory that Mileena is going down...what proof do you have that the team will just forget about her?? They decided to go with Mileena in the game that was supposed to be the return of MK to its successful roots, not Kitana, not Sonya, no noone! She is a fresh character in the roster unlike Scorpion, Sub Zero, Sonya, Jax, Kitana etc who were overused in previous games and movies. And since the team realised she had a big fan base they decided to make her sth more than a mere pallette swap in MKD...and if memory serves me right, she was been MK's poster girl in every game she has appeared since then. So how on Earth will she go down in the future??? Wishful thinking I say...

Secondly how is Kitana "arguably" the most popular female? I think after MKDA and esp MKvsDC she has lost most of her fanbase...her outfits, her gameplay, her copying moves has made her really boring imo. it's not that I hate the character, it's just that I think ppl find Mileena/Sonya/Jade more interesting these days. Maybe it's just me but Kitana has really lost her spark latelysad

Not to get into an argument, its true Kitana's popularity would have gone since the last couple games were not the greatest, but imo its starting to go up again thanks to her looks in the new game. I personally always liked her and her storyline since mk2, not everybody who plays mk are die heart fans, so just causal players. So its natural if they characters popularity decreases once they leave. On the side note even mk vs dc was not good, I actually liked her look in it, it made her look very ninja like but that's just my opinion.
04/03/2011 08:53 PM (UTC)
Kitana_MK9 Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
petrcech Wrote:
Sonya without a doubt is the QUEEN of promotion, and will be for a long time. Mileena is shinning right now, but trust she will go down in the future.

People keep pointing out Kitana is not promoted as much as Sonya or Mileena and I think that's true, BUT the fact that even without all that "extra" promotion she is arguably the most popular female speaks volumes. Enough said.

There goes that stupid theory that Mileena is going down...what proof do you have that the team will just forget about her?? They decided to go with Mileena in the game that was supposed to be the return of MK to its successful roots, not Kitana, not Sonya, no noone! She is a fresh character in the roster unlike Scorpion, Sub Zero, Sonya, Jax, Kitana etc who were overused in previous games and movies. And since the team realised she had a big fan base they decided to make her sth more than a mere pallette swap in MKD...and if memory serves me right, she was been MK's poster girl in every game she has appeared since then. So how on Earth will she go down in the future??? Wishful thinking I say...

Secondly how is Kitana "arguably" the most popular female? I think after MKDA and esp MKvsDC she has lost most of her fanbase...her outfits, her gameplay, her copying moves has made her really boring imo. it's not that I hate the character, it's just that I think ppl find Mileena/Sonya/Jade more interesting these days. Maybe it's just me but Kitana has really lost her spark latelysad

Not to get into an argument, its true Kitana's popularity would have gone since the last couple games were not the greatest, but imo its starting to go up again thanks to her looks in the new game. I personally always liked her and her storyline since mk2, not everybody who plays mk are die heart fans, so just causal players. So its natural if they characters popularity decreases once they leave. On the side note even mk vs dc was not good, I actually liked her look in it, it made her look very ninja like but that's just my opinion.

Ofc every opinion is respected, but assuming that Mileena's popularity will go down just coz your own fav character isn't promoted as much, is utter bs. I was personally really excited to see Kitana's new look in this game (coz I hated it in MKDA/MKA/MKDC) and was very dissapointed. She just doesn't look like Kitana imo and the hair is awful....I really hope her alternate will do her justice coz her gameplay looks great so far!
04/03/2011 08:57 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Kitana_MK9 Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
petrcech Wrote:
Sonya without a doubt is the QUEEN of promotion, and will be for a long time. Mileena is shinning right now, but trust she will go down in the future.

People keep pointing out Kitana is not promoted as much as Sonya or Mileena and I think that's true, BUT the fact that even without all that "extra" promotion she is arguably the most popular female speaks volumes. Enough said.

There goes that stupid theory that Mileena is going down...what proof do you have that the team will just forget about her?? They decided to go with Mileena in the game that was supposed to be the return of MK to its successful roots, not Kitana, not Sonya, no noone! She is a fresh character in the roster unlike Scorpion, Sub Zero, Sonya, Jax, Kitana etc who were overused in previous games and movies. And since the team realised she had a big fan base they decided to make her sth more than a mere pallette swap in MKD...and if memory serves me right, she was been MK's poster girl in every game she has appeared since then. So how on Earth will she go down in the future??? Wishful thinking I say...

Secondly how is Kitana "arguably" the most popular female? I think after MKDA and esp MKvsDC she has lost most of her fanbase...her outfits, her gameplay, her copying moves has made her really boring imo. it's not that I hate the character, it's just that I think ppl find Mileena/Sonya/Jade more interesting these days. Maybe it's just me but Kitana has really lost her spark latelysad

Not to get into an argument, its true Kitana's popularity would have gone since the last couple games were not the greatest, but imo its starting to go up again thanks to her looks in the new game. I personally always liked her and her storyline since mk2, not everybody who plays mk are die heart fans, so just causal players. So its natural if they characters popularity decreases once they leave. On the side note even mk vs dc was not good, I actually liked her look in it, it made her look very ninja like but that's just my opinion.

Ofc every opinion is respected, but assuming that Mileena's popularity will go down just coz your own fav character isn't promoted as much, is utter bs. I was personally really excited to see Kitana's new look in this game (coz I hated it in MKDA/MKA/MKDC) and was very dissapointed. She just doesn't look like Kitana imo and the hair is awful....I really hope her alternate will do her justice coz her gameplay looks great so far!

I agree that Mileena's popularity won't decrease like that, no character's does.

Also I like hair in this game but like I said countless times, just give me her mk2 costume and I will be happy.
04/03/2011 09:22 PM (UTC)
^Ikr. It's like her first appearance was meant to be her peak with that costume and the way she played....Her MKSM costume was amazing as well (even though I dislike leotards in general)
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

04/03/2011 09:26 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Jade takes the lead as the greatest MK character EVER!!!
And I am totally unbiased!!!



Nuh Uh team Sheeva xD because her breath smells like pig intestines lol
About Me

04/04/2011 01:23 AM (UTC)
lol wow queve, you're incredible. That post was like a storm of information. Not even I would have been able to come close if I wanted to.
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