09/14/2004 03:10 PM (UTC)
"Boba's New Voice – In ESB and ROTJ, Boba Fett's voice has been replaced by that of Temuera Morrison's (aka Jango Fett and the Clonetroopers). It's a minor change, but for the sake of consistency I think it's welcome."

THAT. FUCKING. SUCKS. Why change Boba Fetts Bad ass voice? Even if he is a clone of Jango... WHY?!

"He's no good to me dead"

"Put captain Solo in the cargo hold"

All that won't be that badass anymore... This is upsetting. Its not that Morrison doesn't have a cool voice its just that... its not Boba.

Eh. Why Lucas? Why?
09/15/2004 12:46 AM (UTC)
star wars and street fighter 2 seem to be very simular suddenly
09/15/2004 12:56 AM (UTC)
Star Wars, IMO, is the greatest movie trilogy of the 70s-80s, next to Indian Jones. However, I still think it is over-rated. There are those who LIVE in the Star Wars universe, but to me, it's just an interesting and bizarre movie. Certainly, I feel the original SWs are better than the remakes and that George Don't-forget-he-also-made-Howard-the-Duck Lucas has lost his mind. But, other than that, they're beautiful films, none-the-less, and revolutionized CGI and modern film-making. A lot of movies, from Lord of the Rings to Terminator 2, owe tribute to the ground-breaking technology of SWs, but it's still just a good movie. Fatality.
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09/15/2004 02:23 AM (UTC)
There are 3 versions of the Trilogy on video. The original 80's version, the remastered THX edition, and the Star Wars Special edition. Box arts are: Movie Posters, Simplistic faces, Gold.

Blech, anyway, I wish they would re add the scene when Leia gets out of the garbage and has to adjust her boobs (only seen in the THX or previous) and I want Han Solo to kill greedo without provocation again.

Finally, I will go hunt down Lucas if he disposes of Sir Guiness.


Terranova Wrote:
I have both versions of the trilogy on Video and i didn't think Lucus did anything wrong in the addtions and tweaks for the special editions and i dont think he's done anything wrong for the Dvd's I will be getting it on release day, And as shingo has said it's his story and his film i feel he has added more to the storyline especially for ESB with the extra dialog with Vader and the Emperor.

blade-tsung :- Ian McDiarmid has always played the Emperor except for ESB so how can you say you like the other actor best he only spoke a few lines via holo communication to Vader, so it's only right that he be replaced by Ian for the ESB DVD as there is more to the scene and it wouldn't look right having a different actor do those scenes i'm suprised it wasn't changed for the 97 Editions.

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09/15/2004 05:21 AM (UTC)
It's still a little confusing that you would replace Sebastian Shaw's ghost w/Hayden Christonson's. The ghost at the end of Return of the Jedi makes him look young and Obi Wan is old w/Yoda...well being Yoda. I would of replaced him w/McGregor but since Sir Alec Gusiness played a huge role in the trilogy Iam kind of glad they didn't.

I kinda hope we see in Episode III we see the Stormtroopers helments being given to the Clones.
09/15/2004 04:03 PM (UTC)

kidkrazy Wrote:
It's still a little confusing that you would replace Sebastian Shaw's ghost w/Hayden Christonson's. The ghost at the end of Return of the Jedi makes him look young and Obi Wan is old w/Yoda...well being Yoda. I would of replaced him w/McGregor but since Sir Alec Gusiness played a huge role in the trilogy Iam kind of glad they didn't.

I kinda hope we see in Episode III we see the Stormtroopers helments being given to the Clones.

It's got nothing to do with being old etc, Lucus says (I think it's mentiond on the bonus DVD or in the commentary on the DVD) that when a jedi dies his ghost is shown in it's true form Vader's true form is him as a young guy as he wouldn't be old in his true form as he was mostly machine for his adult life hence why Hayden has replaced Sabastian and yoda and Obi Wan remain as they are.

The_Cold_Kombatant: It was changed for the reason boba is a clone of jango if he's a clone he cant have a different voice to jango so it makes sense to change it, it may be good depends on how he does it.

Shoe United: thanx for the clear up on there being three versions i forgot about the remade THX version, and yeah they should put back the leia scene and i also prefered solo killing greedo without greedo firing first, the way they have done it for the DVD looks worse than the Special edition as they have solo move out of the way of Greedo's blast and it looks kinda jerky they should have used the original version of that scene.
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