Sedna... A NEW planet!

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...think of pretty things...
Terranova Wrote: Dizturbd1 Wrote: planet - pla 'net, n. A celestial body which revolves around the sun or other center...from New Webster's Expanded Dictionary. Now, I know there's more to it, as even a moon could be classified as a planet, but this is from a dictionary - you know, compiled by people who...ahem...KNOW what they're talking about! I've heard of the whole Pluto debate, but obviously not a lot came of it - Pluto is still classified as a planet. I've definitely never heard a scientist disputing whether Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, etc. were planets, so really - everything you've said - hasn't made much sense. Be informed before you decided to TELL people what's what. Edit - after reading this over, it kinda sounds mean...sorry!'s my inner debater coming out. I still don't believe in your definition or reasoning for disregarding this new planet, especially since you couldn't adequately prove your point. It seems you didn't bother to use the link i provided, in which case if you had you would have found that what i have said about pluto is prity much correct, yes it's still kinda classed as a planet, for now, but only because the governing body that name planets etc dont want to re-write history also they cant make up their minds as how to determin planets and which therory to beleive so things are kinda up in the air at the moment many want to leave things as they are many dont it's kinda like when people were told that the earth wasn't flat many didn't want to change that fact it was already written in history, but that was re-written and changed over time the same here, as to to where i got my info i was informed by a university professor at Oxford uni he's one of the experts that wants to change the definition of what makes a planet he's not alone in this, this is'nt some wild thing iv'e just plucked out of nowhere ive done a lot of research as well as studying for a degree on the subject so i think i do know what i'm saying, maybe the definition will change maybe it wont maybe something totally different will be used. I dont want to get into a major argument over this I just posted what i was told and what i knew to be true at the time, |
You know, for someone who has been studying for a degree on the subject, you contradicted yourself quite often...good thing it wasn't a degree in the english language as well. Try some punctuation next time. And...I take back what I said about the post sounding mean - I was still under the impression that you were making an attempt at intelligent debate.

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Maybe you should practice what you preach, i have provided a link to back up what i have been saying as yet you have provided nothing to prove me wrong other than comments from someone who is clearly narrow minded and not ready to listen or accept that you may be wrong on the subject, I was providing an intelligent debate but that requires two people with intelligence and clearly you have none.
Dizturbd1 Wrote: You know, for someone who has been studying for a degree on the subject, you contradicted yourself quite often...good thing it wasn't a degree in the english language as well. Try some punctuation next time. And...I take back what I said about the post sounding mean - I was still under the impression that you were making an attempt at intelligent debate. |
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