SubMan799 •07/30/2011 02:30 AM (UTC) •
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Holding the World Title means you're supposed to be the best wrestler in the world. If you're losing to a mid carder, it makes the champ and the belt lose credibility. How do you not see this?
Morrison has a bright future ahead of him. I don't think losing to the World Heavyweight Champion on Smackdown will hurt him at all
Morrison has a bright future ahead of him. I don't think losing to the World Heavyweight Champion on Smackdown will hurt him at all
WeAreCaged Wrote:
That's the sole purpose of the youth movement! To build up young midcarders and make them seen like a viable threat to main eventers regardless of their position in the company!
That's the sole purpose of the youth movement! To build up young midcarders and make them seen like a viable threat to main eventers regardless of their position in the company!
It's one thing to be a viable threat to a main eventer. It's a different thing to have a midcarder defeat the world champion. John Morrison took Christian to the limit and had a great showing. That's how you make a midcarder credible, step by step. Christian has a PPV title match in a few weeks, how would the champion losing to a midcarder inscrease PPV Buys...?
Your philosophy would make titles meaningless since the champions lose to midcarders anyway. Which leads us to...
WeAreCaged Wrote:
Having a kayfabe championship on your waist doesn't make you better or more talented that anyone by any means. You're basically telling me that Orton, while holding the belt, was better than Daniel Bryan?
Having a kayfabe championship on your waist doesn't make you better or more talented that anyone by any means. You're basically telling me that Orton, while holding the belt, was better than Daniel Bryan?
It's hilarious and bizarre how the business coming out of the closet has created a new kind of mark.
The wins and losses aren't there to please the smarts. It's a fictional world. You're complaining that Morrison lost his kayfabe match yet you're saying that the kayfabe world title doesn't mean a thing. Of course it doesn't make you a legit MMA Champion - but in the fictional world, it does make you the best, yeah.
The way you put things, it's like saying that the character Neo from the Matrix should have lost to Agent Smith because Hugo Weaving's a better fighter in real life. It's not about real life, it's a fictional world, you need to get a grasp on reality.
It's never, EVER going to be about ''who's the more talented athlete?". Get that through your head. It's always going to be about "what does the audience want to see? What would make a good story? What would make money?".
WeAreCaged Wrote:
John Cena, CM Punk and Randy Orton are established main eventers FYI.
John Cena, CM Punk and Randy Orton are established main eventers FYI.
So whats' your complaint? You said the WWE failed with the youth movement, yet you point out three young wrestlers (34, 32 and 31 years old respectively) who are the faces of the company right now. What are you smoking?
BTW, John Morrison, the guy who you think should be getting pushed for being young instead of these old fogies..? HE'S THE SAME AGE AS RANDY ORTON.
WeAreCaged Wrote:
Daniel Bryan winning MITB doesn't equal a push for him. His chances of actually cashing in are slim because WWE haven't done any kind of effort to build him up in the first place and that's the same shit that happened to Swagger.
Daniel Bryan winning MITB doesn't equal a push for him. His chances of actually cashing in are slim because WWE haven't done any kind of effort to build him up in the first place and that's the same shit that happened to Swagger.
Acting like you can see into the future is stupid. Don't do it. So far, Bryan has built up nothing but momentum following his victory. If he cashes it in (and you're absolutely nobody to say what the chances are of him doing that) at Wrestlemania, as it's scheduled right now, it's a huge deal.
WeAreCaged Wrote:
Dolph Ziggler already got his push. He's a former World Heavyweight Champion( ten minutes, yay!) and has been downgraded to the midcard since.
Dolph Ziggler already got his push. He's a former World Heavyweight Champion( ten minutes, yay!) and has been downgraded to the midcard since.
So because he won the world title once means he's never going to do it again? What's wrong with you...?
Look at names like Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Kane... guys who have won world titles, got "downgraded" and then came back up to become better than ever. Dolph Ziggler is 31 years old and has won the WWE World title. For the record, Shawn Michaels won his first world title... when he was 31. Chris Jericho won his first world title also at 31. Hm. Makes you think, huh?
WeAreCaged Wrote:
McGillitunga are champions solely because WWE doesn't care about the the Tag Team Division as it's pretty much dead and show no signs of getting pushed any further.
McGillitunga are champions solely because WWE doesn't care about the the Tag Team Division as it's pretty much dead and show no signs of getting pushed any further.
Again, you pretend like you can see the future, and I have to again point out that you can't, FYI. Whether you like it or not champions are faces of a company and my point is, whether the tag titles are important right now or not, the company is focused on young guys. New Nexus was challenged by the Usos this week. Daniel Bryan and Wade Barrett started a feud. Sheamus started a feud with Mark Henry which he will obviously win. etc.
WeAreCaged Wrote:
Ezekiel Jackson got pushed for flexing his arms and doing basic moves like bodyslams that require little to no wrestling ability whatsoever, which is what McMahon seeks in a wrestler.
Ezekiel Jackson got pushed for flexing his arms and doing basic moves like bodyslams that require little to no wrestling ability whatsoever, which is what McMahon seeks in a wrestler.
What's your point? He's still young.
WeAreCaged Wrote:
Christian has been with the company for 17 years so I don't know why the fuck would he be part of The Youth Movement.
Christian has been with the company for 17 years so I don't know why the fuck would he be part of The Youth Movement.
Well he's a new main event star, for one. But also,
A company focused only on young wrestlers would be a moronic idea anyway. You need veterans. Christian's got your back.
WeAreCaged Wrote:
The only one I can agree with is The Miz. Just because they're putting the belts on untalented hacks like Jackson and Otunga or giving half-assed pushes doesn't mean it's a fantastic job.
The only one I can agree with is The Miz. Just because they're putting the belts on untalented hacks like Jackson and Otunga or giving half-assed pushes doesn't mean it's a fantastic job.
You're ignoring the U.S. title on Dolph Ziggler, the money in the bank briefcase for Bryan, the recent IC title reign of Barrett, the main event WWE title matches with Morrison, the Royal Rumble winner Alberto Del Rio, the instantly pushed Sin Cara...
Yeah, Jackson and Otunga are champions. Life's not perfect. So what? You said "so much for the youth movement". That's an extremely pessimistic - and well, just wrong - view of things.
Detox •07/31/2011 08:51 AM (UTC) •
WeAreCaged Wrote:
Having a kayfabe championship on your waist doesn't make you better or more talented that anyone by any means. You're basically telling me that Orton, while holding the belt, was better than Daniel Bryan?
Having a kayfabe championship on your waist doesn't make you better or more talented that anyone by any means. You're basically telling me that Orton, while holding the belt, was better than Daniel Bryan?
Your last name wouldn't happen to be Russo would it?
TheMkGeek •08/02/2011 06:28 PM (UTC) •
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RAW last night was awesome! CM Punk rules! and he's going to come out of SummerSlam still the WWE Champion! Cult of Personality!
SubMan799 •08/02/2011 07:28 PM (UTC) •
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Triple H: I'm going to knock those tattoos off your skinny fatass!
Me: ????
Me: ????
KingBellsprout •08/02/2011 07:36 PM (UTC) •
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SubMan799 Wrote:
Triple H: I'm going to knock those tattoos off your skinny fatass!
Me: ????
Triple H: I'm going to knock those tattoos off your skinny fatass!
Me: ????
I thought I was the only one who caught that.
GhostDragon "Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts •08/02/2011 11:15 PM (UTC) •
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Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
-Isaac Watts
firesnake •08/02/2011 11:41 PM (UTC) •
He also has wrestled a balloon Undertaker and has wrestled a ladder who was also champ at one point. But he's very entertaning and always fun to watch.
Cena sucks CM Punk saved me as a wrestling fan since its just been watered down and turned into a fucking soap opera for men i hope Punk wins at Summerslam for two reasons 1 Punk is better and 2 Im sick of seeing Caena in the spotlight and as the champion.Hey guys did you know that Cena now holds the record for the most times holding the WWE championship?Oh why am i not surprised oh thats right because the make him champ too damn much !and yes i do know its fake btw.
wrdlfe21version21 •08/03/2011 10:11 PM (UTC) •
I read that WWE is dropping the Bragging Rights Pay Per View to bring back Vengeance. Thats pretty cool. Also if anyone’s read WWE magazine lately or read around the net know thats not all they have planned.
wrdlfe21version21 Wrote:
I read that WWE is dropping the Bragging Rights Pay Per View to bring back Vengeance. Thats pretty cool. Also if anyone’s read WWE magazine lately or read around the net know thats not all they have planned.
they are probably dropping BRAGGING RIGHTS because they base it off of SmacckDawn vs Raw and they have officialy dropped that name and changed the game franchise to to WWE12 instead.So yea it makes sense to bring something else in.I read that WWE is dropping the Bragging Rights Pay Per View to bring back Vengeance. Thats pretty cool. Also if anyone’s read WWE magazine lately or read around the net know thats not all they have planned.
TheNinjasRock071394 Wrote:
I thought I was the only one who caught that.
SubMan799 Wrote:
Triple H: I'm going to knock those tattoos off your skinny fatass!
Me: ????
Triple H: I'm going to knock those tattoos off your skinny fatass!
Me: ????
I thought I was the only one who caught that.
I guess I'm the only one who understood that insult? It's a great insult, because punk is a skinny guy but he's not muscular at all. That's what he meant.
That Japanese little girl is freakin' awesome :) She'll be WWE champion in 10 years.
Daniel Bryan's new song is cool, pretty epic but not very memorable I think. Sounds kind of like an indy theme.
TheMkGeek •08/05/2011 07:11 PM (UTC) •
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Holy sh*!
WWE Releases Several Stars, Diva Quits Also?
- WWE announced today on their website that they have released Chris Masters, David Hart Smith, Melina and Vladimir Kozlov.
Gail Kim also wrote on Twitter that she's left the company. She wrote:
"Hey I just wanted every1 to know that I officially quit WWE on monday. So thank u wwe fans! This won't be the last u see of me. Love u guys."
WWE Releases Several Stars, Diva Quits Also?
- WWE announced today on their website that they have released Chris Masters, David Hart Smith, Melina and Vladimir Kozlov.
Gail Kim also wrote on Twitter that she's left the company. She wrote:
"Hey I just wanted every1 to know that I officially quit WWE on monday. So thank u wwe fans! This won't be the last u see of me. Love u guys."
wwemortalkombatfan •08/07/2011 03:30 AM (UTC) •
dumb WWE
I actually was following the Gail Kim story. Apparently, she was told to be eliminated from the match in under a minute so she just went out the fastest way possible, and she was fed up with the under utilization of divas who can actually wrestle, so she did this to see if anyone backstage was even paying attention. I don't even watch WWE, but I'll miss her.
Check out the 0:58 mark.
As long as the video stays up...
Check out the 0:58 mark.
As long as the video stays up...
chardballz •08/08/2011 01:03 PM (UTC) •
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(Erik) Wrote:
I actually was following the Gail Kim story. Apparently, she was told to be eliminated from the match in under a minute so she just went out the fastest way possible, and she was fed up with the under utilization of divas who can actually wrestle, so she did this to see if anyone backstage was even paying attention. I don't even watch WWE, but I'll miss her.
Check out the 0:58 mark.
As long as the video stays up...
I actually was following the Gail Kim story. Apparently, she was told to be eliminated from the match in under a minute so she just went out the fastest way possible, and she was fed up with the under utilization of divas who can actually wrestle, so she did this to see if anyone backstage was even paying attention. I don't even watch WWE, but I'll miss her.
Check out the 0:58 mark.
As long as the video stays up...
LOL I didn't even notice till now.
Good on her, I think she began to see that the Divas really are a joke.
Someone please tell me the last time there was a relevant Divas match worth watching?
I can't help but feel that the Divas division is actually improving right now, bit by bit. Eve Torres is under rated as hell, she's a terrific wrestler. They're doing the anti-barbie angle with Beth and Natalya now; that seems like a stable Gail Kim could join. Also, even though Awesome Kong's away from TV for a long time now, you can't ignore how awesome her debut and initial push were.
Melina leaving is also a huge plus. Fuck her.
Gail's one of my idols, she's awesome and I've loved her ever since I started watching WWE. Whatever she starts doing now, I just hope she's really happy. She's the greatest women's wrestler I've ever seen.
Melina leaving is also a huge plus. Fuck her.
Gail's one of my idols, she's awesome and I've loved her ever since I started watching WWE. Whatever she starts doing now, I just hope she's really happy. She's the greatest women's wrestler I've ever seen.
wwemortalkombatfan •08/08/2011 09:32 PM (UTC) •
I always concidered the knockouts over the divas anyway because the divas suck
firesnake •08/08/2011 10:02 PM (UTC) •
I still can't respect the divas divison tho. It's cause WWE dosen't even respect them.
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