lol, Jesus, Zentile you have WWE's cock so far down your throat I'm surprised you can concentrate on typing. Granted WWE does a better job than TNA of absolutely everything, but WWE still handle their talent horribly. Megapushes such as Heidenreich, Luther Reigns, and God knows who else over the years. Orton getting stupidly hotshotted to the title as a baby, WWE realising they fucked up, taking the title off him immediately, then burying him for two years. Bill Goldberg happened. Jericho being lost in midcard hell for five years. Booker T's entire WWE career. Rey Mysterio's world title wins...
WWE has mishandled so much of their talent over the years by overpushing, burying, or inappropriately depushing them that I don't think anyone could keep track of it all even if it was their fulltime job.
WWE has mishandled so much of their talent over the years by overpushing, burying, or inappropriately depushing them that I don't think anyone could keep track of it all even if it was their fulltime job.
Shibata Wrote:
lol, Jesus, Zentile you have WWE's cock so far down your throat I'm surprised you can concentrate on typing. Granted WWE does a better job than TNA of absolutely everything, but WWE still handle their talent horribly. Megapushes such as Heidenreich, Luther Reigns, and God knows who else over the years. Orton getting stupidly hotshotted to the title as a baby, WWE realising they fucked up, taking the title off him immediately, then burying him for two years. Bill Goldberg happened. Jericho being lost in midcard hell for five years. Booker T's entire WWE career. Rey Mysterio's world title wins...
WWE has mishandled so much of their talent over the years by overpushing, burying, or inappropriately depushing them that I don't think anyone could keep track of it all even if it was their fulltime job.
lol, Jesus, Zentile you have WWE's cock so far down your throat I'm surprised you can concentrate on typing. Granted WWE does a better job than TNA of absolutely everything, but WWE still handle their talent horribly. Megapushes such as Heidenreich, Luther Reigns, and God knows who else over the years. Orton getting stupidly hotshotted to the title as a baby, WWE realising they fucked up, taking the title off him immediately, then burying him for two years. Bill Goldberg happened. Jericho being lost in midcard hell for five years. Booker T's entire WWE career. Rey Mysterio's world title wins...
WWE has mishandled so much of their talent over the years by overpushing, burying, or inappropriately depushing them that I don't think anyone could keep track of it all even if it was their fulltime job.
I think there is a nuance to that. You see, WWE is really good a pushing people, but their main issue is that they don't always push the right people, but when they want someone pushed, they get it done.
TNA instead does both, they misjudge who needs a push and when they try to push someone, they suck at it, big time.
WWE doesn't pushes depending on the very biased opinion of a few and so does TNA, but guess which one is way worse. We all know the answer.
Now, I don't always agree with Zentile, but I think the main idea of his rant, which was comparing the two promotions, came across well and I'm sure he would have no problem finding the huge amount of flaws of the company, but then again, it's not as bad as it was not long ago. I remember a few months ago where I would skip ALL promos, but I don't need to anymore and that's good.(Well, not to skip ALL)
SubMan799 •12/07/2010 05:32 AM (UTC) •
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Zentile Wrote:
TNA Rant
TNA Rant
One thing TNA is doing right is that the TNA Heavyweight Championship doesn't change every three weeks. And I wouldn't say the WHC is that prestigious right now.
But other than that, you pretty much nailed it. TNA is a joke. I heard Jeff showed up to the PPV stoned. Is that true? Really hope Hardy doesn't turn into another statistic
MONEY SHOT! •12/07/2010 10:50 PM (UTC) •
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I think one person TNA has handled surprisingly well is Anderson. I've found him such much more interesting in TNA than he ever was in WWE.
AlexanderLuthor,Jr Wrote:
I think one person TNA has handled surprisingly well is Anderson. I've found him such much more interesting in TNA than he ever was in WWE.
I think one person TNA has handled surprisingly well is Anderson. I've found him such much more interesting in TNA than he ever was in WWE.
I kinda disagree, they handled him well on two different periods, but the man was legendarily unlucky since he was on his way to the top big time. He was on his way to the top a first time, then he got injured, he was going to be McMahons' son in a story with a great potential that ended up being the biggest piece of shit because I believe his bust and then the Randy Orton affair.
Not saying TNA did not handle him better than most of their talent, but still, WWE just dropped the ball on him for too many stops to his pushes.
MONEY SHOT! •12/08/2010 08:55 PM (UTC) •
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Zentile Wrote:
Anderson's not a TNA guy in my eyes because he's doing the exact same thing he was doing in WWE, and he's only over because he started off in WWE.
Pope Dinero is different because he was a nobody in WWE and just did his thang in TNA.
Anderson's not a TNA guy in my eyes because he's doing the exact same thing he was doing in WWE, and he's only over because he started off in WWE.
Pope Dinero is different because he was a nobody in WWE and just did his thang in TNA.
I'd argue Jericho was the same person back in WCW but they allowed that person to shine more in WWE. Same here with Anderson, WWE & TNA IMO.
And yes, the Pope is the shit. As far as gimmick/character goes he is my favorite wrestler today, actually. TNA would be doing themselves a favor by keeping him and Anderson prominently featured all the time. They're the two most entertaining guys in the company, IMO.
Nah, Anderson's been doing the exact same thing in TNA that he did in WWE. The only new thing is the asshole catch phrase.
Jericho was given massive mic time (Anderson always had mic time in the WWE), a huge push with a massive debut, hyped up and interrupting The freaking Rock, he was given freedom to do just about anything he wanted and his creativity spawned completely new catch phrases that never would have happened in WCW.
If Anderson was just some wrestler in the WWE who then went to TNA and started doing the self announcing thing, yeah. But he was already his own announcer in the WWE.
Jericho was given massive mic time (Anderson always had mic time in the WWE), a huge push with a massive debut, hyped up and interrupting The freaking Rock, he was given freedom to do just about anything he wanted and his creativity spawned completely new catch phrases that never would have happened in WCW.
If Anderson was just some wrestler in the WWE who then went to TNA and started doing the self announcing thing, yeah. But he was already his own announcer in the WWE.
MONEY SHOT! •12/09/2010 11:53 PM (UTC) •
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He's awesome. Much better on the mic IMO than anyone else in wrestling right now. I don't particularly enjoy ANY body's mic work in WWE. Cena is a "rapper'(lol) so you figure he'd be better on the mic than he is. He's boring as hell.
If I had to say someone in WWE currently is entertaining on the mic I'd have to go with Jericho. The newer guys from the last few years(Sheamus, Orton, Cena etc.) just aren't as good cutting promos as people were in the Attitude era. Give me Stone Cold and The Rock, dammit. lol.
If I had to say someone in WWE currently is entertaining on the mic I'd have to go with Jericho. The newer guys from the last few years(Sheamus, Orton, Cena etc.) just aren't as good cutting promos as people were in the Attitude era. Give me Stone Cold and The Rock, dammit. lol.
I'm guessing part of that comes from the over scripting of promos and angles. Wrestlers aren't allowed to be creative or themselves. Sometimes that's good because it makes some people look unbad, but many times wrestlers become bland characters rather than stick out because there's no creativity or sincerity in what they say.
Something that I really appreciate in some veteran wrestlers is how real their words seem. Jericho, Scott Steiner, Hogan, Austin, The Rock, Shawn Michaels come to mind as guys who got me into their matches just by talking and seeming sincere about it. I don't really get a sincere vibe from guys like DiBiase, Kofi Kingston or MVP to name but a few. Again, probably not their fault, just wrestling promos have become too scripted.
Something that I really appreciate in some veteran wrestlers is how real their words seem. Jericho, Scott Steiner, Hogan, Austin, The Rock, Shawn Michaels come to mind as guys who got me into their matches just by talking and seeming sincere about it. I don't really get a sincere vibe from guys like DiBiase, Kofi Kingston or MVP to name but a few. Again, probably not their fault, just wrestling promos have become too scripted.
You can't say all the new guys are not as good as in the Attitude Era, that time had the advantage of more freedom not only because the promos were not as scripted, but also because the wrestlers could swear. I'm not saying swearing is necessary, but when you're getting as intense as the Rock would get has to be a conscious effort. Now, there are currently some people that are great at promos in WWE, such as the Miz and Wade while on Smackdown you have Alberto del Rio who actually makes you want to punch him in the face.
MONEY SHOT! •12/10/2010 04:03 AM (UTC) •
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Shyriu Wrote:
You can't say all the new guys are not as good as in the Attitude Era, that time had the advantage of more freedom not only because the promos were not as scripted, but also because the wrestlers could swear. I'm not saying swearing is necessary, but when you're getting as intense as the Rock would get has to be a conscious effort. Now, there are currently some people that are great at promos in WWE, such as the Miz and Wade while on Smackdown you have Alberto del Rio who actually makes you want to punch him in the face.
You can't say all the new guys are not as good as in the Attitude Era, that time had the advantage of more freedom not only because the promos were not as scripted, but also because the wrestlers could swear. I'm not saying swearing is necessary, but when you're getting as intense as the Rock would get has to be a conscious effort. Now, there are currently some people that are great at promos in WWE, such as the Miz and Wade while on Smackdown you have Alberto del Rio who actually makes you want to punch him in the face.
Well, whatever the REASONS are, the fact is the promos they're doing aren't as entertaining. It may not be their fault entirely but it is what it is.
And those guys you just named bore and/or annoy me. Most of the new gen WWE roster I just don't find that interesting or likable. Most of the people in the WWE I like are more established people like Jericho, Undertaker, Edge and Big Show.
MONEY SHOT! •12/10/2010 12:12 PM (UTC) •
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Shyriu Wrote:
Dude, when was the last time Big Show any entertaining?
Many years, many years.
Dude, when was the last time Big Show any entertaining?
Many years, many years.
I like him.
SubMan799 •12/14/2010 02:51 AM (UTC) •
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EDGE CHRISTIAN!!! *marks the fuck out*
WWE done good. WWE done good indeed. Here's hoping to an Edge and Christian main event at mania
WWE done good. WWE done good indeed. Here's hoping to an Edge and Christian main event at mania
MONEY SHOT! •12/15/2010 07:29 PM (UTC) •
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-Brad- Wrote:
Who’s your top five in WWE right now?
1) Wade Barrett
2) CM Punk
3) John Morrison
4) Edge
5) Sheamus
Who’s your top five in WWE right now?
1) Wade Barrett
2) CM Punk
3) John Morrison
4) Edge
5) Sheamus
Barrett is such a goofy-looking, boring asshole. Why people like Nexus at all?
Hey! Speaking of the Nexus, any news when Skip or Tarver is coming back? The wrestling dirt sheets don’t handle well on my computer. (Pop-up rape)
They were the two awesome Nexus members, both looking psycho. Skip was the strong arm plowing through people and Tarver looked like he’d pull a Reptile and eat the opponent’s face off lol. I’d like to see either be a “surprise” Royal Rumble entrant.
Hey! Speaking of the Nexus, any news when Skip or Tarver is coming back? The wrestling dirt sheets don’t handle well on my computer. (Pop-up rape)
They were the two awesome Nexus members, both looking psycho. Skip was the strong arm plowing through people and Tarver looked like he’d pull a Reptile and eat the opponent’s face off lol. I’d like to see either be a “surprise” Royal Rumble entrant.
firesnake •12/15/2010 09:14 PM (UTC) •
Otunga needs to go he's horrible in every aspect.
MONEY SHOT! •12/16/2010 11:19 PM (UTC) •
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-Brad- Wrote:
Hey! Speaking of the Nexus, any news when Skip or Tarver is coming back? The wrestling dirt sheets don’t handle well on my computer. (Pop-up rape)
They were the two awesome Nexus members, both looking psycho. Skip was the strong arm plowing through people and Tarver looked like he’d pull a Reptile and eat the opponent’s face off lol. I’d like to see either be a “surprise” Royal Rumble entrant.
Hey! Speaking of the Nexus, any news when Skip or Tarver is coming back? The wrestling dirt sheets don’t handle well on my computer. (Pop-up rape)
They were the two awesome Nexus members, both looking psycho. Skip was the strong arm plowing through people and Tarver looked like he’d pull a Reptile and eat the opponent’s face off lol. I’d like to see either be a “surprise” Royal Rumble entrant.
They. fucking. suck.
It's not something to be surprised at. WHAT is entertaining in any way about these guys? They don't have any kind of interesting gimmick. I'm not particularly impressed with their in-ring abilities or their promos. They're just a bunch of douche bags. Is this a "love to hate them" sort of thing?
[Killswitch] •12/16/2010 11:27 PM (UTC) •
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong
All I know is CM Punk is a god at commentary.
AlexanderLuthor,Jr Wrote:
They. fucking. suck.
It's not something to be surprised at. WHAT is entertaining in any way about these guys? They don't have any kind of interesting gimmick. I'm not particularly impressed with their in-ring abilities or their promos. They're just a bunch of douche bags. Is this a "love to hate them" sort of thing?
They. fucking. suck.
It's not something to be surprised at. WHAT is entertaining in any way about these guys? They don't have any kind of interesting gimmick. I'm not particularly impressed with their in-ring abilities or their promos. They're just a bunch of douche bags. Is this a "love to hate them" sort of thing?
I can't disagree with that either. I'm really only a fan of Wade Barrett. Sure there's more experienced wrestlers that get the flow better, but I like his presence.
I liked his mob boss looking flower and black coat on the premiere of NXT and I like his promos during Raw. His wrestling is fairly good, but he has a lot of room to grow.
Nexus started out fairly decent enough, but now I do believe it’s run it’s course. The members of NXT that could carry the spotlight on their own aren’t a part of it anymore like Daniel Bryan, Skip and Tarver.
Now there’s Average Joe (Mr Perfect’s son), Fatty (cowboy boots), Wendy, Metro and effeminate voiced Otunga. Nope, not cutting it. Like the names :P
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