scorpio Wrote:
that dude gets on my nerves.
"excellent hooonan konnnranna"
that dude gets on my nerves.
"excellent hooonan konnnranna"
Well, if you think about it, that would be an accurate way to say it.
Hurra-canrana. *shrugs* I've always liked Styles. He was different, and I praised him for it. He wasn't monotone like a lot of announcers were when he started. His voice cracked on quite a few occasions, and I found it funny. He was also the first person to nationally known to call shows on his own. Personally, I'm gonna miss Styles on TV, but not like anyone in WWE cares what the fans think. GOd forbid the company actually listen to their demographic..*gasps*

Prolly a dumb question, but why did Joey Styles leave? And the new guy blows. The person I feel sorry for is Taz, once a total badass, now dancing on Tuesday nights...sigh.
I'm gonna go watch some old ECW video's on youtube.
I'm gonna go watch some old ECW video's on youtube.
Desolate_One Wrote:
Prolly a dumb question, but why did Joey Styles leave? And the new guy blows. The person I feel sorry for is Taz, once a total badass, now dancing on Tuesday nights...sigh.
I'm gonna go watch some old ECW video's on youtube.
Prolly a dumb question, but why did Joey Styles leave? And the new guy blows. The person I feel sorry for is Taz, once a total badass, now dancing on Tuesday nights...sigh.
I'm gonna go watch some old ECW video's on youtube.
From what I'm hearing, Mike Adamle is getting a HUGE check from WWE, and they thought they weren't using him enough, so they swapped him out for Styles, who is now going to be pretty much in charge of WWE.com, since Michael Cole f'ed it away. lol
Yeah, I wish Tazz could get back in the ring, too, but with all his injuries, it doesn't look like that'll be happening anytime soon...

About Me

Tazz is gonna kill.. you! No more like bore me with color commentary. Seriously, Tazz doing color commentary sucks. I wanted to see Saturn vs. Tazz. Back in the day. Rings of Saturn vs. Tazzmission. Wooo!

Torrie Wilson said she has retired from the ring.

she never brought that much to the table anyway. they'll toss her on someone else's arm and make her eye candy again.
the new ecw announcer sucks.
JBL is working off ring rust.....hopefully he works it off soon, cause it's been like four months now.
Samoa Joe winning the title....I can take it or leave it.
And lastly, Bobby Lashley is apparently training for mma.....when asked if he'll take on a nickname he replied "Bobby *can'tcuttapromotosavemylife* Lashley". o.k. that last part was a sad attempt at humor, but you see where i'm going here.
the new ecw announcer sucks.
JBL is working off ring rust.....hopefully he works it off soon, cause it's been like four months now.
Samoa Joe winning the title....I can take it or leave it.
And lastly, Bobby Lashley is apparently training for mma.....when asked if he'll take on a nickname he replied "Bobby *can'tcuttapromotosavemylife* Lashley". o.k. that last part was a sad attempt at humor, but you see where i'm going here.
Bobby Lashley can't do promos? Really?
Anyway, I'm going to the RAW Wrestlemania Revenge Tour house show here in Lisbon, Portugal this Saturday. Last time RAW was here, they worked out at the gym where my work out instructor works, so hopefully we can track them there. We're actually thinking about going to them at the airport and then see if we can spend the day with the wrestlers.
Anyway, I'm very, VERY happy that I'll be seeing Randy Orton as the WWE champion and Jericho as the IC champ! My two favorite guys from RAW, both with gold. Sweet.
Doesn't look like the card will be any good though... The main event is slotted to be a triple threat for the WWE title: Orton vs JBL vs Triple H. And Jericho is to defend his IC title agaisnt You-Manga. What a waste of Jericho's ability.
As for the rest... there's Brian Kendrick, Burchill, Carlito, Santino, Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Bob, Mickie James as champ, and some other mid carders... The RAW roster is really poor right now, especially since Cena and HBK don't do house shows.
Oh well. I'll be the in very first row, so the show should be very entertaining.
Anyway, I'm going to the RAW Wrestlemania Revenge Tour house show here in Lisbon, Portugal this Saturday. Last time RAW was here, they worked out at the gym where my work out instructor works, so hopefully we can track them there. We're actually thinking about going to them at the airport and then see if we can spend the day with the wrestlers.
Anyway, I'm very, VERY happy that I'll be seeing Randy Orton as the WWE champion and Jericho as the IC champ! My two favorite guys from RAW, both with gold. Sweet.
Doesn't look like the card will be any good though... The main event is slotted to be a triple threat for the WWE title: Orton vs JBL vs Triple H. And Jericho is to defend his IC title agaisnt You-Manga. What a waste of Jericho's ability.
As for the rest... there's Brian Kendrick, Burchill, Carlito, Santino, Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Bob, Mickie James as champ, and some other mid carders... The RAW roster is really poor right now, especially since Cena and HBK don't do house shows.
Oh well. I'll be the in very first row, so the show should be very entertaining.
Zentile Wrote:
And Jericho is to defend his IC title agaisnt You-Manga.
And Jericho is to defend his IC title agaisnt You-Manga.
Heh, You-Manga, funny

What the hell happened to Abyss, i know he took his mask off and walked off and all but where the hell has he been, developing another gimmick?
Not that I really care that much as I never really liked him, but I was just curious.
Not that I really care that much as I never really liked him, but I was just curious.
this super eric stuff is so lame.
this super eric stuff is so lame.
Yeah, I gotta agree with you on that one...
I went to a RAW house show a couple months ago, and the main event was Youmanga against Triple Hege in a cage. I didn't know they used a smaller ring at the house shows than at the RAW tapings. *shrugs* They're coming to Bakersfield in June, so i'm going to try and get tickets in the front row. Hardy still won't be back at that point, but oh well...Still wanna get on camera..haha
About Me
this super eric stuff is so lame.
this super eric stuff is so lame.
no doubt. i emailed tna...and posted on several of their youtube vids...that if they dont stop this super eric bs, ima stop watching.
of course, they could prolly give 2 shits about what people say.

About Me
phoenixwarrior Wrote:
From what I'm hearing, Mike Adamle is getting a HUGE check from WWE, and they thought they weren't using him enough, so they swapped him out for Styles, who is now going to be pretty much in charge of WWE.com, since Michael Cole f'ed it away. lol
Yeah, I wish Tazz could get back in the ring, too, but with all his injuries, it doesn't look like that'll be happening anytime soon...
Desolate_One Wrote:
Prolly a dumb question, but why did Joey Styles leave? And the new guy blows. The person I feel sorry for is Taz, once a total badass, now dancing on Tuesday nights...sigh.
I'm gonna go watch some old ECW video's on youtube.
Prolly a dumb question, but why did Joey Styles leave? And the new guy blows. The person I feel sorry for is Taz, once a total badass, now dancing on Tuesday nights...sigh.
I'm gonna go watch some old ECW video's on youtube.
From what I'm hearing, Mike Adamle is getting a HUGE check from WWE, and they thought they weren't using him enough, so they swapped him out for Styles, who is now going to be pretty much in charge of WWE.com, since Michael Cole f'ed it away. lol
Yeah, I wish Tazz could get back in the ring, too, but with all his injuries, it doesn't look like that'll be happening anytime soon...
Taz is retired from active ring competition, like Austin, so he won't ever go back to wrestling, not without risking permanent injury.
Also, according to JR, Joey Styles joined the wwe.com team

Desolate_One Wrote:
What the hell happened to Abyss, i know he took his mask off and walked off and all but where the hell has he been, developing another gimmick?
Not that I really care that much as I never really liked him, but I was just curious.
What the hell happened to Abyss, i know he took his mask off and walked off and all but where the hell has he been, developing another gimmick?
Not that I really care that much as I never really liked him, but I was just curious.
Yea actually he is getting another gimmick.
And I thought TNA was fucking shit today. The only thing I like was the womens match which was pretty good. And yeah the eric shit is so fuckin stupid.

About Me

scorpio Wrote:
no doubt. i emailed tna...and posted on several of their youtube vids...that if they dont stop this super eric bs, ima stop watching.
of course, they could prolly give 2 shits about what people say.
this super eric stuff is so lame.
this super eric stuff is so lame.
no doubt. i emailed tna...and posted on several of their youtube vids...that if they dont stop this super eric bs, ima stop watching.
of course, they could prolly give 2 shits about what people say.
He falls down from his own pyro, he wrestles like crap Then when he dons a Hero outfit, he's unstoppable.?.. Yea, about as unstop-able as a net nerd watching streaming porno.

About Me
Here is a list of errors from the new ecw commentator
When he called his broadcast partner "The Tazz" instead of "Tazz"
When he called Shelton Benjamin "Shel-don"
When he called a Kane boot to Morrison's face a "knee to the chest"
When he called a legbar by Miz a "figure-four leglock"
When he described Miz reaching to tag Morrison as "Reach out and touch someone, Michael!"
When he stammered and couldn't remember Jimmy Wang Yang's name
When he said Kofi Kingson's "reputation preceded him here" because he got an ovation from the fans
When he got around to calling a cover after the kickout
When he called a Kofi "dropkick" a "leg kick"
When he said Knox's strategy against Dreamer was to be "methodical" and "put him away early"
When he called Miz & Morrison the "WW Tag Champions," leaving off the "E"
When he called Miz "Mike the Miz"
Saying Morrison was built like Tarzan but punches like Jane
When he called his broadcast partner "The Tazz" instead of "Tazz"
When he called Shelton Benjamin "Shel-don"
When he called a Kane boot to Morrison's face a "knee to the chest"
When he called a legbar by Miz a "figure-four leglock"
When he described Miz reaching to tag Morrison as "Reach out and touch someone, Michael!"
When he stammered and couldn't remember Jimmy Wang Yang's name
When he said Kofi Kingson's "reputation preceded him here" because he got an ovation from the fans
When he got around to calling a cover after the kickout
When he called a Kofi "dropkick" a "leg kick"
When he said Knox's strategy against Dreamer was to be "methodical" and "put him away early"
When he called Miz & Morrison the "WW Tag Champions," leaving off the "E"
When he called Miz "Mike the Miz"
Saying Morrison was built like Tarzan but punches like Jane
Desolate_One Wrote:
I dont understand why the consistently feel the need to put JBL in main events. I mean the guy isnt a jobber by any means, but is he really the caliber of Trips, Orton and so on?
I dont understand why the consistently feel the need to put JBL in main events. I mean the guy isnt a jobber by any means, but is he really the caliber of Trips, Orton and so on?
Fuck yes. JBL is the best heel WWE ever had. He's big, he works nice and tight so he's convincing in the ring, he can cut a promo better than anyone WWE has seen since Jake Roberts, and, most importantly, he has hate. Fire. Which is something WWE wrestlers severely lack. That convincing "If you come into my space I am going to beat you to death" character-sell that makes you believe that he means what he does regardless of whether it's kicking somebody in the face or cracking racist remarks. And that's far more important than being able to do moonsaults or looking like a body builder.
I don't know why you'd measure him against those other guys, really. Triple H is a cartoon character who shines in gimmick matches and Orton is an underwear model with mediocre soap opera acting ability, and that's about it. Bradshaw, I think, is far and away the best heel talent WWE could have in their main event.

I'm going to an ROH show today and the card looks fuckin awesome I can't wait and Kota Ibushi is gonna be there!

About Me
Why don't you have a seat?
Uno, dos, adios! > OH MY GOD!!!!
Jamaican me crazy! > AY DIOS MIO!!!!
Looks like tarzan, hits like Jane > CATFIGHT! CATFIGHT!
Jamaican me crazy! > AY DIOS MIO!!!!
Looks like tarzan, hits like Jane > CATFIGHT! CATFIGHT!
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Just kidding. Mike Adamle sucks 7 meat missles at once.
Just kidding. Mike Adamle sucks 7 meat missles at once.

About Me
Shibata Wrote:
Fuck yes. JBL is the best heel WWE ever had. He's big, he works nice and tight so he's convincing in the ring, he can cut a promo better than anyone WWE has seen since Jake Roberts, and, most importantly, he has hate. Fire. Which is something WWE wrestlers severely lack. That convincing "If you come into my space I am going to beat you to death" character-sell that makes you believe that he means what he does regardless of whether it's kicking somebody in the face or cracking racist remarks. And that's far more important than being able to do moonsaults or looking like a body builder.
I don't know why you'd measure him against those other guys, really. Triple H is a cartoon character who shines in gimmick matches and Orton is an underwear model with mediocre soap opera acting ability, and that's about it. Bradshaw, I think, is far and away the best heel talent WWE could have in their main event.
Desolate_One Wrote:
I dont understand why the consistently feel the need to put JBL in main events. I mean the guy isnt a jobber by any means, but is he really the caliber of Trips, Orton and so on?
I dont understand why the consistently feel the need to put JBL in main events. I mean the guy isnt a jobber by any means, but is he really the caliber of Trips, Orton and so on?
Fuck yes. JBL is the best heel WWE ever had. He's big, he works nice and tight so he's convincing in the ring, he can cut a promo better than anyone WWE has seen since Jake Roberts, and, most importantly, he has hate. Fire. Which is something WWE wrestlers severely lack. That convincing "If you come into my space I am going to beat you to death" character-sell that makes you believe that he means what he does regardless of whether it's kicking somebody in the face or cracking racist remarks. And that's far more important than being able to do moonsaults or looking like a body builder.
I don't know why you'd measure him against those other guys, really. Triple H is a cartoon character who shines in gimmick matches and Orton is an underwear model with mediocre soap opera acting ability, and that's about it. Bradshaw, I think, is far and away the best heel talent WWE could have in their main event.
JBL cuts some decent promos, but I'd hardly put him in league with Jake Roberts, cause Jake didn't exactly cut great promos by any means. Now Billy Graham as a heel cut some of, if not the best heel promos ever, and JBL is no where near that good! Hell, Trips' promos ain't even as good as Graham's, but are sure as hell better than JBL's!
I agree with what you said about Orton, but not about Triple H, that's just total lack of comman sense on your part. Trips is the far better of the three for sure.
Well okay, maybe I didn't give Triple H enough credit. But I still think JBL is better than Triple H.
I think it's funny that ROH's only saving grace now is NOAH contracted talent... But Ibushi is fun. Although I'm totally confused by what style he's trying to pull off half the time when I watch him wrestle in like BattlARTS and DDT. But mostly in a good way. It's like some weird shoot-lucha stuff, haha. Have fun, anyway.
firesnake Wrote:
I'm going to an ROH show today and the card looks fuckin awesome I can't wait and Kota Ibushi is gonna be there!
I'm going to an ROH show today and the card looks fuckin awesome I can't wait and Kota Ibushi is gonna be there!
I think it's funny that ROH's only saving grace now is NOAH contracted talent... But Ibushi is fun. Although I'm totally confused by what style he's trying to pull off half the time when I watch him wrestle in like BattlARTS and DDT. But mostly in a good way. It's like some weird shoot-lucha stuff, haha. Have fun, anyway.

Shibata Wrote:
Well okay, maybe I didn't give Triple H enough credit. But I still think JBL is better than Triple H.
I think it's funny that ROH's only saving grace now is NOAH contracted talent... But Ibushi is fun. Although I'm totally confused by what style he's trying to pull off half the time when I watch him wrestle in like BattlARTS and DDT. But mostly in a good way. It's like some weird shoot-lucha stuff, haha. Have fun, anyway.
Well okay, maybe I didn't give Triple H enough credit. But I still think JBL is better than Triple H.
firesnake Wrote:
I'm going to an ROH show today and the card looks fuckin awesome I can't wait and Kota Ibushi is gonna be there!
I'm going to an ROH show today and the card looks fuckin awesome I can't wait and Kota Ibushi is gonna be there!
I think it's funny that ROH's only saving grace now is NOAH contracted talent... But Ibushi is fun. Although I'm totally confused by what style he's trying to pull off half the time when I watch him wrestle in like BattlARTS and DDT. But mostly in a good way. It's like some weird shoot-lucha stuff, haha. Have fun, anyway.
The show was fuckin awesome as usual and got to see Ibushi wrestle El Generico which was awesome and got a picture with him and Mschif ROH overall great show.
But to the commet ROH doesn't need NOAH.
In other news:
On June 25th 2008 in Barcelona, after a 12 year absence from the ring, The Ultimate Warrior will officially make his wrestling comeback in a match against Jordan. The news was confirmed this morning by Warrior's agent, Bernie Gernay in a statement.
"For over 10 years this is what the entire wrestling world has been waiting for, the return of the Warrior. We are excited to bring back the greatest character and energy to ever get into the ring. Ultimate Warrior is an incredible marketing machine and has kept a tremendous value to his name which is why the NWE has stepped up with a substantial deal that worked very well for both sides. There is no disputing that Warrior left a mark on professional wrestling that no other talent did and the reason why still today he is often imitated, but never duplicated."
Over the next few days the NWE will inform fans of the preparations for one of the biggest and most important wrestling events ever to be held in Europe. As the news progresses it is sure to be the headlines of wrestling news and forums throughout the internet and will most certainly have all in the wrestling industry and fans alike in great anticipation to see what the Warrior will deliver on June 25th, and perhaps beyond.
Bernie J. Gernay
Agent for The Ultimate Warrior
Well... Yesterday was one of the funnest days of my life.
Woke up at 6:30 to go meet the WWE RAW stars at the airport because a source had told us they would get there at 8:05. We waited till 11:30... Then we left to take care of some business, and we went back to the airport. Finally at 13:30, I saw a huge, fat strange looking guy coming out. Turned out to be Umaga.
It was worth waiting all that time for the RAW roster, but I have to say I was disappointed with their attitude. They were all pretty much trying to avoid any contact at all, and they looked upset and maybe sleepy. I understand they must've been beaten up and tired though. Santino, Jericho and Dean Malenko agreed to take pics with us and they were very polite, Malenko even threw out a joke and Jericho said our English was really good. As an Orton mark, as soon as I saw him I rushed towards him to get a pic, but his bodyguard stopped me and went ''BACK UP! BACK UP!''. I thought that was very unnecessary even if they were tired.
We had lunch and made some signs, then we went to the show.
The house was packed of course, and the crowd was eager to see some action.
Cody Rhodes beat William Regal in the opening match, which was actually pretty good. During his entrance, Regal looked at my ''REGAL FEARS YOU-MANGA'' sign, read it and then shook his head in disgust. Regal was a fantastic heel, but lost to Rhodes via small package.
Then it was Katie Lea and Paul Burchill vs Venis and Maria. Maria had a huge ovation, and the teams worked a decent match. The finish saw Maria pin Lea after a double clothesline. Burchill rolled Lea ontop of Maria while the red wasn't looking, but then the ref was distracted by Burchill so Venis rolled the girls again so that Maria was covering Lea.
Snitsky beat D.H. Smith in a quick, decent match. Snitsky pinned Smith with the Pumphandle.
Paul London and Brian Kendrick beat Cade and Murdoch and Carlito and Santino in one of the best matches of the night. It was fast paced, well structured, fun and full of action.
Carlito actually got one of the biggest pops of the night, he was REALLY over as a babyface. To solve that, he cut a promo on how much Portugal sucks, first mistaking it for Spain, then saying the REAL Portuguese people are in Brazil. Problem solved.
During the match, we started chanting ''BROKE BACK MOUNTAIN'' at Cade and Murdoch just like last year, and just like last year they got pissed and started mouthing off at us, particularly me because I was showing a great deal of passion and asking Cade if he wanted a piece of me, etc, etc. Cade went to get a steel chair and started saying ''TAKE THIS! TAKE THIS!'' to me. I guess he meant that I needed a chair to beat him, or something.
London and Kendrick also gave us a big smile during ROH chants.
Mickie James pinned Beth Phoenix to retain the Women's championship in a pretty good match. James pinned Phoenix with a modified tornado DDT.
Then it was time for another match of the night, JBL vs Hardcore Holly.
I've totally changed my opinion on JBL as a wrestler. Not only did he get the most heat of the night by cutting a promo on U.S. superiority and singing the U.S. national anthem (which got so much heat and boos that we couldn't actually hear JBL), but he was a great technical wrestler last night. He worked over Holly's leg (Holly of course, was massively over thanks to JBL), using submissions and well done strikes. In fact, JBL even put on the figure four l eg lock at one point. Holly reversed it though to a great reaction, but after missing a splash in the corner, he ate clothesline from hell and the match was over. AWESOME match.
Main event time... Jericho and Triple H vs Randy Orton and Umaga. Orton was over as a baby face and Jericho got a HUGE ovation. Triple H's entrance drove the people into madness, though. It was an awesome experience. Umaga was constantly out of character, giving an ''awww!'' smile at two of friends (both girls) Umaga sign which said ''UMAGA KING OF THE JUNGLE'' and had a picture of Tarzan on it with Umaga's head; smiling and talking with Lilian Garcia; and singing along to Orton's theme song.
Orton saw my sign and smiled, I think he liked it. It said ''RKO ME'' and had a hole cut out in it, and I put my head through it.
The match was brutal. We got to see the samoan spike, the codebreaker, the walls of Jericho, the RKO, and the pedigree for the win. After the match, Jericho and Triple H did an awesome job of working the crowd, with a cheering competition, and holding out the Portuguese flag. AWESOME JOB.
Afterwards, we went to their hotel and hung out there. I got photos with a bunch of guys, and got to talk to some of them too.
Brian Kendrick was really nice and polite. I asked him if he ever missed ROH, and he said he loves ROH.
I also asked what he thought of Low Ki. Brian said ''He's great.'' and that was it, but then Santino (who was with Brian at the time, and seemed to be a big friend of Kendrick's) started saying Low Ki was great aswell. I was surprised so I asked him if he knew who Low Ki was and Santino said ''Of fucking course I know who Low Ki is.'' and started spewing off a ton of facts about Low Ki, speaking really really fast. It was very cool, Santino was one of the coolest guys.
I asked DH Smith what it was like to work with AJ Styles, and he said AJ was a great wrestler. I asked him about TNA, and he said he likes TNA and watches it when he's at home. Afterwards he said ''You don't have a tape recorder on ya, do you? '' and we laughed and then he said ''I HATE TNA'' and we laughed some more.
Mickie James was very nice, and she's fucking hot.
Maria is completely different from her on air persona. She doesn't seem like a silly, cute little girl, she was acting sort of arrogant.
Paul London is insane. He was very very accessible and it was pretty clear that he was having fun talking to us, while the rest of the roster was more private. At one point, he said that if he wasn't a pro wrestler, he would be a ninja, and described how awesome it would be. Then he went crazy, acting like a stealth ninja around the hotel lobby, going outside, back in, and then fooling around in the hotel's spinning doors until security came and he instantly stopped.
While we were talking to London, Carlito came in and said ''look what he did to me!'' and showed off a bruise that he got from one of London's kicks from the three way tag match. Other than that moment, Carlito was pretty much closed.
So that was it, it was an awesome time, can't wait for Smackdown! and NOAH.
Woke up at 6:30 to go meet the WWE RAW stars at the airport because a source had told us they would get there at 8:05. We waited till 11:30... Then we left to take care of some business, and we went back to the airport. Finally at 13:30, I saw a huge, fat strange looking guy coming out. Turned out to be Umaga.
It was worth waiting all that time for the RAW roster, but I have to say I was disappointed with their attitude. They were all pretty much trying to avoid any contact at all, and they looked upset and maybe sleepy. I understand they must've been beaten up and tired though. Santino, Jericho and Dean Malenko agreed to take pics with us and they were very polite, Malenko even threw out a joke and Jericho said our English was really good. As an Orton mark, as soon as I saw him I rushed towards him to get a pic, but his bodyguard stopped me and went ''BACK UP! BACK UP!''. I thought that was very unnecessary even if they were tired.
We had lunch and made some signs, then we went to the show.
The house was packed of course, and the crowd was eager to see some action.
Cody Rhodes beat William Regal in the opening match, which was actually pretty good. During his entrance, Regal looked at my ''REGAL FEARS YOU-MANGA'' sign, read it and then shook his head in disgust. Regal was a fantastic heel, but lost to Rhodes via small package.
Then it was Katie Lea and Paul Burchill vs Venis and Maria. Maria had a huge ovation, and the teams worked a decent match. The finish saw Maria pin Lea after a double clothesline. Burchill rolled Lea ontop of Maria while the red wasn't looking, but then the ref was distracted by Burchill so Venis rolled the girls again so that Maria was covering Lea.
Snitsky beat D.H. Smith in a quick, decent match. Snitsky pinned Smith with the Pumphandle.
Paul London and Brian Kendrick beat Cade and Murdoch and Carlito and Santino in one of the best matches of the night. It was fast paced, well structured, fun and full of action.
Carlito actually got one of the biggest pops of the night, he was REALLY over as a babyface. To solve that, he cut a promo on how much Portugal sucks, first mistaking it for Spain, then saying the REAL Portuguese people are in Brazil. Problem solved.
During the match, we started chanting ''BROKE BACK MOUNTAIN'' at Cade and Murdoch just like last year, and just like last year they got pissed and started mouthing off at us, particularly me because I was showing a great deal of passion and asking Cade if he wanted a piece of me, etc, etc. Cade went to get a steel chair and started saying ''TAKE THIS! TAKE THIS!'' to me. I guess he meant that I needed a chair to beat him, or something.
London and Kendrick also gave us a big smile during ROH chants.
Mickie James pinned Beth Phoenix to retain the Women's championship in a pretty good match. James pinned Phoenix with a modified tornado DDT.
Then it was time for another match of the night, JBL vs Hardcore Holly.
I've totally changed my opinion on JBL as a wrestler. Not only did he get the most heat of the night by cutting a promo on U.S. superiority and singing the U.S. national anthem (which got so much heat and boos that we couldn't actually hear JBL), but he was a great technical wrestler last night. He worked over Holly's leg (Holly of course, was massively over thanks to JBL), using submissions and well done strikes. In fact, JBL even put on the figure four l eg lock at one point. Holly reversed it though to a great reaction, but after missing a splash in the corner, he ate clothesline from hell and the match was over. AWESOME match.
Main event time... Jericho and Triple H vs Randy Orton and Umaga. Orton was over as a baby face and Jericho got a HUGE ovation. Triple H's entrance drove the people into madness, though. It was an awesome experience. Umaga was constantly out of character, giving an ''awww!'' smile at two of friends (both girls) Umaga sign which said ''UMAGA KING OF THE JUNGLE'' and had a picture of Tarzan on it with Umaga's head; smiling and talking with Lilian Garcia; and singing along to Orton's theme song.
Orton saw my sign and smiled, I think he liked it. It said ''RKO ME'' and had a hole cut out in it, and I put my head through it.
The match was brutal. We got to see the samoan spike, the codebreaker, the walls of Jericho, the RKO, and the pedigree for the win. After the match, Jericho and Triple H did an awesome job of working the crowd, with a cheering competition, and holding out the Portuguese flag. AWESOME JOB.
Afterwards, we went to their hotel and hung out there. I got photos with a bunch of guys, and got to talk to some of them too.
Brian Kendrick was really nice and polite. I asked him if he ever missed ROH, and he said he loves ROH.
I also asked what he thought of Low Ki. Brian said ''He's great.'' and that was it, but then Santino (who was with Brian at the time, and seemed to be a big friend of Kendrick's) started saying Low Ki was great aswell. I was surprised so I asked him if he knew who Low Ki was and Santino said ''Of fucking course I know who Low Ki is.'' and started spewing off a ton of facts about Low Ki, speaking really really fast. It was very cool, Santino was one of the coolest guys.
I asked DH Smith what it was like to work with AJ Styles, and he said AJ was a great wrestler. I asked him about TNA, and he said he likes TNA and watches it when he's at home. Afterwards he said ''You don't have a tape recorder on ya, do you? '' and we laughed and then he said ''I HATE TNA'' and we laughed some more.
Mickie James was very nice, and she's fucking hot.
Maria is completely different from her on air persona. She doesn't seem like a silly, cute little girl, she was acting sort of arrogant.
Paul London is insane. He was very very accessible and it was pretty clear that he was having fun talking to us, while the rest of the roster was more private. At one point, he said that if he wasn't a pro wrestler, he would be a ninja, and described how awesome it would be. Then he went crazy, acting like a stealth ninja around the hotel lobby, going outside, back in, and then fooling around in the hotel's spinning doors until security came and he instantly stopped.
While we were talking to London, Carlito came in and said ''look what he did to me!'' and showed off a bruise that he got from one of London's kicks from the three way tag match. Other than that moment, Carlito was pretty much closed.
So that was it, it was an awesome time, can't wait for Smackdown! and NOAH.
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