heres a good site for wrestling
TheMkGeek •07/12/2006 10:18 PM (UTC) •
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Zentile Wrote:
Big Show won the ecw world heavyweight wrestling championship title belt match.
udb40 Wrote:
did flair or paul wright A.K.A " big show" win the ecw world campionship tittle
did flair or paul wright A.K.A " big show" win the ecw world campionship tittle
Big Show won the ecw world heavyweight wrestling championship title belt match.
Gee, who never imagined that?
EmmKayEss •07/13/2006 01:38 PM (UTC) •
TheMkGeek Wrote:
Gee, who never imagined that?
Zentile Wrote:
Big Show won the ecw world heavyweight wrestling championship title belt match.
udb40 Wrote:
did flair or paul wright A.K.A " big show" win the ecw world campionship tittle
did flair or paul wright A.K.A " big show" win the ecw world campionship tittle
Big Show won the ecw world heavyweight wrestling championship title belt match.
Gee, who never imagined that?
There was more of a chance of Flair becoming world champ again than Randy Orton violating the wellness program.
Reign_of_Chaos •07/13/2006 04:30 PM (UTC) •
they confirmed that orton DID NOT violate it. heres some things about my self in wrestling:
my favorites are randy orton, edge, and triple h. i hate rey mysterio.
and by the way im firesnakes cousin
my favorites are randy orton, edge, and triple h. i hate rey mysterio.
and by the way im firesnakes cousin
TheMkGeek •07/13/2006 07:04 PM (UTC) •
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Reign_of_Chaos Wrote:
they confirmed that orton DID NOT violate it. heres some things about my self in wrestling:
my favorites are randy orton, edge, and triple h. i hate rey mysterio.
they confirmed that orton DID NOT violate it. heres some things about my self in wrestling:
my favorites are randy orton, edge, and triple h. i hate rey mysterio.
Ok, you 'hate' Rey Mysterio? Hate is such a strong word. Why do you hate Rey Mysterio? He's more of a gifted athlete than the 3 idiots you like.
Not sure if this is a spoiler or not, but:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
There are clips of tomorrow night's iMPACT! where Rhino rips on Vince McMahon, ECW and more up at
There are clips of tomorrow night's iMPACT! where Rhino rips on Vince McMahon, ECW and more up at
Reign_of_Chaos •07/13/2006 08:01 PM (UTC) •
i can hate who i want to hate and that is gay mysterio
TheMkGeek •07/13/2006 08:25 PM (UTC) •
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Reign_of_Chaos Wrote:
i can hate who i want to hate and that is gay mysterio
i can hate who i want to hate and that is gay mysterio
OK, OK, settle down there, I just was curious as to why you don't like him.
PhoenixWinterborn •07/13/2006 11:00 PM (UTC) •
Why would Flair want to win the WWECW title from Big Show anyways? Sandman vs. Big Show would be good, but have it be a WWE Street Fight(of sorts) a la Shane vs. Kane from a couple years back. Flair needs to hand it up, imo. He had a good run, but enough is enough. Let Big Show enjoy his push, and after Summerslam, have someone like Sabu beat the holy hell out of him. lol
Keep Flyin', Phoenixwarrior EDIT: nvr mind about why flair wants the title. It's to prove anyone can be "hardcore"
Keep Flyin', Phoenixwarrior EDIT: nvr mind about why flair wants the title. It's to prove anyone can be "hardcore"
Alone_in_kahns_tower •07/13/2006 11:00 PM (UTC) •
i just noticed something........that expose crap is getting old everyone knows its gonna be too graphic and thay are gonna make something happen to get them to stop for example her boyfriend.....
killerkill87 •07/13/2006 11:22 PM (UTC) •
Zentile Wrote:
You know what's getting REALLY old? EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME style matches... that end in DQ.
You know what's getting REALLY old? EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME style matches... that end in DQ.
A perfect example of an oxymoron and y wwe is goign to destroy the ecw i once knew and loved :(.
firesnake •07/14/2006 12:16 AM (UTC) •
i think if people knew that ecw was going to brought back like this they would have wanted it dead everything that can mess up ecw is happing i still can't belive how much they changed it
deadman_222222 •07/14/2006 10:03 AM (UTC) •
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Join the KMD (Kang Must Die) club and recieve a free piece of his corpse, no donation=1 of his fingers. small donation= a limb. Large donation=the turkey voiced Monkey boy's Head.
bringing back WCW would have been better (recived less negative criticism) than the curent ECW.
Satyagraha •07/14/2006 04:06 PM (UTC) •
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"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
Does anyone watch AAA on Galavision here? Or would peeps be interested in watching it? I'm going to start making time for it. TNA + AAA makes a pretty decent wrestling lineup, IMO.
TheMkGeek •07/14/2006 08:52 PM (UTC) •
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scorpio Wrote:
it was cool to see rhino load off on vince and the wwe. even burned his old ecw titles. wonder if vince will say anything about it?
it was cool to see rhino load off on vince and the wwe. even burned his old ecw titles. wonder if vince will say anything about it?
Doubt it! Vince doesn't even hardly ackowledge TNA, so he probably didn't even watch, and even if one of his "lackeys" tells him about it, he won't care, cause he has an "ECW Champion" and doesn't need Rhyno.
I doubt there was even anything in that bag, it sure didn't look like it had a title belt in it, usually you can tell there's a belt in a bag like that, cause you can see the shape of the belt while it's in the bag. It was still a good promo on Rhyno's part, but if things don't work for him in TNA, he kinda screws himself in the long run, and that pretty much goes for any other WWE rejects who left to go to TNA!
Alone_in_kahns_tower •07/14/2006 11:10 PM (UTC) •
the only ecw superstar i like is test,,,and the rest suck.......thats my opinion feel free to
TheMkGeek •07/15/2006 07:46 PM (UTC) •
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Alone_in_kahns_tower Wrote:
the only ecw superstar i like is test,,,and the rest suck.......thats my opinion feel free to
the only ecw superstar i like is test,,,and the rest suck.......thats my opinion feel free to
Test ain't even a real ECW star! If you're going to pick someone, at least pick a real ECW star!
Three news headlines from
** Tazz confirmed there will be Smackdown vs. Raw 08
** The last surviving Von Erich, Kevin, will be on SNME tonight
** TSN will no longer carry Raw in Canada, the dumb bastards dropped it for Football, so now the Score will be the home of Raw. The last Raw on TSN, airs July 31.
Shinnox •07/15/2006 08:08 PM (UTC) •
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TheMkGeek Wrote:
Doubt it! Vince doesn't even hardly ackowledge TNA, so he probably didn't even watch, and even if one of his "lackeys" tells him about it, he won't care, cause he has an "ECW Champion" and doesn't need Rhyno.
I doubt there was even anything in that bag, it sure didn't look like it had a title belt in it, usually you can tell there's a belt in a bag like that, cause you can see the shape of the belt while it's in the bag. It was still a good promo on Rhyno's part, but if things don't work for him in TNA, he kinda screws himself in the long run, and that pretty much goes for any other WWE rejects who left to go to TNA!
scorpio Wrote:
it was cool to see rhino load off on vince and the wwe. even burned his old ecw titles. wonder if vince will say anything about it?
it was cool to see rhino load off on vince and the wwe. even burned his old ecw titles. wonder if vince will say anything about it?
Doubt it! Vince doesn't even hardly ackowledge TNA, so he probably didn't even watch, and even if one of his "lackeys" tells him about it, he won't care, cause he has an "ECW Champion" and doesn't need Rhyno.
I doubt there was even anything in that bag, it sure didn't look like it had a title belt in it, usually you can tell there's a belt in a bag like that, cause you can see the shape of the belt while it's in the bag. It was still a good promo on Rhyno's part, but if things don't work for him in TNA, he kinda screws himself in the long run, and that pretty much goes for any other WWE rejects who left to go to TNA!
umm, you could see belt in the bag plain as day. when it showed it up close, you could see the ecw logo on it. not only that, but when the camera zoomed in you could clearly see the buttons on the strap thru a hole in the bag
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