I don't think two people really qualify as a stable...
Then again, maybe you're right - afterall, two teams hardly qualifies as a tag division either, but it's still there.
Then again, maybe you're right - afterall, two teams hardly qualifies as a tag division either, but it's still there.
There are more teams on RAW (Tajiri/Regal, Resistance, Hurricane/Rosey, Christian/Tomko) and SD! (Dudleyz, Bashams, Jindrak/Reigns and soon the penises will debut lol) than two :=) Of course, I haven't seen Hurricane/Rosey in a long long time...
DamRho Wrote:
There are more teams on RAW (Tajiri/Regal, Resistance, Hurricane/Rosey, Christian/Tomko) and SD! (Dudleyz, Bashams, Jindrak/Reigns and soon the penises will debut lol) than two :=) Of course, I haven't seen Hurricane/Rosey in a long long time...
There are more teams on RAW (Tajiri/Regal, Resistance, Hurricane/Rosey, Christian/Tomko) and SD! (Dudleyz, Bashams, Jindrak/Reigns and soon the penises will debut lol) than two :=) Of course, I haven't seen Hurricane/Rosey in a long long time...
Christian and Tomko weren't really a team up until recently... Tomko was more like Christians Ric Flair helping him in matches at ring side. Christian is still more of a singles compeditor then tag. Also after watching Smackdown last night I'm not sure how much longer Jindrak is gonna keep taking it up the ass from Reigns.
Zentile Wrote:
I'd like to see a Jindrak vs. Reigns match, with both superstars as heels. Hmm...the crowd would be confused, though.
I'd like to see a Jindrak vs. Reigns match, with both superstars as heels. Hmm...the crowd would be confused, though.
Yah I was kinda hopin that they would get it on last night... but of course 50 refs came out to stop it....funny where are those refs when there's a lot of interference going on.

About Me
Zentile Wrote:
I'd like to see a Jindrak vs. Reigns match, with both superstars as heels. Hmm...the crowd would be confused, though.
I'd like to see a Jindrak vs. Reigns match, with both superstars as heels. Hmm...the crowd would be confused, though.
The crowd wouldn't be confused, cause the crowd wouldn't care! I sure wouldn't care about a match between these two. If a match between them does come up though, I'd say Reigns would win, cause he's allot stronger and tougher than Jindrak, who's just a pussy!
Candyman1014, I'd say for this year's Mania, the main surprises will be Batista and Cena both winning their brand's World Titles, JBL/Triple H finally losing a match, and Taker once again going 13 - 0 keeping his perfect undefeated streak alive at Mania (not sure how big a surprise it will be, but it'll make me happy), oh and Austin/Rock returning in some way.

My cousin is going to that Road To Wrestlemania show tommorow.It starts at 1:30PM.When he gets back I'll ask can he give me a review.I remember my 1st wrestling show...pretty good but everyone kept interupting the matches.The best match was the last one.Stone Cold vs Triple H.Funny thing is that Triple H was using his DX gimmick at the time but he was wearing his Hunter costume.It's nothing like hearing Austin saying "Springfield if your down with Stone Cold Steve Austin give me a Hell Yeah!"
I read that some more WrestleMania movie parodies are in the works and they'll feature John Cena and The Undertaker. each with their own skit.
I can't wait to see what Undertaker is gonna do. man, that should be a good one.
I don't know about you, but I'am glad Teddy Long is still the GM of SmackDown. hes not the best SD! GM the show has had. but hes alot better than Bischoff right now. I would never thought I would hear a "Teddy" chant in my life!, that Philly crowd was hot!
I can't wait to see what Undertaker is gonna do. man, that should be a good one.
I don't know about you, but I'am glad Teddy Long is still the GM of SmackDown. hes not the best SD! GM the show has had. but hes alot better than Bischoff right now. I would never thought I would hear a "Teddy" chant in my life!, that Philly crowd was hot!
TheMkGeek Wrote:
The crowd wouldn't be confused, cause the crowd wouldn't care! I sure wouldn't care about a match between these two. If a match between them does come up though, I'd say Reigns would win, cause he's allot stronger and tougher than Jindrak, who's just a pussy!
Zentile Wrote:
I'd like to see a Jindrak vs. Reigns match, with both superstars as heels. Hmm...the crowd would be confused, though.
I'd like to see a Jindrak vs. Reigns match, with both superstars as heels. Hmm...the crowd would be confused, though.
The crowd wouldn't be confused, cause the crowd wouldn't care! I sure wouldn't care about a match between these two. If a match between them does come up though, I'd say Reigns would win, cause he's allot stronger and tougher than Jindrak, who's just a pussy!
I'd care...IMO they are both good wrestlers stuck in limbo.

About Me
Olympic_Hero Wrote:
I read that some more
I don't know about you, but I'am glad Teddy Long is still the GM of SmackDown. hes not the best SD! GM the show has had. but hes alot better than Bischoff right now. I would never thought I would hear a "Teddy" chant in my life!, that Philly crowd was hot!
I read that some more
I don't know about you, but I'am glad Teddy Long is still the GM of SmackDown. hes not the best SD! GM the show has had. but hes alot better than Bischoff right now. I would never thought I would hear a "Teddy" chant in my life!, that Philly crowd was hot!
I'm also glad Teddy Long stayed as GM, Smackdown seems a lot better with him there!
And Smackdown is going to be in Houston the day before Wrestlemania, Man I can't wait to go!!!
TheMkGeek Wrote:
The crowd wouldn't be confused, cause the crowd wouldn't care! I sure wouldn't care about a match between these two. If a match between them does come up though, I'd say Reigns would win, cause he's allot stronger and tougher than Jindrak, who's just a pussy!
Zentile Wrote:
I'd like to see a Jindrak vs. Reigns match, with both superstars as heels. Hmm...the crowd would be confused, though.
I'd like to see a Jindrak vs. Reigns match, with both superstars as heels. Hmm...the crowd would be confused, though.
The crowd wouldn't be confused, cause the crowd wouldn't care! I sure wouldn't care about a match between these two. If a match between them does come up though, I'd say Reigns would win, cause he's allot stronger and tougher than Jindrak, who's just a pussy!
Could you stop making posts like that, please? I'm not trying to start anything, but really that post just sounded very dumb and close minded.
I can see Reigns Vs Jindrak match at W21 and after watching SD probably a match between Paul London and Chavo Guerruo for the cruiserweight.
I have a few questions:
If John Cena is going for the WWE Title...what will happen to his US Title? Will he be keeping it or will the WWE team decide on someone to take it for him?
What do you think is gonna be the storyline leading up to the Randy Orton Vs The Undertaker match?
And also, Is it still planned for Eddie to go against Rey?
I have a few questions:
If John Cena is going for the WWE Title...what will happen to his US Title? Will he be keeping it or will the WWE team decide on someone to take it for him?
What do you think is gonna be the storyline leading up to the Randy Orton Vs The Undertaker match?
And also, Is it still planned for Eddie to go against Rey?
Been on Prowrestling.com where I found 2 interesting things:
Part of an Interveiw with Goldberg:
"In the interview, Goldberg discussed his marriage to a stuntwoman he met while filming the Adam Sandler movie, 'The Longest Yard'."
"In addition to that, Goldberg touched on some wrestling issues. On if he'll ever work for WWE again, Goldberg responded with - ' I'm not going to say I'm done, because in the right situation I would love to come back for my fans, but in the wrong situation, I'll remain retired from now until the day I die because I'm not going to be a hypocrite and be part of something I'm not a big fan of.' "
So its not impossible for a Goldberg return.
The rumors behind Scotty 2 Hotty being released are not true. That must mean that the WWE may be giving him a make over of some sort if they took him off their website.
Edit Oops my mistake...He's been put back on the SD Site Edit
Part of an Interveiw with Goldberg:
"In the interview, Goldberg discussed his marriage to a stuntwoman he met while filming the Adam Sandler movie, 'The Longest Yard'."
"In addition to that, Goldberg touched on some wrestling issues. On if he'll ever work for WWE again, Goldberg responded with - ' I'm not going to say I'm done, because in the right situation I would love to come back for my fans, but in the wrong situation, I'll remain retired from now until the day I die because I'm not going to be a hypocrite and be part of something I'm not a big fan of.' "
So its not impossible for a Goldberg return.
The rumors behind Scotty 2 Hotty being released are not true. That must mean that the WWE may be giving him a make over of some sort if they took him off their website.
Edit Oops my mistake...He's been put back on the SD Site Edit

About Me
jade2004 Wrote:
I can see Reigns Vs Jindrak match at W21 and after watching SD probably a match between Paul London and Chavo Guerruo for the cruiserweight.
I have a few questions:
If John Cena is going for the WWE Title...what will happen to his US Title? Will he be keeping it or will the WWE team decide on someone to take it for him?
What do you think is gonna be the storyline leading up to the Randy Orton Vs The Undertaker match?
And also, Is it still planned for Eddie to go against Rey?
I can see Reigns Vs Jindrak match at W21 and after watching SD probably a match between Paul London and Chavo Guerruo for the cruiserweight.
I have a few questions:
If John Cena is going for the WWE Title...what will happen to his US Title? Will he be keeping it or will the WWE team decide on someone to take it for him?
What do you think is gonna be the storyline leading up to the Randy Orton Vs The Undertaker match?
And also, Is it still planned for Eddie to go against Rey?
Reigns vs. Jindrak is not ppv calibre, and should be better saved for Smackdown. Now Chavo vs. London on the other hand for the Cruiserweight title should be on Mania, cause it's a title match. My hope is that London would win.
To answer your questions, back in the day, it was unheard of, especially in NWA/WCW for the Superstars to hold more than one belt. case in point, Flair was World Champ, Tully Blanchard was the US Champ, and Arn/Ole Anderson were the Tag Champs. Even after Goldberg one the World title, (while still being US Champion) the WCW stripped him of the US title, but that was never a rule the WWF/E inforced, case in point, Angle was simultaniously IC/Europeon Champ, so I'd say that if Cena wins the World title, he'll keep the US title until someone beats him for it. It would be stupid to just take it off him.
Taker/Orton, is a really stupid idea on the WWE's part, and a match I still don't want to see, but if they do go along with it, and all signs seem to point that they will, then I see it unfold like this, maybe: Orton comes down to the ring, saying that he's beaten every Legend on Raw, and that he's going to SD, to challenge their biggest Legend, Undertaker, to a Legend/Legend Killer match at Wrestlemania. Orton, then shows up at SD later in the week, issues the challenge, Taker accepts, they maybe have a stare-down in the ring to end the show and we have our match at Mania. But who would be the heel/face it's hard to guess. Apparentlly, Orton wants to remain a face, so we'll have to wait and see.
As for Rey/Eddie, there is still talks/rumors that the two will face at Mania, so that leads me to believe that Eddie will turn on Rey in the next few weeks, leading to the two of them fighting.
jade2004 Wrote:
If John Cena is going for the WWE Title...what will happen to his US Title? Will he be keeping it or will the WWE team decide on someone to take it for him?
What do you think is gonna be the storyline leading up to the Randy Orton Vs The Undertaker match?
And also, Is it still planned for Eddie to go against Rey?
If John Cena is going for the WWE Title...what will happen to his US Title? Will he be keeping it or will the WWE team decide on someone to take it for him?
What do you think is gonna be the storyline leading up to the Randy Orton Vs The Undertaker match?
And also, Is it still planned for Eddie to go against Rey?
well, I remember they had WWF Champion Hulk Hogan Vs IC Champion Ultimate Warrior in a Champion vs Champion match at Mania. I think they'll do the same thing with JBL and Cena. with the winner walking out with Both Titles.

About Me
Olympic_Hero Wrote:
well, I remember they had WWF Champion Hulk Hogan Vs IC Champion Ultimate Warrior in a Champion vs Champion match at Mania. I think they'll do the same thing with JBL and Cena. with the winner walking out with Both Titles.
jade2004 Wrote:
If John Cena is going for the WWE Title...what will happen to his US Title? Will he be keeping it or will the WWE team decide on someone to take it for him?
What do you think is gonna be the storyline leading up to the Randy Orton Vs The Undertaker match?
And also, Is it still planned for Eddie to go against Rey?
If John Cena is going for the WWE Title...what will happen to his US Title? Will he be keeping it or will the WWE team decide on someone to take it for him?
What do you think is gonna be the storyline leading up to the Randy Orton Vs The Undertaker match?
And also, Is it still planned for Eddie to go against Rey?
well, I remember they had WWF Champion Hulk Hogan Vs IC Champion Ultimate Warrior in a Champion vs Champion match at Mania. I think they'll do the same thing with JBL and Cena. with the winner walking out with Both Titles.
No, the two faced at Wrestlemania 6 for just the WWF Heavyweight title. Warrior's IC title belt wasn't on the line, and that reminds me of something I made a mistake in my last post, when I said the WWE never inforced the rule of a Superstar only being aloud to wear one title, I forgot about this match, after Warrior beat Hogan for the World title, he was stripped of the IC title, or it was held up, and a new IC champ was named after a tournament, I think, now this a awhile back, so I don't remember what the status of the IC title was for sure after this match, all I know for sure is that Warrior wasn't a dual champ.
I had been thinking about this for a while and I wanted to post it and find out what other wrestling fans thought. What I wanna talk about is Heidenreich. IMO a great character concept poorly executed by the WWE. Smackdown could have had a great psycho character but instead ended up with a joke.
What if they would have had his first appearance as Paul Haymen visiting a mental institute to try and get him released. Paul manages to get him out and Heidenreich sees him as his savior so he follows Paul's orders. On his Smackdown debut they have him come to ringside in the strait jacket and released apon someone and Heidenreich completely destoys the guy and continues to attack him even after the guy has lost consiousness. After every match Paul puts the strait jacket back on him and takes him away. Paul seems to be the only one able to control Heidenrich and for a time the big guys follows his orders. Eventually, he gets sick of following Paul's orders and after a match Heidenriech refuses to put on the jacket and kicks the crap out of Paul. Now what we would have is a loose monster on smackdown. Almost like Kane running around on Raw.
Unfortunately, the wwe went there own little way and ended up with pure crap. Although I have to admit it isn't entirely their fault...Heidenreich needs a lot of work on his wrestling skills. He can't even seem to throw a decent punch.
What if they would have had his first appearance as Paul Haymen visiting a mental institute to try and get him released. Paul manages to get him out and Heidenreich sees him as his savior so he follows Paul's orders. On his Smackdown debut they have him come to ringside in the strait jacket and released apon someone and Heidenreich completely destoys the guy and continues to attack him even after the guy has lost consiousness. After every match Paul puts the strait jacket back on him and takes him away. Paul seems to be the only one able to control Heidenrich and for a time the big guys follows his orders. Eventually, he gets sick of following Paul's orders and after a match Heidenriech refuses to put on the jacket and kicks the crap out of Paul. Now what we would have is a loose monster on smackdown. Almost like Kane running around on Raw.
Unfortunately, the wwe went there own little way and ended up with pure crap. Although I have to admit it isn't entirely their fault...Heidenreich needs a lot of work on his wrestling skills. He can't even seem to throw a decent punch.
Sounds like a better idea to me.
Better than an emo metrosexual Psycho Sid anyway, which is pretty much what we have. Minus coolness.
Better than an emo metrosexual Psycho Sid anyway, which is pretty much what we have. Minus coolness.
Nikodemus Wrote:
I had been thinking about this for a while and I wanted to post it and find out what other wrestling fans thought. What I wanna talk about is Heidenreich. IMO a great character concept poorly executed by the WWE. Smackdown could have had a great psycho character but instead ended up with a joke.
What if they would have had his first appearance as Paul Haymen visiting a mental institute to try and get him released. Paul manages to get him out and Heidenreich sees him as his savior so he follows Paul's orders. On his Smackdown debut they have him come to ringside in the strait jacket and released apon someone and Heidenreich completely destoys the guy and continues to attack him even after the guy has lost consiousness. After every match Paul puts the strait jacket back on him and takes him away. Paul seems to be the only one able to control Heidenrich and for a time the big guys follows his orders. Eventually, he gets sick of following Paul's orders and after a match Heidenriech refuses to put on the jacket and kicks the crap out of Paul. Now what we would have is a loose monster on smackdown. Almost like Kane running around on Raw.
Unfortunately, the wwe went there own little way and ended up with pure crap. Although I have to admit it isn't entirely their fault...Heidenreich needs a lot of work on his wrestling skills. He can't even seem to throw a decent punch.
I had been thinking about this for a while and I wanted to post it and find out what other wrestling fans thought. What I wanna talk about is Heidenreich. IMO a great character concept poorly executed by the WWE. Smackdown could have had a great psycho character but instead ended up with a joke.
What if they would have had his first appearance as Paul Haymen visiting a mental institute to try and get him released. Paul manages to get him out and Heidenreich sees him as his savior so he follows Paul's orders. On his Smackdown debut they have him come to ringside in the strait jacket and released apon someone and Heidenreich completely destoys the guy and continues to attack him even after the guy has lost consiousness. After every match Paul puts the strait jacket back on him and takes him away. Paul seems to be the only one able to control Heidenrich and for a time the big guys follows his orders. Eventually, he gets sick of following Paul's orders and after a match Heidenriech refuses to put on the jacket and kicks the crap out of Paul. Now what we would have is a loose monster on smackdown. Almost like Kane running around on Raw.
Unfortunately, the wwe went there own little way and ended up with pure crap. Although I have to admit it isn't entirely their fault...Heidenreich needs a lot of work on his wrestling skills. He can't even seem to throw a decent punch.
That would of been a great way to introduce Heidy to SmackDown, only problem is we've already seen heidenreich before on Raw when he that stupid "little Johnny" thing. so some fans already know of him before.
but overall, I haven't had a problem with heidnreich latly, he has a killer entrance theme and right now, I kinda like his mentally psycho charater. althought I've only seen 2 matches of his, both with The Undertaker on SmackDown, they were both pretty decent.
on a completly different topic. with Orton and Batista both gone from Evolution now, who do you think Triple H and Flair just add to take Orton and batista's place?
I think the new Evolution should be Triple H, Ric Flair, Christian, and Gene Snitsky. that would be a pretty cool faction.
Olympic_Hero Wrote:
on a completly different topic. with Orton and Batista both gone from Evolution now, who do you think Triple H and Flair just add to take Orton and batista's place?
I think the new Evolution should be Triple H, Ric Flair, Christian, and Gene Snitsky. that would be a pretty cool faction.
on a completly different topic. with Orton and Batista both gone from Evolution now, who do you think Triple H and Flair just add to take Orton and batista's place?
I think the new Evolution should be Triple H, Ric Flair, Christian, and Gene Snitsky. that would be a pretty cool faction.
I think they might just drop the entire faction... but who knows.
I'm sure they'll drop it. I don't see why Snitsky should join, that wouldn't make any sense. And Christian & Tomko and Evolution are just completely diferent styles of stables. Christian is his own man, I don't think it would look good him taking orders from HHH.
If anyone, maybe Chris Masters would join. But I'm sure Evolution will be dropped.
If anyone, maybe Chris Masters would join. But I'm sure Evolution will be dropped.
Just saw Smackdown.
Holy shit.
And the award for 'most improved' goes to: The Bashams!
I swear every match i've seen up until now has been nothing but chinlocks, stomps and elbow drops, but then all of a sudden, bam! They're this dynamic team - what the fuck? A double team super spinebuster? A top rope legdrop? A ripoff of Kid Kash's 'bawitaba'? Where did all this cool shit come from?
Maybe I just didn't notice it before for some reason, but in the space of about 2 weeks it seems they upped their game by about 900%.
Interesting win by 'Taker with that triangle choke too, heh.
Holy shit.
And the award for 'most improved' goes to: The Bashams!
I swear every match i've seen up until now has been nothing but chinlocks, stomps and elbow drops, but then all of a sudden, bam! They're this dynamic team - what the fuck? A double team super spinebuster? A top rope legdrop? A ripoff of Kid Kash's 'bawitaba'? Where did all this cool shit come from?
Maybe I just didn't notice it before for some reason, but in the space of about 2 weeks it seems they upped their game by about 900%.
Interesting win by 'Taker with that triangle choke too, heh.
krackerjack Wrote:
Just saw Smackdown.
Holy shit.
And the award for 'most improved' goes to: The Bashams!
I swear every match i've seen up until now has been nothing but chinlocks, stomps and elbow drops, but then all of a sudden, bam! They're this dynamic team - what the fuck? A double team super spinebuster? A top rope legdrop? A ripoff of Kid Kash's 'bawitaba'? Where did all this cool shit come from?
Maybe I just didn't notice it before for some reason, but in the space of about 2 weeks it seems they upped their game by about 900%.
Interesting win by 'Taker with that triangle choke too, heh.
Just saw Smackdown.
Holy shit.
And the award for 'most improved' goes to: The Bashams!
I swear every match i've seen up until now has been nothing but chinlocks, stomps and elbow drops, but then all of a sudden, bam! They're this dynamic team - what the fuck? A double team super spinebuster? A top rope legdrop? A ripoff of Kid Kash's 'bawitaba'? Where did all this cool shit come from?
Maybe I just didn't notice it before for some reason, but in the space of about 2 weeks it seems they upped their game by about 900%.
Interesting win by 'Taker with that triangle choke too, heh.
Hehe weren't the Bashams at OVW recently? I guess it was good for them, they learned a few things... Maybe they could send Heidenreich there....
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