I agree. Actually, I think that the best solution is (and don't shoot me) to create a third brand.
Triple H has pretty much taken over RAW. If we want fresh feuds, young talent (and even veteran talent, since HHH overshadows all) stepping up and getting titles, a third brand with the more under rated superstars would be great, IMO. Hardcore Holly, Billy Gunn, Jamie Noble, Mark Jindrak, Rene Dupree, Rhyno, Chuck Palumbo, Tyson Tomko, Chavo Guerrero, Paul London, Kenzo Suzuki, Maven, Scott Steiner, Steven Richards, Rodney Mack, Basham brothers (with single carreers) Heidenreich, Akio and a couple of popular vets like RVD and HBK would make a great roster, IMO.
The WWE needs to eliminate Jobbers. They don't do anything. Their initial purpose was to make others look good, but they don't make others look good if they lose matches, because everyone's used to seeing them lose. When Mordecai beat Hardcore Holly and S2H, was anybody impressed?? He beat a couple of jobbers? Same for Kenzo Suzuki when he beat Billy Gunn.
Jobbers have no purpose now. People only look good when they beat people who DON'T LOSE EVERY WEEK.
I usually don't agree with anything you say but some of what you posted makes sense. There 's a lot of talent of smackdown and raw that never gets to shine. It's also true that no one gives a crap when someone beats down a "loser". I'm gonna say I like The Hurricane...and I think he is a pretty good wrestler. Unfortunately, he's a joke....they send out Hurricane to fight Wrestler XXX and you already know whats going to happen before the match starts. He's gonna lose like he does every time he wrestles. IMO he should be on smackdown competing for the cruiser weight championship. I'm not sure if a third brand is a good idea...but I do agree that a lot of wrestlers are not getting a chance to shine. It's the same storyline over and over again that all the wwe fans are sick of. HHH has the belt and popular super star #1,2, or 3 is trying to take it from him. After a couple months popular star #2 gets the belt keeps it for a month till a pay-per-view and loses it to HHH and then the cycle continues. Over and over and over again...I'm so sick of HHH always involved in the Heavy Weight Championship storylines...

I agree. Actually, I think that the best solution is (and don't shoot me) to create a third brand.
Triple H has pretty much taken over RAW. If we want fresh feuds, young talent (and even veteran talent, since HHH overshadows all) stepping up and getting titles, a third brand with the more under rated superstars would be great, IMO. Hardcore Holly, Billy Gunn, Jamie Noble, Mark Jindrak, Rene Dupree, Rhyno, Chuck Palumbo, Tyson Tomko, Chavo Guerrero, Paul London, Kenzo Suzuki, Maven, Scott Steiner, Steven Richards, Rodney Mack, Basham brothers (with single carreers) Heidenreich, Akio and a couple of popular vets like RVD and HBK would make a great roster, IMO.
The WWE needs to eliminate Jobbers. They don't do anything. Their initial purpose was to make others look good, but they don't make others look good if they lose matches, because everyone's used to seeing them lose. When Mordecai beat Hardcore Holly and S2H, was anybody impressed?? He beat a couple of jobbers? Same for Kenzo Suzuki when he beat Billy Gunn.
Jobbers have no purpose now. People only look good when they beat people who DON'T LOSE EVERY WEEK.
I agree, but you shouldn't call guys like Holly and Gunn, and S2H Jobbers. No, guys like Maven, Hurricane, and others mostly on SD are jobbers. They'll never amount to jack, and get the occassional win, just to make things "interesting". But I do like your idea of a third brand, and actually, the WWE has thought of it before. They thought of re-starting ECW, as a third brand, but all the ECW vets talked Vince out of it. Don't ask me why, I think it would work.
black_dragon, spoilers for SD should be online, I found them on sescoops.com.

Who is this guy who rapes people backstage?My cousin gets mad everytime I tell him that guy raped Michael Cole.Then my cousin comes back saying "HE WAS JUST READING A POEM!!!!!!!!!!!"Thats a Die Hard WWE fan.We were all Die Hards once.He's sick of HHH winning the belt also.I wonder what would have happened if the WWE continued the Test Marrying Stephanie storyline.
That would be Heidenreich. Hes suppost to be a phyco monster dude. For some reason he reads poems about not having any respect by the fans and than starts beating them up. and he had a short 3 week feud with Michael Cole and one time, threatened to rape him (well, not really but it looked like it) His manager is Paul Heyman and hes suppost to be feuding with The Undertaker right now. Althought Undertaker doesn't seem to be feuding with him thought because he hasn't shown up for the feud yet.
It just seems so stale.
What I would do, if given the power, would be to take one deserving 'vet' and have him win that title, followed by at least a month of solid title defences in which nobody cheated, and every victory was earned by being the better man. No gimmicky matches either.
Then, after a while of that, have him lose the title to somebody else who isn't Triple H, and is deserving.
I really do believe it would be just that simple to give the whole thing a fresh spin.
If I had my way, i'd give guys like Steiner and Johnny Stamboli a decent push. If I had my way, i'd reduce the number of titles on the whole, and maybe have title defences a little less often, so that when a title has to be defended, it's a little more clutch, and doesn't seem so overhyped. If I had my way, i'd have all these newcomers like CCC and Snitzky (or however the hell you spell this idiot's name) EARN their shit through hard fought matches.
I'm sick of overhyped matches that end poorly already, and i've only been watching for about a month. I don't want 'surprise' roll up pin victory's, I want bonified comebacks, tap outs, and spectacular match ending moves....speaking of which (oh you can bet i'm not done ranting yet)...
What's up with these finishers? Some of them are just so bad to the point where they're actually bizzare. A clothesline? A fucking clothesline? You're playing with the big boys now, use something that you don't see 8 times in a usual match. 5 knuckle shuffle? That's right up there with the stinkface on the 'moves the should never have been thought of' list (yes i know it isn't a finisher, but it's worth mentioning, just because of the shear shittyness of it). The F-U is quite possibly just as pathetic. A standing firemans carry? It's sad. They try to act as if it just comes out of nowhere when Cena lugs his opponent up to his shoulders, walks around a little then slowly throws them down - c'mon nobody's buying that it just takes people by surprise. It's hardly a diamond cutter...speaking of which, I thought at first was the light at the end of the shitty finisher tunnel when I saw the RKO...ugh, every time i've seen him throw this down, the execution is so poor that the move barely looks like what it is. Bastista's move (the sitout powerbomb) is pretty poor when you look at the guys build too. It looks like more of a middleweight finisher than the type of thing you'd see a monster like him pull off. Edge and that spear - yeah I wouldn't fully consider it a finisher, but it comes off like that, and it's been done to death, and i'm sure an innovative guy like Edge could come up with something more creative.
I miss WCW and Blitzkreig's skytwister press, that type of awesome shit is what should pass as a finisher, not a fucking running lariat.
I'm not saying guys like JBL should be actually trying to pull off a skytwister press mid-match, but the least they could do is either be creative with their choice of move, or be creative with the execution of it (the very reason I hold the diamond cutter in such high regard - it was pulled off from more positions that I could remember. How many other finishing moves can be pulled out in the middle of the Big Shows chokeslam, and still have both guys take damage?)
that the WWE are thinking about making more brands including one focused on BOXING
And Booker T finally gets his title shot at SS. Man, I hope he wins the title.

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
Regarding finnishers; as far as "pure" finnishers go...meh. There have been a lot worse, lol. I've been enjoying the way matches have ended in the WWE these past few weeks, though. They've been doing more clutch roll ups and random moves that get the pinfall. That's nice to see. Also, the Five Knuckle Shuffle pwnz everything, lol.
Anywho, is that Ultimo/Kenzo angle set in stone for SD? Be kind of nice to get Ultimo to actually perform more than two shows. Anywho, SD tonight, TNA tomarrow.

Who is this guy who rapes people backstage?My cousin gets mad everytime I tell him that guy raped Michael Cole.Then my cousin comes back saying "HE WAS JUST READING A POEM!!!!!!!!!!!"Thats a Die Hard WWE fan.We were all Die Hards once.He's sick of HHH winning the belt also.I wonder what would have happened if the WWE continued the Test Marrying Stephanie storyline.
That would be Heidenreich. Hes suppost to be a phyco monster dude. For some reason he reads poems about not having any respect by the fans and than starts beating them up. and he had a short 3 week feud with Michael Cole and one time, threatened to rape him (well, not really but it looked like it) His manager is Paul Heyman and hes suppost to be feuding with The Undertaker right now. Althought Undertaker doesn't seem to be feuding with him thought because he hasn't shown up for the feud yet.

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
These tough enough gimmicks are getting kind of retarded, too; but for some reason I'm getting pulled into this one more than the previous. So far I like Justice and that MMA fighter, Dan. I liked the other Dan, the long haired blond guy...until he got body slammed, lol. The look on his face after that was like "wtf?....." lol.
Big show on Trek is going to be pimp. And I still love carlito's character, I don't care what anybody says. That shit is gold.
Hey, is Josh ever going to wrestle? It seams like they're getting him ready for something, but I haven't read anything. Be kind of fun watching him run around picking up random, bull shit wins over peeps, lol.

Rey and Angle was good, but what did you expect from those two? A shitty match? LOL!
These tough enough gimmicks are getting kind of retarded, too; but for some reason I'm getting pulled into this one more than the previous. So far I like Justice and that MMA fighter, Dan. I liked the other Dan, the long haired blond guy...until he got body slammed, lol. The look on his face after that was like "wtf?....." lol.
Big show on Trek is going to be pimp. And I still love carlito's character, I don't care what anybody says. That shit is gold.
Hey, is Josh ever going to wrestle? It seams like they're getting him ready for something, but I haven't read anything. Be kind of fun watching him run around picking up random, bull shit wins over peeps, lol.
Yeah, the Angle/Mysterio match was good.
I personally hate Tough Enough. I thought 3 were bad enough, now the WWE sees fit to shove a fourth down our throats! It's bad enough they did the Diva contest! As for who I like, none of them, they all suck! I wished the Big Show would have annihilated all of them, including that MMA geek, who has no idea what he's getting into! He should go talk to Ken Shamrock, the only MMA fighter to make it in Wrestling, and Dan Sevren, and Tank Abbott, the two losers who couldn't make it in wrestling!!
Big Show on Trek is going to be good. I can't wait to see it tonight! I like Brent Spiner's character on the show also.
As for Josh. He's one of the rejects from the original TE. If you want to see him "wrestle", rent the first season on dvd, and you'll see why he should never be aloud to wrestle.

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
I agree on TE, though; despite the fact I like this batch of hopefulls more so than any other - only like a few, though. This shit is getting out of hand. What's so retarded is that you can't take these fools seriously, too. Like, I could be watching Maven a decade from now. He could be a top card and I'd still be like "hey, it's that retard from tough enough." lol
Anyways, the Angle/Rey Match was another good match by these two. Chavo/Rey was OK, and Jordon/Booker T was pretty good to.
And that Undertaker segment was fuckin tight. the creppy music and the evil laugh at the end. that fuckin OWNED!

Maven is only remembered for getting the shit being beat out of him by Taker.
The girls have been crap, Lisa being used for the Bashams was her highlight. So Far, So Crap, So What!

"Is, uh,...Is your wife a goer, eh? Know whatahmean, know whatahmean, nudge nudge, know whatahmean, say no more?"
Creative Consultant: OK, we've given the World Title to Triple H for the umpteenth time now since he's shaggin' the bosses daughter and we've run Smackdown into the ground by giving the title to Bradshaw and then having him BEAT the Undertaker several times, so now what?
2nd Creative Consultant: How about a new show with BOXING?
1st Creative Consultant: Hey! That's a great idea! You write up some crappy storylines and I'll ask Trips if he wants the title there too!
On a less sarcastic note, anyone watch Impact yesterday? Victory Road is shapin up to be pretty cool. Jeff Hardy vs. Jeff Jarret in a Ladder Match? That's gonna be awesome.
Predictions for Victory Road
HARDY vs. Jarret
ABYSS vs. Raven vs. Monty Brown
AJ STYLES vs. Petey William
TRIPLE X vs. America's Most Wanted
New Director of Authority: Dusty Rhodes
TEAM CANADA vs. 3 Live Cru
X Division Invitational: Kid Kash

Oh boy, a boxing promotion in WWE? That's priceless.
Creative Consultant: OK, we've given the World Title to Triple H for the umpteenth time now since he's shaggin' the bosses daughter and we've run Smackdown into the ground by giving the title to Bradshaw and then having him BEAT the Undertaker several times, so now what?
2nd Creative Consultant: How about a new show with BOXING?
1st Creative Consultant: Hey! That's a great idea! You write up some crappy storylines and I'll ask Trips if he wants the title there too!
On a less sarcastic note, anyone watch Impact yesterday? Victory Road is shapin up to be pretty cool. Jeff Hardy vs. Jeff Jarret in a Ladder Match? That's gonna be awesome.
Predictions for Victory Road
HARDY vs. Jarret
ABYSS vs. Raven vs. Monty Brown
AJ STYLES vs. Petey William
TRIPLE X vs. America's Most Wanted
New Director of Authority: Dusty Rhodes
TEAM CANADA vs. 3 Live Cru
X Division Invitational: Kid Kash
LOL!! That is funny! I don't think the WWE is going to go the boxing rout, I read that some people in the offices think it's a real bad idea, and I agree. XFL anyone???
I don't get Impact up here in Canada as of yet, but I am going to watch Victory Road. Hope it goes well for them, Vince might just get a little competion again!
Hey, I read online, that those World Wildlife Bastards are suing Vince again. Those hippies sure like causing trouble! They're more trouble then they're worth, and I think they ain't worth jack! All true wrestling fans know who the real WWF is it's the World Wrestling Federation, not those tree/panda-loving hippies! I only wish Vince could shut them down some how and go back to WWF instead of this WWE crap!

"Is, uh,...Is your wife a goer, eh? Know whatahmean, know whatahmean, nudge nudge, know whatahmean, say no more?"
LOL!! That is funny! I don't think the WWE is going to go the boxing rout, I read that some people in the offices think it's a real bad idea, and I agree. XFL anyone???
I don't get Impact up here in Canada as of yet, but I am going to watch Victory Road. Hope it goes well for them, Vince might just get a little competion again!
Hey, I read online, that those World Wildlife Bastards are suing Vince again. Those hippies sure like causing trouble! They're more trouble then they're worth, and I think they ain't worth jack! All true wrestling fans know who the real WWF is it's the World Wrestling Federation, not those tree/panda-loving hippies! I only wish Vince could shut them down some how and go back to WWF instead of this WWE crap!
Yeah I heard about that, it's supposed to be because WWE has shown clips with the WWF logo, and god knows that could just cause SO much confusion.
I mean, as much as I think WWE has been at it's worst lately, I still get ticked when I see a bunch of hippie pussies suing them just because of a few clips. Kinda funny when you think about it, a bunch of environmentalists who believe in treating animals right and never harming them, and then they go and sue WWE for showing clips with their initials. It seems that they value animal rights over human rights.

3 words "Brawl for All" incidently i believe that Bradshaw was victorious (correct me if i am wrong)
We all know that storylines get repeated.
-Unexpected and terminated pregnancy (Lita, but Terrie Runnells in the past)
-Best of 5 series (Cena vs T, but in WCW, Benoit vs T)
-Elimination Chamber match -> Fall Brawl
-Eugene (see earlier section of thread)
WWE repeats its lines/steals lines from everyone and repeats them.

Breast Implants(I read some where that they were tested on Animals first.)
If it was my pet(RIP) I wouldn't feel right eating it.Im not saying I'll eat somebody else's pet but you kinda get what im getting at.If you don't eat meat(Pamela Anderson,Traci Bingham,Naomi Campbell ETC.)Thats fine.But don't tell me what to eat and not to eat.
Regardless,if the WWE were to change it's name back to WWF.It would still suck as a show.Those writers are just too lazy.Im surprised that no one in the audience boos Triple H.

"Is, uh,...Is your wife a goer, eh? Know whatahmean, know whatahmean, nudge nudge, know whatahmean, say no more?"

"Is, uh,...Is your wife a goer, eh? Know whatahmean, know whatahmean, nudge nudge, know whatahmean, say no more?"
Hulk Hogan isn't even in the WWE anymore.
Yeah, I hope Booker T wins the title at SS. I'm not a fan of Booker T, but hell, anyone is better than JBL. I only wish that someone would beat Trips on Raw, the the 2 worst champs in WWE would be without titles, as it should be.
Yeah, I'm agree, I would like to see Booker T to win the WWE belt just one time, and I'm sick of JBL, V2M was stupid to push him... I'm not either a Triple H fan, but he's far to be one of the worst WWwF/WWF/WWE champions (except for 2003 year) : V2M, Sycho Sid, Big Show, Sergent Slaughter were more horrible than him... And some "reigns" were ridiculous, by example, Kane who kept the belt one day only...

"the WWE will not go down the boxing path"
3 words "Brawl for All" incidently i believe that Bradshaw was victorious (correct me if i am wrong)
We all know that storylines get repeated.
-Unexpected and terminated pregnancy (Lita, but Terrie Runnells in the past)
-Best of 5 series (Cena vs T, but in WCW, Benoit vs T)
-Elimination Chamber match -> Fall Brawl
-Eugene (see earlier section of thread)
WWE repeats its lines/steals lines from everyone and repeats them.
Actually Bart Gunn was the one to win the WWFE Brawl for All!
Yeah WWE repeats allot of storylines and such, but some of the ones they do repeat turn out to be good (NWO??), and others not so good(Continuous pregnancies!!), and the Elimination Chamber isn't really a repeat, it was never used before. Now if WWE used the Triple Cage match of "doom" then that would be a repeat, it would also be kinda cool to see if the WWE could do it better than WCW. And how is Eugene a repeat??
You should add Carlito, he's a blatant repeat/rip-off of Razor Ramon.
Bad news for us Canadian TNA fans! It seems the fucking Internet ruins something again. TNA/TSN found out the net leaked their plans to air TNA Impact on TSN, now the plans have been scraped. Damn, I really want to see TNA Impact.