08/26/2008 07:16 AM (UTC)
Exactly ErmackDaddy. I don't like rock music, punk, heavy metal or any of that either. But, I don't go around degrading those artists just because the music they make doesn't fit my personal taste. I have better things to do, like listen to music I actually do care for. Its pointless and stupid to bitch about something you have the free will to avoid and disregard.

Faith No More, You just basically said you'd want to expose your kids to violence, sex and other things before you allow them to listen to any of that Disney produced stuff. I'm sorry but you'd make a horrible parent. What kind of parent forces a child to stop listening to the music they like just because they don't care for it, especially when that music has nothing but positive messages in it. That is not only selfish on your part, but completely idiotic.
08/26/2008 04:23 PM (UTC)
WarriorPrincess Wrote:
You guys have serious anger issues. never seen a thread full of such therapy cases. Obviously you guys are listening to this music and watching the videos and Disney shows to come to these hate filled conclusions. All this bullshit going on about these kids are what is wrong with America. LMAO you gotta be fucking kidding me? There are 100 other reasons America is fucked up and neither has to do with Miley Cyrus or the Jonas brothers. I seriously don't understand this kind of distaste and hatred for people you don't even know, nor have you walked one mile in their shoes. I think its really sad in a pathetic way that you have to degrade and talk down about people, friggin kids no less, just because you don't care for their music. Put the mouse down and seek help NOW!

I have to live with this shit. I can't get away from it.
It's FUCKING torture.
08/26/2008 05:10 PM (UTC)
"Music"? Don't you mean "products"?
08/26/2008 05:12 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
"Music"? Don't you mean "products"?

yep agreed.
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Thanks redman for the sig!

08/26/2008 05:22 PM (UTC)
scorpion_s2 Wrote:
WarriorPrincess Wrote:
You guys have serious anger issues. never seen a thread full of such therapy cases. Obviously you guys are listening to this music and watching the videos and Disney shows to come to these hate filled conclusions. All this bullshit going on about these kids are what is wrong with America. LMAO you gotta be fucking kidding me? There are 100 other reasons America is fucked up and neither has to do with Miley Cyrus or the Jonas brothers. I seriously don't understand this kind of distaste and hatred for people you don't even know, nor have you walked one mile in their shoes. I think its really sad in a pathetic way that you have to degrade and talk down about people, friggin kids no less, just because you don't care for their music. Put the mouse down and seek help NOW!

I have to live with this shit. I can't get away from it.
It's FUCKING torture.

My deepest condolences to you. But surely you can block it out.
Reminds me of a time long ago when I was working outdoors. Some tool company vendor pulled up where i was working, to showcase what they had, and blasted Bon Jovi the entire 8 hours I was there. I thought my head was going to melt after hearing Dead or Alive so many god damned times, but after awhile, I decided that I'd have to block that crap out. *only became crap after the first hour* So I did.
And who knows? Maybe after repetitive listening, your spirit will break and you'll end up a die hard Miley fan, like Alpha_q_up. tongue
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