Disney music
posted08/26/2008 05:22 PM (UTC)by
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01/16/2006 05:32 PM (UTC)
Discuss what you think of disney music, I think it's shit. You?
08/23/2008 05:34 PM (UTC)
I think they should stop right now

it's very retarded.
08/23/2008 05:35 PM (UTC)
Suitable for stuck-up and uptight parents who would rather let their kids go into the real world not knowing a damn thing than taking a risk at temptation and telling the truth.

Fucking idiots!
08/23/2008 05:36 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Suitable for stuck-up and uptight parents who would rather let their kids go into the real world not knowing a damn thing than taking a risk at temptation and telling the truth.

Fucking idiots!

You just took the words from my mouth.
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08/23/2008 05:54 PM (UTC)
Nightcrow Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
Suitable for stuck-up and uptight parents who would rather let their kids go into the real world not knowing a damn thing than taking a risk at temptation and telling the truth.

Fucking idiots!

You just took the words from my mouth.
Complete utter bullshit for irritgting, giddy teenagers who know jack shit on how serious things are. Just like all teen pop.
I despise it all with my entire spark. And every fiber in my body.
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Why do dyslexics hate Christmas? Because that's when Satan comes.

08/24/2008 12:37 AM (UTC)
I know this is a stupid question, but we're talking about Hannah Montana/Hi School Musical/Jonas Brothers, right?

08/24/2008 01:01 AM (UTC)
I love it. It's very nostalgic for me. I have a bunch on my iTunes.

'I can show you the world....' smile
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08/24/2008 01:24 AM (UTC)
I will take Disney singing munchkins and choke them with dental floss very slowly.

Their music makes my stomach seriously turn, I sometimes gag when they show a video in another channel for advertisement, or when their songs find their way into my music channels on tv.

The worst part is that pretty much none of them actually can sing. Their voices are whiny, too sweet and high-pitched, and it sounds like they're in a lousy 6th grade talent show rather than in a professional recording studio. Especially fucking Miley Cyrus, that is one of the most untalented bitches I have ever had the displeasure of seeing gaining any fame. When I heard her song on my local radio station I almost crashed my car, they would've found me in a puddle of blood, car parts, and vomit, with her fugly ass singing the theme song to my death.

Another horrible thing is that practically all of the Disney songs have corny-as-hell lyrics. They're all trying to tell you to be nice, or friendly, or how fun it is to have a crush, and how relationships are sweet and everybody in the world is nice and fun -_- it's sickening. I mean, I don't mind songs with a positive message, but at least don't give it corny-as-hell lyrics and then sing it in a sweet little-kid voice.

Mary Poppins probably writes their songs while doped up on crack and pills...

Disney Channel is out to get me, I tell ya!
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Why do dyslexics hate Christmas? Because that's when Satan comes.

08/24/2008 04:41 AM (UTC)
I respect these artists for just being hopeful kids trying to live their dreams and doing this silly dance for more than money (C'mon, isn't it everyone's dream to be a rock star?). But it's not fair that little sixteen year olds who are mediocre singers at best and who's poorly written, amateurish lyrics revolve around nothing more than puppy love are gaining mainstream fame while TRUE musicians stay underground because radios don't want to play their music. I know sixth graders who can write better songs than these people.

"When I think about the previous relationship we shared
It was awesome, but we lost it
It's not possible for me not to care "

"I's awkward and silent as I wait for you to say
What I need to hear now is your sincere apology
When you mean it. I'll believe it
If you text it, I'll delete it
Lets be clear
Oh, I'm not coming back
Your taking 7 steps here "

"And compared to all the great things that would take to long to write
I probably should mention the 7 that I like
The 7 things I like about you! "

"When we kiss, I'm hYpnotized!
You make me laugh!
You make me cry!
But I guess that's both I'll have to buy!
Your hands in mine!
When we're intertwined everything's alright!
I want to be with the one I know! "

I'm slipping into the lava
And I'm tryin' to keep from going under
Baby, you turn the temperature hotter
Cuz I'm burning up
Burning up
For you baby "

"Burning up
For you baby
Burning up
Burning up
For you baby "

"Before I knew What I'd go through
You made me fall in love with you
Now Im fallin but your not catching me
I'd let you go Then take you back
I'm serious as a heart attack
I'm so crazy "

"I should be committed
For being committed
someone like you
makes me so blue
I should be arrested
For being obsessed with
Somebody like you
somebody like you "
What Do I think of it. Its retarded shit and thank god I don't have to hear it. From someone who listens to lots and lots of PUNK I would rather shoot myself in the head than have to listen to it.

ts like parents are so full of it never allowing there children to experience life and all its bullshit and never letting them be picked last for baseball or football always coddling them. And I mean even small things like "play" is scheduled for "play dates with little billy at 5" Give me a brake right. What happened to going to the park and meeting someone and going out and play. Or riding bikes or playing with a stick or anything!!! Parents now a days really make me sick especially when they have there kids on a leash!! But I suppose if i were a parent I wouldn't want my kid to get into the bad crowds like I did. But I would let my kid experience life and let him know how rough it is and allow him to make his own choices in life.

Sorry for the long rant Seriously I could have gone on and on but I don't feel like it right now *DAMN COLD shakes fist at God* but yeah parents are full of it. And one last thing

Parent:" What do you want for your birthday Johnny?"
Johnny: "Grand Theft Auto 4"
Parent: "Ok sure"
Parent: "What the hell are you doing"
Johnny: "Fucking this whore and then I'm gonna shoot her and blow her head off!!!"

Clearly somethings fucking wrong here. Sorry for getting off topic but I had to get that out.
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08/24/2008 06:39 AM (UTC)
MsMarvel Wrote:
I love it. It's very nostalgic for me. I have a bunch on my iTunes.

'I can show you the world....' smile

nostalgic? the stuff's been out for like a month, how does that cause nostalgia?

I can't stand it, but I'm tolerant of those who like it

But, what I HATE, is the pro-abstinence-only and pro-christian/conservative-propaganda being perpetuated by people like the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus.

If the Jonas Brothers want to wear abstinence rings, fine, but I don't want Disney pushing sexual purity down the throats of my relatives in their target audience; statistically, people who are taught abstinence only are MUCH more likely to engage in more risky behavior (like anal sex), and MUCH less likely to use condoms, and MORE likely to get STD's and have unwanted pregnancies. I'm in favor of a more COMPREHENSIVE approach that includes the teaching of CONTRACEPTION!

And Miley Cyrus' acceptance speech at the Teen Choice Awards where she thanks Jesus on behalf of the audience!? I may be a Christian, but I DO NOT believe in pushing it down other people's throats or wearing it on my sleeve like a imbecile! I want my kids (that I'll eventually father one day) to make their OWN choice in regards to religion, and I don't want ANY celebrity pushing ANY religion on them when they're so impressionable. Particularly one that is SO intolerant (I speak of course of EVANGELICAL Christianity). How upset would Pat Robertson be if someone started praising Allah or the Start Goddess or Brahma or Satan (for those Satanists out there)!?

That's my take anyway

By the way, there is something about Miley Cyrus and that middle Jonas Brother that I CAN'T STAND more than the rest of them...and I don't know why.
08/24/2008 06:45 AM (UTC)
I thought this was about like the Lion King, Toy Story, and Aladdin among other Disney movies with singing.

I had no idea this was about Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. Shame, shame, shame on the topic starter.
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Thanks to flameshang for the fanbar! Pr0d for the sig, and Redman for the avy!

08/24/2008 07:08 AM (UTC)
Ugh, I hate it. I appreciate that they're making music and living their dream, it's just that the music is crap. They have no real talent, their riffs are shit, and the lyrics are shit. What's worse is that little kids are eating this stuff up like it's actually good.
08/24/2008 07:18 AM (UTC)
Why the fuck are you judging music that is clearly aimed at children and teens for in the first fuckin place? No one said you had to listen to it. Personally I don't care if their music is good or bad, I have the free will to change the channel if I don't like it, which it seems some of you lack the ability to do. I'm not going to rag on these kids for living out their dream of making music and becoming famous. I wouldn't want anyone doing it to me. If you can't at least respect the hard work they put into what they do, it says a lot about the kind of person you are. Hateful and jealous. Anyway, I do like the Cheetah Girls. The music from their latest film "One World" was very nice in my opinion. Great to dance too.
08/24/2008 06:00 PM (UTC)
These fucking kids don't deserve all the money they make. Bunch of talentless fucks. With all the happy songs where they say everything in life is happy no matter what. God, I really hate those kids (Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus, and escpecially those High School Musical kids).
08/24/2008 06:41 PM (UTC)
I have 2 siblings that love that kind of music, and they're 12 and 14 years old.

my sister I can understand.....kinda

my little brother needs to just stop it right fucking now.

I'ts hell in my house every fucking day with Jonas Bros. and Miley or whatever the fuck.

I try to blast my Dethklok CD as loud as fucking possible.
08/24/2008 07:19 PM (UTC)
(Erik) Wrote:
I thought this was about like the Lion King, Toy Story, and Aladdin among other Disney movies with singing.

I had no idea this was about Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. Shame, shame, shame on the topic starter.

Same here, that's what I was referring to. Those were Aladdin lyrics I posted, and that came out a long time ago, not a month ago.
08/25/2008 09:30 PM (UTC)
haha the disney stuff from awhile ago (the lion king, tarzan, toy story, aladin, mulan) had some really cool music i think.

Now as for Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Bros...

I partially blame her father for that one. He has pretty much been pulling the strings from behind the scenes since the beginning. And its going to show...Just u wait...she'll be a regular Britt. Spears here in a few years.

As for the Jonas Bros....dear god where did they come from and how did they get famous? they look like all those other pop/emo/deathrock "bands" that are around....nothing makes them different from those whatsoever.
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I'm dead
08/25/2008 11:05 PM (UTC)
I think Disney went to hell, both Music wise, and Television wise when they hired those fucking Blonde twins....They started this whole mess, There was an episode where they had some battle of the bands shit or something...That started it all...

That episode and Raven Symone got pop music and disney crossed...in started the downward Spiral of the entire human race...

Pop music got That Miley bitch hired, and the Jonas cocksuckers hired as well...Soon, disney, which even i as an adult watched when shows like Sister Sister, Smart Guy, the Jersey, and shit like that was on (Dave the Barbarian fan, BTW...show kicked ass!) ...Now, i think i might have my Sattelite provider take the channel off our plan, and if thats not possible block all acsess to it...i can't stand it!

Miley Cyrus is "The best thing since sliced bread" to little girls and a few boys age 14 and under...But, for christ sakes, SLICED BREAD HAS MORE TALENT THAN SHE DOES!! I can't believe that bands and solo artists with talent go unsigned while shit like her get churned up every week...Hell, i remember about a year ago, some chick came out with a song Called Lip Gloss...THATS HOW LOW AMERICA HAS SUNK!!

The Jonas Brothers were procalmed as "The New Beatles" by some people on some News station that should be tourtured and killed...After they have their heads checked of corse, because no normal human could compare shit like teh Jonas Brothers to the Gods that were The Beatles...Hell, after they said that, Paul and George litterally turned over in there graves....They have NO talent, the only reason they have a career is because they are "Dreamy!!!" and the only reason i haven't ended their lives myself is because i have a family to support, and Jail isn't setting a good example for my children

Speaking of my kids, they will never, EVER be into pop music...I won't allow it...I will be the Anti-Parent...the SMART parent..and won't allow my children to hear that shit that people call music...I'd rather my kids be exposed to real things like Music, Violence, Sex and Big Foot then shitty, no talent hacks who are famous because of there Family or their looks who sing about shit that isn't real...

Rant OVER!!
08/25/2008 11:14 PM (UTC)
FNM, I'd like you to meet this mofucker...

He likes Queen and, if he were real, would incinerate the Jonas Brothers with the eternal hatred of Satan and the agony of Hell. Straight after going psycho-Gear on Miley Cyrus. And chopping the hell out of Jordan Pruitt (?). Because he's one Badguy.

This message brought to you by the committe of Sol Badguy for the Rock and Roll hall of fame and for 2020 president.
*Sigh* I read that there making a High School Musical 3 what has this world come to.. Oh Well..
08/26/2008 04:40 AM (UTC)
You guys have serious anger issues. never seen a thread full of such therapy cases. Obviously you guys are listening to this music and watching the videos and Disney shows to come to these hate filled conclusions. All this bullshit going on about these kids are what is wrong with America. LMAO you gotta be fucking kidding me? There are 100 other reasons America is fucked up and neither has to do with Miley Cyrus or the Jonas brothers. I seriously don't understand this kind of distaste and hatred for people you don't even know, nor have you walked one mile in their shoes. I think its really sad in a pathetic way that you have to degrade and talk down about people, friggin kids no less, just because you don't care for their music. Put the mouse down and seek help NOW!
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Thanks redman for the sig!

08/26/2008 06:43 AM (UTC)
WarriorPrincess Wrote:
You guys have serious anger issues. never seen a thread full of such therapy cases. Obviously you guys are listening to this music and watching the videos and Disney shows to come to these hate filled conclusions. All this bullshit going on about these kids are what is wrong with America. LMAO you gotta be fucking kidding me? There are 100 other reasons America is fucked up and neither has to do with Miley Cyrus or the Jonas brothers. I seriously don't understand this kind of distaste and hatred for people you don't even know, nor have you walked one mile in their shoes. I think its really sad in a pathetic way that you have to degrade and talk down about people, friggin kids no less, just because you don't care for their music. Put the mouse down and seek help NOW!

200% agreed. and furthermore....

What the fuck are those heavy metal bands screaming about anyways? Their tough lives in the suburbs? Are they mad they ran out of hair gel? No more room on their bodies for tats? Is 'the man' getting them down?
I seriously despise anything metal, but I'm not making threads about it. I just don't listen to it. Grow up.
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