12/28/2006 07:48 AM (UTC)
I finished Konquest and acquired all the relics yet there is only one "?" left in the Krypt. It needs a code. Can anyone provide it?
01/05/2007 11:19 PM (UTC)
That "?" box doesn't open. The codes are to unlock other items in the Krypt. But, considering that you've unlocked everything else already, I believe that the "?" box is now useless.
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01/15/2007 03:11 AM (UTC)
So, if I missed a couple of the relics.. what do I have to do to get them again?
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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01/19/2007 02:21 AM (UTC)
Vorpax Wrote:
So, if I missed a couple of the relics.. what do I have to do to get them again?

Redo Konquest. You can't go back into it once you've beaten it and find what you missed.
01/28/2007 03:48 PM (UTC)
I've got a question: How do I beat that Icey Beast? I''ve noticed already that kicking will do more harm than punching but what else? The beast keeps growing back in strenght. And I keep losing strenght.........I know there are potions to regain strenght but when do they pop up? etc? Ideas, advice?
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01/29/2007 08:17 PM (UTC)
Yeah. Use your fireball against the beast. When you are low on energy, potions will appear to recover your energy.
01/29/2007 09:39 PM (UTC)
Okay thanks, a fireball sounds great but how do I perform it? I'm kinda low on my Taven-skills. I know he can do several things and I'm sure he's a great fighter when you master him but I haven't fought with him in arcade mode. So how do I find out his other tricks? Do I first need to collect them in Conquest or is it just a matter of practise in Arcade mode?

remember, I'm a ehhh rookie/newbie etcsmile
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01/30/2007 08:17 PM (UTC)
What console are you using?

If you are using Xbox:
Hold down L and press X

For PS2:
Hold down L1 and press Square.
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02/02/2007 08:25 PM (UTC)
I'm at the part where your in Shao Kahn's fortress and the warriors come at you and ligtning comes from the sky and i cannot beat it any tips?
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02/08/2007 05:23 AM (UTC)
coolio548 Wrote:
I'm at the part where your in Shao Kahn's fortress and the warriors come at you and ligtning comes from the sky and i cannot beat it any tips?

Are you talking about the Big Shao Kahn boss? If you are you have to get him in the middle of the level where theres a symbol on the ground. You have to use the Time capsules that it provides you with. Then you shoot fireballs at the 4 lights in the air. Once you have got him in the middle shoot the fireballs at the lights grab the time capsule and it will freeze him also giving him a hit. Repeat this method about 5 or 6 times. Remember you cannot touch him and dont get to close or whe will crush you. Hope this Helps.wink
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98% of the Internet population has a MySpace.
This planet is my space. I'm just letting you exist here.
If you debate that, take it up with my friend, Mr. Chuck Norris.
02/08/2007 09:35 PM (UTC)
Since we're still going on for walkthroughs, let me take the initiative and post the rest of MotaroG0D's post and second area, the Tekunin Warship. I'll be using the X-Box version. PS2 users, get over it. Now then...

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
The Obelisk

This is a training ground. Here you will refine your kombat skills. You start out learning the basics.

Round 1: Soopah-basics. Step up to the Jungle Trainer and hit X-X-X, then Y, then X-X-Y, then A, then X-X-A to finish this round.
Round 2: Dodging (useless) Here you learn to dodge. Hold Right-Trigger and press X, then Right-Trigger and A, then let the Jungle Trainer hit you and hit A just before you hit the ground. The last step is done twice.
Round 3: Grabs Just walk up to an opponent and press B to throw them. Then use the throw combos. First B-X, then B-Y.
Round 4: KOMBAT!!! Here you fight Jarek. He's a vast step up from Kobra (though I still got a Flawless Victory against him), he parries and he uses Breakers. His Kick Axe style can be tricky and is pretty potent. Just pummel him silly and move on.
Round 5: Earth-Shakah!!! Use the Ground Pound twice to proceed.
Round 6: Drop A Train On 'Em! Perform Fatalities on the Jungle Trainers. Just punch them once and they'll be ripe for the fatalitizing. X, Y, A and B are all different Fatalities, so do what you will to them.
Round 7: Kill 'Em All. This is you versus three Jungle Trainers, no holds barred. Just keep throwing them into each other or use the X-X-B combo to keep them at bay (the X-X-B combo will also asplode them if their health bar is empty by the time you get to the B).

Botan Jungle, Part 2

After the training sesh, look around behind the Obelisk to find a chest with Kobra's alternate attire. Continue back down to the fork and go right to find an area with what look like Moai (those Easter Island head) statues shooting giant shurikens out of their mouths. Destroy the two statues in front of you, then Ground Pound the ground where you see the fist mark. This will reveal to you a chest with 1000 Koins in it. Continue into the trap area. One shuriken hits you, you'll be looking for a new head. You can either wait out the shurikens and find the pattern, or you can be impatient and roll under them. I choose the latter. After the second bladetrap and just before the third, look on the left side of the path to find KONQUEST RELIC #4: JOHNNY CAGE'S PICTURE (it even says "To My Best Fan: Cage"). Open the chest with 500 Koins in it, then go into the big, open area. There you'll be ambushed by Black Dragon Thugs. These guys put up no fight, so just slap 'em around. Once they're dead, enter the building on the near left side of the route you came from to find the Tekunin Warship tune, then look in the far right one to find KONQUEST RELIC #5: JAREK'S VEST (his vest from MK4). The other two just have koin bags. In the next area, you get to smash other warriors with a hammer. However DO NOT START PLAYING WHACK-A-THUG AS SOON AS YOU ENTER. Look around the area first. You'll find KONQUEST RELIC #6 - KABAL'S MASK on the left side and a chest with Kabal's alternate costume in it on the right side. Then start smashing. The A or X buttons work best here, but you'll get good results with Y or B as well. After the weaklings are dead, you'll fight Kabal.

Vs. Kabal
Kabal loves his Hookswords style, he parries and uses Breakers, but he's pretty easy to whup. Just get in there and make him uglier than he already is.

After Kabal, you'll enter the Temple Of Argus.


Immediately after you enter, go to the left and right of the entrance to find two chests, one with 500 Koins and the other with Kung Lao's alternate costume. Then proceed to the left, hugging the wall to find KONQUEST RELIC #7 - DAIROU'S KEYS (I think they're the keys Dairou used to help Shujinko escape in Deception's Konquest). Go back the way you came and hug the right wall to find KONQUEST RELIC #8 - HOTARU'S FLAG (the samurai flags that make you think of Tekken/Soul Caliber II's Yoshimitsu) in the corner. Then go into the center of the room. You'll be ambushed (again), this time by warriors in red. Their grenades will drive you batty, but they do minimal damage. Waste them, then continue. In the next hall will be statues that spit fire. Analyze the pattern, then continue. If you're caught in the fire, chances are you're going to be turned into a barbeque. After the fire, you'll find a hall with crusher traps. The first two are pretty basic to get by, but the third has a pattern. Find it and continue. After the third trap is a sphere with Taven's tattoo on it. Grab it and it'll increase your health and max out said health and special bar. Continue into the next room and more red fighters will attack you. Fortunately, this time you can just Ground Pound, uppercut, roundhouse kick or throw them off the balcony. During or after the fight, you can find KONQUEST RELICS # 9 & #10 - STRYKER'S RADIO (though I've never seen it, might be MK3) and MOLOCH'S BALL (ball and chain weapon he carries around, you perverts) along the balcony in the corners. After finding them, you should unlock Meat (hidden MK4 character). Once the red guys are dead, open the chests. The one on the right (from where you come in) has Ermac's alternate costume. The one on the left is a poison trap. Immediately after opening, run away so you don't get poisoned. Or just don't open it. In the next hall is more crushers. They all have a different pattern, so look for it and run. At the end of the hall is KONQUEST RELIC #11 - HSU HAO'S WATCH (what time was it again?). Continue into the next room, then head to the left to find another health sphere. This one should lengthen your special bar. Then continue into the chamber. You'll be KO'd by Sektor at the end of the cutscene and taken aboard the Tekunin Warship.


Sektor's got a pretty nice warship. 'Cept Sonya Blade is shooting holes in it! When the cutscene ends, you'll be given 30 (though it's more like 5 or 7) minutes to escape. So be quick. If you took the right path from the start, you'll find Hsu Hao's alternate costume in the techno-chest on the right side of the path. The left path has KOMBAT RELIC #12 - CYRAX'S BOMB (like I'm going to take a bomb. BOMBS EXPLODE!) and a chest with 300 Koins. You can get them all, keep in mind, so either path is good. In the next room, search the dead Tekunin guys for a key. First, however, get the glowing MK chest with the Elder Gods Armor - Male Belt. Then about halfway through the room, you'll find more bodies. One of 'em has the key. However, immediately after the first downed big electrical wire, hang a right to get another power orb. This one, like the last, increases your special bar. Then search the bodies nearby for a key. Kick open the chest near the glowing panel to find Hotaru's alternate costume, then proceed. In the next room, there will be a large fan you can uppercut opponents into. However, first look around the broken door on the left to find KONQUEST ITEM #13 - NIGHTWOLF'S AXE (it's a tomahawk; get it straight), which is pretty hard to find unless you look in the corner by the door. Then lead the unsuspecting Tekunin toward the center and uppercut them to make quick work of them. When they die, open the chest to find Cyrax's alternate in the top of the room. Then head right into the next area and you'll get the Fire Ball attack. You'll be using this a lot, so get used to doing it. It's Left-Trigger-X. You can also throw Tekunin guys off the bridge and into the wall in this room. At the far right corner is KONQUEST RELIC # 14 - SEKTOR'S ROCKET (Houston, we have a problem.), so grab that too. Then enter the next room. More enemies are going to be abound, and so will KONQUEST RELIC #15 - JADE'S BRACELET (brace yourself for a fight). Grab the relic, then the Pulseblade. Just like with the hammer, the X or A buttons are the way to go for quick kills (which really matter here). Grab the chest with Baraka's alternate costume on the right side of the room, then head left (from where you entered). You'll see two Tekunin guys at work. Kill them both. The second one you kill will have KONQUEST RELIC #16 - SONYA'S ID BADGE. Then go into the next room and fight Sektor.

Vs. Sektor
Sektor's not exactly a pushover. He likes to do his Teleport Punch so if you see him going for it, block. He doesn't switch his style or use his Pulseblades often, but he can whip out some killer combos with them. Watch for what direction he shoots his rockets. Duck under the horizontal and move to the left or right to dodge the vertical. Get in close so he can't use his long-range moves and re-program him to lose. He'll also block a lot, but don't grab or you'll put him in prime position for more long-range attacks.

That's the end of that.
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Special thanks to NEST1 for this great sig.
02/12/2007 06:16 AM (UTC)
About Me
98% of the Internet population has a MySpace.
This planet is my space. I'm just letting you exist here.
If you debate that, take it up with my friend, Mr. Chuck Norris.
02/16/2007 06:05 PM (UTC)
mortal25 Wrote:

I know. I'm in awe of my awesomeness as well.
02/19/2007 08:26 PM (UTC)
Anyone any idea on how to defeat moloch in Konquest? It's getting pretty sad to see how he's ravishing Taven over and over again......
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02/20/2007 02:43 AM (UTC)
coolio548 Wrote:
I'm at the part where your in Shao Kahn's fortress and the warriors come at you and ligtning comes from the sky and i cannot beat it any tips?

Are you talking about the Big Shao Kahn boss? If you are you have to get him in the middle of the level where theres a symbol on the ground. You have to use the Time capsules that it provides you with. Then you shoot fireballs at the 4 lights in the air. Once you have got him in the middle shoot the fireballs at the lights grab the time capsule and it will freeze him also giving him a hit. Repeat this method about 5 or 6 times. Remember you cannot touch him and dont get to close or whe will crush you.

Hope this Helps.wink

I think it is right after that part where there are like at leas 20 warriors coming at you.
02/24/2007 02:46 PM (UTC)
To beat Moloch, I used his special move that does the three hit combo. *not sure the button use.* But he shoots forward does a three hit combo and pops back. Besides that, counter and avoid.

I have a question. Did anyone find out about the master ending? Now if not than tell me. If so, I'm not trying to go through every single post on this thread to find out so help please?
03/09/2007 02:19 AM (UTC)
this is probably a dumb question, but where is the last relic? ive played konquest three times and got all of the relics cept for this last one. and the book is telling me that it's Smoke's cigarettes but there is nothing there! can anyone just tell me?
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If Everyone were heroes, we'd all be dead...

03/14/2007 10:53 PM (UTC)
Okay, If it is indeed Smoke's Relic, and it's not "Smoke's cigarette", it's "Smoke's Helmet," but it should be in the general same location... I know, I got the damn book too, and... Well, can't say I was IMPRESSED... Definately NOT Flawless by any standards whatsoever. Oh, and another thing, HOW THE HELL DOES ONE UNLOCK UMK3?!?!?!?!? Or is it not in some games, like some sick joke...
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

03/28/2007 08:04 PM (UTC)
coolio548 Wrote:
coolio548 Wrote:
I'm at the part where your in Shao Kahn's fortress and the warriors come at you and ligtning comes from the sky and i cannot beat it any tips?

Are you talking about the Big Shao Kahn boss? If you are you have to get him in the middle of the level where theres a symbol on the ground. You have to use the Time capsules that it provides you with. Then you shoot fireballs at the 4 lights in the air. Once you have got him in the middle shoot the fireballs at the lights grab the time capsule and it will freeze him also giving him a hit. Repeat this method about 5 or 6 times. Remember you cannot touch him and dont get to close or whe will crush you.

Hope this Helps.wink

I think it is right after that part where there are like at leas 20 warriors coming at you.

You're talking about the 'elite guards' right before the Reiko battle, the ones in read that summon lightning to zap you. Time freeze is the way to go, here, along with keeping the warriors in close grouping; if even one of them gets too far away from you, they'll start summoning lighting to zap you (which CAN also hurt the other enemies, but it's extremely hard to get the timing down). However, they will almost always try and beat you down up-close if you force them into tight groups and attack them at once.
05/22/2007 05:11 PM (UTC)
Here's a couple of Taven's moves that might not be known in Konquest.

Fire Uppercut - After rolling forward, uppercut. (sends the opponent a lot higher)

Fire Roundhouse - After three punches, kick.

Fireball - 1, 3, 4
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They were crying when their sons left. God is wearing black. He has come so far to find no hope, he's never coming back. They were crying when their sons left, all young men must go, he has come so far to find the truth he is never going home...

06/03/2007 07:51 AM (UTC)
I have a question about the "?" mark in the Krypt. I was looking up codes, and one of them starts out with ZR? Does anyone know what ZR is? Thanks.
06/29/2007 03:29 PM (UTC)
For the last time, whoever asks what the code is for the ? box, there is no code. That box is strictly used to unlock the other items in the crypt. For example, if you find the code for a battle arena sketch, you input that code into the ? mark box and waa-lah, it's opened. The ? mark will always be there, even when you unlock everything because that's not an unlockable. It's like an enter your cheat code here. Now, I asked this question a long time ago, but to no response. Is there any word on the supposed master ending? You know the rumor how if you beat the game with every character, there is a master ending which shows you what really happens at Armeageddon. So if it's true, false post here, and if it's true, what happens in it?
07/13/2007 05:53 PM (UTC)
please tell me where can I find downloader of the MK: armageddon please sad
07/14/2007 06:06 AM (UTC)
ermesermes Wrote:
please tell me where can I find downloader of the MK: armageddon please sad

...That would be illegal, to link to you a site where you can download Mortal Kombat: Armageddon for free.

-Ryan C.
07/14/2007 11:45 AM (UTC)
yes i see but i dont no everything a bout this game and i like the konquest on it glasses But they should work on it alittle!!!!
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