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Death.....Is the only way out.......
Kharnij Wrote:
Just coins. I think its 3200 coins.
edouble2k6 Wrote:
Does anyone have any advice for the challenge in Konquest mode where you have to keep the undead guys from reaching Taven's father? I been stuck on that one for like a day now and refuse to skip it... anything would help! Also, if I DO skip it, am I missing out on a relic or just coins?
Does anyone have any advice for the challenge in Konquest mode where you have to keep the undead guys from reaching Taven's father? I been stuck on that one for like a day now and refuse to skip it... anything would help! Also, if I DO skip it, am I missing out on a relic or just coins?
Just coins. I think its 3200 coins.
If you get into trouble, just throw they deadies back and if a stray gets loose, beat him up for magic points. And if you have enough magic, blast a large group with a fireball. using alot of magic at a time will give up those mana cristals that refill your majic bar(sometimes).

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To Live in silence is to live in fear
The best thing to do(as I was having the same problem as you is to let them all line up(they always do) and blast them with your fireball. It goes through them all and you get the life and power to keep doing it. it only takes about5 minutes.
Also if for some reason father gets in the way just beat him around to a corner and go back to the fireball method.
You should get past it in no time.
Also if for some reason father gets in the way just beat him around to a corner and go back to the fireball method.
You should get past it in no time.

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I had to change this because taven and daegon are playable so its like really lame
man this game sounds excellent LESS TAHN TWO WEEKS NOW 4 NEW ZEALAND 2 GET IT

I don't know if this has already been said but does anyone know where i can find the elder god female boots. That's the only thing left of my female elder god to unlock. I've already beat the Konquest mode but couldnt' find the boots. I am doing it over and I'm in the ice temple almsot getting ready to fight sub-zero.

Ok, so mainly..to get the other relics after completing konquest, I need to do the konquest all over again? Even if relics I need are well into the konquest?! AhhH.. :(...Hope someone can reply to this..

Yes, the Relics start from the beginning.
Here's a list from the Midway Boards showing where all the Relics are...
Here's a list from the Midway Boards showing where all the Relics are...

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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."
Still no word on any KAK unlockables, yet?
Kabal's alternate costume
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
In the Botan Jungle when you kill the Black Dragon buys with the hammer, Look around and you will find a chest containing Kabal's alternate costume. Get this before you fill up the skull meter, or esle you will have to start Konquest again to get it!
In the Botan Jungle when you kill the Black Dragon buys with the hammer, Look around and you will find a chest containing Kabal's alternate costume. Get this before you fill up the skull meter, or esle you will have to start Konquest again to get it!

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A7X kicks ass
ANY word on the relics

So I have unlocked EVERYTHING in the krypt! ...Other than this like ??? Krypt...what the heck is the kode? Has anyone found it or figured it out yet?!...

About Me
"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."
subzero2204 Wrote:
So I have unlocked EVERYTHING in the krypt! ...Other than this like ??? Krypt...what the heck is the kode? Has anyone found it or figured it out yet?!...
So I have unlocked EVERYTHING in the krypt! ...Other than this like ??? Krypt...what the heck is the kode? Has anyone found it or figured it out yet?!...
That's kodes, plural. Apparently, so far, the question mark square is nothing more than a "Kombat Kode"-like device to unlock the other stuff in the Krypt. Nothing special, until Midway reveals otherwise.

ahh gotcha.. kk.
Can you battle in the kombat tomb.There is a picture here for it.I can't find it anywhere in the krypt.
That was a konquest arena where you fight Noob, I don't think you can unlock it. Probably was originally planned to be an unlockable(hence, the picture) But like alt vs screens and Kobra's black outfit...Never came to be...
We don't even get to fight Noob Saibot in the kombat tomb.There were no spikes anywhere.I don't really like most of the arenas in MKA.They don't have any arena transitions or death traps.They are just to dull such as the Boutan Jungle arena and Reiko's War room.
Sorry for double posting but in konquest does anyone have easy tips on how to beat an opponent.Here is what I do for PS2 owners sorry Xbox but can someone put this in xbox buttons:
then when the opponent gets up use a quick special move.
then when the opponent gets up use a quick special move.
I can't seem to find where this has already been covered so I'll just throw it out there.
I have that one ? left on my character select screen in kombat mode, I'm assuming that it's Blaze's character since that's the only one I'm missing. I've beaten Konquest twice now and can't find how to get that last character. What do I do?
I have that one ? left on my character select screen in kombat mode, I'm assuming that it's Blaze's character since that's the only one I'm missing. I've beaten Konquest twice now and can't find how to get that last character. What do I do?
skrumped Wrote:
I can't seem to find where this has already been covered so I'll just throw it out there.
I have that one ? left on my character select screen in kombat mode, I'm assuming that it's Blaze's character since that's the only one I'm missing. I've beaten Konquest twice now and can't find how to get that last character. What do I do?
I can't seem to find where this has already been covered so I'll just throw it out there.
I have that one ? left on my character select screen in kombat mode, I'm assuming that it's Blaze's character since that's the only one I'm missing. I've beaten Konquest twice now and can't find how to get that last character. What do I do?
You have to collect 50 of the relic items to unlock Blaze.
Look on the first page of this thread - m0s3pH has posted which pages of this thread you can find out where to get these relics. Just go to those pages and it will tell you which pages to go to find the different relic items. They go in order from beginning to end so it should be easy to use.

So...I;ve completed Konquest once but i didn't get all of the items i still have about 16 left? Where do i get these ones?

as you walk in there are 4 glowing blue circles on the walls that you need to shoot fire balls at them. then in the midlle of the room a red circle will apear when the giant gets in the circle freeze tim e and walk to the ground pound square. repeat this again and he's out.
I tried this for over a hour, and when I finally got him in the red circle, and did the ground pound, it only took half his life away, then I had to run around for another 10 minutes thinking that it would return, but it didn't, am I doing something wrong, or is there something I'm missing? Please help.
I tried this for over a hour, and when I finally got him in the red circle, and did the ground pound, it only took half his life away, then I had to run around for another 10 minutes thinking that it would return, but it didn't, am I doing something wrong, or is there something I'm missing? Please help.
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ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER...................
what fatality have scorpion and sub-zero?
how to execute them?
how to execute them?
Around the Krypt for Blaze, there is one that says something similar to "Unlock the Krypt", and can be unlocked through Konquest. I have finished Konquest and I guess it's something I missed. Does anyone know what that is? Or is there a "?" code for it? If it was posted in this thread and I missed it, I apologize.
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