PANOS_SOFOS •08/22/2006 09:05 PM (UTC) •
I think that this might be his primary costume an his alternate maybe with 4 legs... I don't know it's only my opinion and after all every character has an alternate so... i think that this is his primary
Barakaz_cuz Wrote:
Did you ever notice his tail is metal? It could have been attached!
who says his tail is metal, his species could have just had silver colored tails made of flesh...and if they could've given him a new tail why not new legs too.GuitardudeX Wrote:
Well, why does he have a tail if sheeva cut him 2 pieces, I wish they would just leave him out, that is not motaro, motaro has 4 legs, I could completely understand that it would be 2 hard to put him in the game, so just leave him out i wouldn't care, but changing him this much is inexcusable, with all the hype about him, keeping him a secret wanted made me think he would be special, 4 legs is what seperates him for the other characters.
Barakaz_cuz Wrote:
Everyone one stop least you have him! Sheeva probaly cut his centaur ass to pieces and now he only has 2 legs. I see where your gettin at though...he looks like manbearpig!
Everyone one stop least you have him! Sheeva probaly cut his centaur ass to pieces and now he only has 2 legs. I see where your gettin at though...he looks like manbearpig!
Well, why does he have a tail if sheeva cut him 2 pieces, I wish they would just leave him out, that is not motaro, motaro has 4 legs, I could completely understand that it would be 2 hard to put him in the game, so just leave him out i wouldn't care, but changing him this much is inexcusable, with all the hype about him, keeping him a secret wanted made me think he would be special, 4 legs is what seperates him for the other characters.
Did you ever notice his tail is metal? It could have been attached!
Barakaz_cuz ;-; •08/22/2006 09:06 PM (UTC) •
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GuitardudeX Wrote:
lol didn't mean to make you mad my fellow mortal kombat friend, just didn't want to confuse anyone lol, well if the tail is fake than the horns could be fake,and in the world of mk anyone could be tall. like 2d kahn was as big as goro
Barakaz_cuz Wrote:
Excuse me...REattached! I have never seen a man that large with furry legs and horns...look at him next to Kintaro...theyre the same size!!
GuitardudeX Wrote:
you mean reattatched, He isn't half man half horse, he is full man with furry legs.
Barakaz_cuz Wrote:
Did you ever notice his tail is metal? It could have been attached!
GuitardudeX Wrote:
Well, why does he have a tail if sheeva cut him 2 pieces, I wish they would just leave him out, that is not motaro, motaro has 4 legs, I could completely understand that it would be 2 hard to put him in the game, so just leave him out i wouldn't care, but changing him this much is inexcusable, with all the hype about him, keeping him a secret wanted made me think he would be special, 4 legs is what seperates him for the other characters.
Barakaz_cuz Wrote:
Everyone one stop least you have him! Sheeva probaly cut his centaur ass to pieces and now he only has 2 legs. I see where your gettin at though...he looks like manbearpig!
Everyone one stop least you have him! Sheeva probaly cut his centaur ass to pieces and now he only has 2 legs. I see where your gettin at though...he looks like manbearpig!
Well, why does he have a tail if sheeva cut him 2 pieces, I wish they would just leave him out, that is not motaro, motaro has 4 legs, I could completely understand that it would be 2 hard to put him in the game, so just leave him out i wouldn't care, but changing him this much is inexcusable, with all the hype about him, keeping him a secret wanted made me think he would be special, 4 legs is what seperates him for the other characters.
Did you ever notice his tail is metal? It could have been attached!
you mean reattatched, He isn't half man half horse, he is full man with furry legs.
Excuse me...REattached! I have never seen a man that large with furry legs and horns...look at him next to Kintaro...theyre the same size!!
lol didn't mean to make you mad my fellow mortal kombat friend, just didn't want to confuse anyone lol, well if the tail is fake than the horns could be fake,and in the world of mk anyone could be tall. like 2d kahn was as big as goro
True....sorry bout that. I tend to snap back alot
Darklord_Xel :D •08/22/2006 09:07 PM (UTC) •
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I guess I'm one of the few who're relieved at not having to control a centaur to play as Motaro. Not that I'm saying chopping his legs off was good, but from a playing standpoint, yeah it had to happen. I mean, did anyone ever play vs. on UMK3 with Motaro? That fucking sucked.
I think that this might be his primary costume an his alternate maybe with 4 legs... I don't know it's only my opinion and after all every character has an alternate so... i think that this is his primary
good point never really thought of thatI think that this might be his primary costume an his alternate maybe with 4 legs... I don't know it's only my opinion and after all every character has an alternate so... i think that this is his primary
I agree with the majority...this just sucks...There's no way Motaro can be like this in the game because its not Motaro. I would have rather waited to see this when the game came out till now. So much hype is gonna go down because of this..Hopefully its just a new character...Maybe "Minotauro". or something like that.
But, there's also a chance that this is only a model they are using for Motaro until they get the rest of him programed in...I can only hope.
But, there's also a chance that this is only a model they are using for Motaro until they get the rest of him programed in...I can only hope.
MAKAVELI187 •08/22/2006 09:25 PM (UTC) •
thats relli gay that they took off his hine not gonnna continue to complain cuz that wont do any thing an everyone elsse is already doing instead does ne1 have the linkk to see what motaro lokos like now or were u saw it???
jessejames85 •08/22/2006 09:30 PM (UTC) •
Shyriu Wrote:
I piss in the ass of whoever decided to do that. Like, he could have his 4 legs and as a handicap only be missing air kombat and movement.
I piss in the ass of whoever decided to do that. Like, he could have his 4 legs and as a handicap only be missing air kombat and movement.
oh yeah, because who needs movement in a fighting game?
i don't understand why everyone is so angry. this isn't 2d, people.
limited movement was fine back in the days of 2d games. but in a 3d fighter, how the fuck is a horse going to do anything? horses can't sidestep. he can't follow an opponent who is rotating without looking absurd.
everyone is whining about motaro being a minotaur, reptile and smoke not being human, tremor not being in the game. how are any of these things surprising? midway didn't half-ass motaro, they just made it possible to play as him.
EvanjiAxu •08/22/2006 09:31 PM (UTC) •
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Good news, boys! I might be able to change my signature to reflect this change.
And look on the bright side; at least he's wearing a loincloth.
Minotaurs > centaurs anyway.
And look on the bright side; at least he's wearing a loincloth.
Minotaurs > centaurs anyway.
gensubzero12 •08/22/2006 09:38 PM (UTC) •
I agree with jessejames and smaddy (sorry if i got your names wrong.) But anyway it would just not work with four legs and everyone has to understand and accept that.
MAKAVELI187 •08/22/2006 09:38 PM (UTC) •
i agree everyone should stop whinning...he does look relli stupid now but owell how were u supppose to play as him...but u have to think about othwer things too, like what are his diferent fighting styles going to be, whats is his weapon, will it be his tail, and so on...
I would rather not have him in the game, as long as he can live on as a centaur.
Maybee the playable version only has 2 legs, however the story still shows him with 4, its the only way midway can keep me from training rapidly for years becoming john J rambo and hunting them down.
Maybee the playable version only has 2 legs, however the story still shows him with 4, its the only way midway can keep me from training rapidly for years becoming john J rambo and hunting them down.
nobrainer •08/22/2006 09:45 PM (UTC) •
If you can't do a character right, don't put them in at all. Chameleon is a rushed piece of shit who is only in because of fan-pressure. I expected this, but seeing Motaro with only two legs just shows me how bad Midway has become.
Stop whinning? Alright, when you go and pay your good money to buy this game, and realize that Motaro is nothing more than a combo of Shao Kahn and Onaga, then you will see where everyone's comming from.
No it's not going to be accepted that it was impossible to make him with four legs, because its not impossible. They made Goro with four arms, the way I see it, its no difference.
Im not gonna get too upset over this whole thing just yet because theres a small possibility that this could be an uncomplete version of Motaro, but if this is the final version, then I think long time MK fans should have a reason to be upset.
No it's not going to be accepted that it was impossible to make him with four legs, because its not impossible. They made Goro with four arms, the way I see it, its no difference.
Im not gonna get too upset over this whole thing just yet because theres a small possibility that this could be an uncomplete version of Motaro, but if this is the final version, then I think long time MK fans should have a reason to be upset.
Nemesis316 •08/22/2006 09:47 PM (UTC) •
This is a fucking disgrace. We have technology today that could be able to do this, but noooo, because Boon sucks at doing anything right.
TheSoulOfErmac •08/22/2006 09:49 PM (UTC) •
Well although I don't think he looks terrible it's hard to believe that he's Motaro. I can't say anything yet but I wish they could have implemented his hine legs, obviously they couldn't or maybe it was just too difficult, either way I'm kind of facing both arguments. Motaro is definitely now a useful and well playable character, yet he has lost his uniqueness that even wanted me to play as him iin the first place.
IMO the only other alternative to Motaro's model is that they could have attached his hind legs but that would eliminate some movement. Not regular movement but that would eliminate air kombat with and against him. Fatalities would probably be limited if not useful at all. However a horse can't side step? Couldn't he just use both fore and back feet to move to the right or left at the same time? I thought that Motaro would work like this, his hind legs would mimic his fore legs except when kicking using just the fore legs and a few button commands might cause his hind legs for attacking. Other than that his back half would juse follow the rest. It might seem odd but it's doable I believe. Just not as doable as we'd like him to work, but IMO that would be fine for me. Then playing as Motaro would be a bit different but I don't see any harm in that. The only other problem would be death traps, and to solve that I suppose the MK Team would have to create specific animation for just Motaro but hey it's just one character.
But we'll see. The only way this Motaro will work and be accepted is the story behind it. If the story isn't good enough or believable enough then Motaro will go down the drain. I would think that Konquest will do some in depth explanation if they decide to keep this look and work for Motaro. Because who knows maybe they will give him his hind legs if we complain enough, or take him out. But I think a Centaur is playable just needs a little special attention.
IMO the only other alternative to Motaro's model is that they could have attached his hind legs but that would eliminate some movement. Not regular movement but that would eliminate air kombat with and against him. Fatalities would probably be limited if not useful at all. However a horse can't side step? Couldn't he just use both fore and back feet to move to the right or left at the same time? I thought that Motaro would work like this, his hind legs would mimic his fore legs except when kicking using just the fore legs and a few button commands might cause his hind legs for attacking. Other than that his back half would juse follow the rest. It might seem odd but it's doable I believe. Just not as doable as we'd like him to work, but IMO that would be fine for me. Then playing as Motaro would be a bit different but I don't see any harm in that. The only other problem would be death traps, and to solve that I suppose the MK Team would have to create specific animation for just Motaro but hey it's just one character.
But we'll see. The only way this Motaro will work and be accepted is the story behind it. If the story isn't good enough or believable enough then Motaro will go down the drain. I would think that Konquest will do some in depth explanation if they decide to keep this look and work for Motaro. Because who knows maybe they will give him his hind legs if we complain enough, or take him out. But I think a Centaur is playable just needs a little special attention.
_RaptoraS_ •08/22/2006 09:56 PM (UTC) •
half motaro? half game.
jessejames85 •08/22/2006 10:02 PM (UTC) •
dude, having four legs is a little different than having four arms.
having four arms, you can still sidestep and turn to follow a flanking opponent.
picture a creature as big as motaro, with a horse body, being able to follow a smaller character around in a circle. it would look fucking ridiculous.
if you think buying mk armageddon is a waste because one character out of 63 or 64 or whatever the final number is is not what you expected (and for a very good reason), then please, don't buy the game.
problem solved.
having four arms, you can still sidestep and turn to follow a flanking opponent.
picture a creature as big as motaro, with a horse body, being able to follow a smaller character around in a circle. it would look fucking ridiculous.
if you think buying mk armageddon is a waste because one character out of 63 or 64 or whatever the final number is is not what you expected (and for a very good reason), then please, don't buy the game.
problem solved.
EvanjiAxu •08/22/2006 10:02 PM (UTC) •
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