Mortal Kombat: Deception Community Guide (Includes Krypt, Konquest Sidequest Walkthrough, Konquest Character Locations, and Stage Weapons)
Mortal Kombat: Deception Community Guide (Includes Krypt, Konquest Sidequest Walkthrough, Konquest Character Locations, and Stage Weapons)
This is simply an effort to clean up the stickies in this forum a bit to make room for other threads. In this thread, you'll find a guide to MK: Deception's Krypt, Konquest mode and Stage Weapons. If you have a guide which you would like to submit, please post here on contact me via PM.
Please note that stealing other guides will result in an instant 10 day ban from this site. I am not tolerating the theft of guides; if you didn't create it, do not post it or PM me.
MK: Deception Konquest mode Side Quests guide - by vcharon (Please scroll down on this page and click the "Side Quests Guide" by said author)
Stage Weapons FAQ - by Tetra Vega (Please scroll down on this page and click the "Side Quests Guide" by said author)
MK: Deception Krypt Guide - by Garret
MK: Deception Konquest mode Key guide - by tgrant
Please do not post links to guides you "think are well done and deserve to be here". Only the authors of these guides have the rights to them... and unless they express that it is their will to have it displayed here, I will not do so.
Please note that stealing other guides will result in an instant 10 day ban from this site. I am not tolerating the theft of guides; if you didn't create it, do not post it or PM me.
MK: Deception Konquest mode Side Quests guide - by vcharon (Please scroll down on this page and click the "Side Quests Guide" by said author)
Stage Weapons FAQ - by Tetra Vega (Please scroll down on this page and click the "Side Quests Guide" by said author)
MK: Deception Krypt Guide - by Garret
MK: Deception Konquest mode Key guide - by tgrant
Please do not post links to guides you "think are well done and deserve to be here". Only the authors of these guides have the rights to them... and unless they express that it is their will to have it displayed here, I will not do so.
Good idea. I also think there needs to be sticky clean up in the fan submission.
About Me
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
Oh, phew!
I thought my guide was deleted due to my recent absence. This should save a bit of space in the sticky section.
I thought my guide was deleted due to my recent absence. This should save a bit of space in the sticky section.
About Me
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
MK: Deception Konquest mode Side Quests guide - by vcharon (Please scroll down on this page and click the "Side Quests Guide" by said author)
Stage Weapons FAQ - by Tetra Vega (Please scroll down on this page and click the "Side Quests Guide" by said author)
I just noticed, you have the same text for vcharon, and I. You may want to fix that.
Stage Weapons FAQ - by Tetra Vega (Please scroll down on this page and click the "Side Quests Guide" by said author)
I just noticed, you have the same text for vcharon, and I. You may want to fix that.

About Me
Just to let people know in advance.....many people screw up the location to where Tanya can be unlocked. Ive seen on many guides that she is obtained by defeating her in outworld. This isnt true. You must go into one of the ice caves in outworld and meditate there until a green chest shows up. Open the chest and Tanya is unlocked. I dont know if yous have the correct way or not, but then again, I have the xbox version and mabey its different. Oh and by the way, I played a guy called tetra vega in halo today. It was me, him and my friend NICO 818. Might just be a coincidence. i dunno.
About Me
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
That person is an imposter. It's too unique of a name to be a coincidence. I play at my friend's house under his name Juggalotus4528.
Juggalotus,i played a guy with the name juggalo something a few days back,was that you Tetra kid???
And nice idea with the guides.I have to make one and PM crow about it though.
And nice idea with the guides.I have to make one and PM crow about it though.
Hi, don't mind the newbie here, just have a question.
The side quest, in Earthrealm? The one where that Lin Kuei asks you to find the Shirai-Ryu? I went to the location and there was no old lady there. What's going on?
The side quest, in Earthrealm? The one where that Lin Kuei asks you to find the Shirai-Ryu? I went to the location and there was no old lady there. What's going on?

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Tetra_Vega Wrote:
Oh, phew!
I thought my guide was deleted due to my recent absence. This should save a bit of space in the sticky section.
Oh, phew!
I thought my guide was deleted due to my recent absence. This should save a bit of space in the sticky section.
About Me
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
^ The hell?
help i am on mission eight and the last move i need to pull is
square circle circle L1 to complete mission. i need help can't go any futher in konquest need to unlock all characters.
square circle circle L1 to complete mission. i need help can't go any futher in konquest need to unlock all characters.
A krypt guide could be a great idea
Please refrain from typing in all caps. --Ghostdragon
Please refrain from typing in all caps. --Ghostdragon
ey i just got a few questions about
firstly - in outworld top right corner there is a city, the same city you do missions for shao kahn involving reptile and reiko, liu kang is to the left as you walk into the city and only ever says, " ill talk to you later my friend" whats this about??
2- somwhere early in the game you get a mystrious key or somthing like that, it says its unknown what it opens, what does it open??
firstly - in outworld top right corner there is a city, the same city you do missions for shao kahn involving reptile and reiko, liu kang is to the left as you walk into the city and only ever says, " ill talk to you later my friend" whats this about??
2- somwhere early in the game you get a mystrious key or somthing like that, it says its unknown what it opens, what does it open??
can i get some assitance
Notice: This is not a thread where you ask questions. If the guides cannot help you, please create a thread about it. Speaking of guides, I'm adding Goroliath's Konquest Characters location guide here. It's in a post format, so it will exist here until I can upload it somewhere or something. It's below, in its original format.
The following is a reference to when and where known characters appear throughout Konquest.
Ashrah: Netherrealm, A-2 — Edenia, C-3.
Baraka: Earthrealm, A-4 ("beast-men" side-mission) — Netherrealm, A-2 — Chaosrealm, G-4 (10:00 PM - 4:00 AM) — Outworld, G-4.
Blaze: Outworld, C-3.
Bo' Rai Cho: Earthrealm, C-4 — Chaosrealm, C-7 — Outworld, D-1 — Orderrealm, C-2.
Cyrax: Netherrealm, F-3 (before chest behind Moloch).
Dairou: Netherrealm, H-6 — Chaosrealm, E-3 — Orderrealm, A-3 — Edenia, A-2.
Darrius: Earthrealm, E-3 (10:00 PM - 7:00 AM) — Chaosrealm, A-1 — Orderrealm, B-3 — Orderrealm, C-8 — Orderrealm, E-2.
Drahmin: Netherrealm, D-6.
Ermac: Netherrealm, C-4 — Netherrealm, E-5 — Orderrealm, E-1 (1:00 AM - 7:00 AM).
Frost: Outworld, H-6.
Fujin: Orderrealm, E-4.
Goro: Netherrealm, E-2 (7:00 PM - 10:00 PM).
Havik: Netherrealm, F-7 — Chaosrealm, G-4 — Orderrealm, D-1 — Edenia, H-6.
Hotaru: Outworld, C-5 — Orderrealm, D-6 (Orderrealm Kamidogu) — Orderrealm, G-4 — Edenia, H-1.
Hsu Hao: Edenia, E-5.
Jade: Chaosrealm, E-5 — Orderrealm, C-7 (7:00 PM - 9:00 AM) — Edenia, H-8.
Jarek: Netherrealm, A-8.
Jax: Earthrealm, G-6 — Orderrealm, E-5.
Johnny Cage: Netherrealm, E-2 (7:00 PM - 10:00 PM) — Outworld, H-8.
Kabal: Earthrealm, A-5 (10:00 PM - 7:00 AM) — Netherrealm, G-3 — Netherrealm, G-5 — Chaosrealm, B-1 — Orderrealm, E-4.
Kai: Outworld, A-3 (White Lotus Emblem).
Kano: Outworld, C-5.
Kenshi: Earthrealm, A-7 — Earthrealm, G-4 — Netherrealm, B-3 — Orderrealm, G-6.
Kintaro: Earthrealm, B-6 (briefly after chest).
Kira: Earthrealm, E-6 (5:00 PM - 4:00 AM) — Netherrealm, G-2 — Chaosrealm, A-3 — Outworld, E-7 — Edenia, C-8.
Kitana: Edenia, C-4.
Kobra: Earthrealm, H-2 (7:00 PM - 7:00 AM) — Netherrealm, F-2 — Chaosrealm, H-7 — Outworld, A-4 — Edenia, C-2.
Kung Lao: Earthrealm, C-7 (White Lotus Emblem).
Li Mei: Chaosrealm, D-6 — Outworld, F-7 (within house) — Outworld, G-8 — Orderrealm, A-3.
Liu Kang: Earthrealm, H-4 — Outworld, G-1 — Edenia, G-6 (7:00 PM - 6:00 AM).
Mavado: Orderrealm, D-4 — Edenia, D-2.
Meat: Netherrealm, E-8 (10:00 PM - 11:00 PM).
Mileena: Netherrealm, H-4 — Chaosrealm, H-2 — Outworld, H-3 — Edenia, G-2.
Mokap: Chaosrealm, H-6 — Orderrealm, B-6.
Moloch: Netherrealm, F-3.
Monster: Nexus, A-1 (Netherrealm Kamidogu).
Motaro: Earthrealm, B-5 (10:00 AM - 11:00 AM).
Nightwolf: Earthrealm, D-5 — Netherrealm, A-4 — Netherrealm, C-6.
Nitara: Netherrealm, F-3 (before chest behind Moloch) — Outworld, H-5.
Noob Saibot: Netherrealm, E-8 — Chaosrealm, B-8 — Outworld, B-1.
Onaga: Nexus, A-1 (storyline completion).
Quan Chi: Netherrealm, D-1.
Raiden: Earthrealm, G-3 (when Netherrealm return required) — Outworld, F-2 — Orderrealm, E-3 — Edenia, F-3 — Nexus, A-1 (when second Outworld return required).
Rain: Outworld, C-8 — Edenia, D-7.
Reiko: Outworld, F-8 — Edenia, B-3.
Reptile: Outworld, E-4.
Sareena: Netherrealm, D-8.
Scorpion: Netherrealm (storyline completion) — Outworld, F-4 — Edenia, A-1 — Nexus, A-1 (Edenia Kamidogu).
Sektor: Edenia, G-3.
Shang Tsung: Earthrealm, B-4 — Netherrealm, C-8.
Shao Kahn: Outworld, A-6.
Sheeva: Netherrealm, A-8 (within house).
Shinnok: Netherrealm, C-7.
Sindel: Earthrealm, A-4 — Chaosrealm, D-8 — Orderrealm, C-7 (11:00 PM - 10:00 AM) — Edenia, C-6 (3:00 PM - 9:00 PM, 1:00 AM - 8:00 AM).
Smoke: Netherrealm, G-1 — Chaosrealm, G-1 — Outworld, D-2 — Outworld, H-7.
Sonya: Chaosrealm, A-7 — Outworld, A-8 (6:00 PM - 7:00 PM).
Stryker: Orderrealm, B-3.
Sub-Zero: Earthrealm, G-8 — Outworld, D-7 — Edenia, F-7.
Tanya: Netherrealm, B-5 — Outworld, A-7 — Outworld, C-2 — Edenia, E-1.
Thanks:TRMK users and Jerrod.
Special Thanks: YingYeung, Mortalman and Drifting_Ravage.
Help: Konquest Mode FAQ — Konquest Mode Walkthrough — Side Quests Guide.

Please feel free to inform me of missing locations or co-ordinate errors.
The following is a reference to when and where known characters appear throughout Konquest.

Thanks:TRMK users and Jerrod.
Special Thanks: YingYeung, Mortalman and Drifting_Ravage.

Please feel free to inform me of missing locations or co-ordinate errors.
Hey guys you know on the main menu in mortal kombat deception if you don't press anything a screen will appear showing puzzle kombat ,versus kombat ,chess kombat, and konquest mode.well if you look put your atention to the konquest mode you will see shujinko walking into a white portal and I was wondering if any of you guys new how to go into the white portal in nexus.
I already looked at the guides in the sticky thread!!!!!!!!

hey i don't know if i come here or not but is the "temple in the village" a quest even???

is the temple in the village a quest or side quest or is it even a quest????????

About Me
evil_skull Wrote:
help i am on mission eight and the last move i need to pull is
square circle circle L1 to complete mission. i need help can't go any futher in konquest need to unlock all characters.
help i am on mission eight and the last move i need to pull is
square circle circle L1 to complete mission. i need help can't go any futher in konquest need to unlock all characters.
Make sure you don't have your opponent against the wall, beacuse the game wiil not allow you to complete the combo..
mnmacd Wrote:
I've got chinese stars I don't know what to do with. Anyone help me.
I've got chinese stars I don't know what to do with. Anyone help me.
There was a purpose later in the game for it, but they cut it out and left the star..
adktone Wrote:
ey i just got a few questions about
firstly - in outworld top right corner there is a city, the same city you do missions for shao kahn involving reptile and reiko, liu kang is to the left as you walk into the city and only ever says, " ill talk to you later my friend" whats this about??
2- somwhere early in the game you get a mystrious key or somthing like that, it says its unknown what it opens, what does it open??
ey i just got a few questions about
firstly - in outworld top right corner there is a city, the same city you do missions for shao kahn involving reptile and reiko, liu kang is to the left as you walk into the city and only ever says, " ill talk to you later my friend" whats this about??
2- somwhere early in the game you get a mystrious key or somthing like that, it says its unknown what it opens, what does it open??
The city is Lei Chen and if you get the map to trap liu kang and talk to him he will give you 1000 red koins, instead of giving the map to Tanya for 600 red koins. And the Shao Kahn's sidequests village is in the south west corner of the map/realm.
The mysterious key unlock a previously locked house in town, I forgot which one though.
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