bone is there some kind of lag rule. cause me and funko had the worst lag ive seen in a while. it was bad and i wasnt sitten threw ten matches of it. do i get a retake. cause i dont think i lost. and if i did it wasnt a legit one. tell me whuts up - peace

if it was you who couldnt take it , you loose out , unless you and funko make arrangements .
other than that funko moves up and you wait 6 days to challenge him again .
other than that funko moves up and you wait 6 days to challenge him again .

funkopath Wrote:
I challenge DEVILJIN.
I challenge DEVILJIN.
hmm when are you on? it'll be perfect if your on tonight. fridays are pretty much my only days where i can play late night. i dont know when i coming home from bowling though

drjaff Wrote:
bone is there some kind of lag rule. cause me and funko had the worst lag ive seen in a while. it was bad and i wasnt sitten threw ten matches of it. do i get a retake. cause i dont think i lost. and if i did it wasnt a legit one. tell me whuts up - peace
bone is there some kind of lag rule. cause me and funko had the worst lag ive seen in a while. it was bad and i wasnt sitten threw ten matches of it. do i get a retake. cause i dont think i lost. and if i did it wasnt a legit one. tell me whuts up - peace
well I wasn't gonna say anything but that was the worst lag I have ever seen and I couldn't believe it woudn't automatically disconnect.
none of our pop ups would connect with anything. we couldn't combo each other.
when I told ya I am gonna take my router out, I checked my connection with Chicago (thanx to Arcade's speed thread) I was sitting @ 7 meg DL and 960 UL. so I think you live very far away from me.
cuz after you I had some games with Hydrosh 4 star connection, blood and traps on, and they were deadly games; unnoticeable lag.
DevilJin Friday night is perfect, I will possiblie be on after 11:00 eastern, and possibly be done latest 3:00 eastern. I am gonna try to nerd it out tonight cuz I haven't been on as often as I used to be.

man, i hate bowling parties lol. it was until like 12:00 and i had to stay at my dads for the rest of the night. sorry funko i could'nt make it. but hey lets look on the bright side at least i bowled165pts on one of the games 

no worries, name your next date.

Chaos and/or L2D, other one step up to the plate. I'll be on next weekend, i'm leaving for Louisiana tonight n' I have alot of running to do today so I dunno if i'll be able to play today. But if any of you are up to for it, plan for next weekend.

I do want to fight...How about tonight...for sure!!!!!
I WILL be on like 12 - 12:30 am EAST.
Lately i have been falling asleep at like 11:30 or i have been on xbox. So i am sorry for not being around. Also i couldn't find this thread for a while. I didn't realize it had been sticked!
So TONIGHT i will be there!!!!!
I WILL be on like 12 - 12:30 am EAST.
Lately i have been falling asleep at like 11:30 or i have been on xbox. So i am sorry for not being around. Also i couldn't find this thread for a while. I didn't realize it had been sticked!
So TONIGHT i will be there!!!!!

danadbab Wrote:
i feel like playing some games. i Challenge WII WII.
just double checking, i only get to choose a character no more then 3 times right?
i feel like playing some games. i Challenge WII WII.
just double checking, i only get to choose a character no more then 3 times right?
Ok my man I will be online tonight ! (monday) 11 h ec time
3 time same character!

COULD NOT CONNECT...tonight it seemed like it toook forever to connect. Like 5 + minutes so i kept retrying. The xbox worked fine but the ps2 took ALL day. So i did not get on. I tried though

DAN Im always online after 11 pm EC time !!!! go to mka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. WIIDOSHI ~ Challenged Dancock 10/26/2007
4. DevilJin ~ Challenged FunkoPath 10/25/2007
13. G-ROY ~ Challenged by jpklazer 10/24/2007
17. MeSoFly ~ Challenged by Noshogun 10/23/2007
if i dont get an answer to this by tomorro , everybody will win by default , im shure you guys dont want this to happen , so lets get these fights done guys . thank you .
4. DevilJin ~ Challenged FunkoPath 10/25/2007
13. G-ROY ~ Challenged by jpklazer 10/24/2007
17. MeSoFly ~ Challenged by Noshogun 10/23/2007
if i dont get an answer to this by tomorro , everybody will win by default , im shure you guys dont want this to happen , so lets get these fights done guys . thank you .

/\ awwwww
Damn you know I always online .......Dan I cant Saturday night ...but Im free SUNDAY night !
tell me the hour and I will be online for sure!!!!
get off of MK2 !!! n Oblivion!!!
Damn you know I always online .......Dan I cant Saturday night ...but Im free SUNDAY night !
tell me the hour and I will be online for sure!!!!
get off of MK2 !!! n Oblivion!!!
© 1998-2025 Shadow Knight Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Mortal Kombat, the dragon logo and all character names are trademarks and copyright of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.