ChaosTheory Wrote:
Sorry, man. I didn't know I was challenged. Didn't we start playing like yesterday? Why did you leave after 6 or 7 games if you challenged me? Or was that before the challenge?
I might not be able to get on tomorrow because I have a meeting for a church retreat that I help staff after class all day. I'll try to let you know soon, if my time doesn't run out first...
Sorry, man. I didn't know I was challenged. Didn't we start playing like yesterday? Why did you leave after 6 or 7 games if you challenged me? Or was that before the challenge?
I might not be able to get on tomorrow because I have a meeting for a church retreat that I help staff after class all day. I'll try to let you know soon, if my time doesn't run out first...
That was before chall o well , lights went off , after an hour or so I went back online and u weren't there. so yea i think it was 7 games
i ll be on tonight I ll be waitin for u. or let me kno when are u gonna be able.

I'll be on this weekend, so Rippa, if your up for a rematch i'm game, i'm sure Mortal25 has been wanting to play lol, and sense I'm above him. I'll revise myself of the rules, and to be honest, if i'm having a laggy day i'm probley not really gunna wanna do it, unless it's now or never (as if i have to leave for work early).
So, anytime this weekend otherthen Saturday night!!!
I'll be on this weekend, so Rippa, if your up for a rematch i'm game, i'm sure Mortal25 has been wanting to play lol, and sense I'm above him. I'll revise myself of the rules, and to be honest, if i'm having a laggy day i'm probley not really gunna wanna do it, unless it's now or never (as if i have to leave for work early).
So, anytime this weekend otherthen Saturday night!!!

mortal25 Wrote:
VGGS to PARALYZER and here is the score, 10-0 me, very fun matches PARA. BONE update the list bro, its time for me to move up!!!
VGGS to PARALYZER and here is the score, 10-0 me, very fun matches PARA. BONE update the list bro, its time for me to move up!!!
congratulations mortal you move up .

congrats again mortal , you move up .

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damn i dont know how much longer i can wait for mesohorny...but bone..u gotta let me challenge paralyzer. im sorry but no way in HELL that guy should be way up offense..but anywayz he says he only fights a selected few i.e. people who he can beat. so hes duckin me..let me chall him..atleast an exhibition bro i dont even care about his spot, HE NEEDS AN EXCUSE TO FIGHT ME...pleeeeeeeeeeeease...or PARALYZER be a man and accept my challenge me when ur ready i'l lbe there..btw good games to everyone. still no much comp but what can i say. I MISS YOU VERSA DAVE SKULLZ MOE CHECK DANCOCK DRUMMER KROB GOD i can go on forever!

Hey bone did you see my challenge to jpklazer he didn't respond therefore I should be bumped up right???

g_roy_nyc Wrote:
Hey bone did you see my challenge to jpklazer he didn't respond therefore I should be bumped up right???
Hey bone did you see my challenge to jpklazer he didn't respond therefore I should be bumped up right???
done and done .

/\/\/\/\/\ lol
I challenge Mr. COCK LEVEL !!!

I challenge Mr. COCK LEVEL !!!
/\/\/\/\/\ lol
I challenge Mr. COCK LEVEL !!!

i take that challenge. its gonna have to be tomorrow. Bills are playing Dallas tonight and im not sure how imma feel after the game. on paper the cowgirls should kill buffalo, but its the Bills and they should never ever be over looked. /\/\/\/\/\ lol
I challenge Mr. COCK LEVEL !!!
give me a time tomorrow to play im free all day. imma tryand use this crappy PS3 controller. its good for its games, but for MKA those 2 back buttons, it doesnt feel right.

ok so you mean Tuesday for the challenge!! ?
kool I will be online!!!
good luck for your Foot team !!
kool I will be online!!!
good luck for your Foot team !!

yea ill move you up wen i get a chance .

ggs Wiido...Azuro
Wiido quit early twice man...ggs nonetheless. what does PWR mean again?
does that mean i move up to his spot? lol since i won twice!
ggs AZURO. man that was fun!I couldn't hit sareena the end of the first round or the whole second round...all my damage was from the grond pound. lol
ggs to pushaman.quit early though
Wiido quit early twice man...ggs nonetheless. what does PWR mean again?
does that mean i move up to his spot? lol since i won twice!
ggs AZURO. man that was fun!I couldn't hit sareena the end of the first round or the whole second round...all my damage was from the grond pound. lol
ggs to pushaman.quit early though
Bone move WII WII into my spot. i wont be able to play him this week.
1 ~ MK2 RULES. theres tons of decent to good players that play. each time i signed in i never waited more then 2mins to play a match. oddly XBOX MKA i could wait up to 30 mins.
2 ~ the controller. i signed into mka twice this week and i wont name names, but i lost to guys i should never lose to. i kept pressing cs instead of block. i cant use this controller for MKA
3 ~ i dotn feel like dealing w/ my PS2 w/ all th loose wires and crap.
4 ~ did i mention MK2?

1 ~ MK2 RULES. theres tons of decent to good players that play. each time i signed in i never waited more then 2mins to play a match. oddly XBOX MKA i could wait up to 30 mins.
2 ~ the controller. i signed into mka twice this week and i wont name names, but i lost to guys i should never lose to. i kept pressing cs instead of block. i cant use this controller for MKA
3 ~ i dotn feel like dealing w/ my PS2 w/ all th loose wires and crap.
4 ~ did i mention MK2?

nooooo DAN!!!!!! lol I understand you for the controller!!
but I really want to do the Kit vs Sin challenge.. just buy the ps2 controller adaptor for ps3!!!!
@ MesoFly, I can see that you are very happy to beat me!!
nice !
good shit!! but I keep my spot!! lol
@ MesoFly, I can see that you are very happy to beat me!!
good shit!! but I keep my spot!! lol
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