02/15/2010 08:31 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
yeah thats why in my story liu(+raiden) turns bad because i have realized that the same ole liu kang has gotten boring. so he needs something to bring his character back to life and start being cool again. a new outfit and a bad boy swagger could do it.....if you check the tekken 6 story line thats what they idid with Jin(the hero) too....

That's pretty cool. Yeah, and I mean if Liu is a zombie, they might as well make him bad because making him good in that condition doesn't really make any sense.

Apparently it did make sense if he came back as a "zombie" like character in Deception.
02/15/2010 10:09 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
yeah thats why in my story liu(+raiden) turns bad because i have realized that the same ole liu kang has gotten boring. so he needs something to bring his character back to life and start being cool again. a new outfit and a bad boy swagger could do it.....if you check the tekken 6 story line thats what they idid with Jin(the hero) too....

That's pretty cool. Yeah, and I mean if Liu is a zombie, they might as well make him bad because making him good in that condition doesn't really make any sense.

Apparently it did make sense if he came back as a "zombie" like character in Deception.

Yeah, but he's better off evil if he's going to remain a zombie. Otherwise, they need to return him as a human again if he's going to be good.
02/15/2010 11:28 PM (UTC)
i wish the razor edge guy would stop posting behind my comments trying to start sh*t with me. and stop trying to act like you are so intelligent, cause you spend most of your time on a mk forum. unless you work with the mk team, their is no reason to spend that amount of time of here. im pretty sure intelligent ,mature adults would have somthing more important to do. you dont have to agree with me but dont start hating me because of my ideas, its just a GAME nerds. stop watching porn and go get laid. lol

now back on topic. sub zero has not changed. his costume is the same set ninja design, its still blue, still got the mask, still got the flaps hanging in between his leg, the cross design across his chest and abs, with minor changes. subs different costumes look like a gamer who customized him so when he goes online no other sub zero player would have his same costume, but it would still look like sub.the ones with no mask look the same too hes just old on one. there are many ninja designs that they could do instead of those.(ninja gaiden)

as for iconic fighters. you need way more than just 3 to return when you are rebooting a series. thats why street fighter 3 did not sell well in america. they were forced to put ryu,ken,chun,akuma in the games and it still did not sell well. you need more than 3 or 4 iconic fighters to return, and street fighter 3rd strike has like the best gameplay of all time. but nobody knew or wanted to know all those new fighters, they wanted classics.

and mk needs every iconic fighter in every mk SERIES. they dont all have to be in the first game of the series.

the reason why i THINK they didnt intend to kill him off is because they brought him back the NEXT game with that stupid zombie crap. if you want someone dead you are not going to try and revive them. he would have just came back in mka, cause everyone came back in that.
02/15/2010 11:47 PM (UTC)
See, he can't cut it when someone wants to stay on-topic so he resorts to the "you're a nerd, you have no life" insults.

This is not the way grown men discuss things. This is why I say don't bother trying to argue with the guy.
02/16/2010 12:09 AM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
yeah thats why in my story liu(+raiden) turns bad because i have realized that the same ole liu kang has gotten boring. so he needs something to bring his character back to life and start being cool again. a new outfit and a bad boy swagger could do it.....if you check the tekken 6 story line thats what they idid with Jin(the hero) too....

That's pretty cool. Yeah, and I mean if Liu is a zombie, they might as well make him bad because making him good in that condition doesn't really make any sense.

Apparently it did make sense if he came back as a "zombie" like character in Deception.

Yeah, but he's better off evil if he's going to remain a zombie. Otherwise, they need to return him as a human again if he's going to be good.

Um, in the way that Liu is being directed with his character, turning him evil suddenly would horribly ruin his chances on becoming a better character to like amongst the fans. It's so stereotypical that zombies are generally evil. Well, I'm surprised that the writers actually made him into a good character still after being killed.

As stated before, MK characters need to stop acting like cats and should remain dead if they were specifically created to be killed off.
02/16/2010 01:29 AM (UTC)
like i said razor edge needes to leave me the fuck alone. if you dont like my ideas stop trying to argue with me. leave me alone man. you are the one who keeps gettin off topic. for now on i will not reply back to you because now you just sound like lil kid who wants to argue with me. like someone else said "FIGHTING OVER THE INTERNET IS JUST LIKE THE SPECIAL OLMYPICS, WHO EVER WINS IS STILL RETARDED".(no offense to special needs kids)

so if you hate me soooo much stop replying to me and coming on MY threads starting trouble. if you keep replying back to me your only going to prove me right. PEACE!!

and i agree with the nine lives thing but only in movies. fighting games story should not be canon because you always HAVE to bring back iconic fighters. but i see your point. and TRUE fighting game fans with COMMON SENSE, will tell you that the story does not matter. what keeps ten year old games like 3rd strike, mvsc2, guity gear in evo tournaments year after year is GAMEPLAY not the STORY. now american fans are more causal fans so fighting games with more intersting stories and cgi endings do sale more in usa. usa values style over substance for some reason, thats why you have all these no talent dumb blondes in the entertainment industry but thats another topic. lol
02/16/2010 02:10 AM (UTC)
A lot of MK fans are into MK's story and characters. Liu Kang doesn't really have the iconic status that characters like Sub-Zero and Scorpion have. You keep arguing that Sub-Zero hasn't changed much, which has no evidence. Although most of Sub-Zero's costumes have the same basic type of design, they are different from each other.

With Liu Kang's costumes, they are essentially the same. His pants since MK2 look the same. His overall design is pretty much the same (save for that one alternate costume in MK4 as well as his zombie look). Sub-Zero is unmasked in MK3-MK: DA, and he has a helmet and armor design in MK: D and MK: A. Also, in MK: DA, he got much older due to the effects of the Dragon Medallion. In addition, story-wise, Sub-Zero has a sense of depth and progression that Liu Kang's story lacks.

Even if you don't find it to be important, why should the storyline be non-canon? Why should the main hero have to be a bland character with little depth and development?

You keep bringing up how gameplay is more significant than the story. Think about this. Why can't they simply make a new character who has moves similar to Liu Kang's?
02/16/2010 03:27 AM (UTC)
i just told you why the story line should not be canon in fighting games.

the main hero does not have to be bland but most are and its common for them to be like that. the bland thing is CLASSIC man. when they stop making video games and movies about good vs evil, hero vs villian, save the world vs take over the world junk then it will be out of style. so what im saying yes it is cliche but its CLASSIC. and look at virtua fighter main hero, hes even worse than liu. an all white karate out fit. COOL!!!! lol

the only reason i say gamplay is more important is because this is a FIGHTING GAME, NOT AN ACTION, RPG,FPS, ITS SIMPLE FIGHTING. the MAIN reason you pick up a fighting game is to fight. you pick up mgs4 and god of war 3 for story more. just like in an action movie, you watch it for action not some god damn stupid love story and crying. now a decent story does add on to a fighting game but it is not the main attraction. but mk focus on story and blood too much. thats why the game suck. and the casual fan keeps on buying it. and since you want the main hero to evolve soooo much why dont you tell mk to evolve that simplistic gameplay, ohh i forgot its CLASSIC(it still sales)

3rd strike did the same thing with making new fighters with similar moves to the old original cast of fighters. and it failed MAJORLY. people want the real thing buddy not some rip off. do you want someone to give you fake money, uhhh i didnt think so!!!!

liu kang not having a good developing story is not my fault, its the mk teams fault. so stop trying blame me for that, i have no control over what they do. if i did, it sure would not be 3d but thats another topic. lol

its clear that none of us are going to agree so you dont have to post back if you dont want too. lol
02/17/2010 06:26 PM (UTC)
sst4 has recently confirmed makoto. this fighter does not fit the sf4 timeline becuase she would be too young, but like i said thats one of the main reason story does not matter in fighting games. you always are bring back fighters from the past that might not fit in story wise.

oh and if you go on youtube and type in (No Love For Jax), you will see a video where ed boon is annoucing new characters for mk vs dc at comic con. he shows jax pic and everyone boos. so then it goes to liu kang and he actually had cheers from dc fan boys who probably know a lil something about mk but not that much. so yeah liu kang is pretty popular. liu is a icon.

so now that i have proved all you guys theories wrong i wonder what what you will make up next. iv defeated at least 5 people by myself on this topic WITH FACTS. hahahahah try again. lol
02/17/2010 08:08 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
sst4 has recently confirmed makoto. this fighter does not fit the sf4 timeline becuase she would be too young, but like i said thats one of the main reason story does not matter in fighting games. you always are bring back fighters from the past that might not fit in story wise.

oh and if you go on youtube and type in (No Love For Jax), you will see a video where ed boon is annoucing new characters for mk vs dc at comic con. he shows jax pic and everyone boos. so then it goes to liu kang and he actually had cheers from dc fan boys who probably know a lil something about mk but not that much. so yeah liu kang is pretty popular. liu is a icon.

so now that i have proved all you guys theories wrong i wonder what what you will make up next. iv defeated at least 5 people by myself on this topic WITH FACTS. hahahahah try again. lol

One video is not going to prove to 5 people who's trying to say Liu is not that popular as you think, will prove anything.

And DC fanboys? So they're just DC fans, and not one of those people in the crowd may have touched a video game? Just saying because I'm reading more and more of this argument and this is too funny.

Not sure why you're making a big deal of how Liu isn't popular, Liu has a decent amount of a fans, but he's not an icon. When someone asks you a question, "Name a character from MK," you're either going to respond with Sub-Zero or Scorpion. Those are icons, not Liu. Liu might be the hero, or, was the hero, for the game, but he's certainly not an icon.

And stop acting cocky, that just shows you want more of these people arguing back at you and you want to insult their intelligence. Just because one may know a little bit more Mk than you or anyone else, doesn't mean that they spend their entire lives on one game, it matters on how much knowledge they've absorbed from playing the game themselves and knowing what happened and such.
02/17/2010 08:38 PM (UTC)
Here's what should happen to Liu Kang, kill him off completely, make him evil, or have him as a mentor. He should not be a champion nor hero anymore. Here is how our hero should look like.

02/17/2010 08:47 PM (UTC)
I said it before and I'll say it again. Heroes do not look like that. Maybe in your porn movies, not in Mortal Kombat. Even if it is an idea, that's just pathetic.

Besides, more guys play this game than girls. I doubt that those who are straight, and as well as those who are gay, would enjoy a male character looking like some male prostitute. I'm a girl, I like hot men, but even I find that disturbing, even if I didn't have a boyfriend, I'd still find that disturbing.
Historical Favorite
02/17/2010 08:48 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Here's what should happen to Liu Kang, kill him off completely, make him evil, or have him as a mentor. He should not be a champion nor hero anymore. Here is how our hero should look like.

Obvious troll is obvious.
02/17/2010 08:58 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Here's what should happen to Liu Kang, kill him off completely, make him evil, or have him as a mentor. He should not be a champion nor hero anymore. Here is how our hero should look like.

Obvious troll is obvious.

He looks like Mavado. lol
Historical Favorite
02/17/2010 09:25 PM (UTC)
This thread just got a hot beef injection.
Historical Favorite
02/17/2010 09:28 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I said it before and I'll say it again. Heroes do not look like that. Maybe in your porn movies, not in Mortal Kombat. Even if it is an idea, that's just pathetic.

Besides, more guys play this game than girls. I doubt that those who are straight, and as well as those who are gay, would enjoy a male character looking like some male prostitute. I'm a girl, I like hot men, but even I find that disturbing, even if I didn't have a boyfriend, I'd still find that disturbing.

Whoa. Didn't realize there were any puritans left. Shouldn't you be busy burning women on a stake and killing indians?
02/17/2010 09:30 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I said it before and I'll say it again. Heroes do not look like that. Maybe in your porn movies, not in Mortal Kombat. Even if it is an idea, that's just pathetic.

Besides, more guys play this game than girls. I doubt that those who are straight, and as well as those who are gay, would enjoy a male character looking like some male prostitute. I'm a girl, I like hot men, but even I find that disturbing, even if I didn't have a boyfriend, I'd still find that disturbing.

Whoa. Didn't realize there were any puritans left. Shouldn't you be busy burning women on a stake and killing indians?

Shouldn't you stop trolling the forms and acting like a dick towards me all the time?
Historical Favorite
02/17/2010 09:32 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I said it before and I'll say it again. Heroes do not look like that. Maybe in your porn movies, not in Mortal Kombat. Even if it is an idea, that's just pathetic.

Besides, more guys play this game than girls. I doubt that those who are straight, and as well as those who are gay, would enjoy a male character looking like some male prostitute. I'm a girl, I like hot men, but even I find that disturbing, even if I didn't have a boyfriend, I'd still find that disturbing.

Whoa. Didn't realize there were any puritans left. Shouldn't you be busy burning women on a stake and killing indians?

Shouldn't you stop trolling the forms and acting like a dick towards me all the time?

I'm not a troll, it's just how I roll. And I'll stop giving you a hard time when you start posting smart things.
02/17/2010 09:37 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I said it before and I'll say it again. Heroes do not look like that. Maybe in your porn movies, not in Mortal Kombat. Even if it is an idea, that's just pathetic.

Besides, more guys play this game than girls. I doubt that those who are straight, and as well as those who are gay, would enjoy a male character looking like some male prostitute. I'm a girl, I like hot men, but even I find that disturbing, even if I didn't have a boyfriend, I'd still find that disturbing.

Whoa. Didn't realize there were any puritans left. Shouldn't you be busy burning women on a stake and killing indians?

Shouldn't you stop trolling the forms and acting like a dick towards me all the time?

I'm not a troll, it's just how I roll. And I'll stop giving you a hard time when you start posting smart things.

Basically you roll as a troll. And you can't leave me the fuck alone? Why not? Retarded or something? Like always, you gotta post something out of place. Fuck off.
Historical Favorite
02/17/2010 09:40 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

Retarded or something?

Glass houses, yo.

About Me

<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

02/17/2010 10:29 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
i just told you why the story line should not be canon in fighting games.

the main hero does not have to be bland but most are and its common for them to be like that. the bland thing is CLASSIC man. when they stop making video games and movies about good vs evil, hero vs villian, save the world vs take over the world junk then it will be out of style. so what im saying yes it is cliche but its CLASSIC. and look at virtua fighter main hero, hes even worse than liu. an all white karate out fit. COOL!!!! lol

the only reason i say gamplay is more important is because this is a FIGHTING GAME, NOT AN ACTION, RPG,FPS, ITS SIMPLE FIGHTING. the MAIN reason you pick up a fighting game is to fight. you pick up mgs4 and god of war 3 for story more. just like in an action movie, you watch it for action not some god damn stupid love story and crying. now a decent story does add on to a fighting game but it is not the main attraction. but mk focus on story and blood too much. thats why the game suck. and the casual fan keeps on buying it. and since you want the main hero to evolve soooo much why dont you tell mk to evolve that simplistic gameplay, ohh i forgot its CLASSIC(it still sales)

3rd strike did the same thing with making new fighters with similar moves to the old original cast of fighters. and it failed MAJORLY. people want the real thing buddy not some rip off. do you want someone to give you fake money, uhhh i didnt think so!!!!

liu kang not having a good developing story is not my fault, its the mk teams fault. so stop trying blame me for that, i have no control over what they do. if i did, it sure would not be 3d but thats another topic. lol

its clear that none of us are going to agree so you dont have to post back if you dont want too. lol

Huh... Wow. This thread is ANGRY!! GRRRRR.....gringringringrin

Sorry, that's what I get for jumping in on a topic 3 pages in, I suppose. I don't mean to mess with people, but I just clicked on this page and there seems to be a lot of hate going on.

Anyways, I read this post though and felt compelled to speak on it.

For me, and this is just my opinion, most fighting games have dumb stories. Virtua Fighter doesn't have one at all, Street Fighter's is nonsensical at best, DOA... I dunno, something about big heaving bosoms and Helena was the main character but now it's Kokoro or Totoro or whatever her name is.

Tekken tries REAL hard to have a comprehensible story, but it's mostly garbage about 4 generations of Mishimas, each taking control from the others in a different game. That and there's a panda. Whatever. Snoore.

But, and this is where my opinion diverges from yours. To me, Mortal Kombat was always different. You see, I grew up on this series, as many of us did. So when MK first came out, with it's amazing digitized graphics, I was hooked not only by the gameplay, but by everything.

This was the first game for me that had a story that was beyond "Ninjas have kidnapped the president" or "save the princess." This game had mystery, intrigue, characters with suspicious motivations, phrases like "it is believed that he travels to Outworld alone" and what not.

My point is that over the years, the story for a lot of fans has become just as important as the action on screen. What happens to the characters, how the story is told, what transpires from game to game... You might not find any of that interesting or important, but for a lot of long time fans, it's part of what keeps us coming back for more.

Yeah, when a new Virtua Fighter comes out, I buy it and I enjoy it for the great fighting engine it has. But I don't post messages on a message board about it. Story might be important for you in MGS or GoW, but for me, MK's story is important. I honestly don't give a crap why Kratos is killing this god or that god. I just want to hit people with his chain swords or whatever they're called.

To each, his own.

Oh, and the "bland hero" motif? It is pretty common in video games. I agree with that. Link, anyone? I don't know if I saw Liu Kang as bland back in the day. I mean, he was awesome in MK1 and MK2. I just don't think that the MK team knew what to do with him going forward.

He was "the chosen one" for several games. Then he kind of got stale because he sort of faded in to the background in MK3 and mK4. They killed him, which worked well for the "shock" factor or whatever, but bringing him back as a zombie was an awful move.

They could've done something much better like, "the sorcerers thought that they had killed him, but Liu Kang's near lifeless body was recovered by the Shaolin monks after Shang Tsung and Quan Chi departed." From there, you can go in a variety of different directions.

Maybe he decides that he doesn't want to fight anymore, but Kitana is killed and it brings him back. Maybe he's too injured to fight, so out of frustration he drinks and becomes heavy and they basically turn him in to a sort of joke and then he decides that he must try and regain what he's lost.

Not comically fat mind you, just overweight.

My point here is that the story aspect of the game interests me. I'd personally like a deeper experience out of the story. Knowing what happens from game to game, more motivations than simply "I'm good" or "I'm evil."

If you like it that way, then that's fine. More power to ya. If you just prefer MK as a fighting game and you don't care about the story etc. No problem. But from this series, my all time favorite series, I always got more than that when I played.
02/17/2010 10:40 PM (UTC)
lol you guys are funny. and sadistic freak you are crazy lol come on man you know that liu kang can not look like that lol you had me rolling on the floor laughing, when i saw that pic. that dude looks gay, who is he????

and icebaby people know liu kang. he was in all the movies as a hero and goods amount of people have watched those movies.

an iconic character is someone you autmatically think of when you ask someone about mk. now i will agree he wont always be the first fighter named but people will eventually remember him after naming scorp sub raiden. cause liu was always with raiden or they will remember when you mention who won the tournament or defeating goro. and liu was easy to pick up and play.

and you said just because you are a hero that does not mean you are iconic. WHATTT!!!! when you think about a franchise the hero is always gonna be in the top 3 easy to remember because you see him so much and hes the focus of the story. he is the main good guy. just because subs and scorp got alil popular does not take away from what liu is.

thats like saying Tom Brady is the leader and hero for the patriots but hes not an iconic player just because you might not like him!!!

ohh and i did not try to make anyone look stupid, hes the one trying act like im stupid over some GAME. if you read the post in order(2nd page last post at bottom) you will see he basically said i was unintelligent. and i was not even talking to him. so i could care less!!!
02/17/2010 10:49 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Oh, and the "bland hero" motif? It is pretty common in video games. I agree with that. Link, anyone?

Except with Link, and characters like him, is that it's done deliberately so that the players' can develope a personal intepretation of the character that wouldn't be contradicted in the game.

The reason Link never speaks...aside from grunts and the occasional shout....or seems to have any real response to whats happening around him is because the players are supposed to imagine his personality if not inject our own personality into Link. His reactions are supposed to be our reactions.
Hence his name...LINK...as in, the link between the player and the character.

Not quite the same thing with Liu Kang.
02/17/2010 11:02 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
lol you guys are funny. and sadistic freak you are crazy lol come on man you know that liu kang can not look like that lol you had me rolling on the floor laughing, when i saw that pic. that dude looks gay, who is he????

and icebaby people know liu kang. he was in all the movies as a hero and goods amount of people have watched those movies.

an iconic character is someone you autmatically think of when you ask someone about mk. now i will agree he wont always be the first fighter named but people will eventually remember him after naming scorp sub raiden. cause liu was always with raiden or they will remember when you mention who won the tournament or defeating goro. and liu was easy to pick up and play.

and you said just because you are a hero that does not mean you are iconic. WHATTT!!!! when you think about a franchise the hero is always gonna be in the top 3 easy to remember because you see him so much and hes the focus of the story. he is the main good guy. just because subs and scorp got alil popular does not take away from what liu is.

thats like saying Tom Brady is the leader and hero for the patriots but hes not an iconic player just because you might not like him!!!

ohh and i did not try to make anyone look stupid, hes the one trying act like im stupid over some GAME. if you read the post in order(2nd page last post at bottom) you will see he basically said i was unintelligent. and i was not even talking to him. so i could care less!!!

I do not see Liu Kang being iconic, if he was, then they would have put more effort in making him an icon. What they did to him in Deception was completely stupid. You would not do that to your "main" hero. With that happened, I do not see how that can be iconic. Superman being a zombie, omigosh what do we do now?

No duh that people know Liu Kang, okay, no freaking duh. But people do not know him as well as they would with Scorpion and Sub-Zero. As stated before, they would be one of the two characters stated if someone asked, "Name one character in Mortal Kombat."

And I fucking hate Tom Brady, he's not the leader of the faktriots, he's some washed up old hag who just sucks.

At lastly, just because someone mocked your intelligence, you shouldn't be writing back, "Oh you're some loser who's gotta come on this site 24/7 like it's your life, input insult here, rah rah ah ah ah roma roma-ma gaga ooh la la la.... Yeaah.

Can we fucking be nice to people please? Or am I asking too much?
02/17/2010 11:03 PM (UTC)
at baraka07 yeah i see what you are saying. I LOVE THE MK STORY. but the reason why i keep screaming gameplay is because mk started(3d era) only focusing on the story and not gamplay that much. so im trying to balance things out. im not some mindless gameplay freak, but i just want gamplay to be equal or greater. after all it is a fighting game. so that should be the first priority. but see mk always valued blood,fun,shock,story over gameplay,BUT the gamplay was fast fun and 2d. thats another reason why im always taking about mk should be 2d.

and look at all the 2d fighter that tried to do 3d. streetfighter,kof,guity gear...
etc all of them failed to match up to their 2d counterparts. for some reason 2d fighters does not transition to 3d well!!!! maybe its nostalgic or whatever. lol

and to me a better story helps sale fighting games better in the usa, but it does not make the gameplay better.
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