04/20/2015 06:53 AM (UTC)
From the Original Trilogy: Chameleon, Kintaro(He is very similar to Goro and Sheeva and I think they are better), Motaro(Centaur version only. At least for the next decade. They should revamp the minotaur version).

From MK4: Meat, Kai(Moveset should be transferred to Liu Kang. Liu Kang should gain the handstand and upward and downward fireballs to upgrade his character), Jarek.

From Deadly Alliance: Mokap, Hsu Hao, Mavado, Blaze, Moloch, Bo' Rai Cho(Use Ron Tan Cho and not have him come from Outworld), Drahmin(But their should be a new demon character), Nitara(We already have one blood-based character but they should turn Skarlet into a vampire without wings).

From Deception: Kobra, Kira, Darrius, Shujinko, Dairou, Onaga, Ashrah(Should've and should be Sareena. Sareena should be forced to kill demons by the Elder Gods to redeem herself for everything she did before she helped Sub-Zero).

From Armageddon: Daegon(Taven has potential and I love his backstory and attitude, but only one brother).

Everyone else has potential to return or come back revamped.
04/23/2015 02:51 AM (UTC)
ddill Wrote:
From the Original Trilogy: Chameleon, Kintaro(He is very similar to Goro and Sheeva and I think they are better), Motaro(Centaur version only. At least for the next decade. They should revamp the minotaur version).

From MK4: Meat, Kai(Moveset should be transferred to Liu Kang. Liu Kang should gain the handstand and upward and downward fireballs to upgrade his character), Jarek.

From Deadly Alliance: Mokap, Hsu Hao, Mavado, Blaze, Moloch, Bo' Rai Cho(Use Ron Tan Cho and not have him come from Outworld), Drahmin(But their should be a new demon character), Nitara(We already have one blood-based character but they should turn Skarlet into a vampire without wings).

From Deception: Kobra, Kira, Darrius, Shujinko, Dairou, Onaga, Ashrah(Should've and should be Sareena. Sareena should be forced to kill demons by the Elder Gods to redeem herself for everything she did before she helped Sub-Zero).

From Armageddon: Daegon(Taven has potential and I love his backstory and attitude, but only one brother).

Everyone else has potential to return or come back revamped.

I disagree with revamping Motaro as a minotaur. That should of never happened at all. Also, Chameleon actually gets mentioned in one of Reptile's pre-battle quotes in MKX. Khameleon, on the other hand, makes a small cameo in the IOS version as part of Reptile's support card.

Kai needs another chance. I personally prefer him over Liu Kang. I'm really tired of Liu Kang getting all the limelight. Kai needs his chance to shine. I also personally would love to see Jarek again. We're really lacking Black Dragon members other than Kano himself.

On the MKDA side, Hsu Hao, Mavado, and Moloch are already dead. For the MKD characters, I would actually love to see Dairou again. Also, one way I can see Darrius return is if they retconned him as a member of the Red Dragon. I remember seeing old concept art of that.

I also agree that Taven should return, but Daegon should as well, since he's the leader of the Red Dragon.
04/23/2015 03:06 AM (UTC)
Every character has a place, either as playable fighters or as NPCs and side characters.

Can't stand the hate circlejerk surrounding some of these characters. All of this wasted potential because NRS is aiming to please people who never really cared that much about the series in the first place.
04/23/2015 03:29 AM (UTC)
I like Ferra/Torr. I see much more in them than I do for most of the 3D newbies.

Kai, Hso, Meat, Kobra, Nitara, Molach, Dramin, Sheeva, Kintaro, Darius, and Dariou are the only ones I confidently say we won't be seeing in the future as playable characters at least. (I will not say Mavado. Saying it, makes it real.)
04/23/2015 04:34 AM (UTC)
How dare you say Kintaro is not better than Goro!? He is 'stronger and more agile than his predecessor'.

But seriously we won't see him again and I am kind of glad, I liked his MK2/MKSM look not the cat he has become...
04/24/2015 03:43 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
I like Ferra/Torr. I see much more in them than I do for most of the 3D newbies.

Kai, Hso, Meat, Kobra, Nitara, Molach, Dramin, Sheeva, Kintaro, Darius, and Dariou are the only ones I confidently say we won't be seeing in the future as playable characters at least. (I will not say Mavado. Saying it, makes it real.)

Mavado's already dead. Same with Hsu Hao and Moloch.

I personally would love to see Kai, Dairou, and Darrius again. They just need to be made better. Also, Kintaro deserves more appearances. One thing that separates him from Goro and Sheeva is that he literally breathes fire. Goro just shoots a green fireball from his hand.
04/24/2015 04:31 AM (UTC)
SneakyLizard Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
I like Ferra/Torr. I see much more in them than I do for most of the 3D newbies.

Kai, Hso, Meat, Kobra, Nitara, Molach, Dramin, Sheeva, Kintaro, Darius, and Dariou are the only ones I confidently say we won't be seeing in the future as playable characters at least. (I will not say Mavado. Saying it, makes it real.)

Mavado's already dead. Same with Hsu Hao and Moloch.

I personally would love to see Kai, Dairou, and Darrius again. They just need to be made better. Also, Kintaro deserves more appearances. One thing that separates him from Goro and Sheeva is that he literally breathes fire. Goro just shoots a green fireball from his hand.

Well Goro actually does breathe fire in one of his variations in MKX.
04/25/2015 05:44 PM (UTC)
Kintaro - only playable aince Armageddon
Moloch - same
Onaga - dead?
Skarlet - srsly...she was a new character that suddenly disappeared from the MK universe
Nitara - i feel like her reclaiming her realm Vaeternus is her only agenda
redman Wrote:
SneakyLizard Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
I like Ferra/Torr. I see much more in them than I do for most of the 3D newbies.

Kai, Hso, Meat, Kobra, Nitara, Molach, Dramin, Sheeva, Kintaro, Darius, and Dariou are the only ones I confidently say we won't be seeing in the future as playable characters at least. (I will not say Mavado. Saying it, makes it real.)

Mavado's already dead. Same with Hsu Hao and Moloch.

I personally would love to see Kai, Dairou, and Darrius again. They just need to be made better. Also, Kintaro deserves more appearances. One thing that separates him from Goro and Sheeva is that he literally breathes fire. Goro just shoots a green fireball from his hand.

Well Goro actually does breathe fire in one of his variations in MKX.

And Ain't that some shit?

Like early on people were mad about Mournful Kitana having access to Jades kick and here we got Mournful Goro.

Tigrar Fury=Fuck you Kintaro.
04/27/2015 08:36 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
redman Wrote:
SneakyLizard Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
I like Ferra/Torr. I see much more in them than I do for most of the 3D newbies.

Kai, Hso, Meat, Kobra, Nitara, Molach, Dramin, Sheeva, Kintaro, Darius, and Dariou are the only ones I confidently say we won't be seeing in the future as playable characters at least. (I will not say Mavado. Saying it, makes it real.)

Mavado's already dead. Same with Hsu Hao and Moloch.

I personally would love to see Kai, Dairou, and Darrius again. They just need to be made better. Also, Kintaro deserves more appearances. One thing that separates him from Goro and Sheeva is that he literally breathes fire. Goro just shoots a green fireball from his hand.

Well Goro actually does breathe fire in one of his variations in MKX.

And Ain't that some shit?

Like early on people were mad about Mournful Kitana having access to Jades kick and here we got Mournful Goro.

Tigrar Fury=Fuck you Kintaro.

Except Kintaro survived the events of MK9, unlike Jade. Kintaro is awesome. He needs more appearances.
04/27/2015 08:45 PM (UTC)
I miss Kintaro, but I miss his MK2 look the most. I hated his look in MK9.
04/29/2015 07:25 PM (UTC)
TigrarShokan Wrote:
I miss Kintaro, but I miss his MK2 look the most. I hated his look in MK9.

I hope Kintaro appears in future games. I personally like him more than Goro and Sheeva. Up until his return in Armageddon, he had the longest absent streak, being absent from MK3 to Deception. His appearance in Mortal Kombat Trilogy was not canon. He was only there for completion reasons. Same thing with Goro in MKX. Even though he's playable (as a pre-order exclusive) and a boss character, his inclusion wasn't canon. Heck, he didn't even show up in the story mode.
04/30/2015 12:36 AM (UTC)
Chameleon. Nobody wants him, not even Khameleon.
04/30/2015 02:53 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
Chameleon. Nobody wants him, not even Khameleon.

Actually, certain people do want them. They do have a decent fanbase compared to losers like Hsu Hao.
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