Arenas,Themes and/or Location Ideas...
posted07/15/2010 02:07 AM (UTC)by
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10/12/2006 10:35 AM (UTC)
Hey all. I dunno if there is a thread of this but I thought I would Start one. I wanted to hear your thoughts of what kind of arenas you would like to see in MK9. Here are a few of my ideas:
1) A battle ground with other fighters fighting around you and dead bodies scattered.Weapons laying around everywhere blood covered...catapults,ballistas,arrows flying around...lots of distraction and possibilities for death traps and stuff.

2) A slaughter house and meat locker...could only imagine the death traps that could be possible.

3) The living forest is a favorite of many so what if we added to it a an arena based on a camp site in the living forest with a huge bonfire in the center with an axe stuck in a tree stump as an arena specific weapon.

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08/28/2009 06:00 AM (UTC)
Let's go pre-existing first.

1.) Living Forest - Like you said, so many people like this arena, it's hard to imagine that they'd ever consider not having it be there in some form. I think this is a big enough arena that we could have it be in all the games, but never ever see the same aspect of it.

Like you, I'd like to see them change the trees a bit. Maybe make them scream at you, really loud and being up close to a screaming dragon or something. Really powerful, which might be useful for a force of wind effect.... a stumbling effect or if there's a trap on the other end of the scream.

I like how you mentioned vines and snakes, I'd just make that one concept though. Since it's the Living Forest, vines can behave like snakes. Especially if we're talking about an arena fatality. The distraction from this could be to conveniently place a Boa Constrictor(s) somewhere in the arena. Heh, make it look like the snake is the thing you'd have to worry about, when it's really the vines that'll get ya.

Also, looking a map of the old arena, we see some good depth, and some dead bodies tangled in with the shrubs. Well as an update to that, I'd keep the depth and have things freakishly move around in the background from time to time. Suggesting that just like back in MK2, "there might be a secret character to find back there somewhere".

I'd also animate the dead bodies in that old image, showcasing a loosing struggle with the vines. Basically, play up the wild-life in this arena, as well as how deadly that is has established itself to be.

One big thing I would do (which actually, I should have said this first) is change the scenery. I don't think we need to be venturing all through the forest in this one arena (save that experience for the Konquest mode), but I do think a different vantage-point would be good. So instead of the obvious clearing (the circular fighting area), I'd muttle this alot so that it's not at all obvious where the arena walls are. You'd just have to play it and find out where you can't go. I might also allow a tree trunk to protrude out into the fighting space a bit. Giving the assumption that you might be able to trip over it. A sort of visual illusion if you will.

Something I'd experiment with is having little creatures scurry across the fighting area, with the possibility of coming in contact with them. If you come in contact with one of these little creatures, it could screw up your match, so I don't know how good an idea like that would be in practice. But there could be a "Living Forest Squirrel" that falls on your characters head, or a "Living Forest Rat" that trips you up. The idea is that you could still fight with the little bugger scratching and racing around on your head, and all you'd have to do is hit a punch button to knock them off. The question would be, how long would that take you, would your opponent be trying to take advantage of the distraction, and how much of a sacrifice would you have to make in order to get the thing off of you. Tripping over a rodent would obviously be simple. All in an effort to make your fighting experience more "chance-like".

To back peddle a little on that though, typically you wanna keep the background stationary, and inconsequential. Meaning "background stuff" stays out of the way of the fight. It's just a generally implied "rule of thumb", and that's probably because it's the best way to handle any arenas background stuff.

To finish this arena off though, the general feel of the whole thing should be absolutely haunting and terrifying. You should always be thinking in the back of your mind, that something could possibly happen to your character because of all the creepy stuff going on in the arena. It would always provoke you to react to it, which if you're not careful, could make you loose the match.....and let's not forget about the possibility of "someone" lurking around in the background.

This sort of update for the Living Forest would be fantastic.

2.) Courtyard - First, I'd probably leave the crowd farther away like they did in MKD, but to our surprise, I'd widen the arena to actually include where the monks are sitting. Again, it looks simplistic, but we'd be forced to actually play the thing to find that it's actually that wide around.

This arena would be alot like one of these wrestling games in that, we could fall/jump off the main platform, and take our fight up into the crowd for some interaction with those otherwise stagnate Artificial Intelligent on-lookers.

The idea here is to create a bar fight scene of sorts. Not only would we be fighting against our primary taget in the match (your opponent), but if these monks start jumping up out of their seats and getting in the way of your fight, you'd also have to fend them off so that they don't deal you inconsequential damage. Their programming would probably just consist of basic punching or kicking the closest body to them. Which would give the illusion of "a big fight popping off out of nowhere".
Maybe add a jump action to them so that they don't just walk around you, they jump out of your way and fight other a.i. bodies too. Kicks the action up a notch, and once their fight action is triggered, and the melee starts, it should continue for the rest of the bout. Also, I think that if you hit one of these a.i. monks, it should lay them down for good. So there's potential there to completely demolish the audience you once had watching your fight.

Again, there's that "rule of thumb" I was talking about earlier. On the same note, I don't know if this would work better as a Konquest mode melee sort of situation because of the on-screen character count, but I think the idea would work well because of the UnReal engine's capabilities. It can handle alot of movable pieces on screen like this very well.

The general feel of this arena would be a false security. We'd figure this is one of the least likely arenas for something over-exciting to happen in, and once we play it and find out, one of the most memorable things comes to life in real-time. This arena shouldn't be scary at all, it should home-y, heavy on the Asian monk themes, and relatively tranquil for a place on EarthRealm.

Imagine doing a fatality in this arena based on the fatality event idea I have in mind. All those monks melt and die off with the scene when the screen dims out, and the buildings rapidly deteriorate. Bloody, Bloody FATALITY!!

08/28/2009 09:41 AM (UTC)
I don't know about little rodents attacking you but the thought of obstacles in the arena is interesting. That is why I was thinking about the battle ground idea.A battle going on all around you would be a pretty crazy deal and just fighting in itself could be the obstacle. Also,if anyone can't understand what me and Pred are talking about our names on twitter are the same as on here so feel free to do the search to understand better.

Anyways,off topic for a second...the fatality scenery you explained with the effects like there was an atomic bomb lol...I like the idea and totally agree but I couldn't see it being the same for all characters. Maybe each character could have a specific background effect. An example...for Raiden lightning could be flying around everywhere striking and causing fires and stuff or for Sub-zero it could start snowing and the screen and scenery could look iced over. I could very well see an on and off switch in an options menu for that though.

Back on topic though...I would like to see an arena similar to the final area on the first movie. Where Shang and Liu fought there way up to the balcony type platform. For a stage fatality there could be a hot spot on the balcony for the spikes on the first floor to rise. When activated for the fatality it could cut to almost an fmv type sequence for the spikes to rise and than the fatality is shown and or executed.

Edit: Also,you said pre-existing so I would also like to see a revision of The Pit and The Dead Pool.
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08/29/2009 07:24 AM (UTC)
3.) The Pit - This one's a little bit different. They've done this arena in MK1,2, & MKD. With spinoffs of it in....I think another three games. So there's probably a good argument out there for not bringing it back at all. To be honest(tbh), there's not alot to change about this arena, but there is a tone/mood that could be renvisioned to make it substantial again.

First thing I'd probably experiment with is filling the moon with blood during the fatality event (or just doing something completely disturbing to it). I'd also look at making the fighting area narrow again like back in MK1-2. You see, even though I liked MKD's revamp alot, that was too much space to fight on, and virtually eliminated the fear of falling off the platform down onto the spikes. So I would make it a point to put the mysterious fear back into this arena.
Also, I don't know about having the Witch on the broomstick, or Santa Clause fly across the moon anymore. Way I'm looking at it, why not have a vampire like Nitara, or someone like Onaga fly across the moon beating on "what looks like" Shao Kahn? Way more interesting because it doubles you back into what could be happening with the story in the game as well. Maybe there's a secret clue in there about the story or something. Never know.

Another thing I would definitely do, is when we fall off the platform for the arena fatality, I would adopt MK2's camera angle. I would not go moving the camera around alot unless it absolutely made things scarier to do so. But, the best thing about that angle was that you could see how terrified your characters face was as they fell to their death. There's a point to be made here too. Part of the appeal in watching the character fall to their death by spikes is getting as terrifying as possible on the behavior and physics aspect of the fall, impale, any screaming, and other sound effects. Tearing clothes and flesh, falling on the spikes a different way every time, ect. If this arena makes a comeback, there cannot be any goofy stuff going on. It has to be deadly serious in order to hit home.

The uppercut happens, the character goes up into the air to an unusual height, the camera switches to a face on/full-body view point while the character is coming down from the uppercut but still above the platform. As the character falls he/she might notice that the fall is unusual this particular time, and as we pass the platform in that same view point the spikes below become clear in the background of the fall. When the character that is falling realizes that he/she will not hit the platform, they go into a panicked frenzy. Kicking and screaming until they hit the spikes.
I've been told that being stabbed feels like getting punched, so when they hit the spikes, a special *THUD!* sort of sound effect is in order at that point (gushing *thud* sounds ect..). To drive the horror home, the character releases their last breath, and at the same time, the character doesn't just slide down the blades...of course not. They slowly notch-down-the-threads-of-the-blades as physics allows their clothing to rest on their body reacting accordingly, to how they fell on the spikes. ~Fatality~

Lastly, looking at MKD's version of the Pit, it'd be interesting to see a more abrupt ending to this arena fatality too. One wonders how those dead bodies came to hang on the spikes directly beneath the platform...? Maybe our understanding of how this arena fatality is "supposed" to work, can be challenged by something totally unexpected? Stickie?

4.) Dead Pool - I'm actually pretty satisfied with this arena. I really do feel like this is one of the arena concepts that has been fully fleshed out and exploited. When they did this arena for MKSM, they really did hit the nail right on the head. They exhausted the cool rumors of the 90's and added common sense gameplay elements to make it all come together. One idea I might have had is to show us how we get into the Dead Pool arena, but again, with the coming of MK Shaolin Monks, they really did show us where to go, and how to get there.

And then of course there's the revamp from MKDeception. Again, this looks like the finished product of that idea through and through. Great job Goskie....I got nothin'! Ha!

So look, even though I like this one alot, I'd be comfortable not seeing it again for a time (bring it back in the next Trilogy-type game or somn, idk). This is one of the arenas that will remain a good one so long as they don't abuse the nostalgic value in it. It's time to let this one rest in my opinion, and create a new "dead-pool" arena that is equivalent to it's rumor-laden, dreadful consequence, acid bath goodness.
08/29/2009 10:46 AM (UTC)
Perhaps your right about the Dead Pool but The Pit could be touched up on in you said the fatality aspect of it. For the pit I would like to see not only the traditional uppercut and fall on spikes but I would also like to see what happens when they fall near the spiked pillars/columns.

Other arenas that stick out in my mind that I like are as follows:
Yin Yang Island
Scorpions Lair
The Rooftops
The Graveyard
The Subway
Quan Chi's Fortress

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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

08/29/2009 05:06 PM (UTC)
I would love to see The Pit return, I love the feel of it. I think that's an arena, that personally, will never get old.
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08/30/2009 07:51 AM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
Other arenas that stick out in my mind that I like are as follows:
Yin Yang Island
Scorpions Lair
The Rooftops
The Graveyard
The Subway
Quan Chi's Fortress

5.) Yin Yang Island - It was one of those great ideas in concept form I believe, but the realization of it was not at all good in my opinion. The tropical music and partially gleeful island theme didn't work. It didn't play to MK's fantasy element at all, nor any themes I can remember from any character, any of the games, or either of the movies. The closest thing I can think of is MK2-T's babality music.

Yea, I pretty much hated this arena because it didn't have anything to do with Mortal Kombat. It contributed to the goofiness MKDA-A had, didn't do anything for MK's mythos or seriousness (even though it tried), and the Yin Yang concept overall did it's job by canceling the highlights of each side of itself out.

Basically, I'd love to see this arena never come back. Especially after MKA & MKvsDC and their whole themes being based around "merging realms" and catastrophic events.

6.) Scorpions Lair - First, I don't like the idea of a definitive "Scorpions Lair" like they did in MKA. It makes his existence in Hell too formal for the torment and anguish that he is suggested to suffer while being there. That goes for just about anyone except Shinnok really, since he killed the last ruler of the NetherRealm, Lucifer.
If there is anyone on the MK roster that actually should have any real kind of a civilized structure on that realm, it should probably be Shinnok and Shinnok alone. Other characters that are from hell, or that are cursed to exist there should probably inhabit holes, wells, caves or other abnormal structures and so on. Which would play up the reason why hell is to be feared. Because you never know what or who dwells in a hole, a well, cave, or any other sort of abstract structure.

Now, with that all said, I liked the UMK3 "lair" the best. It looked like a place you would not want to visit let alone inhabit. Looking at that arena, I could sympathize with Scorpions revenge plot and all his anger. Sure, you could probably say his UMK3 arena contributed to his story element, and character depth, which is fantastic that it did this btw.

The pinnacle of this arenas design was reached in MKSM. After that, any arena that had similar traits was an abuse of the concept. The reason why I say that is because by the time MKSM came along, Mortal Kombat had overused the "Hot as Hell" themes, and they didn't really show us other dimensions or damning aspects of "Hot", & or "Hell" (hope that makes sense). Same skulls, same color pallets (heavy on the browns, oranges, and reds), same rocks and pools of lava...ect. Pretty much every game has these "markers" in them with variants of the same ideas. Maybe the skulls were re-designed a little bit, maybe the arena was set up differently, but overall, the elements that make up a "Scorpions Lair", "Hell", or a "NetherRealm" remained the same. All the way up to MkvsDc.

Some changes & improvements probably become obvious then. Change what Hell looks like in MK, and with that, change the color pallet a bit. Go for the colors associated with cigarette butts and ashes in an ashtray for example. Smoldering piles of ash, or the way the cigar cherry looks....shades of grey, black, with a little of the lava color schemes as a faint light source. In some dimensions of hell, there might the absence of color to begin with. Letting the literal sense of hell as a "dark place" come forward in the design. In other planes or dimensions of hell, we might get a sense of dried blood, and dried out or burnt dead bodies with the only light sources being an occasional fire flare-up.

Also, look at movies like Hellraiser, where Hell was less about it being obviously hot, and more about the tortures people face once they go to hell. Of course it was a hot place, but alot of really weird, disturbing, and traumatic things happened in that movies version of hell as well. There were people getting ripped to shreds over and over by a monster they were petrified of, there was simple stuff like people freaking out because they thought they had bugs crawling all over them, and there were even instances where people continually froze to death. Just because that was their main phobia being realized over and over.
This actually might lean more towards what a Drahmin themed arena might look and behave like though, because of the torture, and people having their worst nightmares occur over and over on a never ending continuum.

Back to Scorpion specifically though, I think that the better they can show us his curse through where exactly he is forced to live in hell, and the sorts of torments that he has to deal with because he is a hell bound soul, then the more clear his arenas concept will become. I think the better they're able to do this, the more we will appreciate Scorpion too. Because like I mentioned earlier, I like the UMK3 version the best because it seems like even I would be eternally pissed off if I was forced to go there under Scorpions circumstances. Just as well, if you listen to just about any Scorpion fan, you will find that they like him because he's badass, sure. But you will also find that they want to sympathize with the characters story, and one way to allow that sympathy is to have a really clear understanding of that characters environment(s) is/are like.

That's not uncommon for the fandom of any character really, there's always qualities that we see in a fictional character that make us relate to them in order to be a fan of them. But since Scorpion is one of the posterboys for this game, the better presentation that his tragedy has, and the more badass they make him as a consequence of his tragedy, the better experience people will have with this character. His arena is just one good way to drive home why Scorpion is always so pissed off.

Q?: Why is he pissed off?
Ans: One good reason is because he has to live "here", when before he was a pretty satisfied man with a family, and a calling to be a Shirai Ryu ninja. Look at where he lives at now and what he has to deal with because of that place. That's why he's always pissed off.

To finish here, Scorpions arena should be a really fucked up place to imagine. Imagine the kinds of places that a "fearless Shirai Ryu ninja" would actually fear, even though one standard of clan-hood is probably to be fear-less. See that? So sure, it should have the "Hot as Hell" or "Fire and Brimstone" appeal to it. But it should also have elements that suggest that he can never have his wife and child again. He also can never be prideful of his clan ever again (maybe he can't take the yellow vest off now so that he can move on? maybe he's stuck with it now). He can never be satisfied or whole again without these aspects of his existence in tact, and because Hell is now his home, that reminder to him should always be present in his arena somehow..... fueling the rage of Scorpions harpoon!

*Get over here!*

7.) Rooftops - I think we can let this one go considering that arena was based around Shao Kahn taking over EarthRealm. I think this one has served it's purpose much like Blaze has now served his purpose since MKA is over. This one was rightfully left in the past. I did like this one alot though. It was a great concept and great execution. Thanks Goskie and Vogel.

8.) Graveyard - Another timeless arena! I love this one because there's so many things that haven't been done with it, that might now be possible. They even did well with this arena in MkvsDc.

The idea I think everyone is waiting for from this arena is for a "Night of the Living Dead" scenario to come to life. Where things are creeping up out of their graves in the background. Really creepy stuff happening in the background of this arena that give life to why people are spooked about going into a graveyard at night. Maybe something scurries along violently, and really quickly. While other things move slowly, but are only seen for a second as to suggest that you might just be seeing things that you know you actually saw.

This arena needs zombies and ghosts in it. Freakish-looking anomalies that really play up the phobia about a graveyard. Maybe a tombstone falls over.....maybe a tree shakes really violently for no apparent reason....maybe all the lights/lamps go out in this arena at the same time from time to time, only giving us the light from the moon to fight under for short periods of time.

Never know. Obviously then, this arena should play up how spooky graveyards are. It can really lean on people's phobias and superstitions, ghosts and zombies, demons and ghouls, wolves and vampires ect.
An arena fatality could even see the Zombies violently rip your body to shreds and take you under the ground. Maybe even suggesting the gateway to Hell or Purgatory opened up to take you down.

9.) Subway - This is another one that is pretty much done for. The original was the pinnical of this arenas design, the MKA version was the beginning of the abuse of this theme. Again, I liked this one alot back then, but it's just worn off now. I wouldn't feel bad at all if we don't see it for another really long time.

10.) Quan Chi's Fortress - This one was definitely interesting. Even the music associated with it was interesting. Hm...Yea, it was good! The main thing I liked about it was the arena fatality with the lasers. That was a complete surprise that worked out really well.

My only question about this arena is "Where is it located?" Because again, if it's in the NetherRealm, I don't think it fits in very well with a "Hell" theme being that it's a very civil-looking, organized structure. It looks like some regular people made it for museum purposes. Or it looks like something we'd find in the design book for Indiana Jones. That's the aspect that isn't really right about it if this is supposed to be in Hell somewhere. Especially considering how Quan Chi came to be. That's a very nice place for a demon to grow up even looks like it might have a library in it somewhere for Quan Chi to study up on his devilish crafts. lol That's not right if this is in Hell somewhere.

But then again, considering it's Quan Chi I'm talking about, and the way he is able to manipulate beings in the MK universe, it could actually be plausible that he'd make someone do it for him. Maybe the Brotherhood built it in honor of him or something per one of his demands or something. That could work if this arena is indeed in the NetherRealm. idk though, because at the same time, Quan Chi is a very poisonous, very destructive, plague-like character. I'm not sure. It's a good concept for an arena, and it was executed pretty well too.

Improvements, considering Quan Chi is basically the "Black Widow" on the roster, a real conniving, deceitful, trap setter, I might experimenting with just that....Traps. Nothing soft either, I'm talking traps that catch you and fill up with acid, man eating bugs, fire, or something else just as bad. Glass casings so that Quan Chi can watch you die. Another trap could be like a fly swatter, only the net is made up of those lasers. Maybe Quan Chi, has a huge Black Widow as a pet, and the thing comes out and violently eats you if you disturb some kind of inconspicuous web-like thing in the arena. That'd be awesome!
A bunch of baby spiders could work too. Just like the first Arachnophobia movie.

Other stuff they could do, is clarify what kind of necromancer Quan Chi is, and play off of some of those themes. We know he has a green skull projectile, but what exactly is that? Is it magic (again with the magic, even though magic//dark arts works for Quan Chi, couldn't it be explained as something else more sophisticated? really.) or is Quan Chi a soul manipulator like Shang Tsung (that works too, but maybe his brand of soul manipulation is more pure//potent than Shangs is.)?

We also know he can summon skeletons from the ground in a few ways, but that hardly defines anything aside from him definitely being a necromancer.

This definition could allow him to be in charge of a skeleton army or something, that protect his fortress...and there you go. A small skeleton army has a presence in his arena. Tah Dah. Just saying that if his stuff was better defined, they could use that information to play up the themes in his arena.

Umm...Overall I think "Danger" is the underlying theme to go for in Quan Chi's Fortress. His arena shouldn't really be scary, more than it should have those movie styled "shock" situations (1:45-1:50sec) in it. No preference on that particular movie, I just typed in something random like "scary movie trailer" or something. They all have those little jump points in them. The unexpected "car accident" with a play on the camera angle, the "double take on looking in the mirror", "walking around a corner and *bam* something jumps out at ya"....whatever.

Thats Quan Chi's arena stuff.
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08/30/2009 08:44 AM (UTC)
Pit 2 is a must.
08/31/2009 02:50 AM (UTC)
the graveyard i'd like to see change drastically. here's how i would make
the graveyard.

the graveyard would consist of 3 tiers. these tiers would include the

each of the tiers would insist of 1 death trap.
the graveyard would have a zombie death trap.
the crypt would have a spider death trap.
the masoliaum would have a hole death trap.
the catacombs would have a rock slide death trap.

the music in the arena should have a chilling feel to it something eerie to it like marilyan manson's music but mkish.

the look should be very creepy similar to a horror movie but still retain the feel of mk.

extra stuff to the arena could be like every 10-15 sec have something fly or pop up on the screen giving a loud scream. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! maybe have crows making there caw noises before the round says fight. have the arena look purple at 1st but start having it get darker as every sec goes by making the sky turn black. have the arena be very windy while still hearing the crickets chirping in the long grass in the distance.

all this stuff would benefit the arena complementing the old school mk2 feel but maintaining the 3d aspects of the newer mk games. what you think.
08/31/2009 11:39 PM (UTC)
@ThePredator151...I guess I can see why you dislike Yin Yang Island.The reason why I liked it is the concepts it contained. I liked the darker side of the island with the snakes and all. Maybe they could bring it back as just Yang Island LOL. The reason I liked the MK:A version of Scorpions lair was the scorpion structures and the dungeon-esque color tones but this like you said is in hell so many things probably are not always what they seem. As for the Rooftops...I don't think this idea is exhausted. It could be set in a completely different location that the previous arena was at. I say this sarcastically to pick at ya,its not like the arena was called The Rooftops of Shao Kahn taking over Earth Realm lol. The Rooftops could be done so much differently and could be improved. Now the Graveyard,I totally agree it is timeless and deserves to come back. Acidslayers ideas are close to what i was thinking about. I'm not sure about 3 tiers but 2 would be ok. I was thinking about the zombie idea for a death trap but i think it might work better for it to be a for instance you pull off an uppercut in a certain grave stone area and zombie pull you down into like a catacombs area. I dunno,the graveyard could be played with alot and I would like to see where it could go.

@Asesino...I thought about The Pit 2 myself. I wonder if they could make an arena consisting of all of the past pit example: Instead of the arena being in 3 dimensions have this arena be side scrolled and with each transition the arena could go from like The Pit 1 to The Pit 2 than the pit from a balcony like in the first movie.Hmmm...

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09/01/2009 10:06 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:

That's awesome man. Hadn't thought about it like that before.


Went through and looked around, and here's the rest that I just like, without ranting forever about all of them individually and over time:

11.) Wastelands (MK2/MKA) - This is probably one of my favorites from early on. Maybe it's because it's purple...which is odd, but that may be just because purple is a passionate color, and the arena has so much death in it. So I guess I liked that contrast.

The funny thing is that I didn't totally take to the MKSM interpretation of it. There was something a little off about it. I think it might have been the inhabitants once we got to that level. I guess I just expected dead soldiers to pop up instead of the belligerent militants that were there, along with those acrobatic guys. I liked it, but there was something a little off about it. ([[Side Note: I don't care what people say...Kabals voice FITS like a glove damnit! lol]])

Not sure if I'd really want to see this one come back again. With the way I received the MKSM interpretation of it, I think it really aged this arena. I think I'd lean towards them leaving this one in the past, but I also wouldn't mind if it came back.

One improvement is kinda like I mentioned already, if it's the wasteland, I might look at making the inhabitants of this arena more.....synthetic? Kinda sorta "dead soldiers" (maybe somewhat robotic in behavior, or even Steampunk-ish). Maybe they look like they have no choice but to do what their doing. The arena itself could look a bit more Terminator 1 & 2 flashback-like (not this newest movie. That's not old-looking enough. It should look older than that).... There might also be a machine out in the field collecting dead bodies or something.

12.) Jade Desert (UMK3) - This was one of the most unique arenas at the time. I liked it because it was practical, and stood out amongst all the other really good, but kind of exaggerated arenas elsewhere in the game. I liked seeing Cyrax stuck in the sand in the background. It was cool.

I know they tried to bring the desert in more of a general sense, back in MKD, but that just didn't do it at all. I like the sand dunes, heat waves, and the mirages from a desert. So I'd definitely put that back the way it was and work from there.

Improvements might look like putting a huge sand worm in there. I know they must have thought about that old movie Tremors. Little to no cactus...or plant life at all really. Just alot of sand, the sky, maybe a mirage, and the freaky insinuation that there may be something roaming around out there underneath all that sand. (okay, maybe a vulture or lizard or something..but just so that it stays simple and practical --- And yes, it should still be authentic MK music. not some gimmicky Arabic music. They'd disrespect everybody doing that.)

13.) Waterfront (UMK3) - No real reason. I just liked it. May have been the water, may have been the buildings in the background....may have even been the way the level scrolled from side to side like an old Nintendo game. idk.

14.) House of Pekara (MKDA) - I liked this one because it looked like a step forward from the early Temple arena. It had ghost in it, which made sense without having to think about it. Had the stained glass, ect.

Got a really old idea for this one. It's the possibility that instead of going for all the dead guys, soulnados and so on, that maybe with these church-like arenas, they could experiment with a "Crossroads" theme. To where there are souls, and maybe even "gatekeepers" in there like they have. But this might be the actual correct passage to Heaven or whatever. Not so much peaceful....but maybe "serene" with a touch of "the harsh reality of death even for the good", if you get what I'm saying there.

15.) Palace Grounds (MKDA) - Another one I just liked. Seemed like a correct place a fight might happen, plus the execution was well done. The background is great.

The only thing is though, is that I'm not sure how many times they could play this card. What with the soulnado in the background and all that. Because it kind of means that you must have Shang Tsung somewhere around the game. *shrugs* I like this ones design overall though. It's just good.

16.) Lost Tomb (MKDA) - Feeds into the story element, and again, just looks like somewhere a fight would happen. Looks like Sub-Zero and Scorpion would end up meeting here if they were both looking for (sent to get) the same thing. Looks like stories take place here.

17.) Sarna Ruins (MKDA) - Ditto^ Plus, it looks like a legit extension to Jades Desert. Gives a "What the hell are we doing way out here" vibe without being completely out of place. It requires story though, to explain the answer to that question. It also doesn't smoosh a big fat pyramid in your face either, which helps it retain its goodness.

18.) Falling Cliffs (MKD) - This is a new favorite of mine because of functionality, and because of what it contributes to strategy. I'd like to see the hot-spots on the platform tightened up though. Mainly because sometimes there'd still be ground we're standing on, and it would allow us to fall off anyway. But, I definitely want this arena back. It's a step forward from the 1st and 2nd Pit.

I kinda thought that the platform should fall apart well before the timer was up, because it would offer an nice sense of urgency so long as it wasn't too quick (progressively faster towards the end? idk.). I mean, I liked it as it was, allowing us to still fight on just a little round platform. But, I was also curious about the whole thing falling apart, and justifying a match being a "Draw" sometimes. Both characters lossing has always been a possibility (although extremely rare), but you never quite get to see it often enough.

So maybe the whole thing can fall apart some 10-15- or 20 seconds faster than the timer. Unless of course we set the clock to infinity. I'd keep most things the same, and just work on the hot spots and the clock. Maybe change the camera angle on the fall to a face-on view point again with this they can splatter blood all over the camera. lol

19.) Krimson Forest (MKA) - Looks like what a different aspect of the Living Forest could be. That's pretty much why I like it. I couldn't care less about the Taven/Daegon attachment to it and that logo. I would just take that off the building and use the arena as an extension to the Living Forest. Make some tweaks, change some trees...ect.

You know, in a weird way this arena oozes the "Little Red Riding Hood", or "Hanzel and Gretel" fairy tales. haha.. Just sayin'.

20.) Botan Jungle (MKA) - Looks like what the Shaolin Temples might look like in the wake of MKA's aftermath....Or at least it gives the hope for that sort of look come MK9 for the Shaolin. They lost they're champion, and have been invaded once or twice in MK's story history...looks like something they could be trying to rebuild from.

21.) Arctika (MKA) - Looks alright for a "Southern//Northern Temple". Where there would naturally be ice and snow. Could also give reason for traveling the Earth for whatever reason. I like that they let us break ice and stuff in these arenas too. Ice is always a cool property to play with in a game. Instant gratification.

22.) Lumber Mill (MKA) - No particular reason, just felt like something that should be there. I could let this one go for a great Hell arena though. I don't think we need more than a couple fire//lava//hot arenas to play with after the last 3-4 games. That theme is becoming worn out in MK, so I'd just ease back off of it a bit for the next installment at least. Let other things have presence, and then build up to a fiery themed MK "finale" game. Could also symbolize a pinnacle in the events that have happened in a sequential 3 or 4 game series. Or however many they make in a row that stream the next, same continuing story.

Yea, I basically like this arena, but I feel they should lay off of hot themes so much until it really counts to set that mood. I'm not saying not to have them at all in the meantime...but just emphasize less on it for a game or two. Really turn the heat up at the end of the sequence.

23.) Meteor Storm (MKA) - Liked it because it seemed like "the other part" of the 1st Pit area. Like we always knew there was, and this was the developers opportunity to solidify that for us. I'd like to see this one back because its a fresher idea than the old Pit, and it still manages to capture the mood and feel of the 1st Pit quite well.

24.) Lin Kuei Palace (MKA) - Liked this one because from the inside, it didn't really seem like "Sub-Zeros' house" so much. I mean, the Lin Kuei as a concept were initially not a group of only Cryomancers, right? So why should the place that they train only be frozen?

Now, I realize that Sub-Zero took over and reshaped the Lin Kuei, but I assume that all the other pre-existing members weren't Cryomancers. Cyrax, Sektor, Smoke, and Noob Saibot are ex Lin Kuei. Noob Saibot being the only one of those "other ninjas" who is a part of the Cryomancer lineage. So...just sayin', why is it a house of cryo-ninjas now? And if it is not full of cryo-ninjas, why is the palace frozen? Why do they all sport the blue costumes when they didn't before?

It's either a chance to give us more talents or element-based characters from the broader Lin Kuei clan (through things like different "chapters" or "temples")...or it's suggestive branding of the Lin Kuei clan by association to Sub-Zero, and the cryomancer lineage. But that's only suppose to be Sub-Zeros thing. They gotta decide that for us, and in the meantime, the arena is a good one.

25.) Shao Kahns Balcony (MKA) - It just fit really well. That's all. It was different, it had fire in it, but without being over saturated. This is the sort of thing that I'd like to see from the next MK game. Not too much, but it is there.

This particular arena can go now though because Shao Kahn is presumed no longer in power. I'd also like to see that character fall off the horizon, or at least be dragged through the mud. So, there's no need for the arena if they go this sort of route with the character. His presence is becoming, or has become obsolete on the ladder. He doesn't deserve his own location anymore IF his descent is indeed the case.

26.) Shao Kahns Throneroom (MKA) Ditto^^

27.) Reiko's War Room (MKA) - Ditto^^ Pretty much.

28.) Raiden's Temple (MKvsDC) - This one was one of two arenas that actually resembled MK arenas in MkvsDc. And to be honest, I only remember about 4 definitive "MK arenas" in this game. Graveyard, Raiden's Temple, Hell, and the Sonya/Jax's Mountain Hangar.

Thing about Raiden's Temple is, it actually looked like it probably should. So thanks whoever had a hand in doing that. It looks like some worshipers of his or something, built him a temple high up in some mountains somewhere. Which is really cool. I did wonder what he was doing with a temple on Earth considering he's a God character (would he have a palace in Heaven or something too then?). But it works out really well actually, I was satisfied.

The way the arena looks doesn't humanize him, it holds his character-type up (which is fantastic. It kinda says "A God probably lives here"). On the other hand, it's his in-game portrayal, behaviors, language//scripting, intellect//decision making and so on that humanizes him (which is not good at all for an eternally aged God character. [[voice actor was good though, he should come back and read for Raiden again, but with a better written script.]]).

The arena by itself is all good though. I like how there are tornadoes and so on going on in the background, the "unclimbable mountains" (even though Sub-Zero did climb up there, lol), clouds beneath the Temple grounds...ect. That stuff all panders to the character well. It's the group of subtle things that count when put together like that. Makes it look like a God might actually rest there...on Earth.

I would definitely want to see it back....see inside of it..ect. They did a great job with it.


: You may have noticed that there are a few arenas in this post that are pretty dead in terms of color. They have alot of the tans, and greys in them. It's because I I've discussed most, if not all the arenas that are saturated with certain color schemes that I actually like.
: Other ones that I might like have omitted, and is because their color schemes, themes, and other factors are pretty much covered within the arenas that I have spoken on.
: And any other one outside of those, I feel can be left in the past indefinitely to make way for entirely different or new ideas.

: There were something like 35-40 arenas in MKA, and there have been far more than that over the course of MK's saga (200-300 arenas or something like that...maybe even more). So, if they were to consider the arenas we've talked about in this thread, even though we're obviously not a complete representation of what the whole fanbase likes,......of the arenas that could be kept, you'd probably only have what ?...10-15 old arenas return in the future? A stretch to get 20?

I think that's a good number to keep things familiar, but to allow a great number of new-ness to come through in the next game or so. Of course, and again, I'm not saying that "our word is law" or whatever....but if you were the developer, you could probably still get a good sense of what's still really popular from the 2D games, consider what people like from the 3D games, and then move forward from there.

This is probably one of those "actuate but really vague" looks at the pre-existing arenas. If they find any kind of generality in this thread, all the other stuff is pretty much good to go.

On to some new arena ideas next....
09/01/2009 07:15 PM (UTC)
shang tsung palace i'd like to see return but tweaked a bit. heres how i would change it up.

shang tsung palace would have 1 tier.
shang tsungs courtyard

each arena would have 1 death trap.
shang tsung palace would have the soulnado deathtrap.
shang tsungs courtyard would have the dragon railings death traps.
what would happen the dragon railings would spit out fire onto the opponnet.

music wise i'd have a dark, asian, chinese, vibe to the music for this type of arena.

extra stuff that could be incorperated into this arena could be.

before the round starts a skeleton trys to grab you from your tv into the soulnado while making a creepy scream. ahhhhhhhh! this would be like a cinamatic scene before the start of the words fight. this would not interfere with game play.

every 2-5 sec the soulnado would grow larger to try and suck you into the soulnado. this would be strategic similar to the falling cliffs. how you manage to not get sucked into the soulnado would be backing up from the soulnado or sidestepping away from it.

what you think of the ideas. if you like them i'll post more.

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09/02/2009 09:37 AM (UTC)
So just to be clear, we're talking about arenas that we'd like to see return... But in a modified form?

If that's the case than I'd really like to see:

Wu Shi Academy: I loved this background in MK:DA. The only real differences I'd like to see are that I'd want to see it at night. Crickets chirping in the backround, some thin looking torch holders with torches that can be busted during battle. The moonlight reflecting off of the arena and small cinders from the flames crackling in the air.

Oh, and you HAVE to find out what happens when you kick someone off of the side! I'd take two approaches to this:

1. Have the entire arena fall, you fight your opponent as the large disc your on plummets toward the abyss. Of course, the warriors wouldn't be overly affected, except for having the wind going through their hair and clothes.

2. Just have it as a standard death trap. You knock the opponent off and they fall on large stone spikes, with one of the spikes going directly through the back of the losers head and through their face.

Lung Hai Temple: I always dug this arena, even if I thought that the oarsmen were unnecessary. I'd wnat to see something happen that releases the arena, having it careen down a watery passage way. It wouldn't be like any of the Soul Calibur backgrounds that do this, I'm talking about a white water rapids trip, where you go off of edges and land. It would be a rather disruptive arena, but eventually it would come to a slow down.

A stage fatality might involve the stage itself, where one player escapes the large arena as it goes over a waterfall. The other character lands harmlessly in the water, only to look up and see the mammoth structure heading right toward them and splat...

3. House of Pekara: I hate to use this word, but this is the most "beautiful" arena the MK team has ever created. There's some sort of haunting aura about the place that I absolutely love. At the same time, this is also the place that Kenshi lost his sight. Well, not this place, but in the labryinth below.

You can bet that I want to see that labryinth reimagined for the next game! I want to see a large cave like area with treasure and and spirits floating around. It would be subtle, so as to give off a more creepy vibe. There would also be bones and skulls all over the place.

As for new ideas:

The UNFINISHED ARENA: I'd like to see an arena that looks relatively normal on top. It would be a circular room with other fighters cheering from above while the floor is sunken in. But below it, there is a ton of scaffolding to knock your enemy through both horizontally and vertically. Think something close to the fight with Scoprion and Cage in the MK movie and that's close to what I'm talking about.

THE RAISED STRUCTURE: This was one of the coolest fight scenes in Jet Li's "Fearless." The large wooden structure that he fought on near the begnining of the movie. I'd love to see something like this in a Mortal Kombat game.

It would be creaky and old and I'd have it play out like this: The match would begin at night with rain pouring down. Ten seconds into the match, lightning strikes the structure and it starts going up in flames. Parts would fall off during battle as the arena warped and changed during the fight. Both players would fall through parts (either because of the fire or becaue someone knocked the other through the floor) then knock each other up to the top again, whole sections would teeter before falling off into the crowd below that was watching.

Anyways, those are a few ideas. I might come back with more at another time.
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09/03/2009 03:28 AM (UTC)
New Ideas:

1.) The Basement: The idea is sorta-kinda based on the movie "Fight Club". However, my idea aims to step forward from The Belltower from MK3. I just finished it a couple hours ago, and really, I just grabbed a random basement photo that kinda looks like what I'd be looking for from MK9 and photoshoped it up a bit. Added some props...ect.

Leaky upper floor, everything's is damaged, and the lighting (what little lighting I did put in there) gives the sense that the main level of the structure is so damaged that sunlight seeps in through both floors. There may very well be a gaping hole in the houses ceiling.

I really wanted to aim for the basement of a Temple, or old Church. Again, going for the theme that the Shaolin Temples had been destroyed, and they needed to re-build. Which could explain why there would be fighting in someones ragged looking-basement. It could also be an old basement dojo that the monks used to train in as well.

My intent was not to really have any "traps' per se, but the ceiling in this sort of arena could fall in on you I suppose. That or, dump a crap-load of water on your character had you been standing in the right place in the arena.

: When the fatality event happens, I'm looking for the screen to darken, not black out, and the paint and rust on the wall can start to levitate upwards, along with the little ponds of water that is on the floor. Another effect could be that shadows//souls creep up the walls to highten the presentation for when the room darkens. Those shadows//souls would actually be the darkening effect that consumes the room. "Kill the screen".

:This is just a mock-up and I may do more if time permits. Otherwise you'll have to settle for a purely written illustration. Here's the still version.

09/03/2009 03:55 AM (UTC)
Thats real good work on the basement Pred. Really good ideas. The first time you mentioned to "Kill The Screen" in a different thread i wasn't real sure on that idea but this time i think it would be sweet.
09/03/2009 02:38 PM (UTC)
heres a new idea for an arena that might be cool to have in mk9.

the hole - just think of that movie the descent and that is the type of vybe for this arena.

the hole would have 3 tiers.
the cave
the den
the boneyard

the death traps for these arena's are.
the hole has a cave in deathtrap
the cave has a getting attacked by bat's death trap
the den has a getting attacked by scorpion's death trap
the boneyard has you get eaten by cannibals as a deathtrap

the sound i'd have it very dark like the living forest.

extra stuff incorperated into the arena.
hearing a growl before the fight. seeing a shadow or creature move fast in the dark which occurs before the round says finish him. footsteps you hear in the distant.
09/04/2009 09:39 PM (UTC)
Interesting ideas all around everyone! keep em' coming.

@ThePredator151...The Basement idea is great!

@Baraka407...I must say I like your unfinished arena idea the most but the falling one I can't see working well. The concept about a falling arena is cool but the logic does not fit. What I am saying is that when something falls,that means it hits bottom at some point. Maybe an elevator type arena would work to similar extents.

@Acidslayer...I could see your arena working very well but a more descriptive idea of what to picture in my head would be awesome. I like the death traps,they are very similar to traditional real life dungeon/pit torture. The idea for the cave I would rather see as its own arena rather than being just a transition or death trap.I like the idea for bone yard the most but I think it should be changed from cannibals to oni's or zombies.

A few thoughts that I came up with:

1)An arena that is or was a trap...examples;
a)An arena based on a pit of snakes.
b)The player could be fighting in a large freshly dug hole that was obviously a hunter style trap.
c)They could be fighting in a room(maybe inside a pyramid)that is filling up with water.
d)Go Indiana Jones and have an arena based on fighting in a cross section in a mines setting with huge rolling boulders for a death trap.

2)Arenas based on natural disasters like a hurricane or volcano.

3)Arena based on fighting in the back of a huge cargo plane with the hatch open for a death trap.
09/05/2009 02:39 AM (UTC)
here's another idea for arena that would be cool to have in mk9

the jungle - it would be similar to the swamp and living forest combined. it would have lots of animals, plants, vines and even a lake with a waterfall. this is the look or vybe i'd go for this type of arena.

the jungle would have 3 tiers.
the swamp
the living forest
the lake cliffside

the deathtraps for the arenas.
the jungle would have a mosquitoes death trap.
the swamp would have a quick sand deathtrap.
the living forest would have the trees eat you death trap.
the lake cliffside would have an crocadile death trap.

music wise i'd probably go with the music they used in predator to give the jungle the right sound.

extra features- could be you hear a tiger growl before the round of the fight. at first it is morning but as the fight goes on the sun goes down making the arena's dark and sinister. if you get to close to plants that have thorns you recieve small amount of damage.

vines can tangle you for a free hit. snakes can bite you causing a small amount of health loss. tigers can scratch you casing minor health loss. you can grab vines and swing off dealing a kick or punch causing a little damage. when you walk over the puddle it splashes. kicking dirt at the opponnets eyes causing a free hit. using this only once per round. that way no spamming.

this is my idea. if you like it i'll post more.
09/05/2009 04:55 AM (UTC)
@ThePredator151...I recently tweeted you that the contrast on your Basement Arena image was not dark enough so to show you what I mean I edited a square in the center of the image to match my vision of the contrast.

09/05/2009 01:04 PM (UTC)
Hey all,got board so I was looking through random photos and found these and thought they would be cool concepts for arenas. Tell me what ya think of them or if you have ideas to add on them.

I could see this having a stage fatality that you throw the opponent through the stain glass windows and falling stories to their death somehow.

Any cave setting like this would be a cool,dark and gritty place to have a fight. I could imagine a few ways to use the stalagmites to impale opponents for stage fatalities and death traps.

This really high cliff picnic area would be interesting to see. Maybe they could add a wind effect so that your character could feel the force of the winds a bit. Also i see a person behind that one rock...maybe a secret character could hide there or pop out at random.

This rock cliff by the sea is similar to the one before it but not as high in the clouds but I picture a totally different scenerio with it than the last. There could be a few levels to this one. You could make the high part more level and start there...from there go down the ramp to the larger rock area...than you could get knocked off to the next level where the pool is or even on the other side where it could just be a deep water hole with sharks or something for a stage fatality. There are a few possibilities there that could work nicely.

This pic reminded me a bit of some other games and even some anime scenes. With a bit more darkness,dynamic fog and effects this could be a very attractive arena but it would probably not have much for death traps and stage fatalities.

This particular pic I think speaks a bit for itself but I would make one addition to it. I would raise the chandelier a whole level and add a small bridge-like platform. Again there is not much here for death traps and stage Pred stated it is a bit like Quan Chis' fortress though.

This could be an interesting scene if properly done. I agree with Pred that it does seem ninja turtle-esque but with a dark,wet and creepy feel to could be transformed.
09/05/2009 03:35 PM (UTC)
those are some great photos and some of them look like some of the levels i described. the ones i like the most are the huge rock near the ocean, the cave, and that building that looks like church but from the top view.

heres another arena idea

the prison- it would look similar to the dark prison but i'd have it alot bigger. plus prison's in real life are scary and dangerous which could be interesting if incorperated right into the game. alot of horror movies have the right look for a prison so i'd go for that faded cell look.

the prison has 5 tiers
cell block a
cell block b
cell block c
maximum security

the deathtraps for the tiers are
cell block a you get beaten to death by inmates
cell block b you get shanked by an inmate
cell block c you get shot by the guards
courtyard you get choked to death by an inmate
maximum security you get thrown into a padded room and you lose your mind which causes you seizures and illusions.

the sound- i'd have something maybe similar to sillent hill the movie or just the dark prison is fine.

extra features - every 2-5 sec you hear a guard walking down the hallways clinging the cells with his night stick. if you get to close to a cell the inmates can grab you for a free hit. on the courtyard if you kick the opponnet near the fence dogs try to bite you. the prison starts out in the morning but as the fight goes on it turns to night.

if you like it i'll post more.
09/05/2009 04:30 PM (UTC)
I've always wanted more interactive arenas in Mortal Kombat. Not in the matter of death traps however, I'm thinking more like maybe electric wires are loose and you can knock your opponent into it to do a significant amount of damage and where you can also build on a combo. Or maybe if there is a forest arena (The could bring back the living forest I loved that arena) ther emight be areas where your kombatant trips over vines.

On that subject I would like to have some classic arenas to return.

The Subway is a classic arena, it has a classic mortal kombat look, I really would like to see this arena in future mortal kombat games. It would be interesting to see how they progress the arena and it would be interesting to see how could they put some more interactivity into the arena. Maybe you could knock your opponent into trash cans and knock them through the pillars that hold the sub way up. And there is the arena fatality where you knock an opponent into an on-coming train.

The living forest is another arena which I thought has a lot more potential. I think that the trees could have more of an involvement in the match I.E hold up your opponent for an mount of time allowing you to attack them and they cannot attack back. And maybe the trees could lift their roots and trip an opponent doing very little damage however giving a chance to put in a combo.

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09/05/2009 05:16 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote a prison arena Concept

Dude...that inspired me...


Concept- Alcatraz, the once famed Maximum Security prison, was refurbished which proved to be a successful endeavor, and many new inmates quickly filled its hallowed halls. However, after an Earthquake rips through part of the Island, killing 18 guards and 2 inmates, the Island is deemed unsafe, and the Guards evacuate while the Inmates are kept inside.

So basically, you are fighting while the Island and its inhabitants are crumbling to their doom and the Guards are escaping.

Cell Blocks
Mess Hall
Above Ground

Cell Blocks-Consists of a long row of Cells and two doors(one at each end), The doors lead to the Restrooms and Mess Hall.

Restrooms-Consists of a Icosagon(Twenty Sided Polygon, like the huge wheel on The Price is Right) shaped room, which has Shower heads on all but two sides, one is a door to Cell Blocks, and the other is an opening leading to a seemingly neverending row of restroom stalls and such(See Uncontrolled Encounters Section.

Mess Hall-A large, empty, rectangular room which has a Bar, a row of Folded up Tables and two doors, one leading to the cell block, and the other leading to the Kitchen(See Minigame Section).

Above Ground-Remember XIII(The game)? This section is similar to the open Area in the Prison level , it is a large(yet confined) area with the sun visible, there is a large pillar in the center which is supporting a large Disc shaped walkway which has two smaller catwalks which lead to other parts of the prison(See Death Traps), Depending on where you are, it would be possible to send your opponent below to one of the three other tiers.

Deep Fryer(Mess Hall)-When you knock your opponent towards the Kitchen in the Mess Hall an uncontrollable fight occurs which results in the player attempting to burn the opponents face with the sizzling Deep Fryer oil, "Test Your Might," style

Shower(Restrooms)-When you knock your enemy into a wall near a Shower head, the game begins, you Grab your opponent by the throat to keep him on the wall and begin twisting the shower knob as fast as possible(In a "Test your Might" minigame), if you win, you knock his head into the wall to daze him, put him in front of the Shower head, and knock the Head off, sending a waterfall of scalding water on your opponent.

Uncontrolled Encounters-

Inmate(Cell Blocks)-After knocking your opponent into one of the nearby cells, an Inmate puts him/her into a chokehold, which puts them in a daze and damages him/her

Inmate(Restrooms)-After Knocking your opponent into the Other area where the stalls are, he slips around for a bit and ends up crashing in on some inmate using the facilities, who proceeds to pull your opponent up, throw him against the wall, and Shank him once or twice, the opponent kills the inmate(easily) and goes back to resume the fight.

Table toss(Mess Hall)-After knocking the enemy into one of the Folded tables along the wall, you pull him back, spin around, and use the momentum to throw your enemy through the Table.


Big Crack-When the Quake hit the island, it was torn in half, basically, you would knock your enemy over the edge to the sharp rocks(and his doom).

Guard(Above Ground)-You knock your opponent into one of the outer walls, which is noticed by a guard, who pulls out his Gun, and shoots the enemy in the head.

Aftershock(Any underground room)-After throwing the enemy through a certain wall, the ground shakes and the enemy looks around, confused, while you take a few steps back, then the Roof collapses on the enemy.


Disc of Doom Aftershock(Above Ground)-If the match results in a DKO or time runs out on the last round, an Aftershock occurs, the Big Pillar in the center begins to crumble, and the Disc Shaped Walkway Falls down, crushing both kombatants

DKO Aftershock(Any underground Room)- If the match ends in a DKO or time runs out on the Final round, an Aftershock occurs, The entire roof collapses, crushing both kombatants, then the Giant Disc falls through, the camera cuts to Outside of the island, Which is seen crumbling into the Pacific.
09/06/2009 05:50 AM (UTC)
@Acidslayer...Too many tiers I think.Maybe knock down the cell blocks to one tier.Also I don't know if I like the maximum security death trap...instead of a padded room how about the elctric chair or something like that.
@owen_pwned...That is an interesting idea for arenas. I think me and ThePredator151 talked about that momentarily on twitter. The idea of non death traps and obstacles. That leads me back to my first idea on the thread...the battle ground arena. I got this idea from MK:A watching the opening scene. There would be all kinds of stuff to fall on or over such as dead bodies,weapons,mines,and so on...not to mention just trying to fight amongst other non player fighters that could hit you on accident and cause damage.
@Jironobou...I like the idea in general.If it utilized owen_pwned's idea with obstacles and stuff it would be even better. LOL,funny idea for the mess hall...Cooking with Scorpion Mini game! hahaha jk.

All in all great ideas and keep em up!grin
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09/06/2009 06:43 AM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
@ThePredator151...I recently tweeted you that the contrast...

Seems like you're looking for "HD" from the image... Thanks for the clarity??


LycaniLLusion Wrote:
Hey all,got board so I was looking through random photos...

1. Yes. Has a Resident Evil vibe about it though.
2. Sure. Reminds me of MKSZ: Mythologies renewed..with the monks y'know?
3. No. Cliffs really didn't work in MKDA-A.
4. Yes. Although it suggests "Soul Calibur" a little. Fall down that leaning rock?
5. Yes. Somewhere in Edenia or Earth?
6. The angle is weird, but Yes on account of it looks alot like Quan Chi's pad
7. Yes. Again with the MKSZ: Mythologies. Also makes me think of TMNT a bit.

Do more of these! I like!


acidslayer Wrote:

Your Prison arena is awesome. I also think the tiers don't need to be so many. Typically one solid theme or idea could drive the arena. The way it ususally works is that the other cell blocks and the extras find their ways into the central theme without the extra tiers being there.

I personally like the extra feature the best. But the whole idea, from the Cell Blocks, to the padded room reminds me of Bizzy Bones single (Thugz Cry) a few years back.


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