Xbox One Players UNITE! Uh.. hello? Anyone?

Reptile_896 Wrote:
I come in peace....I'm not here to start a flame war
But...and this is a big guys might want to consider the alternative of PS4 or PC. If this is any indication this does not bode well for Xbone.
Could this be exclusive to Capcom fighters? Absolutely since the partnership was recently announced.
Ofcourse not everyone is into the competitive scene, So y'know just something to look out for and keep an eye on.
I come in peace....I'm not here to start a flame war
But...and this is a big guys might want to consider the alternative of PS4 or PC. If this is any indication this does not bode well for Xbone.
Could this be exclusive to Capcom fighters? Absolutely since the partnership was recently announced.
Ofcourse not everyone is into the competitive scene, So y'know just something to look out for and keep an eye on.
Oh yeah I know, like I said I have both consoles. PS4 is just a Netflix/Exclusive machine. Although Im not interested in any of its exclusives, I can't stand the controller and the UI/PSN is awful, IN MY OPINION.
Xbox is my main console and the PS4 is a nice back up. If you have the money it doesn't hurt to own both.
PSN is the same as my X1 btw, Symplicified
XB1: FlovattKiddOG
Add me if you wish bros
Add me if you wish bros

ZephyrWestWind on XBL
DarkheartedMK is mine but I'll be going offline soon so I might not get many games in with you guys


About Me
You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.
Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur
See sig... Should be on xbone tonight

Gamertag- Zexis Stryfe
Unfortunately I am travelling so i won't get online until Friday.
Unfortunately I am travelling so i won't get online until Friday.

About Me
Gt kabal31082. I haven't gotten my copy of the game yet, but it s supposed to be delivered tomorrow. So I will most likely be on this weekend.
Both systems have the same amount of fighting games.
Multiplatform - Mortal Kombat X, Dead or Alive 5: LR
Xbox One - Killer Instinct
PS4 - Guilty gear Xrd
Most fighting game will be multi platform (tekken, Blaz Blue: Chrono phantasma EXTEND). It's foolish to imply the Xbox One fighting scene is DOA, simply because SF4 will be PS4 exclusive.
Also most of the competitive players that play other games beyond Street Fighter are playing on Xbox One.
Justin Wong, CD JR, Perfect legend, Sonic Fox, Rico Suave are all playing on Xbox One. The Xbox One community will be going strong for a long time IMO.
Reptile_896 Wrote:
I come in peace....I'm not here to start a flame war
But...and this is a big guys might want to consider the alternative of PS4 or PC. If this is any indication this does not bode well for Xbone.
Could this be exclusive to Capcom fighters? Absolutely since the partnership was recently announced.
Ofcourse not everyone is into the competitive scene, So y'know just something to look out for and keep an eye on.
I come in peace....I'm not here to start a flame war
But...and this is a big guys might want to consider the alternative of PS4 or PC. If this is any indication this does not bode well for Xbone.
Could this be exclusive to Capcom fighters? Absolutely since the partnership was recently announced.
Ofcourse not everyone is into the competitive scene, So y'know just something to look out for and keep an eye on.
Both systems have the same amount of fighting games.
Multiplatform - Mortal Kombat X, Dead or Alive 5: LR
Xbox One - Killer Instinct
PS4 - Guilty gear Xrd
Most fighting game will be multi platform (tekken, Blaz Blue: Chrono phantasma EXTEND). It's foolish to imply the Xbox One fighting scene is DOA, simply because SF4 will be PS4 exclusive.
Also most of the competitive players that play other games beyond Street Fighter are playing on Xbox One.
Justin Wong, CD JR, Perfect legend, Sonic Fox, Rico Suave are all playing on Xbox One. The Xbox One community will be going strong for a long time IMO.

About Me
Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.
Lovely signature by MINION
Would love some MK friends on xbl! But I also don't play super much
Would love some MK friends on xbl! But I also don't play super much

About Me
GT: Lin Kuei Archon. Shoot me a friend request
"Turns Off Pain" is my Xbox One gamertag
I'm on MKX each day. Add me!
I'm on MKX each day. Add me!

About Me
GT: King Bellsprout
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