Xbox One Players UNITE! Uh.. hello? Anyone?
Xbox One Players UNITE! Uh.. hello? Anyone?
posted05/12/2015 07:30 PM (UTC)by

Member Since
06/17/2010 01:52 AM (UTC)
It seems the majority of players are going to be on PS4, but lets have a thread for the Xbox One players!
I own both consoles, but I really don't like the PS4.
Add me on X1 or PS4 - Symplicified
I own both consoles, but I really don't like the PS4.
Add me on X1 or PS4 - Symplicified

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XB1 in the hizzy!
Django Drag
Django Drag
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.
I kill people for a living. Get over it.
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No Cage? No sale!
Only buying a new XOne (and the game) if JC is playable. Otherwise not bothering with either. Will post gamertag when we know.

Damn I bought an Xbone thinking most people would be playing it on that. I don't even really like the xbone, its an ok system just the games out right now suck. Thinkin i shoulda went PS4 although I have zero interest in the games out right now for it also but I like the controller better.
Spaceman Wrote:
Damn I bought an Xbone thinking most people would be playing it on that. I don't even really like the xbone, its an ok system just the games out right now suck. Thinkin i shoulda went PS4 although I have zero interest in the games out right now for it also but I like the controller better.
Damn I bought an Xbone thinking most people would be playing it on that. I don't even really like the xbone, its an ok system just the games out right now suck. Thinkin i shoulda went PS4 although I have zero interest in the games out right now for it also but I like the controller better.
Never liked my fighters on xbox. PS controller is superior IMO. The only fighter I have I think is SF arcade DL on my 360

There will be PLENTY of peeps on Xbox. No worries.

Bugsy2188 Wrote:
Never liked my fighters on xbox. PS controller is superior IMO. The only fighter I have I think is SF arcade DL on my 360
Spaceman Wrote:
Damn I bought an Xbone thinking most people would be playing it on that. I don't even really like the xbone, its an ok system just the games out right now suck. Thinkin i shoulda went PS4 although I have zero interest in the games out right now for it also but I like the controller better.
Damn I bought an Xbone thinking most people would be playing it on that. I don't even really like the xbone, its an ok system just the games out right now suck. Thinkin i shoulda went PS4 although I have zero interest in the games out right now for it also but I like the controller better.
Never liked my fighters on xbox. PS controller is superior IMO. The only fighter I have I think is SF arcade DL on my 360
The Dpad on the X1 is infinitely better than either of the 360 revisions. I always feel that the PS controllers are too small, but that's personal preference.
Anywho, I'm torn between X1 and PC since I have a beast of a machine and the launch date is the same. If I do go for X1, my GT is Morgneto.

I have an Xbone, but I'm not buying the same game twice. Plus PS4 has better Dpad.

I come in peace....I'm not here to start a flame war
But...and this is a big guys might want to consider the alternative of PS4 or PC. If this is any indication this does not bode well for Xbone.
Could this be exclusive to Capcom fighters? Absolutely since the partnership was recently announced.
Ofcourse not everyone is into the competitive scene, So y'know just something to look out for and keep an eye on.
But...and this is a big guys might want to consider the alternative of PS4 or PC. If this is any indication this does not bode well for Xbone.
Could this be exclusive to Capcom fighters? Absolutely since the partnership was recently announced.
Ofcourse not everyone is into the competitive scene, So y'know just something to look out for and keep an eye on.
johnny_cage_win Wrote:
Only buying a new XOne (and the game) if JC is playable. Otherwise not bothering with either. Will post gamertag when we know.
>>>>>not buying game because your favorite doesn't get inOnly buying a new XOne (and the game) if JC is playable. Otherwise not bothering with either. Will post gamertag when we know.

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No Cage? No sale!
AlmightyHuey Wrote:
I have only have so many dollars to spend, and have a family to take care of. As such, if I am not happy with a product, I don't buy it. It's stupid to suggest that's even a little wrong. To do otherwise is to waste money.johnny_cage_win Wrote:
Only buying a new XOne (and the game) if JC is playable. Otherwise not bothering with either. Will post gamertag when we know.
>>>>>not buying game because your favorite doesn't get inOnly buying a new XOne (and the game) if JC is playable. Otherwise not bothering with either. Will post gamertag when we know.

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Reptile_896 Wrote:
I come in peace....I'm not here to start a flame war
But...and this is a big guys might want to consider the alternative of PS4 or PC. If this is any indication this does not bode well for Xbone.
Could this be exclusive to Capcom fighters? Absolutely since the partnership was recently announced.
Ofcourse not everyone is into the competitive scene, So y'know just something to look out for and keep an eye on.
I come in peace....I'm not here to start a flame war
But...and this is a big guys might want to consider the alternative of PS4 or PC. If this is any indication this does not bode well for Xbone.
Could this be exclusive to Capcom fighters? Absolutely since the partnership was recently announced.
Ofcourse not everyone is into the competitive scene, So y'know just something to look out for and keep an eye on.
There's also the fact that SF5 will be a PS4 exclusive.

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Man, take the "hello? Anyone?" off if the thread title lol. Xbox One players exist, and in fairly large numbers too.
I used to have PS4 and Xbox One, but after a year of owning both, I sold my PS4. Honestly, and this is just my opinion, but that system has nothing in the way of exclusives that I'm interested in. I've also despised PS controllers since the PSone. They feel cheap, like a kid's toy.
To each his own though, and I mean that. Im platform agnostic and always have been. While I'm not sold on the PS4, I still have a PS3 and PS2 to go along with my 360.
I'm sure PS4 will have some amazing exclusives that I'll really want down the road, but for right now, their libraries are too similar, and I prefer MS' exclusives so to date by a fairly wide margin. I also think MS is hungrier now that they're in the underdog position by a substantial margin. Either way though, I think both will have phenomenal games.
Anyways, hope everyone enjoys their system(s) of choice, no matter which one(s) they have or pick.
XBL GT: Iago407
That's iago with a capital i, not Lago with a lower case L.
I used to have PS4 and Xbox One, but after a year of owning both, I sold my PS4. Honestly, and this is just my opinion, but that system has nothing in the way of exclusives that I'm interested in. I've also despised PS controllers since the PSone. They feel cheap, like a kid's toy.
To each his own though, and I mean that. Im platform agnostic and always have been. While I'm not sold on the PS4, I still have a PS3 and PS2 to go along with my 360.
I'm sure PS4 will have some amazing exclusives that I'll really want down the road, but for right now, their libraries are too similar, and I prefer MS' exclusives so to date by a fairly wide margin. I also think MS is hungrier now that they're in the underdog position by a substantial margin. Either way though, I think both will have phenomenal games.
Anyways, hope everyone enjoys their system(s) of choice, no matter which one(s) they have or pick.
XBL GT: Iago407
That's iago with a capital i, not Lago with a lower case L.

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Thanks for the sig MINION!
Gamertag: REDSCORP71. I play halo and KI and Ill probably get MKX somewhere down the line.
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