Mortal Kombat X speculation over the variation per character
posted02/16/2015 02:38 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/18/2006 05:36 AM (UTC)
Since there has been 13 characters revealed so far, it wasn't be bad if we review the analysis of the characters's variation, because the newest mechanics of the game that introduced in MKX is all bout VARIATION.
I saw that there are some characters that really has a good variation but some are useless, especially the characters that has been revealed recently, here are my review details :

1. Scorpion
Ninjutsu : nice idea to give scorpion a greater reach on the game but it is still very little info to know about the combo or special moves that is limited only in this variation, i will rate this as 7 score

Hellfire : it seems that this is more projectile focus and also some defense stance on this variation ( flame aura), my score to this variation 7,5

Inferno : NRS has a great idea to give one of his best icon in MK a hellish element like summoning a hell creatures to help him in the combat, but it seems that it is too similar to the special moves from Noob Saibot! Actually Scorpion's gameplay is fast paced style and focus more on the agility, by using this variation only will slow down his agility, so I found this variation not as good as the two above, I will give 6

Overall : 6,75

2. Sub zero :

Cyromancer : almost the same impression which I describe for scorpion! Ninjutsu variation, except we have known that this variation will have specific special moves which is quite useful which is ice hammer! 7,5 for this variation

Unbreakable : this defense style quite useful for defensive gameplay, the exclusive special moves for this variation also quite good which is barrier frost that can reduced damaged taken and the frost aura! 7

Grandmaster : this actually is one of the best creative breakthrough that created by NRS which gives subzero not only the ability to create ice clone but also the clone now can be tossed but beside that specific special moves, we cannot find any other advantages on this variation! 7 on this variation

Overall score : 7

3. Kotal Kahn

Sun god : great variation which really differentiate across other of his variation by granting the ability to sure gains health by sun choke and also soul scorch! 8

War god : from the gameplay that we saw, it seems that Kotal will have many special moves based on his legendary weapons not just one special moves like subzero has in his cyromancer variation! 7,5

Blood god : very creative in adding some buffing elements in the game and also we have 3 choice to buff kotal with (obsidian,blood and crystal totem) but I feel that it will not so necessary to add some elements on buffing system in a fast paced fighting game like mortal kombat, player will not feel the buff is as useful as the one that player feel in adventure or RPGS and strategy game. 6

Overall score : 7

More review per characters will come from me
So please rate your own guys and share your thoughts here, focussing on characters variation in MK X
02/15/2015 06:04 AM (UTC)
I don't think this thread is necessary until the game is released..
02/15/2015 06:11 AM (UTC)
A guy reviewing Variations and he's never even played the game
yet. Grrreeeeeaaaat.
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02/15/2015 06:18 AM (UTC)
There's a lot of information and demonstrations out there, but you're not going to have the whole picture until the finished product is in your hands. So just enjoy the speculation phase. Come back when the game is out and compare and contrast the past thoughts. Speculation is okay.
02/15/2015 06:41 AM (UTC)
A - I'm hyped to play all 3 variations
B - I like 2
C - 1 beats the rest

Kung Lao - A
Kitana - B
Reptile - C
Kotal - B
Quan Chi - C
Sub Zero - A
Cassie - B
DVorah - A
Kano - A
Raiden - A
Ermac - B
Scorpion - A
Ferra/Torr - A

02/15/2015 12:10 PM (UTC)
its actually been kind of hard to find one place to read up on all the variations so I appreciated your reviews-you should continue for the rest of the characters
02/15/2015 02:15 PM (UTC)
Ok, I appreciated your suggestions so I will change the title into speculation review instead of review
02/15/2015 02:47 PM (UTC)
Ill go with the same a, b ,c format and my d will mean may try them out hear and there but wont use them and my f will mean wont use at all charscter sucks imo.

Kung lao-A. All his variations are cool and hes my main in almost every game.

Kotal-B. he will be my main but im not fond of the blood variation. War gof will be my main most likeky but sun god is freaking awesome.

Raiden-A. one of my faves and sll his variations are done well.

Scorpion-A. Always liked him. Cool variations.

Sub-Zero-A. Love sub. Cool variations.

Reptile- A But only if his alt becomes his main. I hate his unmasked look bug other thab that pretty cool variations. Nimble will most likely be my main.

Ermac- D. loved him when he was a ninja in trilogy. Hated him ever since deception. And him floating makes it worse. Ill use him a few times but rarely if ever. Just trash.

Kitana- B. I dont use the chicks much but ill use here a few times. Her variations are great. If someone picks dvorah or mileena ill use her.

Cassie-B. solid variations. Likd i said i dont use the chicks but not bad.

Dvroah-F. I wont ever use this trash character unless im forced to in story or challenge tower. Complete trash hope shes a forgetten memory after mkx.

Ferra/torr-C. I mat try them out a few times just because they're inoovative.

Kano-B. Never hated him or anything c and his varations are kinds cool. Doubt ill really use him but not bad.

Quan chi- F. Gtf out i hate this trolling sob. Hope he gets his head chopped off and skinned alive by scorp in story. His varations suck too lol a bat? Gtf outta here.
02/15/2015 04:36 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote: Kitana- B. I dont use the chicks much but ill use here a few times. Her variations are great. If someone picks dvorah or mileena ill use her.

Challenge accepted if you'll have it for PS4.
02/16/2015 02:39 AM (UTC)
Here I continue my speculation over the MKX characters variation based on the information and gameplay video released so far :

4. Cassie cage
1. Hollywood : I think this variation is too forced being made in purpose of giving his father elements on her, nut kracker is quite a good move but air akimbo is useless 6
2. Brawler: maybe this is better than the previous one, air power slam and take down seems useful for close combat and grappling fight 7
3. Spec ops : this variation still hides some mysteries as little in known for American way special moves but the air assault seems quite cool and safe 7

Overall : 6,66

5. D'vorah
1. Brood mother : D'vorah has a good potential to be a interesting character to play as with a great insect based warrior but after seing her gameplay it seems that her special moves is quite poor especially for brood mother variation, what is the use of krawler other than just lock down an attacking opponent?
And the bug blast special moves is very ridiculous, how come a natural based insect can perform blasting effect, it is to unlogical! Score : 6

2. Swarm queen : in this variation' she has 2 exclusive special moves which are wasp grenade (little is known) and vortex swarm which I think that this special moves is quite similar to spawning puddle which she has in both venomous and brood mother variation : 6,5

3. Venomous : I think this is the best variation she has, it can poison the enemy every time she attack using her ovipositor attack and also she has bug burst moves! 7

Overall : 6,5

6. Ferra torr
1. Vicious : ferra torr is the most creative design for new character creation by NRS, by combining two different character into one, this variation focus more on ferra, I think it really different from the other two and quite good variation

2. Ruthless : this variation is focus on the damage output which can be modify by using the pain and gain ability 6,5

3. Vicious : torr will fight as single fighter in this variation, little is still known are there going to be many exclusive special moves for torr? But the idea of giving torr a single fight is quite good. 6,5

Overall : 6,83
02/16/2015 12:51 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote: Kitana- B. I dont use the chicks much but ill use here a few times. Her variations are great. If someone picks dvorah or mileena ill use her.

Challenge accepted if you'll have it for PS4.

Yupp. Getting it on ps4
02/16/2015 02:38 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote: Kitana- B. I dont use the chicks much but ill use here a few times. Her variations are great. If someone picks dvorah or mileena ill use her.

Challenge accepted if you'll have it for PS4.

Yupp. Getting it on ps4

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