Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
It's time for a MK MMORPG like World of Warcraft with a monthly Subscription Fee of like $14.99 or $19.99 That is pay2play. Im more than ready for Sony and Microsoft to get their consoles MMORPG Ready and knock the Microtransaction stuff off with these matchmaking server lobbies. Anyways If anybody has any and I do meen any questions on how anything and everything will work just ask and ill explain.
This is outright the Koolest Thing I've ever Feasted My Eye's Upon. I Know This is VR but Professionally Doing a 2nd Gen Timeline MK Trilogy For MK9, MKX and MK11 to Be Mixed into a 3D MMO Based Title Traveling threw Portal's to Get into The Online Fights For W/E Title You Wanted to Play. Then Pitting all the Titles Fighting Styles against eachother in the 3D MMO World, Endgame Modes and Content(That in my mind plays alot like For Honor but with your Basic MK Style Special Moves and Kombos).
This is Just an Example Of What could Be... After you Travel Threw The Portal From The 3D World It Enters 2d when you enter a Portal it will Teleport You Threw Time and Space to one of these 3 game titles MK9, MKX or MK11, but the 3D world is the New Game(A Mixture of all 3 Titles) MK Trilogy 2 You Could Say. When the Fight Ends you get Teleported back to the 3D World With all the Players in Your Server.
"This is Outright The KoolestThing I've Ever Feasted My Eyes Upon". Mortal Kombat World On VR Chat
It's Time "It Has Begun!"
Okay if You don't want to read all this here is a small version of it...Its a MMORPG that has Raiden Go Forward in time from the HourGlass and Kitana go to beginning of MK9 in MultipleTime lines. Raiden Builds time portals and turns all Roster Heroes into a Fixed Point in time for all player created character's to be able train the heroe styles they like from (The Fixed Point in time Heroes) and to be able to travel through time to the titles they want to main or just play.
Traveleling through time to different batllegrounds/Arenas/Duels whether its MK9, MKX, MK11 Stages or the new titles stages or mode you will be able to go to Different Game Titles all in this new MMORPG Depending on what Level your character is.. If your level 10-19 And you enter the time portal to the Deadpool Stage you will go to MK9 if your level 20-29 and you go threw the Deadpool portal you will be entered for MKX's Matchmaking for the Deadpool stage (If There is one Made) or whatever Stage portal In the Battle room you went to (Located in Your Factions Main City/Area/Base or Whatever) is what stage you would play Depending on what level you were for different Game titles.If you were max level Kapped you would be able to pick which game titles stage you would go to...and if you were level 30-39 thats right MK11.You gotta remember they are time portals to travel through time and space. The world will be a 3d MK world and it will be the new titles Content Mortal Kombat Unirverse (MKU)????. Liu Kang Merged 2 Time lines together (the 2 different ending options from MK11) cuz he had 2 option's at the end of MK11 one where he Ran the Hour Glass with Kitana the other With raiden By Merging them together and sending Raiden forwards and Kitana back. (Raiden Created time portals and kitana procurred all the living People to bring to the staple in time that Raiden and Liu Kang Created together to fight against all trying to destroy all existance as we know it coming from infinite timelines. Their prime Objective is to protect the EarthRealms Time Staple HourGlass it's used as a war base to protect Every TimeLine In existance.)Then Liu Kang Unmerged the two time lines and Created infinite Possibilities then openened a Huge portal then remerged them through the portal and every one living in Kitana's Era Went to Raiden New Created Staple in time. Then Raiden Find's Apep on Shang Tsungs Island he is the Egyptian god of chaos and he helps prevent all chaos from overunning the new Time Staple Realm and becoming part of the Chaos Realm. When you start off in the 3d world you will be able to choose a character from MK9's Roster that you want your character to be like this will decide what Faction your in aswell.There will be options to what Titles MatchMaking you can choose along with different styles and Variation to train in for the 3d worlds character you create once you level past 29 and hit level 30 (being able to train MKX styles and variatilns in the open world). When you get past level 39 and hit 40 you will unlock the third (being MK11 and start to be able to train in MK11 Styles and variations in the open world)but you will be able to play the new title at any level in the arena's on the physical map but it will be with ppl and NPC's your Skill Level. And on the Physical map with Questing and World Pvp. This requires you to gain skill points to apply into One Variations tree whether you want to train MK9, MKX or MK11 Styles for you heroe of choice and level you are at. You level up by gaining experience from questing and killing world Mobs this requires you to Level up to train for diff and Larger Kombos aswell as new Variation's (Star Wars Anyone? Lol Anyways) now this will be the Kool Part... Im thinking instead of new Variation for the new title we use all existing Variations from MK9 to MK11 and pit them together against eachother in the new titles Content. You will have to pick a variation that has the style you like for your hero whether its from MK9, MKX or MK11 and these styles will be implemented into 3d end game content. If you didnt catch it the 1st time sorry There is more on how end game content will play mechanically in the next chapter.
Think the game For Honor. Its the only close reference I can think of TBH the phew Months I spent Mastering this game I could'nt Believe how much of it's content resembled Mortal Kombat's. But they couldnt do it right it was for sure a money grabber on vs wise. If done Correctly the Blocking and Parry System with All the MK Kombos and Character styles that already exist it could be the best fighter ever made. All the different MK's titles content mixed togetherin 3d world with copy and pasted matchmaking from MK9 MKX and MK11 travel threw 3d world portals into the 2.5D older titles.3D world Content will have Simularities to FH but im renaming parries to Flawless Block and Deflects to Kombat Reversals...Flawless Block's end Kombo Strings. But this comes along with Blocks Blocks That Take Chip Damage, Dashes in all directions and MK throws and Throw reversals also Kombo breakers then a Rage System for outnumbered Kombat... Rage is where you get an invincable armor over your health bar for a certain amount of time in outnumbered situations only. You gain a Rage from a phew different things the number of hits blocked, Flawlessly Blocked or Kombat reverals(when outnumbered only) or take enough blows(in out number situations only), deal enuff blows or dash away from enugh incoming attacks (you can only gain a revenge when outnumbered) also throws and reversals you have 3 different directions to block and flawlessly block in left, right and top your attacks work the same way left right and top. you change the direction your blocking or attacking in with right stick. You can only dash out of the way of an attack if you dash into the attacks direction also when you dash your defence and attack indicator will change to the direction of the dash. To Do a Kombat Reversal you dash into the direction of the attack at the last moment or as its hitting you same with flawless blocking but all you do for flawless blocks is have your indactor in the same direction of the attack and block the attack at the last moment or as it hits you. Flawless Blocking and Kombat reversals both end your opponents Kombo strings that are attacking you. you can then counter an attack with a kombo starter whether its a low mid or an overhead if your opponent doesnt block it, all of your attacks can be thrown in left right or top directions with you attack and defence indacator throws override the indacator they are unblockackable only throw reversals melee special can be blocked flawlessly blocked and reversaled too but projectiles are just blockables or special projectile reversable. To use your indacator think lock on targeting like GTA hold or set it to tap targeting to lock on. You will be able to switch targets mid Kombo if you are outnumbered and you will be able to switch your indacat from top left or right while changing target but not locked on while throwing an attack or kombo. But you will be able to freely swap your indactor while your idle or defending.
I need a quick breath lol...Exterior Kombat will work the same way for dashing, blocking, Flawless Blocking , and Kombat reversals but also on the Exterior if the second enemy attacking you is on your right all you need to do is have your blocking indacator to your right same if ther is and enemy on your left so if your being attacked from all sides you can defend yourself with blocks, flawless blocks, Dashes and kombat reversals and dashing. The Rage meter will fill if you do good enuff defensivly or offensivly or both while being attacked while outnumbered, when Rage meter is full pop your Rage like it was a Fatal Blow or XRay (XRays Fatal Blows and Crushing Blows will be replaced with Rage in the open world and new game modes) or save it for the best time. You do double the damage and you have a timer on an invincable armor that will go over your health bar... Rage will dissapear with a time set but you can gain more than 1 Rage in a single outnumbered fight depending on how good you are in a 1vs2 1vs3 or whatever outnumbered situation your in? This defence system will make so much sense with MK style Kombos. To do Specials in the 3D envirement there wont be Towards and Back it you will do specials as if you were in the Player 1 Spawn point all the time. Kombo Breakers will enviremental button plus grab. To move your character in the 3d world use left stick to walk and right stick to move your camera while not locked onto an enemy. The Dpad will be for speciails duck, Diagonally up and left on the DPad will be fip left, Diagonally up and right will be fip right and up on the dapad will be flip forwards. You can only flip into a Kombo starter ther will be no air kombat because there is no juggles animations the controls will work the same but the animations of the actual kombat in the 3d world will trade juggles for attacks that stun an knock your enemy back for the same duration of the kombos variations and titles youve trained your hero for. Flipping diagonallly will allows you to change target mid kombo while idle or while blocking while locked on, flawlessly blocking, dashing or doing kombat reversals.You dash by double tapping left or right or pressing up plus left on the stick or d pad while locked on or out of kombat. Flipping backward doesn't exist you can roll away from Kombat from unlocking and double tapping down on the D pad. Flippin over opponent can be either to leap frog an enemy the locking onto another or staying locked on and flipping over them then the camera will adjust to the target your locked with but flipping into a kombo is mostly just a good kombostarter.
This will be perfect To see which titles styles are More Superior in Mortal Kombat. But this style will only be in use in the open world and in the new games game modes. They will feel exactly like the titles game style you trained in but pop up juggles will be traded with punches kicks and special that stuns and knocks your enemies back for the same time and Distance of the pop up for whichever game title, hero or variation you trained to be like, it will be the same inputs and timings just look different to match the 3d envirement. While not locked on you can flip run and do specials but it wont be locked on some attacks like sweep and certain combo attacks to some specials will be zone attacks and they can hit more then one player at a time but while not locked and using any attacks whether it hit more than one person or not you will have to be facing the right way or with in distance. but I cannot stress this enuff the only things from For Honor I want to see is the 3 Directinal Defence System... I DO NOT LIKE THE UNBALANCED HERO SELECTION. I like MK9 type gameplay and punishes. When you add optimal punishes and timings with unbalanced health bars and unbalanced character damages like they did it litterallly makes the game rock paper scissors with roster selection it will be alot better when done The MK way. For Honor has way to many game exploits destroying the game its like MKvsDC Super Mans GroundPound Exploit with alot of their characters matchup's like Warden VS JJ. But I dont wanto go into that. The The 3 way Defence and Offence can Be Apep's Style and Teaching to fight against the Denizans of The Chaos Realm Seeing how he is The Egyptian God Of Chaos and The Pyrmaid (Triangle) is the most structurly sound Form (Shape) in the Natural World. Apep's True Fighter God Form.
Also whether it is VR or Not i think if you go to MK9 MKX or MK11 it should just be a copy and paste of the 2.5D Games with your character's, skin and gear from the 3D world implemented from 3D to that title. Okay there you go :D. Merry Kombat to all.
There might even be room for a mk vs dc time line I just Miss the times when the kombat made sense.Like This. And This. But by far the best Raiden as far as Move sets and Kombos go was MK vs DC Raiden in my Mind cuz his Teleport Kombo was'nt impossible to do online and it was extensive enough to actually apply to your Kits Rotation.
End game Content Explanation and new Game Modes.
This is The Mortal Kombat MMORPG idea I've been thinking on for about 15 years. I could wright a book and I might. Please Be Nice I've put My Blood Sweat and Tears and alot of time into this idea, Thank You so much. It will be a Console MMO so its gotta be region locked servers like the rest of xbox MMO's then devided into tons of lobbies that host alot of players (The Lobbies) players are placed in a matchmaking system all depending on Rank, the lobbies are huge immersive worlds with factions of players with lots of different pvp BattleGround portals, Tower PVE and COOP portal's, Quests Armor skins, NPC's and enemies It will be permanatly a Tournament based game like for whichever style MK you Liked. If you liked MK9 Tournament Style for pvp the Battleground Portal's have different fixed times you can Choose from depending on what Level your characters is. When you enter a portal and your max level capped your character will get the preset of all the preset characters from the title you chose in matchmaking. Your character is basically an avatar traveling all threw time looking for his favorite hero style to train to be that specific battle ground's title you chose 2 teleport too will let you try out the styles you can train in for the 3d world. The preset battlgrounds will consist of a stage and level bracket there will be 10-19 as the 1st pvp level bracket it will be all MK9 stages and character's preset moves, 20-29 will be MKX stages character's and variations...and 30-40 will be MK11 stages and character's. Questing will be in the 3d envirement open world and will be the new game titles Content that pits all the previouse game titles characters fight styles and variation against eachother in open world kombat also new and old game Modes,untill the next expansion this will be end Game Content and Max level Cap of 50 or 60 this will be up to NRS...Of course this will have to take place at the end of MK11 and will have to make it back to 3d for this to happen having end game batlleground and duel stage content be 3d the battle Ground Stages for MK9, MKX and MK11 will be all 2d basically a copy and paste of the previous game titles characters Stages Moves and Variations with your Hero taking the place of the Character From that title.. A Bracket for each game Title in this timline and end game content will be the new title's content. But if this happens every new expansion can keep all the time lines from MK9 to the most recent Title release always being the end Game Content in one single game even if this time line were to never end if a back up installation that played without a disk was always installed into your storage for infinite possibilities. Idk if you have played For Honor or World of Warcraft but immagine a MK that played like For Honor Defensively in a World of Warcraft type World with a MK Theme. Extensive Kombos linked with Staggering bashes,kicks and specials that just concussed and knocked enemies back instead of a popup juggle to match new graphics and animations of the 3d world but matched all the previous titles and variations kombos and moves mechanically. The 3d world consist of pve questing content fighting against world NPC mobs and other world players with a Kombo breaker for single player combat and a Revenge system for outnumbered kombat. And all styles that involve a weapon, Blocking would take chip damage and parries/flawless blocks would end a Kombo. The end game Content would Host A veriety of Different Game Modes in 1v1 & 2v2 DeathMatches and 4v4 Koth where 1 team would have to hold and defend a point on a city built into the top of a mountain or Defend against enemy players trying to break into the walls of shang Tsung's island in a breach type game where they use a siege Battering Ram to break threw Multipal Castle Barricaded doors, think MK11's Krypt as this 4v4 stage but opened up in some spaces for a better fighting area. Or something there can be something thought up for game modes like Capture The Flag lol. Maybe a 4v4 where both enemy teams are after a loot chest its a process of elimination each person gets 1 life and theres 3 rounds max and 3 chests max the Best 2 outta 3 rounds wins, winning team gets 2 Chest's losers maybe 1 they get gold and Krypt stuff common to Legendary drops all a matter of Drop percentage for what Lvl your characters are From these Chests. There could be a Looking For Group Queue right on the player hud or in Start Menu for End game MatchMaking (LFG).
Maine Story
Seeing how Liu Kang has a part in both time lines he is now Earth Realms Protector the fire God Liu Kang with Kitana at His Side The Keeper of Time and the other TimeLine Raiden Kontrols the Time Line with him Because Liu Kang Allows it with his new Found Immortality. In each 1 of those 2 timelines they created infinite possibilities for both Time lines by restarting time twice and doing the same thing twice up untill the beginning of MK9 he the paused one time line to proceede with the other. up untill the 1st appearance of Kronika then he let his new Found Immortality show he merged the 2 timelines where he Kontrolled the Hour Glass together and doubled everbody in Earthrealms powers in both time lines now 1.He sent Raiden and kitana Back in time switching them with their younger selves raiden and Kitana Now merge into that timeline as their younger selves from the timeline LiuKang Paused to meet with their older selves in MKX thats why raiden did Not Know who "He who Must Win" was not because he was turning evil but because he was not with kitana but somewhere he has never been.The further back he goes on the time Line the more powerful he will be because he will merge with himself when he meets himself not for the 2nd time but the 1st Raiden knows his objectives but he has never done this b4 and he knows he cant mess up he must commmunicate with liuKang telling him to not let him merge with his younger self an Kontinue creating infinite Mini hour Glasses in the future of the time line they are creating so all the canon fights in all the titles are a Hallmark in time tonever be forgotten by every one to help create infinite Timline Possibilities for training purposes of all new found heros to enter threw the hourglass portals Thanks To Kitana's grand Quest. Now what Kitana knows all she has to do is survive Liu kang made the trade to let the Kung lao and himself be killed then Zombiefied to let everything happen the same way again in the time line kitana Merged into but he will pause time again and Create to see if Raidens MK9, MKX and MK11 Hour Glass Portals are Working He Theroughly checked them and They're Flawless so there is now a link for when Between the TimeLine when all Great Warriors are alive and the new time line where Raiden Created the perfect scenario to start this MMO Title. Liu Kang Now unmerges kitanas the 2 time lines creating another time line and merges kitanas time with raidens time which causes mass confusion but makes the original time line continue Forwards with a MK MMO worldInfinite time line possibilities are now created and they are successfull and read to train all students liu kang summons Kitana and raiden back to the main Hour Glass to retire for a while. In the 2nd time line....Raiden will save Earth Realm Because in the Time Line Kitana is in with MK9 Raiden he is Still Elder God seeing how there are now 4 timelines but going forwards intime Raidens Going Backwards they are both growing stronger. Creating Infinite Possibilities Raiden Kitana and Liu Kang can Communicate threw all time lines Because the merger but raiden could already do this he was the Thunder God Liu Kang Tricked Raiden he told him he merged him with his younger self but didnt he sent Raiden to a different place then kitana he sent him further in time to timewalk backwards and see what happens in the future. Raiden did this and saw all Chaos Break out in earthrealm has been invaded with full out assault of outworld Earthrealm is also being torn assunder from infinite time lines they job now is to stop the invading forces of outworld and fix the time line by putting every one back to the correct time lines so it is Torn assunder and letting the Chaos realm Break threw time and space when Kitana Finishes her Quest of Duplicating what Happened in the original time line. those 2 starting timelines started it all but what kinda infinite stuff are they building? MK MMORPG. Btw if this happens It Will Only LOOK LIKE Raidens Going Backwards in time there still going forwards with there time line but not the One there Saving. But the one we are saving still needs a story from where Liu Kang Kitana and Raiden Merged and went forwards it is Known as the Chaos Realm its all out War between all Clans Factions Cuz outworld is invading from two directions and Earthrealms Finest Warriars from all the MK Roster are Now Staples in time for Martial Art Fighting Styles and They are all nowTeachers of Their Styles and accepting any and all new Hero's to Train and Help fight For their Clans Cause in the Battle Grounds Of Time to keep the infinite TimeLine Possibilities in their own Favor. In the TimeLine That these 3 are Creating. What do you think of the story? Be Honest...
Game Fundamental's
To earn Koins you would get gold for world currency but faction currency would be Komidogu. You would choose your faction and character type by what MK9 Story Character you wanted to be Like(you will unlock MKX MK11 and the new MK MMO characters every 10 levels) you can Kostimize what your Hero will look like with gear, skins and weapon skin styles earned or baught from NPC's or from the player Auction Houses or traded Skins can be crafted for all different gear slots pants chest Shoulders gloves Tabard ill tell you more later in this read but they would not do anything in pvp (unless you wanted to do some kind of stats for augments in Gear for Ranked matches Matchmaking like magic resiliance's damages, Armor Buffs, Armor Penitration or maybe a pvp Resistant Stat for Player Made Augment's) ) you would get the preset of your character's story hero choice for what lvl bracket you choose to stay at with that character in open so you could max you couldnt max your characters abilities for world pvp against lower level players in your area, but you would also have the option to train everything and use only the abilities and moves you trained in to make questing harder and maybe there would be an achievment. It works same for pvp train the hard way or use Preset abilities. Komidogus are earned through faction war/ territory war and pvp. Every battle ground won will give players a certain amount of Clan members from their faction to fight to control the world map durring that factionwar taking territory by territorry till that factions territories are gone but their main city and starting zones cannot be taken. The more you unluck of the other factions map will make their areas yours and there will be preset destinations if you steal enemy territory that has special quests, merchants, profession trainers and loot you can physacally go there on the map to get special rare epic or legendary quests and loot every faction war depending on how far you move into enemy territory...but at the end of the Faction war there will always be a special prize for which faction wins you can also go to the battle ground pvp merchants and spend your factions honorable Komidogu Kurrency you earned in battle grounds or Arenas. Duels can take place anywhere accept in the restricted areas of the major city but duels dont earn anything just respect its practice...too enter a duel target a friendly player and challenge a duel... They can accept or decline if they accept a load screen brings both to a practice stage maybe a dojo a retro-cade setting for duel maps and fight. people can spectate you if you invite them to a KoTH and the person challenging gets to pick the game title mechanics and map the duel on ,then you know fight...duels are for fun... Kasual V.S. To enter a Battle ground go to the battle ground master/ShadowPriest in any major city he wil have Portal's to Different Stages, The Game title will depend on what lvl bracket your in. Arenas will take place on the physical map Arenas will be scattered all accross the map arenas will be team based 3d style games no matter what Rank you are so you can take place in Faction War in the end game content title if you dont want to grind all the cosmetics while at low rank with other players in your Rank Bracket... Each zone will be based on lvl of that character so you will most likly be with ppl your character level and Skill if world pvp takes place all world Combat is all the end game content title 3d mechanics so is arena.Arenas earn Komidogu you can purchase special faction things like faction exclusive cosmetics at the pvp battlemaster merchants. You wil earn skill points every time you level up your hero to add to different tree skills there are 3 different skill trees to add to each with its own special moves the 3 different trees are called Variations they will be different variations or non depending on the Battle ground title Bracket your character is in. End game battle grounds and game modes will go by whatever skills and variations you set to your hero whether you chose MK9, MKX or MK11 Variations to train for in your skill tree. If your not past level 39 you will have the option to enter end game content by entering a 4v4 portal but you wont have a full skill tree but will be able to use the skills youve unlocked in the end content in pvp with other players within your bracket it wont always be fair unless your a top level in your Bracket and have used all your Skill Points but you Welcome to "Test Your Luck". All the preset Battle Grounds b4 end game content are Basically just a copy and paste of all the pre existing title but the roster hero will be replaced with your created character with the cosmetics your hero has on.
MMO Stuff
There will also be bounty hunter system in the 3d world end game content title. Like you could break the law out in the world and get a Wanted Bounty a player could walk by the billboard in any city looking to make money Kuz you Made a player angry while wanted by NPC Faction Guards and he set a bounty or you just just broke a petty NPC need to remember everyone on your faction is friendly till you get a bounty you can stay an outlaw or pay up or just die. In world Combat but only so many players can accept your wanted bounty at a time and it will have to grow over a certain amount of money b4 the World city guards decide to put a bounty out also player will have to pay outta pocket to have you hunted and will have to interest other players with the cash amount or they wont accept it. If you decide stay an out law you have to go to a nuetral NPC faction area and become pretty much one of the till you finish a questline to change to the faction you decide to join and hero type , your Rank Stays The same but if you plan to change faction or you need to change The hero you chose to fallow. You can have as many characters as your console storage can hold but all characters have a lvl and prestige that all adds up to your full profiles Rank.
More MMO Stuff
Player professions are a Ranking system the more your craft or gather the more you rank up but before you get your next buy and train your next recipe after crafting or gathering and ranking up your proffession for your Crafting or Gathering profession of choice you need to talk to your Profession Trainer in one of the major city's Trade District Area so you can buy the Recipe frim him. Professions are to make and trade different cosmetic Skins and wepon skins you can make different skinned looked for all things too cover your chatacters body pants, boots, belts, a chest piece, spaulders, bracers, gloves, helmet and cloak, necklace,2 ring slots also a Tabards from different tribes or factions clans ect...and consumables for pvp and and pve Survival based of which Story Hero you selected to choose.. There is alchemy for Consumable potions instant health in combat and Potion Buffs to buff your health or damage a little bit pve only, black smith is for crafting plate mail, chain mail maces axes daggers Bows swords and other MK Character Based weaponry. Gem Crafting for gems to make jewelry and to put in augment slots of certain gear weapons giving them a magical glow whether its a Visual Magic effect or to help in towers of time and test your luck with stat buffs.. Leather working for crafting leather armor and straps and certain Magical Stave TypeweaponryCosmetic weapon Skins. Tailoring cloth items and Clothing for under your characters Visual armor. If you Maxed out your professions you could train by buying the recipe to craft legendary skins but youd have to train in all the skin recipes before going out from the standard trainers in the main cities to try to get find legendary profession trainers by unlocking them on the territory Factionwar map. But 1st things 1st Common to rare then epic recipes 1st from your trainers The gathering proffessions are for fueling your crafting professions with Materials like mining herbing skinning and stealing and killing NPC's For Different items like cloth and different kinds of metals gems animal skins and plants.
The Uber Fun Stuff
Then theres survival professions cooking fishing first aid Fire Making camping Mount Riding Skill's Mount Flying Skills and Kollecting all the diff storie's Krypt Kontents and rare collections mounts achievements Titles an in game gambling at like a pub or an Inn or near the flight Path in the In the Black Market Alley of a Major City. A trading Card Game like HearthStone ingame Minigame could be a huge money maker. If made real and sold as a Trading Card Game (TCG) and seperate videogame I'd buy it. Set all your Stats and Abilities and Use the AI Battle Simulator TBH I've Been having alot more fun with AI Battles then actually fighting online. If we had the option to Turn AI On/Off in online to test our AI's Skills against Real Players would be Freaking Legendary. Also Celebrity Commercial's about Special ingame Products... WB Movie and DC easter eggs and what not. Also a phone app for Apple and android to fallow all your ingame Hud stuff Equipment Skins, Quest Log, Achievments, Titles Kombat Kard and Rank, Auction House Purchases and sales along with the Mail Box and General Guild and Trade Chats and maybe a Special Forces Bot for player trades and just navigating threw the game doing professions and making money and if you have a phone Controller setup you can actually play the game from your phone with your Character. Also Ingame Seasonal Quests, Events, Recipes, Loot and Achievements (La La La La La Luna La). :D
Idea of Knick Miles Foster all Credit Goes to Ed Boon and His team for Creating the game ive loved since I was Born in 1990 and actually Let Be my inspiration for alot of my health Goals like not smoking Drinking Swearing and staying in good shape and healthy mind. Thank You For all the fun over the years and Creating a safe and stearal gaming Invirement for my entire Life. Much Love to The Mortal Kombat Team MK is my Go to After God Family Health and Fitness. Thank You So Much I couldnt even Immagine My Winter Season Without This Legendary Fighter.
Am I Willing to Give Alot of Memory Space From My Consoles Harddrive?.....Yes I'm Willing To Devote My Entire Consoles Memory to a Game Like This.
fgd htrgrtgr5 tg
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
I Think There May Be a Language Barrier Here. Because I dont Understand You.

I Think There May Be a Language Barrier Here. Because I dont Understand You.
Let me translate for you.... Examples
And I concur with their sentiment.
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
Whats the problem? You do know eventually it will be an MMO not like You Would Know What I'm Talking bout... If its The Amount of Words you dont want to Read im srry that it took me the time to type the OP as it did your Post on an Xbox Controller.

Whats the problem? You do know eventually it will be an MMO not like You Would Know What I'm Talking bout... If its The Amount of Words you dont want to Read im srry that it took me the time to type the OP as it did your Post on an Xbox Controller.
LOL, oh man! This is like.... middle school insults. Watch out everyone, we got ourselves a mighty keyboard warrior over here.

CCShadow - Owner/Administrator
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience

What's with the salt in these replies? Am I missing something here?
I haven't read through every single area of this idea yet, but I do like the idea of a Mortal Kombat MMO that really lets you explore the MK worlds.
I would have it set in its own standalone timeline, during the equivalent of Mortal Kombat Armageddon, where multiple different factions are gathering forces for a big multi-realm battle.
You would create your own character, who is being recruited for the ultimate battle, and pick a faction. Your faction0 will determine a few things like what realm you start in or who your mentor is (i.e. Liu Kang if you pick White Lotus, Scorpion if you pick Netherrealm, Sub-Zero if you pick Lin Kuei). I'd have it so you can change your factions later, or completely abandon them and go on your own.
To start, you would build out your look and choose some moves, but I'd also have it so you can gain new moves and aesthetics as you play. I'd basically make every aspect of your character editable later on in the game. That way if you change your mind, you're not stuck with anything. By the time you unlock a good amount of stuff, you could pretty much emulate any existing MK character or combine different aspects into something totally new.
I think for combat, I'd go with a consistant seemless style that blends with the semi-open world of the game. I'm thinking something similar to Shaolin Monks, but maybe with a bit more strategy potential (since you will be able to encounter other players online).
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
What's with the salt in these replies? Am I missing something here?
I haven't read through every single area of this idea yet, but I do like the idea of a Mortal Kombat MMO that really lets you explore the MK worlds.
I would have it set in its own standalone timeline, during the equivalent of Mortal Kombat Armageddon, where multiple different factions are gathering forces for a big multi-realm battle.
You would create your own character, who is being recruited for the ultimate battle, and pick a faction. Your faction0 will determine a few things like what realm you start in or who your mentor is (i.e. Liu Kang if you pick White Lotus, Scorpion if you pick Netherrealm, Sub-Zero if you pick Lin Kuei). I'd have it so you can change your factions later, or completely abandon them and go on your own.
To start, you would build out your look and choose some moves, but I'd also have it so you can gain new moves and aesthetics as you play. I'd basically make every aspect of your character editable later on in the game. That way if you change your mind, you're not stuck with anything. By the time you unlock a good amount of stuff, you could pretty much emulate any existing MK character or combine different aspects into something totally new.
I think for combat, I'd go with a consistant seemless style that blends with the semi-open world of the game. I'm thinking something similar to Shaolin Monks, but maybe with a bit more strategy potential (since you will be able to encounter other players online).
Sound's Legit and then we Some How Get a Aftermath DLC Where somebody Saves the Head of Shinnok and He Becomes a Revanant or a Free Will Cyborg or Something and He tries to Defile The Jinsie while Armageddon is Happening But This Time When He Defiles The Jinsie it puts out the sun and The only things Light Will Come From is stuff like Blood pools Lighting up when they're walked threw with footprints(Also Under The Pit Where The Blood Poors out Of The Gargoyal's Mouth's), Magic and Electronic effects, outfits like mk11 Sub Zero Vegas, Raidens Kid Thunder Fatality other Light Up Outfits and you know umm Earths Life Force Kinda Stuff Maybe Even Some Plant Life... Who Know's it could Be a Kombat Kode for MK9, MKX and MK11 for Online Fights IDK.
Also When He Defiles The Jinsie EarthRealm and the DC World Start Falling apart like MK vs DC This Will Be The 1st DLC to Have Legit Story Detail For The Outnumbered Rage Mode that Was Talked About For The 3d Endgame Content For The New Game of Pitting all The Trilogy's Fight Styles against eachother in a 3D Envirement... The Rage Will Be Apart of The Game From Launch But The DLC Will Explain Why its happening . So the Endgame Content is Armageddon the DLC will Be MK vs DC... Also The 2D portal/online Tower Fights That are in the 3D World Will Be The Second Trilogy's Content which will also be ready to play from Launch. They Have Portal's to all 3 of the 1st Titles of The 2nd Timeline Which is what im Preferring to as The Trilogy Content The Entire Game is The Trilogy But The Game Never Ends it Just Constantly Grow's Larger With New Content every time a New Title is Released. When New Game Title Come's Out Player's/Fan's Will Most Likely Expect Some Things Like an Entirely New 2D Title To Enter For Multiplayer Threw The Portals From The 3D World, New 3D Modes and Character's. They will Also Expect New Fight Styles Special's and an Entirely New Area on the 3D MMO Map That Will Higher The Level Cap and Give a New PVP Bracket that will Tell The Next Part of the Timelines Story Whether it's New Era or not also all New Gear For Loot Drop's, pvp Vendors, Dungeons, world Mobs, Professions, Mounts Everything. Every Game Release Will Be added To This one As a Game Expansion and Will Change The Games Title When They're Released. Mortal Kombat 12 or MK Trilogy Could Be known as MORTAL KOMBAT Patch 1.0.1 Then MK13 Could Be MK New Era A.K.A. MORTAL KOMBAT 2.0.1 or whatever But it Will Be an Addon to MK Trilogy and So Forth......
But one other Game Mechanich For The 3D Content Could Be Deflecting Or Parrying Projectiles into a Teleport Or Flying Kick Type Special and These attacks Should Be Guarranteed seeing how They're Kombo Ender's and They Can only Hit The player That Threw The Kountered attack.
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
Whats the problem? You do know eventually it will be an MMO not like You Would Know What I'm Talking bout... If its The Amount of Words you dont want to Read im srry that it took me the time to type the OP as it did your Post on an Xbox Controller.
LOL, oh man! This is like.... middle school insults. Watch out everyone, we got ourselves a mighty keyboard warrior over here.
totaly cuz im trynna Hurt your Feeling's. If you dnt like it move on instead of being a hater... Or if its cuz you dnt want to Read it. I Share The Sentiment.
Let Me Explain: For Honor's Revenge Idea Came From MKvs DCU's RAGE!
If You Don't Want an MMORPG Just Think of it as a Multiplayer Krypt World witth Boss Fights and alotta other Kool Kontent That Replaces The Games Main Menu. Beacause I DO NOT EVER WANT TO SEE THE 2D KOMBAT STYLE GO AWAY EITHER, But This Far into The Future There should Be Options. Just Imagine Events Like Terminator Having a Cable TV Commercial Where He Has Some Exclusive In-Game Loot Like a Motorcycle Mount Outfits and What not For an Exclusive In-Game Event .... "I Need Your Clothes Your Boots and Your Motorcycle!!" only Obtainable Threw an In-Game Event Quest Chain for all Players Created Characters To See The Terminator in Their Faction's Maine Area cuz The only Faction/Hero Unique Things Would Be Fight Styles and Clan Emblems all Gear, Outfit's Mounts and Dropped Loot/Inventory Items Looted will Be Usable by everyone if they meet that Items Level Requirements No Matter What Faction They Belong to. Bind on Equip and Bind on Pick up items are 2 entirely Different Animal's. But the Quest Chain Would Be To Help Terminator on His Mission and Fight Beside him in a MK Parady of The Movie. The Missions Would Be Apart of the 3D world but all gear/outfits Will be able to be Worn Into any of The 3 Titles of the Trilogy on Your Created Character With a Preset Fight Style From that Title. The 3D World is where all The Trilogies Fight style's will Be used for PVP and Pitted against Eachother in, World PVP, Arenas, Battlegrounds or Co-op Ladders, New Game Modes or Dungeons Scattered Threw out The World and will also be Enterable Threw The Player's H.U.D Menu at any Time or in Your Faction's Battle Room...Terminator is Just an Example Their Could Be all Kinds of Celebrity Endorsement's/Special Event Mission's and Loot. It'd Take off Like a Fricken Super Powered UFO.
The Thing That Catches My Interest The Most About all This is too Actually be able Too Explore The Entire MK Universe as a Whole... The Exact Way Ed and John Pictured it When They 1st Dreamed of it so Long Ago, With Hopes and Dreams of Some Day Making it Reality...Their Own Escape From RL Too Kung Fu Paradise in The Far Reaches in The Locked Vault of Their Soul's and Mind's then Collabbed Together too make The Most Spectacular Fan Fiction Called MORTAL KOMBAT that I Have Been a Fanatic Over Since I Was a Child Playing it With My Brother's...When I Can Explore Their Image of Earth Realm and Outworld by walking into some Unknown and Mysterious Outworld Marketplace or Black Market Shop too Browse its Goods Like I Was Actually there then Trade The Item Purchased to Another Player for more $$ then its worth cuz they're all sold out till Later I Believe I'll be able too Say I've Lived a Complete Life.
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
I'd have it so you can change your factions later, or completely abandon them and go on your own.
To start, you would build out your look and choose some moves, but I'd also have it so you can gain new moves and aesthetics as you play. I'd basically make every aspect of your character editable later on in the game. That way if you change your mind, you're not stuck with anything. By the time you unlock a good amount of stuff, you could pretty much emulate any existing MK character or combine different aspects into something totally new.
I think for combat, I'd go with a consistant seemless style that blends with the semi-open world of the game. I'm thinking something similar to Shaolin Monks, but maybe with a bit more strategy potential (since you will be able to encounter other players online).
Yes, My Idea Was You Can Change Your Faction and Mentor At any Given Time Without Losing Your Level Position only to Titles Character's Youve unlocked Threwout the Trilogy Though. You Start Off With a Preset MK9 Character's Moveset of your Choice From Level 1- 19. Then at Level 20-29 You unlock all the MKX Character Movesets For Your 3D Character to use in the 2D MKX online Battles also in the 3D World and its New Game Modes with other People in your Level Bracket. Then at level 30-39 all MK11 Characters are unlocked for the 3D world and its New 3D Games Modes also for 2D Online Fights in that Title (MK11). At Level's 40 Threw 60 will be the Main point of World Questing of New Titles Armageddon Story and Level 60 Will Be When You Level Cap and From Either Grinding Towers Dungeons or Story Missions/Quests from Levels 1-40 that Basically Tell's The Same Story of MK9 Threw MK11 only with More Detail of every Characters Entire Point of View(You Will See The Story From The POV of Your Created Characters Mentor), Then Start to Do Heroic/Hard Dungeon's and Content if Your Gear Score is High Enough. If you have a High Enough Gear Score you can Enter Heroic or Harder Mode of Everything to start Getting Epic To Legendary Gear Drops Diferent Kinds of Reputations, Currencies and Max out Gear Score For Ranked PvP Games or Hardcore Type Group tower's(Gear Stats are Available in The 3D World, 3D Game Modes and 2D Ranked Matches Only...Gear can Be Worn By Story or Created Characters in Friendly/Player Matches For Cosmetic Purposes But No Stats Apply in Friendly/Player Matches every Character Gets Default Stats in these Matches).....Try Thinking The Game For Honor for The 3D MMO World and Soul Calibure for the 2D Gear Based Ranked Matches. Also Yes When You Play the 2D Trilogy You Will Be able To pick what Character you want to fight with off the Roster's, Your 3D World Created Character or any of The Characters From That Specific Title and you should be able to Costomize The look of The Stories Roster Character's in VS Matches aswell as your Created Ones with Gear You've Unlocked in the 3D World From Dungeons Questing Boss and all Other Loot Drop's Threwout the 3D world/ Universe. You Cannot Take a Character's Fight Style From MK9 too MKX, MK11 or Vice Versa. The only Places that The Trilogies Titles Fight Styles Can be pitted against Eachother is in the New 3D Game World Content and Game Modes. Also you Can Get Higher Rated Gear From PvP you Get a Currency for Every Match You Play You'll Get More Currency on whether you win or Lose but once you get Enough There is a War Battle Master Vendor For Every Faction in Every Factions Main Area That Will Give The Best PVP Armor but keep in Mind Ranked Matches Give out an Entirely Different Currency Than Friendly/Player Matches so Their Could Be Arena Points and Battle Points (Arena Points Being The More Hardcore Currency For Better Armor.) so You Will Need To Grind Friendly/Player Matches to Get Enough Currency to Get The Lower Set of Battle Armor Gear But When You Feel You Can Hack it in The Ranked Matches With The Gear Youve Earned Thats When You Can Try to Start Gaining Hardcore Currency For The Epic/Legendary Ranked PvP Gear Threw Ranked Matches from your Faction's Battle Master Vendor (Whatever They Decide to Call the Currencies is up to NRS.) .also Mounts and Stuff like that Ect... Also Getting a High Reputation With Nuetral Factions Can Gain You Some Kool Exclusive loot From That Nuetral Factions Vendors or exclusive quests. There Will Be Nuetral Tribes and Races in Outworld that Should Be Friendly or Aggressive towards all Created Character Factions Depending on Whether you Decide to just Kill them or decide to start doing the quests to gain reputation from them but these quests are not apart of the main story line more of end game content to keep People Busy till the Next Expansion.
I Hope I'm Painting a Good Picture!! I'd Love to Create a Website To Help player's Know Where To Get Specific Loot Drop's, Gear Set's and know The Percentage Chance on Each Boss/Mob Spawn and Loot Drop Percentage all Kinds of In-Game Info..... Like WOWHead.COM
Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!
Just Thought I'd Post This Content!!