07/22/2014 09:24 AM (UTC)
I remember not giving a shit about Armageddon because I knew they threw the story to total and complete shit.

I foamed at the mouth when i saw stuff for MK9. Went to the midnight release for the game, bought a new t.v for the game, was so insanely hyped i learned how to actually get good at playing it and other NRS fighters. Discovered a love for the competitive side of fighting games because of it.

For MKX I cannot wait. A year? hell no, I'm not gonna make it. The excitements too much. Not saying I want them to rush the game, just saying I'm going to get run over by the hype train. After so many releases my head will explode or I'll spontaneously burst into flames or something. A years way too long. Gonna have to pull a Cartman and find a way to freeze myself.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

07/22/2014 09:29 AM (UTC)
I'm no where near as excited for MKX as i was for MK9.

Maybe when a story trailer hits and we learn a little but more and have more to discuss that will change.

I also havent upgraded to PS4 yet. but if theres a game that will make me want to, Its MK. (I'm aware its for PS3 too, but I don't want my MKX experience to be watered down)
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07/22/2014 12:58 PM (UTC)
I am still really excited for this game about as much or more than MK9.glasses
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07/22/2014 07:21 PM (UTC)
The wait is different in many ways this time.
Life stuff is different, sure, but the basic feeling is the same.

Friends let me play Deadly Alliance and after that i had to get a copy for myself. I just loved it and as i got really good at it through the Konquest mode i gained a real appreciation for the story too.

I started visiting this site before MKA was released and i was all hyped up for it, and i wasn't disappointed like most, but that's because i initially didn't want it for myself, nor did i have Deception at that point. I remember coming here and seeing all the characters showcased, and reporting to my friend who was the only one with a wii. (At that time my only console was the gamecube). We had great matches together. Eventually i got Deception with his help and the internet, and i saw where a lot of the game mechanics for Armageddon originated. Eventually though, i picked up a wii for £45 and less than a week later i had to pick up MKA

Next was DC and i hated the idea from the get-go. But i wasn't too concerned because again i didn't have the console for it.

MK9 was really hard, seeing the amazing graphics and awesome character reveals. On the one hand being really hyped and excited for the return of previously much-unloved Sheeva and Rain, but still not having the ability to actually play it. Fortunately later that year my flatmate acquired and sold me a 360.

Injustice really got me fired up, especially with the tournament videos beforehand and now i never touch it, sadly. But that has more to do with other commitments and other games than a statement on how good it is.

This time it's better, but slightly more relaxed. The fact that it's a real Mortal Kombat, that it'll follow the story from last time, That the game mechanics look so polished, and after the announcement that it will be cross-generational i'll have a hype year of waiting, not longing. I expect the relaxed mood will give way to freaking out as the release gets closer. I think last time i had random excitement spasms as it drew nearer.
07/22/2014 08:39 PM (UTC)
im kind of glad that we atleast got to find out that a new MKX is coming out but is going to be a long wait, if it comes out in April is a 9 months wait.

tHIS IS THE WORSE WAIT I had to go through for a game, i wish they released the trailer by november 2014 so we would only have to wait a few months.

07/23/2014 05:42 PM (UTC)
I dont think any game will ever match the excitement I had for MK9, Im an old-school MK fan and love all the old characters, so seeing all of them return, with reimagined classic stages, and some of the better post-mk3 characters returning as well as a secret character rumored for years even in the old days of mk, finally coming to life (skarlet) plus with tag team that game literally had everything I could of wanted, it was truly a homage to the old games which is why I was so excited for it

unfortunatley my excitement levels for MKX are not very high, mainly because I dont like the story being in the future, and I dont like the new characters or stages, and I dont like that many of the klassic characters wont be back from the looks of it and I dont like the multiple 'types' for characters. I understand this is the 'clean slate' many new age fans wanted, but its also probably the worst thing that could happen to a diehard fan of klassic MK like myself since it seems like MK9 was the swan song for the klassic era and this new game symbolizes change that I dont want to happen (dont get me wrong I love every MK game and almost all the characters, but nothing is as nostalgic and stuck with me like the old school characters, music, and stages since that is what I grew up with)
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/23/2014 07:59 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:

I also havent upgraded to PS4 yet. but if theres a game that will make me want to, Its MK. (I'm aware its for PS3 too, but I don't want my MKX experience to be watered down)

Oh the dilemmas. That is tearing at me whenever this game comes to mind.

I also didn't have internet when MKDA was rolling around. I caught wind of it in Gameinformer (I think). They had that spread of Quan Chi vs Scorpion. Got real excited because at that point, I had thought MK was dead.

I was all about Deception though, middle school so yeah, best thing I had to obsess over lol. I rememeber being CRUSHED when our Gamestop had a delayed shipment. WUT?!

I got pretty pumped for MKA but not like Deception. I was already blown about KAFatality. Plus I knew with the inclusion of so many characters, that the MK4 veterans would be overshadowed. It was great that they came back, but obviously they could of made a greater comeback. I think I was most excited for Konquest in MKA. I enjoyed Deception's so much I couldn't wait to see what was next.

MKvsDCU. I think I watched the reveal and that was that. $59.99? Two words - Greatest Hits.

I didn't follow Injustice's hype but I can't deny I thought about it. I actually got it about 6-8 months ago. Haven't played much but it's still a fun game.

MK9. This is the only one that could match my excitement for Deception. A game for the fans? SOLD.

Now MKX, with so much going on in life and the little information that's been released, Im looking forward to it but I'm not "giddy" yet. At this point (and most likely until release) I mostly enjoy the forums and speculations discussions.

Jeez this topic, talk about memory lane.
07/23/2014 11:24 PM (UTC)
I can relate to this as I have a lot going in my life right now, and post MK9. Since then I've had my son, problems with family members, plus having to deal with a very busy insane work schedule, in a very stressful environment. At times spending more than 55 hrs a week, gets really tiresome after a while. All this, and carefully planning out how to move across the country, trying to figure out how and when, what and where, etc. I've gotten older, at 33 there's just no time for videogames anymore. I'll be lucky to have an hour to 3 maximum through out the week.

When MK9 was coming about, I didn't have to worry about all these things, I was very comfortable with my life, and focused on MK9 building hype and what not. MK9 might have been my most wanted game of all time, and arguably the best in my life time. I love all fighting games, and I love MK the most out of all.

When I was 13 I first played MK1 on the arcade at an old deli near where I used to live, still remember it to this day, 20 years later. But MK2 really won my over as to becoming a hardcore fan. I spend hundreds, among thousands of quarters and hours just playing the damn game.

Played MK3 very competitively, and believe it or not, at the time I was playing with a cast over my left arm after having a broken wrist heal. I was beating a ton of players with a broken hand, which made the victories even more glorious. Hearing their friends say their boy just got their ass handed to them by a handicap lol.

Started losing interest around UMK3's update, and VG's in general.
Played MK4 very casually a handful of times in the arcades.

During that time I got into a life altering accident which made me stay in bed for 6 months. I then joined this site around when MK Gold was on the Dreamcast, for those who don't know, MK Gold is an updated version of MK4. I heavily anticipated MK Deadly Alliance as it had been around 5 years since the last game. When MKDA came, it was AWESOME.

Deception was also one of my most anticipated titles of the series, I fucking loved Subzero's design, as well as some of the newcomers like Hotaru and Havik. Konquest was fun just to mess around with, really enjoyed that.

Armageddon was bullshit. Just a whole collaboration of all the characters resulting in quantity over quality. I was still excited for it none the less.

MKvsDC's reveal was VERY disappointing, upon finding out that now DC was a part of MK. Guess what, I ended up playing the most out of the recent MK's. It may not be perfect and far from it, but it was enjoyable for the time it was released.

Mortal Kombat X, I want to say that I'm insanely hyped about it but I'd be lying. I mean, I still am super excited about it, but because like I said there's so much going on right now, that the wait for the game won't be as hard as it was for me waiting for MK9. I'm still going to try and play the hell out of it when it comes out though. I am sure this will be the best MK of all time, along side MK9 and MK2.
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New sig on the way
07/24/2014 05:20 AM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
(Brofist Temp)

Thanks, man. The fires of 2014 indeed, but if nothing else, it accents all the other blessings.
07/24/2014 03:01 PM (UTC)
Have to go ahead and jump on the train of "things have changed since then". I don't remember the SNES releases of MK1 (barely 2 years old), MK2 (almost 3), and MK3 (4 years old). Trilogy was the game that did it for me, on N64. It was the third game that we had bought for N64, and I played it for years and years.

I remember playing MK4 sparingly, I just wasn't that good at it for some reason. We never bought it, only rented occasionally, though most of our renting time was spent on games like Ocarina of Time or Banjo-Kazooie, because mine and my brother's video game interests started to diversify at that time.

My brother got a PS2 for his birthday in 2001, and I was actually surprised when we were at Wal-Mart one day and saw MK:DA on sale. We bought it right away and we were completely blown away with what we saw. I think MK:DA propelled my interest in MK even more, despite it already being my favorite game series thanks to Trilogy, and the first movie being one of my favorites as a kid.

I joined MKO in the summer of 04. I had been regularly lurking ever since the teaser image of Baraka was released. Keep in mind, I joined MKO when I was 12 years old. I've grown up with this place, and honestly its kind of been like a weird relationship. Periods where I will go to everyday and check up on things, followed by periods of being away for a bit, as evidenced by my visit counter (which for a while was stuck at like 600).

MKD had me on the hype train like never before. The prospect of seeing some characters that we hadn't seen in awhile plus the new Konquest mode just had me wanting more from every screen shot, every video, every little thing that was released or leaked. Armageddon had me hyped but ultimately we all knew how that turned out. I never played MKSM until about a year or two ago, and enjoyed it for what it was though it never interested me during its development. I'd welcome another game in that style though.

By the time of MKvsDC, I was in high school. I remember being disappointed as all hell by the announcement, mostly because I distinctly remember an interview with Boon that said that his vision for the next MK was to be even darker than what we had seen before. Obviously this became MK9 but at the time no one knew that. I left MKO for a bit, checked periodically but didn't really post during that whole span of time.

MK9 brought me back in. That first trailer just....wow. This was the game I wanted and waited for. I still think MK9 was a positive experience (even with Blunder God Raiden, and the decimation of my favorite character's (Sub Zero's) story). I also waited patiently for the newest game, especially because at first Injustice didn't interest me, but I did buy it later and enjoyed it for what it was, despite not being very good at it honestly.

As with everyone else, things have changed in my life. I just graduated from college, I have a job (until October at least), and then I'll be looking for a real job in the "real world". I'm in a committed relationship, hell I'm 22 years old and just kind of wandering in the world as far as things go. I am excited for MKX, honestly. But at the same time I just don't have as much time for these sorts of things than I did even 3 years ago with MK9 and certainly 10 wow years ago with Deception. That's why I haven't checked MKO every day, let alone post regularly every day like I did in those days.
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-sig by MINION

07/24/2014 03:38 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
I joined MKO in the summer of 04.
Seems like a lot of us joined around that time. We should start a club or something.
Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

07/24/2014 04:12 PM (UTC)
Not nearly the same hype going on as last game. Definitely not as exciting.

Not until like 6 months before release, when things start to trickle out at least.
07/24/2014 04:40 PM (UTC)
I'm somewhat excited. I mean, it's an MK game and that alone is going to get my interest. But yeah, I don't feel as hyped for this as I did for MK9. Not from what has been shown so far, at any rate.

I think showing only new characters (save for Sub-Zero and Scorpion, which everyone expected) for the first look at the game at E3 was a bad idea. Given some of the comments on social media (this doesn't feel like MK, the new characters look like they belong in comics, etc.), more of an even mix of old and new would've probably been on target with more people.

The variation system intrigues me. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing all the matchup potentials and seeing how the different variations will play, and what "flavor" they add to the characters.

Though as of this writing, I'm not really pumped. I'm not counting the days, like I was with MK9. I can totally wait for this game.

But then again, not a lot of information has been revealed yet. They may reveal something next month or so that sends my hype meter through the roof. But right now? Not so much.
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I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
07/25/2014 09:52 PM (UTC)
I'm excited for this, but am curious on how the 25 year timeline will play out in terms. I was expecting MK X to be a retelling of MK 4, but I was pleased to see that it also goes further into the future with the offspring of characters.

The events of MK 1-Armaggedon took place all around a decade so something must've happened where there isn't a paradox but the new timeline with no Armageddon. With the next generation of fighters like Cassie Cage, D'Vorah, Kotal and Ferra/Tohr, I like the new characters. I'll admit even though 60% of the cast in MK 9 was killed George R R Martin style, it does make room for new fighters and give characters who got a bad rap a fresh start.

Mortal Kombat was a counselor in getting me through some tough spots in life like having breakdowns every few years. I played the games as comfort.

I didn't have a console until after college so I played Deadly Alliance and Deception a lot at friends houses. Althought my first pre-order was Deception and I played it at a local gaming store to try for tournaments. I was shocked when I saw the intro for Deception, the bad guys won.

I didn't get into Armaggedon due to taking college seriously since I changed my major. Mortal Kombat vs DC was interesting to say the least, it was my first Mortal Kombat game on the Xbox 360.

I waited for Mortal Kombat (2011) when I got out of my job on second shift.

When I saw MK (2011) was a retelling of MK 1-3, I had the same feeling at the end of Story Mode when I first saw the intro to Deception. I had issues with plot holes, but realized things have to change in order to move forward.

Now with MKX, I'm curious to how this is all going to play out. I'm not sure if I should get it for the old consoles or play it on PC or get a PS4 or an Xbox One.

End rant
07/25/2014 11:02 PM (UTC)
Main stream, I have always been hyped for the character reveals, especially the new debuting characters.

I'm not one for story-mode as MK9's was very disappointing. Killing off 90% of the good side. Guess it was for the best...
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

07/26/2014 01:13 AM (UTC)
I first found this site waaaaay back in 2001 when it was still called MK5.org. It was a looooong wait for Deadly Alliance. I was 13/14 while following that game's development in 2001/2002. I was beyond pumped as someone who had loved MK since I was 6 and wanting it to make a comeback in 3D. Deadly Alliance was a fresh start and very exciting as an MK fan.

I remember the wait for Deception being more about the roster and who would make it in. A lot of people had characters they really liked from MKII or MK3 that they badly wanted to return(and some still did not return until MKA).

I wasn't really online during that time or particularly following the development of MKA so not much to say about the "wait" for it.

MK2011 COMPLETELY snuck up on me. Best happy surprise ever. I found out about the game like 3 months before it came out I think? Maybe even a little under 3?

Oh, and I also remember being VERY hyped for MK4 back in the day when they were showing the commercials with the live-action intro featuring Raiden and Shinnok. Does anyone else remember those commercials?

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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/26/2014 01:17 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
I joined MKO in the summer of 04.
Seems like a lot of us joined around that time. We should start a club or something.

I'm still in awe that was a decade ago. v.v
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

07/26/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
I joined MKO in the summer of 04.
Seems like a lot of us joined around that time. We should start a club or something.

I'm still in awe that was a decade ago. v.v

Yup. And it's been 13 years now for me since I first came across this site. I remember when all they had on MK5 was that render of Jax and Scorpion fighting. grin
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

07/26/2014 01:22 AM (UTC)
Jesus, social media and smartphones did not even exist yet(not really) back when Deception came out. Deadly Alliance is now older than MK1 was at the time that DA originally came out.

I feel old now.
07/26/2014 01:31 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
I joined MKO in the summer of 04.
Seems like a lot of us joined around that time. We should start a club or something.

I'm still in awe that was a decade ago. v.v

I'm right at 9 years. I've seen a lot of users come and go.

My hype level is pretty high for MKX, but not MK9 level.....just yet.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/26/2014 01:54 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
I joined MKO in the summer of 04.
Seems like a lot of us joined around that time. We should start a club or something.

I'm still in awe that was a decade ago. v.v

I'm right at 9 years. I've seen a lot of users come and go.

My hype level is pretty high for MKX, but not MK9 level.....just yet.

Yez'zir. I only got to enjoy the MK9 era on here briefly. A few months before release, moved and didn't have internet until a month ago. Awful, awful things. So bummed I missed post-release discussions in the forums.

But yes...MKX is on the way with minimal information and I'm already stoked. It only gets better from here. smile
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/26/2014 09:28 PM (UTC)
I think I'm at a "calmness" now. During the first month I was on here nonstop but after E3 I've kinda fallen back. I think now that I know the tone, the look, and the feel of the game- my curiosity has been quenched. I'll probably come rushing in whenever a new character is announced though but it feels good to say that I can sit back and enjoy the wait. tongue

Couldn't say the same for MK9 as I was so stressed worrying rather or not Rain would make it in. Now that I know he probably won't be in MKX, I'm at peace and will take it one day at a time.
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