Your wait for MKX in comparison to previous titles.
posted07/26/2014 09:28 PM (UTC)by
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04/19/2006 02:12 AM (UTC)
Finally, a new MK game is on the way. I have been part of MKO since just after MKDA had released and every single game brings me to a daily visiting cycle. I even waited furiously for Injustice. Now that MKX has been announced, I realize it is unlike any wait before.

I remember dissecting footage, select screens and "official" announcements endlessly and trying to figure out to the best of my ability what the big picture would be. Every game was a bit different.

-Joined after MKDA

-MKD: It was all about the roster. Hoping and trying to justify/validate any theory that had the possibility of Sektor. I was also very excited for online play.

-MKSM: This was by far the easiest wait. I was simply excited at all the new possibilities that would be presented. There wasn't really much to ponder along the lines of a roster as we knew it would be based on MK2.

-MKA: It was mostly just a fulfilling realization that my favourite character was back and playable. I just sat back and soaked it in for what it was. Most of the anticipation was "Who will win?". A very calm feeling up to and after release. My focus aside from my personal favourite character was the story

-MKDC: Right from the get go, I was certain the roster wouldn't be where my excitement would build. With only 10-11 slots, It wasn't even going to be possible for franchise icons like Reptile, Kung Lao or Johnny Cage to make the cut. This was also the time that Midway rumours started to fly. I was, in the back of my head, worried that the last MK game we would ever see would be a T-rate game.

Thankfully, WB came to the rescue.

MK9/MK2011: Easily my hardest wait of the entire MK brand. By this time, I was starting to want to learn the ins and outs of competitive fighting. From the announcement trailer and getting my roster desire out of the way early, my focus was 100% on leveling up competitively. I studied the way the mechanics seemed to work and learned as much as I could. My focus and love for MK lives and dies with the story. I wouldn't be truthful if I said story wasn't was still one of the most important things for me. I was very excited for our fresh start.

That brings us to today:

MKX: What is different for me here, is responsibility. I work 55 hours a week, I am a homeowner and I am now engaged. I simply don't have the time to get excited about every single detail, theory or possibility about the game. My time and excitement is rationed to a few things.

Most of all, I am excited for all the "new" that is coming with MKX. This 25-year timeline should address the lore through MKA and all the plot devices and questions we have. From there, we go into a direction that should make being an MK fan all the better. ENough of beating dead horses to..... deader horses... I am happy to see NRS and the fans get to go into this new direction.

I just noticed that every single game has held a different aura of anticipation. MKX, with my personal life being so different, is a fresh flavour. My anticipation isn't growing stale. I still feel like it was just revealed yesterday. The wait is MUCH easier with this game.

How is your wait for MKX similar or different from your waits for previous titles? How does anticipation or desire vary? Why?
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07/21/2014 12:04 AM (UTC)
This is the least excited I've ever been for MKX, and even if the game had my dream roster, I don't see that changing. You're right: life is different now. When MKDA and MKD were on the horizon, I lived in a different world. It's also been a very tragic 2014. I don't want to turn this into a sob story, but I've lost a lot this year, and video games have been the last thing on my mind.

It's not all negative, though. In many ways, MK9 delivered things I had been waiting for since MK4, and the deeper thirst that drove me to follow the previous games so intently has finally been satisfied. Everything past this point is a bonus round for me.
07/21/2014 12:09 AM (UTC)
I'd be like Eric Cartman was with the wii. Pacing back and forth outside of GameStop waiting... If I was that insane to do that. But that's how I'd describe how pumped I am. More than I was with 2011.
07/21/2014 12:10 AM (UTC)

I think many of us are in a similar situation as you. During those previous awaits I was very young and had much more free time to analyze the trailers, make creative MK signatures etc.

However, now I am a grown man who has limited time for video games and all my nerdy passions. Most of my time is dedicated to my job, friends and partner. I would say that I am still eagerly awaiting MKX but in a completely different way. It's actually easier this way because being so busy with my personal life makes this wait seem shorter.

I'll be honest. When MKX was initially announced, I was blown away by everything in that trailer. But then after being introduced to the new characters, my excitement dropped down significantly. This is a big deal because I have always been a picky gamer. I only play MK, Resident Evil, FIFA and Uncharted games. So the fact that possibly my favorite game series no longer excited me as it did in the past, meant that my love for video games was coming to end.

Then Raiden was announced and my excitement came back to me stronger then it was when MKX was first announced. Now I anxiously await to see other classic characters to be revealed. Thankfully, the wait is much easier now.
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07/21/2014 12:15 AM (UTC)
Sorry to hear that Temp...

I have to say, I was very hyped about MK9. I was doing my exchange in Montreal in 2010 and couldn't wait for 2011 and was anxiously following every bit of news concerning the game. However, when I got to play the MK9 demo, I was somewhat disappointed in the gameplay, mainly because I had set waaaay too high expectations. Still, I liked how they approached the story mode (not necessarily how it turned out) and managed to have lots of fun with my cousin playing the game. My biggest complaint? The netcode..........

I have set my expectations quite a bit lower where gameplay depth is concerned. This is why I know I won't be disappointed this time ;) ... Hype level is pretty much comparable to MK9 but might rise once a few more announcements are made

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07/21/2014 12:16 AM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
Sorry to hear that Temp...

Thanks, dude.
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07/21/2014 12:37 AM (UTC)
In the same situation as OP.

I was introduced to this web-site in 2002 when Deadly Alliance came out when I was still in high school. I could obsess over every detail back then and would do so. I was always intrigued by which characters would make it and about the new characters intertwining into the story.

A lot has changed from then but my enthusiam for this series is still strong as ever. Even with having a full time job I can still access the Internet at work so I still lurk even at work. Married life is terrible so I take my mind off it to think of various scenarios about the next game such as how the old characters will look. I love how Scorpion, Raiden and Sub-Zero are in Mortal Kombat X. NetherRealm have done a stellar job. Now coming off the success of Mortal Kombat 9 and new hired staff and resources and they have the possiblity to surprise even more! I am so stoked about this game!!!
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07/21/2014 03:44 AM (UTC)
Oh man, what a nostalgic thread.

I joined in 2004 so I was 14 or 15 years old. I think I joined after I saw the teaser for MKD with Mileena and Baraka fighting. I think that's the hypest I'd ever been for an MK game. It was also the first time I was able to follow a games development and promotion so I'm sure that helped with the hype.

Over the years I guess I've been off of MK a bit. I've been less and less excited for each subsequent game. Usually something during the promotion cycle will get me excited about the game like the good old days but in general the wait for these games gets easier and easier for me as opposed to 10 years ago where I was jumping out of my skin at every little detail.

MKX is exciting. It's bringing the newness that Boon has been talking about for years now and with the time skip it's likely that the drastic changes will stick a little longer this time but overall I've been pretty meh on the hype front.
Like a lot of people have said other more pressing events are taking precedence in my life so I'm quite distracted despite how impressive everything has been.
07/21/2014 04:02 AM (UTC)
I'm more excited for a character be in than I am for the actual game. From what we've seen we know what to expect come launch day. Only thing that could shock me is a mk deception style Konquest or a good amount of the cast being unlockable.
07/21/2014 04:10 AM (UTC)
Been a member since MKDA and I think for me Deception was a game I was hyped for to the point I lived on my computer just for updates.With MKX I feel so much more cause I can't wait to see if Fujin makes it and how the new characters will be like.I already like the four they showed already plus the returning ones so this one is gonna be much harder then how I was with MKD
07/21/2014 04:22 AM (UTC)
Ive been constantly watching all the trailers dissecting them with very much detail. I am probably going to ruin this game for myself before it comes out!
07/21/2014 04:50 AM (UTC)
I joined this site prior to the release of MK:DA. I was very excited about that game as I thought it looked to have improved graphics over MK4 and a lot more to offer. I used to check daily for updates and even got in trouble at work one time. But by the time the final roster was revealed I was very upset to not see any of my fave MK4 characters returning. I also had some very strong opinions regarding Hsu Hao and Li Mei which led to a heated debate with another member on this site and things turned ugly real fast. I left shortly after that and I was even more upset after MK:DA came out and had only one fatality per character, no stage fatalities and lousy secrets like Blaze and Mokap. I was so angry I broke my Xbox and vowed never to play MK ever again. I was also having some other personal issues around this time including substance abuse. So I totally ignored Deception and I only found out about Armageddon after it was released and it intrigued me so I played both games and didnt like them very much. Hearing about MK vs DC didn't hold my interest either. It was only after I heard rumors of a reboot, I became interested again and probably followed MK9 updates the most. And now I'm very excited about MKX but I've learned not to allow myself to get as emotionally invested in MK or any game as I was with MK:DA.
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07/21/2014 05:24 AM (UTC)
I joined when MKSM was announced and I remember dissecting every gameplay video that came out and being so excited for every new thing that promoted it. I was in middle school back then so I think I was maybe 13 or 14, but damn I love Mortal Kombat. Ever since then I've just been waiting for news to do with anything MK or the development team (Injustice). I like a lot of things, buy a lot of games and different series, but to me there's nothing like MK.
Historical Favorite
07/21/2014 05:53 AM (UTC)
Far and away, this is the least excited I've been for a new MK. That's partially due, as others have said, to the responsibilities of a somewhat functional adult life (strain against it as I may), but can also be largely attributed to diminishing returns with NRS. I was plenty stoked for MK vs DC (fun fact: I was one of the earliest defenders of the title after the reveal backlash), but the final game was pretty so-so. I was wary of MK9 from the outset and nothing in the final product changed my mind all that much (I'm not one for huge backward steps). Injustice I avoided like the plague. I'm not completely writing MKX off or anything, but it's a "I'll get it when both the game and PS4's in general are dirt cheap" kind of commitment.
07/21/2014 06:01 AM (UTC)
JenSalMar Wrote:
I joined this site prior to the release of MK:DA. I was very excited about that game as I thought it looked to have improved graphics over MK4 and a lot more to offer. I used to check daily for updates and even got in trouble at work one time. But by the time the final roster was revealed I was very upset to not see any of my fave MK4 characters returning. I also had some very strong opinions regarding Hsu Hao and Li Mei which led to a heated debate with another member on this site and things turned ugly real fast. I left shortly after that and I was even more upset after MK:DA came out and had only one fatality per character, no stage fatalities and lousy secrets like Blaze and Mokap. I was so angry I broke my Xbox and vowed never to play MK ever again. I was also having some other personal issues around this time including substance abuse. So I totally ignored Deception and I only found out about Armageddon after it was released and it intrigued me so I played both games and didnt like them very much. Hearing about MK vs DC didn't hold my interest either. It was only after I heard rumors of a reboot, I became interested again and probably followed MK9 updates the most. And now I'm very excited about MKX but I've learned not to allow myself to get as emotionally invested in MK or any game as I was with MK:DA.

Glad to have you back. Hope MKX is everything you imagine it to be and more.
07/21/2014 06:27 AM (UTC)
I was a huge fan of the original MK when it came out in arcades in '92. I had no idea a second one was being made and one night I was at an arcade (that I eventually worked at) and an MK2 machine was being rolled out on to the arcade floor and set up. I SHIT A BRICK!! There were a good four or five people next to me just as surprised as I was and equally excited. I don't think anything will ever match that as far as MK goes because it was totally unexpected (no internet in those days). By the time '95 rolled around I was working at that arcade and from magazine articles I knew MK3 was coming. I was building up anticipation because I knew I'd get to play it for free as much as I wanted. The reveal of Motaro as a sub-boss in a magazine sent my hype in to overdrive! The game was finally released during Spring Break my senior year of high school and I was on vacation. Luckily my parents and relatives wanted to go bowling one night and the bowling alley had the just released MK3! I couldn't care less about bowling that night, but I threw a few games anyways. I only played a few games of MK3 that night, but I was hooked and I knew it would be at work waiting for me when I got home.

MK4 was exciting, but I was getting more in to college life and girls at that point, so MK4 took a back seat to the others in comparison. Five years later MKDA grabbed my interest and I bought that and MKD right when they came out. Shaolin Monks, MKA, and MKvsDC totally eluded me when they were released and I only got in to them a few years ago. I kinda just forgot about video games for several years for different reasons (starting a business, marriage, my son). I hopped back on board shortly after MK9 and I'm here to stay. I'd say I'm anticipating MKX right near the top as much as I anticipated MK3, maybe more. I've been coming to this website since before MKDA, but only joined this year. That's got to give you a little hint about how excited I am for the next game!
07/21/2014 11:37 AM (UTC)
For DA, I didn't even have Internet yet. So until I saw a commercial for it on TV, I didn't even know it existed. Hype was nonexistent until I got my hands on the game.

I started coming to the site in 2004 for Deception news and updates. I checked every day for something new. I was pretty hype going into this game.

For Armageddon, I was very hype because everybody was coming back. That meant Stryker, Fujin, and Shinnok would return. Needless to say I always checked the site for updates and news.

For MKvsDC I was not very hype. It was a new MK, but they were fighting comic book superheroes, ones I didn't even like. Didn't even buy it at launch.

For MK2011 I was pumped. More pumped than ever because honestly I wasn't sure I'd ever see another MK again after Midway went bankrupt. It was a scary time. I watched that reveal trailer back in June 2010 at least 50 times. Tag mode, what people thought were Brutalities but ended up being X-Ray attacks, and MK going back to an M rating solidified my excitement. The wait was unbearable.

MKX has me on a whole other level of excitement. Mainly because of Cassie Cage. This is a character none of us could have predicted to exist in a million billion years. The Johnny/Sonya couple was really just fanfiction until Ed Boon revealed Cassie was their daughter. That one announcement, blew me away. It completely threw out everything I thought was possible in an MK game. And of course, MK9 played so well which only leads me to believe MKX will play even better.

But the wait itself for MKX is bearable. I have a job now, might go back to school this fall, and there are plenty of other games to tide me over until then.
07/21/2014 02:35 PM (UTC)
I'm right there with you.

I've been here since the lead up to MK:DA in 2001, and every game since, but this is certainly different.

I work 40 hours a week now, soon to have 12 hours of classes on top of it come fall, and other obligations, interests, and commitments that take up 10+ hours a week. With all of that, I don't find myself as excited not as glued to the reveal of every little detail.

With that said, I do look forward to the game, I like how fresh it looks, and I am sure my excitement will ramp up as we get closer to release time. I know I will reach that stage of obsession, but as time goes on and responsibilities grow, it's just not as necessary or natural to get so hooked so early into the "cycle" so to speak.

But I'll still be here when the news hits and to share some comments from the time being, just not as often as before. Speculation and discussion is my favorite part of each lead up, I wouldn't miss out on that. However, I just haven't been bit by the bug yet, so right now I'm focusing on other things.
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07/21/2014 04:09 PM (UTC)
I used to be excited for MK games, but not anymore. After MKD I lost interested of waiting in anticipation for one. So the excitement is not the same anymore.
07/21/2014 05:50 PM (UTC)
Painless. I don't know what this MK is really about or what to expect. The other reason being because it didn't go in the direction I thought or had been hoping it would with the ending of MK 2011 and well I have become a little more cynical and jaded with MK 2011.

I really liked the game but over time I really just realized...ah hell I've said it so many times here recently I'll just stop but some of you know where I was going with that.

I would say the time I was excited the most for an MK release (PHRASING BOOM!)
Was the Mortal Kombat that was supposed to follow up Armageddon and be that clean slate because Armageddon was such a god damn waste and gave us nothing that was promised in regards to story. So I was waiting for the next game to tell us what really happened. And then MK vs DC was announced and something just broke in me when it came to my hype for MK.

I was still really excited for MK 2011 but it was nothing compared to Deception or Armageddon and “Clean Slate MK”
07/21/2014 09:30 PM (UTC)
Mk was stumbled upon hanging out with friends.MK 2 was found by a friend and one of the greatest gaming surprises ever.followed Mk3 pre release a little due to buddy's keeping up with it,so not that much excitement for that one.always kept up with rumors of Mk4,MKDA,and MKD.Excitement for those where all tolerable.After SF4 came out,I wanted to get better at fighting games,took a few lessons n learn to PRACTICE,and eventually got to where I enjoyed playing online.I still get beat down sometimes,but I never mind and give it all I have.After learning to crush any mistake with your nastiest reset or combo,I started focusing on the story of both SF and MK.While I LOVE them both(they are passions,thank god my wife understands)I enjoy MK more because of gameplay and DEF story.So that made the wait for MK9 very hard,esp since I knew Chi was in.The wait for this game is unbearable.It trumps MK9 by miles.My heart goes out to the others in this forum who have had major losses.I too had a nasty year in 2012 early 2013.MK is an outlet to always make me smile.(I love FAKE violence!!)hope it does the same to ease the heart from time to time.MKA got only this mention because I did not play it.Fatalities made NOBODY an individual.Maybe I missed on it,but I was Pi**ed at the time.I am brand new to MKO,but it's very nice to know I'm not the only one with MK on the brain!!
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07/21/2014 10:02 PM (UTC)
Completely in this boat. While I'm very excited that there's a new MK on the horizon, I'm a completely different person than I once was, and I'm not exactly counting down the days anymore, like I did from 95-2006.

A whole lot contributes to that. In the past five years I've stared down the death of family members, battled depression, moved from apartment to apartment, job to job, and found meaning and passion outside of the world of gaming. I too have been through a fire (Brofist Temp), and a lot dampens my enthusiasm for MKX as well as gaming in general.

Working in the gaming industry does / can do a few things to you; it can make you appreciate the time and effort some developers and companies put into making an excellent product, or it can result in thorough disgust for certain people, companies and their business practices. Sometimes both. And it can absolutely, positively burn you out. It's done that to me.

Truth of the matter is, in gamer terms, I'm an old man. I'm past thirty. And fully 3/4 of the franchises I used to love have gone absolutely down the fucking toilet or are dead in the water. I think MK, SF and now thankfully KI and GG constitute most of the exceptions to that rule.

Most of what I love is gone now, and it's tough for me to find new franchises to enjoy, much less time to enjoy them in. I moved into a new place a month ago; my PS3 still isn't hooked up. I've got a game backlog dating back to a few PS2 titles I never got around to. My fire for gaming just isn't there anymore, and everything I've said above has contributed to that.

But I still love MK, somehow. It's unquestionably the one I care about the most. But the storytelling has taken a big hit, and suddenly, to my older mind, debating a character's worth or lack thereof now just seems like such a waste of time, especially when I consider that the fanbase is now largely composed of people who are probably about half my age - immature and otherwise - and a few remaining older veterans who, like myself, can sometimes seem so very, very bitter.

I can barely bring myself to make more than a few posts here a week, and they're usually just snarky jokes. I have neither the will or drive to engage in lengthy brickwall quote wars, to argue with trolls. These days, I much prefer to say my piece, make a few observations and move on.

Still takin' a few days off once this drops though, and looking forward to seeing where the series goes.
07/21/2014 11:37 PM (UTC)
Nothing was worse than the wait and uncertainty between MK4 and MKDA. I'll never forget when it was finally announced, and we saw the first picture of Scorpion and Jax fighting in the Acid Bath arena! And then we had to wait an additional 15 months to play it, and info trickled in soooo slowly until E3 in May 2002.

Yeah, that one was torture. After the 2nd delay, I remember begging my roommate to drive me an hour away to a Wal Mart that had the game to sell the night before release, lol. He thought I was crazy and told me to wait until the next day, btw.

But yeah, now that I'm older, it doesn't phase me much. Though I am excited to see more returning characters other than the 3 painfully obvious we've been given so far.
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07/21/2014 11:44 PM (UTC)
My anticipation for MKDA: *jizz*

...12 years later

My anticipation for MKX: meh
07/22/2014 12:30 AM (UTC)
I wasn't a member of the site when MKDA and Deception came out. I was just a kid, and I was totally content with just playing Mortal Kombat 3 over and over again. I do just recall seeing the Deadly Alliance and Deception box arts in the Target/Walmart/whatever ads that came with the newspaper, and thinking "cool, there's a new Mortal Kombat out!" I didn't play it until probably a year after it came out (rented it), and didn't actually get it until much later. I asking if Liu Kang was back in Deception, and the person I asked (who had played it) said yes... I'm not sure if he actually did know that though, because the way he explained it was nothing like how it actually happened. But I did love that game.

Armageddon was probably the first game that I actually knew about before I got it and I excitedly waited for it for quite some time. I was mostly excited for the stages; I hoped some retro stages would be reimagined for the game like some old characters who we didn't see for a long time were. I was happy with it, but I wished for a little more. And of course, I couldn't wait to make my best Mario with the character creator.

After that was the big wait, and also the biggest letdown. The wait began with me googling "Mortal Kombat 8" and seeing an interview with Ed Boon, promising that the next MK would be a new level of darkness and grittiness. I was excited, and I couldn't wait to learn more and see some shots of the game. Then the devastating news; MK8 had become Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe. A crossover... after all the questions Armageddon left us, we get a crossover... a non-cannon, one shot nothing-to-do with the actual story crossover. I half-heartedly pretended to be excited as I prepared to wait for the next real Mortal Kombat game, which I knew would take years.

Then they announced it... the game I've always wanted. A game that would take Mortal Kombat back to its roots. With all my favorite characters, a return to the 2D games I loved the most, and all the stages wanted to see again returned. Mortal Kombat 2011 was the longest wait for any game, ever. All the speculation was killer. I came to these forums every day seeing all the theories, crazy and very crazy alike. Each one got me thinking of all the potential this game had. Ultimately, the story disappointed me, but everything else about the game was phenomenal.

And here we are now, with MKX. I've learned to stop caring about the new storyline, which leaves me mostly concerned with the characters, stages, and presentation. Right now my hype levels are neutral, as if this isn't a MK game I'm waiting for, but rather a new franchise all together that I think could be interesting. Maybe it's because I have friends and other things to do in my life besides wait day after day for a year for the game to come out, or maybe I've just curbed my obsession and realized it's just a video game, there's no way it's gonna give me everything I want, and I should just live with what it does offer me. And so far, I don't really have much of an opinion on it yet.

So if I had to summarize it, it's pretty neutral. I'm not Waiting for MK11 to be announced already, so it's better than the wair for MKDC for sure. It doesn't have me as hyped as MK9. But I think that's a good thing; the more excited you get over the potential a game has, the more disappointed you end up when it doesn't live up to it.
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