Your ideal Mortal Kombat X!
posted06/07/2014 09:24 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/21/2014 10:15 PM (UTC)
I want to hear what everyone wants out of this game. Not just one specific thing like most of the threads going around, but what you want from the game as a whole. What are your expectations and if you had it your way, what would you bring to this game? whether it be the feel, story, characters, DLC, stages or music.

I personally want a much darker MK and judging by what we have seen in the teaser trailer, I think that's exactly what we are going to get. I would love a more dark, gritty and sinister game. Leave all the jokes behind and just go full throttle.

One thing I would REALLY like to see are less flashy clothes... Scorpion was so over the top last game I can't even begin to describe. They look great in the new trailer, stick to something along those lines for all the characters except for MAYBE the Edenians.

Story so far is up in the air for me and I will comment further on it when I get a better feel for this game, but I definitely like the idea of a multi-verse type thing going on. I want them to do something that ties all this shit up that we have been going through already and put an end to it. Just start fresh if not in this game, then definitely the next and I think this game could just pave the way for that to happen.

I would also like an end to these "what if endings" we see game after game. Some of them were OK, but I think it's time for a change. I want continuity and removing those damn things is definitely a step forward towards that.

Music wise, this is a fighting game, use something that makes us want to go out there and want to beat the crap out of our opponents. Some stages music from previous games just had a little too mellow feel to them for my tastes. I'd personally like something along the lines of Buckethead, he composes some good shit and I think he could make some nice, dark, fitting music for this game.

Characters wise I want to see some more people from Deadly Alliance and Deception show up like, Hotaru, Havik, Li Mei, Frost, Bo' Rai' Cho, Drahmin and even Ashrah. Would be cool to see them get some more development. I think they definitely deserve it. I'm pretty sure most of MK4 will be in, especially Shinnok, Fujin, Quan Chi and Tanya even if this game doesn't continue directly on from MK9. Bring Kai back, actually go somewhere with him this time around, there is a lot of potential in him. Sareena as well, she definitely needs her time to shine, it's been long over due and if this game is in fact a much darker MK, then her, Sareena, Shinnok, Quan Chi and Tanya set the mood perfectly.

I'd like to see a Reptile that is actually feared. Make him a bad ass, make people actually say to themselves "Oh shit" when they fight him, not just brush him off like JC did. He is a prime example of a character you could do so much with, but they choose to use him as a punching bag. If there MUST be scenes like that again in MKX, leave that to random Tarkatans, that way Baraka and Reptile can be more than just fodder.

Speaking of Johnny Cage, I'd like him to lay off the one liners just a tad and stop being such an ass-hat. We saw that side of him in MK9, now's time to step it up and be an adult. This game shouldn't have any time for that immature crap. I'm not saying don't add a joke here and there, but just not as much as we usually see.

I want a smart, more intimidating Raiden this time around. Not the crap we got in MK9. He is a Thunder God. Make him act like a damn Thunder God. He made more mistakes than mere mortals. Raiden should be one who isn't easily fooled, who is always one step ahead of the game and is an actual leader. Not some washed up almost scared type god that we were given. I'd be down with Dark Raiden again but I don't think they need to go that rout just to give him those traits.

I want a four legged Motaro, if they say they can't do it they clearly just have no desire too. There is hardly anything they can't do this day and age, I don't want to hear it's to hard to program him into this game. And change his face up, make him look scary, the last time he looked scary was MK3, the hell is up with that? Make him a more lean muscular, not some football playing looking centaur.

As for new characters, I wouldn't mind seeing a couple, but I'd really like to tie up this whole timeline that we have been continuing and save the new characters for the next game.

And I want Cyber Sub-Zero just completely erased from existence. That was just horrible.

As for stages, the only one that I actually really liked from MK9 was Shang Tsung's Garden, so I'm hoping they make some all new ones for this game. It doesn't have to be completely over the top at all, sometimes less is WAY more. I'd just like some nice, fitting stages to fight. Like an open plains with tall grass with the option to play it in day time or night time. Night time have more of a dark blue glow to it while day time has a yellow hint. Just something fitting for a fight. Not random rooms and shit. The new teaser trailer is a prime example of an awesome outdoors fighting area, I believe they can make some good indoors ones as well.

DLC is a tough one since I don't know what the roster is like this time around. I know a lot of people would like Tremor in, I wouldn't mind him myself, I'd prefer him as DLC. Any other characters you guys would like to see in as DLC?

I can't stress enough eliminating pointless/forced fights from story mode... that is just a huge sign of laziness/lack of caring. Don't make your characters punching bags and don't just throw them up against whoever just for the sake of a stupid chapter. Like for real.

I don't want to see any joke characters in, and by joke characters I mean Meat and Mokap. They worked as laughs for the games they were in, let's leave it at that.

In a nutshell I want a darker, more serious MK. (I know I used the word dark a lot, but this thread is to hear what all YOU want from this game, this is just what I'd prefer) It definitely has the potential to be a more serious game and I'm hoping that's exactly what it is! Let me know what you guys want and are expecting from Mortal Kombat X!
06/07/2014 09:09 PM (UTC)
At the moment, it is nearly impossible for me to imagine my ideal MKX; I may have to wait until E3 before I come up with a better conclusion.

However, one thing I do want out of MKX is for it to be good. Indeed, it is an odd request, considering that's the goal for any video game, but it is a request I very much desire. I don't want it to be a game that I'll play for a few months and then get tired of. I want its replay value to last a long time.

When it comes to specifics, I guess I can say the only characters I truly want to see in the game are Tanya, Bo' Rai Cho, and Havik. I'm not really excited about seeing anyone else. Those are the three I'm crossing my fingers for. I'm not even worried about Quan Chi, who happens to be my favorite character.

Other than that, I'll leave it up to what I see at E3.
06/07/2014 09:12 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
At the moment, it is nearly impossible for me to imagine my ideal MKX; I may have to wait until E3 before I come up with a better conclusion.

However, one thing I do want out of MKX is for it to be good. Indeed, it is an odd request, considering that's the goal for any video game, but it is a request I very much desire. I don't want it to be a game that I'll play for a few months and then get tired of. I want its replay value to last a long time.

When it comes to specifics, I guess I can say the only characters I truly want to see in the game are Tanya, Bo' Rai Cho, and Havik. I'm not really excited about seeing anyone else. Those are the three I'm crossing my fingers for. I'm not even worried about Quan Chi, who happens to be my favorite character.

Other than that, I'll leave it up to what I see at E3.

It's cool seeing some other Quan Chi lovers as well, he's also one of my favorites.

EDIT: But I was using this thread as a kind of "What would you add, change and/or remove to this game to improve on the last one this time around." Speculation is obviously welcomed as well, I love seeing what everybody is hoping for and what they are expecting, but what would YOU personally like to bring to the table in this game? And that doesn't just mean story wise.
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06/07/2014 09:16 PM (UTC)
I seriously cannot say. The previous installment should have done away with the baggage of the previous games.

I do not think this game will be as intriguing as the previous one - for me at least. Discounting gameplay of course. If it is on par with the previous one, then at least it will be a solid game.
06/07/2014 09:17 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:

It's cool seeing some other Quan Chi lovers as well, he's also one of my favorites.

But I was using this thread as a kind of "What would you do to make this game better this time around." Speculation is obviously welcomed as well, I love seeing what everybody is hoping for and what they are expecting, but what would YOU do different in this game from the last? And that doesn't just mean story wise.

I honestly wouldn't do much.

I find MK9 to be the perfect template for reinventing the series. The only thing I'd really do is update the mechanics slightly for a new game. I'd have all of the fighting styles remain exactly the same, and simply add on to them, with new combos and and couple of new special moves for every character.

According to Boon, MKX is getting a lot of new stuff. It worries me, but at the same time I'm very excited. I honestly don't think MKX needs any new features. However, I have faith in what NRS can bring. MK9 is a very good game. I trust MKX will be, too.
06/07/2014 09:19 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
I seriously cannot say. The previous installment should have done away with the baggage of the previous games.

I do not think this game will be as intriguing as the previous one - for me at least. Discounting gameplay of course. If it is on par with the previous one, then at least it will be a solid game.

I agree, that was definitely the perfect time to do away with all the things that were already wrong. But if this one does turn out to be some type of "multi-verse" I think that gives them one more shot. At the same time though, I don't like these "re-writing the game over again" type scenarios if you know what I mean.
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Save a life; Kill a necromorph

06/07/2014 09:20 PM (UTC)
Both of the Sub Zero brothers with different yet similar play style.

Noob Saibot, similar to MKConquest but more involved than that one epsiode. And a Wild Card. And Explaining why when Bi Han became Noob Saibot he didn't have his original look or Abilities. Independant from Bi Han.

Shujinko: This time made aware of Onaga's lies and working with Rayden and new abilities as well.

Scorpion: Still the Rival to Bi Han and returning and working for Rayden. And learning the Truth of Quan Chi by Rayden and Bi Han fully. A Fully Nerd Rage by Scorpion.

06/07/2014 09:22 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:

It's cool seeing some other Quan Chi lovers as well, he's also one of my favorites.

But I was using this thread as a kind of "What would you do to make this game better this time around." Speculation is obviously welcomed as well, I love seeing what everybody is hoping for and what they are expecting, but what would YOU do different in this game from the last? And that doesn't just mean story wise.

I honestly wouldn't do much.

I find MK9 to be the perfect template for reinventing the series. The only thing I'd really do is update the mechanics slightly for a new game. I'd have all of the fighting styles remain exactly the same, and simply add on to them, with new combos and and couple of new special moves for every character.

According to Boon, MKX is getting a lot of new stuff. It worries me, but at the same time I'm very excited. I honestly don't think MKX needs any new features. However, I have faith in what NRS can bring. MK9 is a very good game. I trust MKX will be, too.

It would be a surprisingly pleasant twist to me if they continued directly after MK9 and kept most of the dead characters dead this time around. Would definitely be a different approach then what Midway/NRS is used to doing.
About Me

06/07/2014 09:24 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
I seriously cannot say. The previous installment should have done away with the baggage of the previous games.

I do not think this game will be as intriguing as the previous one - for me at least. Discounting gameplay of course. If it is on par with the previous one, then at least it will be a solid game.

I agree, that was definitely the perfect time to do away with all the things that were already wrong. But if this one does turn out to be some type of "multi-verse" I think that gives them one more shot. At the same time though, I don't like these "re-writing the game over again" type scenarios if you know what I mean.

I do not settle for second-rate solutions. The franchise should have been reworked from the very basic concepts.
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