01/20/2010 01:15 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
As for your ideas man, I have to say... I REALLY like where you're goin with alot of these!!

RE: Playing your own music during the game: I think that I'd like that in some regards. I really like MK's moody, ambient music during matches, so I'd probably stick with that, but still, I think it's a great option and I'd like to see it in there as well.

RE: Six Axis use: I'd be cool with seeing motion controls during minigames to kind of test the waters. Say you have test your might and you have to shake the crap out of the controller until the bar gets above the line. That, I'd be cool with. For the actual gameplay though? It's possible. Didn't they do that with the Wii?

RE: Image capture: Yes, yes yes and yes. That's a perfect idea and I'd LOVE to see that in MK! I'd love to be able to make a character select screen out of images captured from my created characters. But that's just me. All of what you said in this regard whether it be posting pics etc makes perfect sense. Love that idea!

RE: Brightness: I agree, there are some times in MK, especially in Deception and Armageddon where it's really hard to see what's going on.

RE: 3D... I'd be curious, but right now I could probably take it or leave it. Maybe it's because I haven't seen Avatar yet...

As for my own ideas, I'd want to start off with this:

Have a REAL tournament. You know that funny video where Johnny Cage talks about having to face everyone in the tournament and how Sonya gets a 6 round bye etc? Do this:

Make a roster of...say, 28 legit characters. Maybe you have 20 to start with on the select screen, 6 unlockable and 2 super unlockable... However you want to do it. But that's your main, character select screen roster. The one the MK intends for you to use. They have the stories, the endings, you get the idea.

Then you have 100 characters that are creations by the MK team using the create a character mode. Now for this to work, this mode has to be VASTLY improved.

But these characters will have names and even cards that you can unlock. Maybe they won't be super fancy like the Armageddon cards, maybe they just have a name on the front, but they'll still have Name, age, fighting style, weapon (if that applies), origin, and story leading up to the tournament.

Then, let's say you beat that character enough times in story mode or arcade etc, you unlock their outfit and special moves so that you can use them in create a character.

Maybe you even get that character's ending if you create them in the create a character mode and beat the game with them? I'd assume it would be a written ending, but hey, it's better than nothing, right?

So why 128 characters specifically? Well, You start with 128 fighters competing in a match. That's 64 matches. 64 survivors that compete in 32 matches. 32 survivors compete in 16 matches and so on. That's 7 matches by my count that you'd have to win in order to be champion in story/arcade mode.

But yeah, you could have a real tournament! You could show the brackets, you could have the names, country/origin and their fighting style all listed on scrolls or pieces of bamboo or something, but you show the bracket either way.


My other idea is to have MK be set on an Island. I know, that's been done before, but in this island, you have every background that you fight in, and you also have a city.

This city of course would be run down, dilapidated, dark and ominous, but here you woul go around and search for things like money, hidden items, hidden pieces of clothing etc.

You could also talk to NPCs, learn more about the tournament, learn more about the characters, learn rumors about shady dealings or people's suspicions of other characters etc.

Also, you would be able to go in to stores and buy things. Of course, there would be a quick menu or map with stuff marked on it so you could jump to places, but this would more or less be your all purpose hub for everything.

You can go to the dojo for survival mode, or go to the old cinema to view endings etc. In other words, you'd have a title screen, a character select screen and while you'd have the options to quick jump in to arcade, story survival etc, they'd all be in this city as well.

Anyways, I'll come back with more ideas later. Let me know what you think!

first of all...its all good and I knew you were not being a jerk lol. also,i kinda feel the same way about the gimmicks to some point. as for the reboot idea...well perhaps i stated it to be out of the category because that is something i disagree with but if if i had to put up with it i would i guess.

now...your first idea i would change a little bit...it would be a bit much to have that many characters with set bios and all as you stated but if they were randomly generated from the create a character engine in the game it might work better.i say this because then the characters are disposable.it would give more of a sense of fighting in a tournament against people that are not known.it would definatly enhance replayability. clearly it would not make the next installment with that much work but the idea can be touched on and worked with a lot.it has tons of potential but the number of set characters is staggering. i can see there being that many created character slots but even that is a whole lot. it can be worked out to work though.it would take sacrificing of some things but that comes with taking such risks.like for example using cell shaded graphics or the use of less polygons in the models...the list goes on.

your island idea i am not really crazy about but the way you put it i would rather it be almost like an interactive menu to the game itself.something like that has never been done...basically the menu itself is a game or practice mode/tutorial that leads into the game and its options. that would be kinda sweet if you think about it. i would not implement fighting actual matches in such an idea but practice mode could be there in some form. i like your ideas but they need less depth...the only way i could see npc interactions working is for learning curve and tutorial. the other stuff you had in mind would make it more like a konquest type mode. it might be able to have some story influences but it would not be a core system to play on. i like the idea though.
Historical Favorite
01/20/2010 08:24 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like people want:
2) A story reboot: When Ed first talked about the idea of scrapping everything and starting over, I think that MK fans were most excited about the idea of a new story. Most would agree that the loose ends, plot holes etc in the story have grown to the point where a new story would probably do the series more good than any more attempts at continuing the current chapter.

Ugh. I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again, but a reboot at this time would be so pointless. There's still way too many plotlines left unresolved.

3) More creative control: Now, some fans don't want a ton of creative stuff. They just want to fight. But alot of people want to see an expansion of the create a character mode. They want the ability to personalize their own characters from the color of fireballs to looks and sounds etc. They also want to add to the game's existing characters ala VF5 and Tekken 6.

Anyone who says they don't want this is lying.

4) A darker/ more sinister tone: People want MK to be more foreboding, more sinister, shadowy etc. They want it to have that aura of mystery that the first few MK games, and perhaps to a lesser extent MK:DA and MK:D had.

No thank you. Granted, I look at the series differently than most (I see it as campy 70s inspired kung-fu nonsense). But I'm not thirteen anymore. Dark doesn't always equal cool to me.

5) The Shock Factor: This has obviously come up a lot in recent postings, but the idea has been around for years. Many MK fans take pride in the fact that MK was the first game to really "shock the nation" with its' violence. I think alot of MK fans would like to see MK reclaim that crown. Cinematic fatalities, realistic but brutal violence etc would be a good place to start.

I agree, but add that shock factor would be extremely difficult to cultivate in today's gaming world. Were at a point now where the target audience is far older and less prone to surprise.

People don't seem to want:

1) Humor: It's amazing how we always get some form of humor in the games and practically no one likes it. I think with humor, it's not something that you need to see 10,000 times over. Yet that's what happens in a video game. I'd be fine with some sort of gag reel as a joke, but no more joke characters, joke moves, joke fatalities etc.

I'm down with any humor we can get our hands on. Punching and laughter: two great tastes that taste great together.

3) Picture endings: This tends to frustrate people a lot as well. If MK4 can do cinematic endings, then why stick with the picture endings? Most fighting games have done cinematic endings since the mid to late 90's. Now, MK vs DC had a lot of cinematic storytelling, so maybe that means the next game will as well?

Yeah, picture endings suck. I hate finding what happens to someone while looking at gorgeous art.

4) Fighting gimmicks: For me, these little gimmicks are more of something that I just put up with more than anything else. Aggressor meter? Sure, okay. Free fall kombat? Whatever. Throwing rocks at each other? I guess. Death traps? Not a huge fan of ending the round so early but I guess if they're there... Let the fighting speak for itself. I don't need minigames or things that look completely out of place creeping in to a fight.

I would agree if MK were a more technical fighter. But as it is, gimmicks are fine. Truth be told, I kind of miss MK4's rock throwing.

5) Rubbery grahpics: This has been a problem ever since MK:DA came out, but what is WRONG with the graphics in this series? Every other fighting game outside of SF4 is going for realism, and we seem to get these shiny, plastic looking action figure characters. Going with the desire for a darker feel and tone, could we get characters that look realistic? Maybe a little gritty or ominous looking?

I can't argue here at all. The character models look even worse when placed in the mostly excellent arena designs.

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01/20/2010 04:11 PM (UTC)
Lycani said: "now...your first idea i would change a little bit...it would be a bit much to have that many characters with set bios and all as you stated but if they were randomly generated from the create a character engine in the game it might work better.i say this because then the characters are disposable.it would give more of a sense of fighting in a tournament against people that are not known.it would definatly enhance replayability. clearly it would not make the next installment with that much work but the idea can be touched on and worked with a lot.it has tons of potential but the number of set characters is staggering. i can see there being that many created character slots but even that is a whole lot. it can be worked out to work though.it would take sacrificing of some things but that comes with taking such risks.like for example using cell shaded graphics or the use of less polygons in the models...the list goes on."

Actually, this is more of what I was trying to get it in my first post. They would be characters that they use the create a character mode to make, from the looks to the moves. Nothing extra is put in to the game that wasn't there to begin with. Granted, you'd still have to unlock their moves, clothing items etc, but that's all part of a good create a character mode anyways.

As for the bios, I'm talking REALLY low budget here. Very minimal memory usage. I mean, think of the Armageddon bio cards, okay? Then take the picture of the character off. You're left basically with a name, vital stats and a small story. It's the same card for all characters on with different info put in. That can't be too taxing on the memory, can it?

I just think it's a good idea because it gives the illusion that these are real characters competing in the tournament, even if, as I said before, they're basically just a way to fill out the tournament bracket and a way to unlock create parts. The real characters would be on the select screen.

Lycani said "your island idea i am not really crazy about but the way you put it i would rather it be almost like an interactive menu to the game itself.something like that has never been done...basically the menu itself is a game or practice mode/tutorial that leads into the game and its options. that would be kinda sweet if you think about it. i would not implement fighting actual matches in such an idea but practice mode could be there in some form. i like your ideas but they need less depth...the only way i could see npc interactions working is for learning curve and tutorial. the other stuff you had in mind would make it more like a konquest type mode. it might be able to have some story influences but it would not be a core system to play on. i like the idea though."

LESS DEPTH!?!? lol. I'm joking. I'm always a fan of more depth in MK, whether it's the overall story, the series mythos, the characters individual stories, the move lists etc.

But actually you're VERY close to what my original intention was for this island. It's sort of like the hub for everything. In a very real sense, it IS an interactive menu as you describe it.

Sure, you could cut to the map overlay and jump straight in to survival mode instead of running through the streets to get to the dojo.

But yeah, as you said, there wouldn't be any actual fighting of matches in this. I mean sure, you pick a character and you can opt to play through their story mode by going to the different designated match locations for your next match.

You know, the first match is against Tanya in the pit, then you leave there after winning and you can continue the story mode by going to the living forest to fight kano (this would of course be indicated on the map) or you can go to the practice dojo and work on your moves, or the survival mode dojo and do that or go buy stuff at the shops etc.

I just like this because I think that it would offer a little more freedom then locking yourself in to a mode once you've selected it. I like the way you put it... An interactive menu. That's essentially what it is.

As for the NPCs, again, I only really wanted them to be in there to help flesh out the story. In no way was I trying to indicate that this should be ANYTHING like konquest mode. I'm honestly not a fan of konquest mode at all.

I mean sure, I have no problem with the idea of burying tons of secrets in the island. I don't see the harm in the idea of having your character explore the island to find it's deep, dark secrets. You could have a ton of stuff be unlocked through this exploration.

But again, I don't mean for this to be fetch quests and "be at this location at 12:26am to find X." I honestly hated that garbage and thought that stuff absolutely killed the fun factor in MK:D's konquest mode.

So yeah, I actually don't think that my original vision for either of these ideas and your view of the ideas is really that far off at all. Thanks for the feedback man!
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01/20/2010 06:38 PM (UTC)
"Ugh. I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again, but a reboot at this time would be so pointless. There's still way too many plotlines left unresolved."

I don't know if I agree with this. I mean yeah, this character might have killed that character and what not, but alot of these plotlines could be resolved by having a vast amount of them die in Armageddon.

I kinda thought that was the point of MKA's plot to begin with. To have a character that would kill the other characters for the most part. Again, that's just my interpretation. I don't have any facts to back that up.

I said: "4) A darker/ more sinister tone: People want MK to be more foreboding, more sinister, shadowy etc. They want it to have that aura of mystery that the first few MK games, and perhaps to a lesser extent MK:DA and MK:D had."

Optimus said: "No thank you. Granted, I look at the series differently than most (I see it as campy 70s inspired kung-fu nonsense). But I'm not thirteen anymore. Dark doesn't always equal cool to me."

No, I don't think that "dark" equals cool. Maybe I didn't explain it correctly. I just mean a more mysterious and and ominous type of tone. I certainly don't mean gothic with big black castles and meat grinders and stuff like that.

I also see MK as having the 70's kung fu inspiration. Obviously, Enter the Dragon is a huge part of that. An island tournament with a Bruce Lee character (Liu Kang), a big white guy (Kano), a movie star (Cage), a smothe talkin brutha (Jax, who was supposed to be in the first game before he was changed to Sonya).

The similarities don't end there, of course. But I thought that there were parts of that movie that had a sort of dark and mysterious tone to them. People sneaking around in the middle of the night, what's going on underneath the surface of the island etc.

So yeah, I'm not a huge fan of campy when it comes to MK, but I think that we're at least half way on the same page here.

I said: "5) The Shock Factor: This has obviously come up a lot in recent postings, but the idea has been around for years. Many MK fans take pride in the fact that MK was the first game to really "shock the nation" with its' violence. I think alot of MK fans would like to see MK reclaim that crown. Cinematic fatalities, realistic but brutal violence etc would be a good place to start."

Optimus said: "I agree, but add that shock factor would be extremely difficult to cultivate in today's gaming world. Were at a point now where the target audience is far older and less prone to surprise."

I agree with you 110% on this. As much as I think people want MK to be more gory and more shocking, is there anything left to surprise people with when it comes to an M rating? That's of course assuming that WB gives the MK team the go ahead to go beyond a T rating.

I said: "1) Humor: It's amazing how we always get some form of humor in the games and practically no one likes it. I think with humor, it's not something that you need to see 10,000 times over. Yet that's what happens in a video game. I'd be fine with some sort of gag reel as a joke, but no more joke characters, joke moves, joke fatalities etc."

Optimus said: "I'm down with any humor we can get our hands on. Punching and laughter: two great tastes that taste great together."

Yeah, you and I disagree here. I'd be cool with something like a gag reel that can be unlocked where you have these sort of Red vs Blue type humor moments and what not. Maybe even a whole series of them. Nothing too high quality.

But as for the fighting, the story, the fatalities etc... I don't want to see the jokes anymore. Mainly because alot of that stuff, while funny at first, gets realy old and annoying after about 5 viewings. To me, that's just the nature of video games.

I said: "3) Picture endings: This tends to frustrate people a lot as well. If MK4 can do cinematic endings, then why stick with the picture endings? Most fighting games have done cinematic endings since the mid to late 90's. Now, MK vs DC had a lot of cinematic storytelling, so maybe that means the next game will as well?"

"Yeah, picture endings suck. I hate finding what happens to someone while looking at gorgeous art."

I was more stating that this seems to be a common complaint among MK fans. I don't have a problem with the pictures themselves, but for character endings? I'd personally rather see a cool cut scene.

I definitely think that pictures like the ones they create for the endings have their place as perhaps unlockable concept art or something along those lines, but it's 2010, I think the endings could be a little more sophisticated than that. This series graphics absolutely floored me back in the early 90's. I know it's asking a bit much, but I'd love to see them floor me again with endings that look so realistic they'd put Avatar etc to shame.

No, I'm not holding my breath.

I said "4) Fighting gimmicks: For me, these little gimmicks are more of something that I just put up with more than anything else. Aggressor meter? Sure, okay. Free fall kombat? Whatever. Throwing rocks at each other? I guess. Death traps? Not a huge fan of ending the round so early but I guess if they're there... Let the fighting speak for itself. I don't need minigames or things that look completely out of place creeping in to a fight."

Optimus said: "I would agree if MK were a more technical fighter. But as it is, gimmicks are fine. Truth be told, I kind of miss MK4's rock throwing."

I'd love for MK to be a more technical fighter. No, not like Virtua Fighter, but to have move lists with real depth and to have characters that have their own unique fighting styles in more than name only. I want to be in a place where the gimmicks aren't needed because the fighting itself stands out.

Others have said it, but I'll say it again... The gimmick for the next MK should be great gameplay. Period.
Historical Favorite
01/20/2010 09:12 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
"Ugh. I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again, but a reboot at this time would be so pointless. There's still way too many plotlines left unresolved."

I don't know if I agree with this. I mean yeah, this character might have killed that character and what not, but alot of these plotlines could be resolved by having a vast amount of them die in Armageddon.

I completely disagree here. Most of MK's feuds are overwhelmingly personal (Sonya / Kano, Quan / Scorp, Sub / Noob, Liu / Shang, Kitana / Mileena, etc). Saying "Blaze blew everyone up." would be a let down of the highest order. Plus, remember that Deception introduced two entirely new worlds to explore and develop.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to a reboot. But I want to see the current series get a proper send off. Which Armageddon certainly wasn't.
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01/20/2010 10:57 PM (UTC)
No, I agree that Armageddon wasn't the proper send off, I just think that it's a means to an end. I think that the MK team can do a better job of explaining how feuds were ended in the opening cinematic of the next game, but alot of those feuds have been going on for a long time to the point where it's not exactly a high watermark in storytelling.

How could you end them without one or both of the people dying anyways? I mean, do we really need to know that Sonya captured Kano and some court put him in jail for a long long time? Or that Kano killed Sonya? I mean, how much more do these ideas really need to be fleshed out beyond that?

I mean, I agree that SOMETHING should certainly be said beyond "they all died." But for many of these characters and many of these ongoing feuds, there probably won't be a ridiculous amount of story needed to go along with how their story ends.
01/25/2010 11:06 PM (UTC)
Kaf-you could take special moves from characters in the game and punches, kicks. create your own costume and face. so you could create your own personal "seth" or"shujinko". you could have endless of combinations of fighters.

Cyborgs and Reptile-the cyborgs need to have a new design. more sleek and shiny, its 2010. or maybe the lin kuei(spelled wrong?) could make the cyborgs look like humans so they could be a greater threat and more deceptive. then you could see the real robot if their face gets torn off like terminator.Reptile new design should be similar to the one in shaolin monks, only way COOLER. his stance should be like a ninja and he should be trying to hide the fact that hes not human. and acid dripping, sharp finger nails or his tongue should be little hints that hes really not human.

Unconsious or knocked out animation-when you beat a fighter the unconcious animation should different and more realistic. i mean how are you going get back up after being knocked out???? if you knock a fighter down and his life is gone, he should struggle to get back up on his hands and knees. if you beat a opponent but your hit does not knock them down, they should stagger in circles before falling down holding their ribs.
01/26/2010 02:04 PM (UTC)
There should be interactive fatalies where you press buttons at precise times to complete the fatality. animation should be original for all fighters.

Similar to a hari kari, the loser should be able to input a button combination and try to run away from the opponet. this is for pure comedy like friendships and babatility. also similar to the hari kari idea, the loser puts in a button combonation and the loser trys to fight for his life. this will take place in a pre set fighting sequence. you will have two chances to input buttons. whoever inputs buttons at a more preciser time will win in the fighting sequence animation. if one player wins and the the other player wins you will have a third round. if you get 3 draws you have to fight again in the game. this fighting sequence(it is a pre set animation, diff for each fighter) will only last about 15-20 seconds and if you ever played soul calibur 3, this is idea kinda similar to their ending movies.

In the fatalities you could use the SIX AXIS MOTION controller. you could shake the opponent(shake controller) ,throw them( left to right wave motion) or pull off people heads(lift controller slowly, fake struggle like your picking up somthing heavy) using six axis motion controller.

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