Your best idea for the next MK
posted01/26/2010 02:04 PM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
So how about it? What's your A+ material? What's the best idea you've ever had in regards to MK? If you could add one big idea to the next MK game, what would it be?

Scrap the entire roster?

4 player kombat at the same time?

Hyper realistic fatalities?

A 2D MK game with 3D graphics ala Street Fighter 4?

A new cross over?

A new way to push the M rating?

A new idea that no one's heard before?

More dramatic plotlines with definitive endings for characters?

A new type of fighting mode?

A new type of online mode?

A new type of konquest mode?

A dramatic change for a particular character/plotline?

Something that no one's thought of before?

C'mon! Bring it on! Pretend the MK team actually checks this site. You know that they're going to come out with some mode or some idea that seems like it's completely out of left field. There will be some idea that they'll try that's completely new and unique. Either try and guess that mode or throw your best idea out there.
01/13/2010 05:26 PM (UTC)
Definitely MY FATALITY IDEAS that I talk about in these forums. It's very controversial but I believe it'd make more fans because my ideas are disturbingly gory. grin
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One more ounce will make me feel so great.... wait... now i cant feel my face.

01/13/2010 05:26 PM (UTC)
a tournament mode, and a tag team mode w/ up to like 5 characters per team. but, i mean, any good idea can be ruined by crappy gameplay and graphics. and i think mk needs an upgrade on both.
01/14/2010 03:17 AM (UTC)
Rastabortionist Wrote:
a tournament mode, and a tag team mode w/ up to like 5 characters per team. but, i mean, any good idea can be ruined by crappy gameplay and graphics. and i think mk needs an upgrade on both.

ive had similar ideas about such team death matches in a small sandbox format similar to shoalin monks but my idea was to have 2 vs 2 to 8 vs 8. as for what you say about gameplay that is true...especially when it comes to online play. alot of fighting games have the dreaded lag of death that a lot of people have issues getting use to.

i do think that this thread as many others are pointless because most ideas people put out are already stated by others in ThePredator151's sticky. i suggest have a good read through that and just make remarks or quote specific posts in there.
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01/14/2010 04:00 PM (UTC)
I wasn't intentionally trying to break the rules or anything. I've honestly never even looked at that thread before. I don't mean to offend Pred, as he's easily in my top 5 favorite people on this board, but posting all of your ideas for the next MK game in one thread?

Again, I don't mean to offend anyone, but we're still in the downside of the development cycle for the next MK game. I can't remember the last time I've seen more than 10 people on this site. Topics get posted and they stay on the first page for WEEKS, not days.

That's not a knock against MK or this site by any means. I love both obviously. I know that the numbers will spike once we start getting concrete info and pictures and stories about the next game start rolling out. That's how it's been since this was

But for now, in the slow time, what does it really hurt to have a topic like this? I was asking people... What's your BEST idea for the next MK game? I don't think's 100% the same as just posting future game ideas. I agree that they're similar but...

Doesn't that thread kind of defeat, I dunno, 90% of the reason for having a Future MK Games Discussion Forum? Again, I don't want to offend Predator, as I think he's easily one of the best posters on this site, but theoretically, every thread about which character should be in and which one shouldn't, every thread about new ideas for fatalities, names for the next MK, unlocking secret characters...

A very large amount of this stuff (I counted 12 of the most recent 14 threads posted before I stopped counting) could EASILY go under the heading "The Future Game Ideas Thread."

I was simply asking people... What's your best idea for the next MK game? Sure, that could also easily fall under the Future Game Ideas Thread, but like I said, isn't 90% of what's talked about in these threads our ideas for the next MK game?

What's the harm in that? I just wanted to see people bring their creative A game and come up with their best thought on the next game.

Still though, Predator, if you want to move this in to your thread, I have no problem with that whatsoever. Your call man!
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One more ounce will make me feel so great.... wait... now i cant feel my face.

01/14/2010 07:37 PM (UTC)
i posted my idea in the sticky.
01/14/2010 11:20 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
i do think that this thread as many others are pointless because most ideas people put out are already stated by others in ThePredator151's sticky. i suggest have a good read through that and just make remarks or quote specific posts in there.

So people make threads about similar things despite the fact that there's a sticky thread, so what... The threads aren't getting shut down are they? No, so I don't see the point with this statement if none of these threads are getting closed.

But, moving on to the subject matter:

Personally, the one big idea for this game... I just want a brand new story. The team can do so much with what they had, but unfortunately, they didn't go in that direction. Instead, they tried to make the tournament story go to a big waste, then it was the whole Shinnok and the Amulet story, then the Deadly Alliance, then Onaga, then Blaze and the fate of the combatants... Basically, increase the evilness of the bad guy(s) per game.

No, that's getting old. To make things interesting, and I know I've been repeating this way too much now, but I would like to see certain things be changed... If this was a reboot game, let's make it to where Liu Kang did not win the tournament. The Elder Sub-Zero brother did not die, and other "What if's," happen. This would be a very interesting twist to the entire game if it were a reboot.

If it's not a reboot, then let's restart the tournament... And since Sub-Zero and Scorpion were mentioned that they are returning, let's see them be involved as major characters rather than sub-characters. (I know they're not THE main characters because the story did not revolve around them.)

So, I lay my case to rest with that idea.
01/14/2010 11:34 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I wasn't intentionally trying to break the rules or anything. I've honestly never even looked at that thread before. I don't mean to offend Pred, as he's easily in my top 5 favorite people on this board, but posting all of your ideas for the next MK game in one thread?

Again, I don't mean to offend anyone, but we're still in the downside of the development cycle for the next MK game. I can't remember the last time I've seen more than 10 people on this site. Topics get posted and they stay on the first page for WEEKS, not days.

That's not a knock against MK or this site by any means. I love both obviously. I know that the numbers will spike once we start getting concrete info and pictures and stories about the next game start rolling out. That's how it's been since this was

But for now, in the slow time, what does it really hurt to have a topic like this? I was asking people... What's your BEST idea for the next MK game? I don't think's 100% the same as just posting future game ideas. I agree that they're similar but...

Doesn't that thread kind of defeat, I dunno, 90% of the reason for having a Future MK Games Discussion Forum? Again, I don't want to offend Predator, as I think he's easily one of the best posters on this site, but theoretically, every thread about which character should be in and which one shouldn't, every thread about new ideas for fatalities, names for the next MK, unlocking secret characters...

A very large amount of this stuff (I counted 12 of the most recent 14 threads posted before I stopped counting) could EASILY go under the heading "The Future Game Ideas Thread."

I was simply asking people... What's your best idea for the next MK game? Sure, that could also easily fall under the Future Game Ideas Thread, but like I said, isn't 90% of what's talked about in these threads our ideas for the next MK game?

What's the harm in that? I just wanted to see people bring their creative A game and come up with their best thought on the next game.

Still though, Predator, if you want to move this in to your thread, I have no problem with that whatsoever. Your call man!

you have a number of valid points and i would have to agree i guess...even i have made threads that could have been placed in there as well so i guess i should not be one to talk...kinda put my foot in my mouth a bit. the only reason i did mention the sticky is so i don't have to repeat what i typed in that thread. i like the fact my ideas get seen but i don't want to keep saying the same stuff over an over just so i can get newer views from others. that would be like being that annoying drunk that gets up in your face repeating everything

EDIT: i guess the thing to do in my case is to just post my thread addys or links in here or the is one thread i would like to see revived that i made...
01/15/2010 03:07 AM (UTC)
If I had to only pick my best then I would say the ability to gain individual items for characters, and you could put them on so everbody's Scorpion or whoever would look different online, and it would add replay value.
About Me

One more ounce will make me feel so great.... wait... now i cant feel my face.

01/15/2010 04:17 AM (UTC)
this is my post in the future game ideas sticky:

i had an idea a long time ago (which wasn't very well received, but just give it some thought) about a whole new style of mk. make a mortal kombat war game. take star wars battlefront 2. now imagine a fight on geonosis, but instead of clones and droids, you have lin kuei and shirai ryu. or edenians and tarkatans, or special forces and tekunin, shokan and centaurs. i know it sounds weird, but i think it would be really cool if made right. unlockable heros, special moves according to what race or clan you are playing as, etc. it is basically the result of a drunken shaolin monks/battlefront 2 fuckfest in cancun.

i think they should quit trying to expand the stories of individual characters and start expanding the stories of races, clans, and realms. the thought of going around as a zaterran (or saurian, whatever the reptile ppl are called lol) w/ a team of fellow zaterrans into a dark building complex knowing that you and your entire team are in for a big battle against the brotherhood of shadow.

imagine, instead of being shang tsung or baraka or even shao kahn, being a foot soldier in shao kahns army, and if you do well enough in the fight against the shaolin monks in the wasteland of earthrealm, you can unlock the ability to play as an outworld hero, such as shang or reiko. imagine being able to unlock the ability to play as a centaurian during the fight. but only like 5 would be allowed on the battlefield at a given time.

they could make a versus mode in the same style as shaolin monks and a classic mk minigame, preferably the n64 version of trilogy

i know, this is basically battlefront 2 w/ mk characters, but it can be so much more than that. i just think that the swbf2 formula is really good and could translate over to mk.

i have a whole list of specific abilities, tools, weapons, and heros that each race or clan could have. if anyone wants to know, just let me know and let me know what you think of my idea and if you have anything to add.

01/15/2010 05:06 AM (UTC)
How about quality over quantity?

No more irrelevant mini-games, multiple fighting styles, or excessive characters.

Just stick to the core.

Also no more jokes or campy cartoon dung. Lets get dark, serious, and realistic this time.
01/15/2010 06:42 AM (UTC)
I am currently doing some writing up of a story base for a fighting game with cloned MK mechanics but the game has no actual core characters. The game itself is based on a tournament but the player creates the character from top to bottom...appearance(aswell as weight & height),moves,sound effects & voice,special move colors,blood colors,finishers,victory pose and short story with small ending bio.
basically take MK:A and remove all the characters,remove konquest,remove motor kombat and change the create a fatality back to the original cinematic versions of finishers and you would have my idea. the only thing is the create a character would be extremely added too and overhauled to the point people will be able to make any character race imaginable. you could make a cyclops with horns and 4 arms along with a cybornetic lowerhalf for example...or even make a descent scaled sized dragon. this would have tons of replayability and also it could expand big time. to me...this idea i have held in my head for ages could be enormous if done right. seeings how most don't read the sticky anymore i posted this here. i would like to get others game team is currently overseas and scattered in different places in the army and some in school still but if its liked we may actually follow through on it.
any devs out there better IM me because the story and stuff i do have it in writing and sealed for patent. if it gets dropped i will release all info about it later in time.
01/16/2010 04:50 AM (UTC)
1. REAL ACTORS : Scan in real actors to skin over 3D models to give it the digitalized look of the original, and drop the plastic action figure look.

2. KLASSIC KOMBAT : Add a separate mode where all character are stripped of their fighting styles, giving them the Original HP,LP,HK,LK Sweep, Roundhouse, Uppercut moveset and their special moves. In this mode you strictly fight on a 2D plain, with the camera pulled slightly back. Basically an MK II mode with the cast of MK9.

3. PROPER KREATE A KOMBATANT : Simply follow Soul Calibur's create a mode with some additional original movesets to select , not part of the regular cast. Also allow for re-skinning and coloring of projectiles and effects , I.E. Turn ice blast green, or Fire Blue. This allows for unique characters with out throwing off the gameplay's balance the way Armageddon's mode did. Also allow for multiple characters ( SCIV had 50 slots) so that you can download other users characters making a nearly endless roster. Allow for sharing and rating, call it Little Big Kombat !?

4. ENHANCE PRESENTATION : MK Fans love the story more than anything, so give us fully animated cgi ( Or even Live Action ) Bio's, Story Mode and Endings as well as the ability to create bio's and endings for created characters to share, giving players a reason to use other users characters through Arcade mode.

5. USE GAME UPDATES TO ADD SECRETS !! : Remember "Look to La Luna?" Arcade games used to get small upgrades adding in gameplay tweaks and secrets as well. Ship the game with some hidden characters lurking in the background, then over time throw in small updates ( no one usually knows what are in these updates anyway ) that allow you to unlock these add new hints, characters , stage fatalities ect. This increases replay value by always trying to find the secrets after these updates.

6. ADD PLAYSTATION HOME SUPPORT : Imagine a Mortal Kombat home where players can meet up to play matches, tournaments and even a virtual Arcade with Test your might, and even players who own MK II could play each other in a virtual aracde.

7. REBOOT CHARACTERS : We all love classic characters, but even Marvel updated their characters with the Ultimate line. We all love the original characters, but if your going to bring them back, tweak them / modernize them / mess with their story's a bit. Make it fresh.

8. LOADS OF GORE : Bring back serious violence in the same vane as Manhunt. Cut back on the campyness and make it scary again. Every character needs multiple fatalities as well as multiple stage fatalities. You should be able to play through the entire Arcade mode with out ever using the same fatality.

9. DLC : Keep supporting the game. Mortal Kombat goes in 2 year cycles so keep us engaged until the next release. Add characters, Stages and costumes .... BUT DON"T DO IT ON DAY ONE. DLC doesn't make sense if its included the day of the games release. Let us unlock everything and then give us something new.

01/16/2010 07:25 AM (UTC)
Honestly, I just dig the idea of MK going the same route Street Fighter did. 3D graphics on a 2D plane. Mortal Kombat was at its best during this time, and we're at a good point for a reboot. I wouldn't so much like to go back to the characters behaving similarly, save for special moves. But I would like to get rid of the 3D plane entirely. I want a slick, fast, old school Mortal Kombat. Not these clunky 3D shells.
About Me
01/16/2010 02:15 PM (UTC)
I want 2v2 2v1 3v1 fighting mod on the same screen.All people beat up at the same time no tag team.
01/16/2010 08:48 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
I want 2v2 2v1 3v1 fighting mod on the same screen.All people beat up at the same time no tag team.

Me too.
01/16/2010 08:50 PM (UTC)
LucaTurilli Wrote:
Honestly, I just dig the idea of MK going the same route Street Fighter did. 3D graphics on a 2D plane. Mortal Kombat was at its best during this time, and we're at a good point for a reboot. I wouldn't so much like to go back to the characters behaving similarly, save for special moves. But I would like to get rid of the 3D plane entirely. I want a slick, fast, old school Mortal Kombat. Not these clunky 3D shells.

My thoughts exactly. That's the first thing they need to do before they add any other gameplay mechanics, and I have really high hopes that it will be in 2D, and I know I'm probably going to be really dissapointed.
01/18/2010 01:42 AM (UTC)
here's a new idea - good gameplay
Historical Favorite
01/18/2010 02:31 AM (UTC)
RayGuz Wrote:
here's a new idea - good gameplay

That's not new, Street Fighter's had it for years. tongue
01/18/2010 04:14 AM (UTC)
2D fighting with actual depth and strategy
01/19/2010 04:01 AM (UTC)
i say bring in a brand new cast with brand new arena's and have the story take place 20 years after the incident of mka at the top of the pyramid argus.

have modes as tournament, 2vs2, create a fighter.

bring the dark grim feel back to mk and make the characters and the blood lifelike as like a cgi movie.

no humor, no dumb taunts, just over the top violence and gameplay.

have new clans, races, and gods to overthrow the past characters and such.

bring back hari karis and stage fatalitys.

have a replay mode where you can save videos of your matches and be able to send the replays to your friends of families online.
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01/19/2010 02:54 PM (UTC)
You know, it's amazing. Between this site and Kingdom MK, I've been on MK boards for well over a decade now and whenever a new game is in development and people talk about what they want to see, alot of the same ideas that came up then still come up now.

I read through these posts and I see alot of ideas that I've seen for years. That's not a bad thing. But it just seems like so many people want at least a few things, yet the MK team doesn't seem to want to deliver on them. Or at least they haven't in the past.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like people want:

1) More fighting modes: I see things like 2 on 2, 3 on 1, etc getting thrown around, and I think that people for years have been saying that they want more fighting modes like survival, tag etc.

2) A story reboot: When Ed first talked about the idea of scrapping everything and starting over, I think that MK fans were most excited about the idea of a new story. Most would agree that the loose ends, plot holes etc in the story have grown to the point where a new story would probably do the series more good than any more attempts at continuing the current chapter.

3) More creative control: Now, some fans don't want a ton of creative stuff. They just want to fight. But alot of people want to see an expansion of the create a character mode. They want the ability to personalize their own characters from the color of fireballs to looks and sounds etc. They also want to add to the game's existing characters ala VF5 and Tekken 6.

4) A darker/ more sinister tone: People want MK to be more foreboding, more sinister, shadowy etc. They want it to have that aura of mystery that the first few MK games, and perhaps to a lesser extent MK:DA and MK:D had.

5) The Shock Factor: This has obviously come up a lot in recent postings, but the idea has been around for years. Many MK fans take pride in the fact that MK was the first game to really "shock the nation" with its' violence. I think alot of MK fans would like to see MK reclaim that crown. Cinematic fatalities, realistic but brutal violence etc would be a good place to start.

People don't seem to want:

1) Humor: It's amazing how we always get some form of humor in the games and practically no one likes it. I think with humor, it's not something that you need to see 10,000 times over. Yet that's what happens in a video game. I'd be fine with some sort of gag reel as a joke, but no more joke characters, joke moves, joke fatalities etc.

2) Non-fighting modes: It's also amazing to me that the MK team insists on putting these in each game in spite of most fans and reviewers responses ranging from luke-warm to downright negative. Why do I need mario kart in my MK? What's the point?

3) Picture endings: This tends to frustrate people a lot as well. If MK4 can do cinematic endings, then why stick with the picture endings? Most fighting games have done cinematic endings since the mid to late 90's. Now, MK vs DC had a lot of cinematic storytelling, so maybe that means the next game will as well?

4) Fighting gimmicks: For me, these little gimmicks are more of something that I just put up with more than anything else. Aggressor meter? Sure, okay. Free fall kombat? Whatever. Throwing rocks at each other? I guess. Death traps? Not a huge fan of ending the round so early but I guess if they're there... Let the fighting speak for itself. I don't need minigames or things that look completely out of place creeping in to a fight.

5) Rubbery grahpics: This has been a problem ever since MK:DA came out, but what is WRONG with the graphics in this series? Every other fighting game outside of SF4 is going for realism, and we seem to get these shiny, plastic looking action figure characters. Going with the desire for a darker feel and tone, could we get characters that look realistic? Maybe a little gritty or ominous looking?

So yeah, I agree with all of these statements, for better or worse. What else do you think could be a big idea for the future of MK?
01/19/2010 04:49 PM (UTC)
one idea that people have for many games that i would like to be able to use my own music durring play. i am sure it would not work for online but locally i would love the feature.

i am a playstation 3 owner...i would like to see some optional use of the sixasis controls. i don't know what to implement it to but it would be something new i think.

this idea is good but i think its more console minded rather a particular game but in game screen/image capture features would be nice to have. especially if modes like create a character are present. i would like to be able to capture in game action and than send it to my console to be able to view or copy to flash and share on photosharing sites or whatever. this goes for video clips also. technically its been kinda done already in the new WWE game SVR 2010 though but it would be cool.

like most games now days...they have display controls for brightness and stuff...i dont remember if mk vs dc had it but i know i wish it was available in MK:A on the ps2 because its so dark on my widescreen that i can not see anything...i have to use my old little tube tv lol. anyway...more display control would be nice.

i am not big into the idea but it seems 3d is becoming a trend and should probably be optional at least.

i am going for more technical stuff rather than typical things people would voice chat and maybe the new project natal...stuff like that. sometimes the game on its own is great and it just needs a boost from 3rd party accessories. look at music games for instance.

there are not a whole lot of things you can do that would be considered new in the game industry unless it were technical so...amongst everything said for the game this stuff could help too. mentioned the plastic look of the characters. many agree and i do aswell. perhaps the models would not be so bad if they were not so shiny but they also seem to be all alike. many of the characters share the base models and that is a lame short cut and lack of creativity...pure laziness. than again with midway pushing them for release they had no time to put more detail into each character figure. im hoping that will change but we shall see.Also to reflect on your last post...the reboot has not been that big of an idea until the latest games came out so i think that should be excluded from the first list in terms of history of the fan base. The unwanted stuff I agree with most of that too except the gimmicks...sometimes I like them and sometimes I don't but lets face it...MK always has some kind of gimmick or trademark to make it different so i say they should continue but make it optional. other than that you are on the money.

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01/19/2010 09:01 PM (UTC)
Hey Lycani, thanks for you thoughts, and I hope you know that I wasn't, in any way, trying to be a jerk or whatever earlier in the thread.

In response to your thoughts on where I thought alot of people were leaning, I think that the desire for a reboot in terms of the story has become a bit louder among the fan base more recently. I agree that it's VERY recent history (as in right before MK vs DC was announced) but recent history is still history none the less.

Of course, part of that opinion could possibly still be attributed to the initial backlash against MK vs DC. It's honestly hard to tell, but I still see alot of people talking about how they still want it to happen, so who knows.

As for the gimmicks, I think that MK1 and 2 were gimmick free. When I say "gimmicks," I don't mean blood and gore to attract attention. I mean a specific device used in the fighting: The aggressor meter, rock/skull throwing, acid spit, stage fatalities, air combos and the 85 things they shoehorned in to MK vs DC (free fall kombat, close quarters kombat, running through 10,000 walls while we all tap buttons...kombat :o)

Those are the ones that I could do without, because for me at least, they don't add anything to the game. Most people I've talked to and most posts I've read usually have a lukewarm to negative response to these.

Why put in several in game fighting options that most people will say "eh, I could take it or leave it" at the expense of maybe spending more time on gameplay or perhaps more cinemas or maybe a kreate a kharacter mode?

Obviously, that wasn't their train of thought when making MK vs DC, but this is their track record on these game changing gimmicks. They're either decent or bad. Not once have I ever thought "this is so cool, the game is totally better with this feature in the fighting."

Anyways, that's just my 2 cents on those things.
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01/19/2010 09:38 PM (UTC)
As for your ideas man, I have to say... I REALLY like where you're goin with alot of these!!

RE: Playing your own music during the game: I think that I'd like that in some regards. I really like MK's moody, ambient music during matches, so I'd probably stick with that, but still, I think it's a great option and I'd like to see it in there as well.

RE: Six Axis use: I'd be cool with seeing motion controls during minigames to kind of test the waters. Say you have test your might and you have to shake the crap out of the controller until the bar gets above the line. That, I'd be cool with. For the actual gameplay though? It's possible. Didn't they do that with the Wii?

RE: Image capture: Yes, yes yes and yes. That's a perfect idea and I'd LOVE to see that in MK! I'd love to be able to make a character select screen out of images captured from my created characters. But that's just me. All of what you said in this regard whether it be posting pics etc makes perfect sense. Love that idea!

RE: Brightness: I agree, there are some times in MK, especially in Deception and Armageddon where it's really hard to see what's going on.

RE: 3D... I'd be curious, but right now I could probably take it or leave it. Maybe it's because I haven't seen Avatar yet...

As for my own ideas, I'd want to start off with this:

Have a REAL tournament. You know that funny video where Johnny Cage talks about having to face everyone in the tournament and how Sonya gets a 6 round bye etc? Do this:

Make a roster of...say, 28 legit characters. Maybe you have 20 to start with on the select screen, 6 unlockable and 2 super unlockable... However you want to do it. But that's your main, character select screen roster. The one the MK intends for you to use. They have the stories, the endings, you get the idea.

Then you have 100 characters that are creations by the MK team using the create a character mode. Now for this to work, this mode has to be VASTLY improved.

But these characters will have names and even cards that you can unlock. Maybe they won't be super fancy like the Armageddon cards, maybe they just have a name on the front, but they'll still have Name, age, fighting style, weapon (if that applies), origin, and story leading up to the tournament.

Then, let's say you beat that character enough times in story mode or arcade etc, you unlock their outfit and special moves so that you can use them in create a character.

Maybe you even get that character's ending if you create them in the create a character mode and beat the game with them? I'd assume it would be a written ending, but hey, it's better than nothing, right?

So why 128 characters specifically? Well, You start with 128 fighters competing in a match. That's 64 matches. 64 survivors that compete in 32 matches. 32 survivors compete in 16 matches and so on. That's 7 matches by my count that you'd have to win in order to be champion in story/arcade mode.

But yeah, you could have a real tournament! You could show the brackets, you could have the names, country/origin and their fighting style all listed on scrolls or pieces of bamboo or something, but you show the bracket either way.


My other idea is to have MK be set on an Island. I know, that's been done before, but in this island, you have every background that you fight in, and you also have a city.

This city of course would be run down, dilapidated, dark and ominous, but here you woul go around and search for things like money, hidden items, hidden pieces of clothing etc.

You could also talk to NPCs, learn more about the tournament, learn more about the characters, learn rumors about shady dealings or people's suspicions of other characters etc.

Also, you would be able to go in to stores and buy things. Of course, there would be a quick menu or map with stuff marked on it so you could jump to places, but this would more or less be your all purpose hub for everything.

You can go to the dojo for survival mode, or go to the old cinema to view endings etc. In other words, you'd have a title screen, a character select screen and while you'd have the options to quick jump in to arcade, story survival etc, they'd all be in this city as well.

Anyways, I'll come back with more ideas later. Let me know what you think!
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