Yep, I called it.
posted01/16/2015 05:19 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/10/2013 09:57 PM (UTC)
January 14, 2015- The day my interest in MKX died.

I was stoked for MKX back during E3 when they claimed that MKX will be the "New Generation of Mortal Kombat." and didn't Beran say that all the old characters got killed to make room for their torch bearers. I feel like it's all for nothing now, first Kung Lao then Kitana. Why can't they let them die and let them stay dead for a while?

My favorite MK was Deception, that game got me into MK and I've waited almost a decade for Armageddon's sequel to come out..........NOPE.....instead we got that MK vs DC turd then that shittastic reboot MK9.

Sorry, but I don't care about the MK1-MKT era, I missed that boat entirely. I didn't enjoy MK9 and it's rehashes and retcons. I wanted something new.

What's so bad about Nitara, Havik, Dairou, Tanya, Hotaro, Drahmin, Moloch, Li Mei, Onaga etc. ? Are the PS2 era guys trash to NRS? They could've gotten their time to shine with all the original heroes gone. But NOOO, they had to resurrect those who should stay dead.

Old Man Kung Lao was a bad choice. what the hell is he going to do? Beat somebody to death with his IV intake and throw his dentures at his enemies?LOL.

But wait a minute. Kitana!? the most bland character in the original series, MK's resident Malibu Barbie is back to life. Maybe, they felt bad for her fans (not her weapons) and stuck her in.

If only fans like me, who grew up with Deadly Alliance and Deception- the era where the story mattered- were as vocal as the old schoolers. Spam Ed's twitter etc. then the series may finally grow up.
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01/15/2015 11:44 AM (UTC)
You can't do shit homie. I also dislike somethings in the game, but it still MK. Imagine no MK at all grin
01/15/2015 11:57 AM (UTC)
ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
January 14, 2015- The day my interest in MKX died.

Thanks for letting us know. glasses
01/15/2015 11:59 AM (UTC)
Haha. Yeah, they never said this was going to be a completely new generation of fighters. It seems a lot of you just assumed that with the 4 new characters they launched the reveal of this with and the premise of the story covering 25 years and the reveal of Cassie.

And I know that's the case because I watched it slowly escalate with all the information that was pouring out at the time around E3 and after. It went from "Okay we have new characters" to "This is the Mortal Kombat that completely wipes the slate clean and old characters are going to stay dead! Hah good! It's time for a new generation! Out with the old and in with the new suck it old fans!"

It was obvious characters from the last game wouldn't stay "dead". Most were expecting that to be the big dilemma with the story in this game along with Shinnoks invasion.

So you were just being naive if you were expecting beloved MK characters who were unceremoniously killed off to stay dead. Heck you were naive to believe MK characters in general were going to stay dead seeing how death is completely meaningless in MK and you as a fan should know that.

One way or another, weather it's as a zombie, Noob Saibot, or Dark Raiden. The dead characters were going to be in this game.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/15/2015 12:21 PM (UTC)
If your interest has died, will you please piss off and stop trolling these forums now? Thanks
01/15/2015 12:30 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
If your interest has died, will you please piss off and stop trolling these forums now? Thanks

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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
01/15/2015 01:23 PM (UTC)
I'd just like you to know I personally think Slayer sucks.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/15/2015 01:30 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
I'd just like you to know I personally think Slayer sucks.

WHOA! SHAD! There is absolutely no call for that kind of thing. That's just crossing a line dude.
01/15/2015 01:31 PM (UTC)
I don't like Heinz Tomato soup anymore : (
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01/15/2015 01:33 PM (UTC)
Well looks like you and I kinda have the reverse outlook. You wanted new I wanted old. Yes I agree I would love an mkda to mka possible title after x. But what happens in this game may or may not have lead up to those anyway.

Mkx is in no way different then mkda and d. Because DA we got frost drahmin moloch bo kenshi li mei blaze mokap mavado. Then a lot of the older cast. Same with mkd. Dairou shujinko onaga darrius kira kobra etc. Mkx is in no way doing it differently then those of the 3d era.

I agree I was agasint mkx at first because of my boy shinnok being a huge part of mk9s ending. I wanted a re telling of mkmsz/mk4 but if this game covers that im good. And I already know shinnok in so it's all a matter of time and patience. I hope to god he's playable. But time will tell. Either way the game and roster are very well done atm.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/15/2015 01:33 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
I'd just like you to know I personally think Slayer sucks.

Lmao. Whilst I partially disagree (they put on an AMAZING show if nothing else), this is my post of the week.

And I still say we'll get at least 3 of the 3D era characters. Even excluding Kenshi... If he's not replaced by you know who in the comics.
01/15/2015 01:33 PM (UTC)
Since you know the whole roster can you tell us what characters that made and didnt make it grin
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01/15/2015 01:40 PM (UTC)
MKDA and MKD had a bunch of returning characters though. Like MKD was specifically designed for bringing MK3 characters back.These are characters you should be familiar with and it shouldn't be a surprise to see them. Most games have a pretty static roster MK is pretty much the only fighting game dedicated to constantly bringing in new blood. MKX is just more of what they've always done. We just have to wait and see if these characters actually stick around.
01/15/2015 01:42 PM (UTC)
You called it? Congratulations, do you want a fucking cookie?
01/15/2015 01:53 PM (UTC)
See now I look at it like this. I think this game is sort of a send off for some characters. (The ones who aged anyway) Like they can't keep fighting forever, so maybe this will be the last time we see them for awhile. The ones like Kitana, Mileena, Scorpion, and Sub-Zero will always be around in some way though.

And you can't seriously say Old Kung Lao is a pushover. Did you see him destroy Quan Chi's face Ip man style? It was so damn awesome. He looks better than ever. If anything, he's improved with age.
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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

01/15/2015 02:31 PM (UTC)
Sorry 'bout it.

The MKDA-MKD-MKA era had some of the worst reviewed and poorest received games and its new characters have the smallest fanbase. You're perfectly justified in liking them best and wanting them to return, but NRS is making a game to sell, not for charity, and they're (wisely) hitting up the characters and elements that the most people are gonna buy.

Not saying you're wrong or that you have bad taste. You're just outnumbered.
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01/15/2015 02:36 PM (UTC)
The fighters that are death are in because of the time travel thing. The story will go on as they said, but the time travel shit will allow them to bring in all the death kombatants whenever they want to and not turn them into fucking zombies.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/15/2015 02:38 PM (UTC)
septillion Wrote:
Sorry 'bout it.

The MKDA-MKD-MKA era had some of the worst reviewed and poorest received games and its new characters have the smallest fanbase. You're perfectly justified in liking them best and wanting them to return, but NRS is making a game to sell, not for charity, and they're (wisely) hitting up the characters and elements that the most people are gonna buy.

Not saying you're wrong or that you have bad taste. You're just outnumbered.

Believe it or not, the reviews fro MKDA and MKD are actually pretty comparable to MK9. MKDA and MKD were pretty well received, MKD in particular considering they were ultimately rushed out for keep Midway afloat.
01/15/2015 02:57 PM (UTC)
You called it, eh? It's just a dream, snap out of it!

It was pretty obvious that some characters would be resurrected within the span of the 25 years. Just the important one's that are needed will be in MKX. I doubt we will be seeing Jade, Stryker, Nightwolf, Sindel, Kabal, etc alive and well. Jax may be resurrected, but we can do without him too. They may be in the story, but only as Quan's undead. I'd be intrigued if NRS put a couple of the undead characters in as undead.
Heck, we may not even see much of the baddies that lived, as playables. Yes, most might only show up in story-mode, but that's it.
Not to forget about that some characters may come in as DLC, but that is besides the fact.

Not sure what's going on with Liu Kang, will he be playable as a charred n scarred character? Will he be the main boss? Will he even be in MKX? Has NRS brought Kung Lao back for the specific reason of avenging Liu's death by Raiden? We don't know!
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Get that ass BANNED

01/15/2015 02:58 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
I'd just like you to know I personally think Slayer sucks.

This outta nowhere lmfao
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/15/2015 03:05 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
I'd just like you to know I personally think Slayer sucks.

This outta nowhere lmfao

Well it's not outta nowhere, OP's username is the name of year of Slayer's most famous and best album
01/15/2015 03:29 PM (UTC)
One time when milenna died. She came back by taking advantage of the neatherrealm invasion by escaping via a portal. I feel that this will happen again with the MK9 dead characters to some degree.

Look at Scorpion. He always manages to find his way to the land of the living.

Just be patient until April. I played every mk fighting home console, and I always loved MKD. It was like MK2 of the 3D era. There are characters in both games that I am hoping to see.

Just be patient.
Nix Dolores
01/15/2015 05:32 PM (UTC)
*looks at who the OP is*

01/15/2015 06:16 PM (UTC)
ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
January 14, 2015- The day my interest in MKX died.

Are the PS2 era guys trash to NRS?

The majority of them, yes, and to the majority of MK fans.

ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
Old Man Kung Lao was a bad choice. what the hell is he going to do? Beat somebody to death with his IV intake and throw his dentures at his enemies?LOL.

Uhhh, Shujinko, anyone?

ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:

But wait a minute. Kitana!? the most bland character in the original series, MK's resident Malibu Barbie is back to life. Maybe, they felt bad for her fans (not her weapons) and stuck her in

What's so bad about Nitara, Havik, Dairou, Tanya, Hotaro, Drahmin, Moloch, Li Mei, Onaga etc. ? Are the PS2 era guys trash to NRS? They could've gotten their time to shine with all the original heroes gone. But NOOO, they had to resurrect those who should stay dead

You call Kitana bland and produce that sad lot? Christ, that's like refusing manicotti at a restaraunt and asking for easy-mac

ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
I've waited almost a decade for Armageddon's sequel to come out.

That game will NEVER be made. Armageddon was so bad that they had to collapse the fucking universe to correct it!

I got really into MK from Deception, I love that game, I think it had some of the best designs in MK history, but the reboot is the best thing for the series in the last 15 years. The removal of 3D combat and the focus on the series high points has allowed them to step out of the realm of unfamiliarity and back into the spotlight.

If you're waiting for Universe 1 to return, you're going to be waiting for a LONG time. It's dead, gone, and replaced with a superior product. Consider the PS2 era as New Coke. Some liked it, most didn't, so the company gave the majority back the classic.
01/15/2015 06:36 PM (UTC)
I lost all hope too.
I think they care more about making money than making an actual good game.
we have 3 characters that died in mk9 that came back for MKX

the more that come back, the more explaining they have to do.

and remember, Ed Boon did say that theres only one character from MK4 coming back.

plus there still very Iconic characters who did not die and might come back


Kenshi will be replaced by His son from the comics like cassie hopefully replaced Sonya and Cage

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