Years of Mortal Kombats story?
posted06/29/2014 02:40 PM (UTC)by
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12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
What years took place in the MK story?

Like... REAL LIFE events? Since 500 years and then later the years of MK1-MK3?

And in MKX its probably a distant future.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/27/2014 05:09 PM (UTC)
Once upon a time, MK unequivocally took place in the early 90's at the time of its release. But now, with MK9's story depicting more modern technology during the MK1-3 timeframe, it's pretty much a given that the plot's on a sliding timeline.
06/27/2014 07:09 PM (UTC)
I think some time-based events suck.

Like Kitana being 10.000 years old.. Its too much really.

When she was 10.000 years old she would have been the best fighter EVER, and Liu Kang and CO could not beat her even when they fought in a team.
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06/27/2014 08:41 PM (UTC)
I don't care what timelines are in it. I just want it to be an epic out of this world story.grin
06/27/2014 11:50 PM (UTC)
Awesomosity. Def. Over 20 years have passed since MK1. Time to speed things up a bit. I can only assume more back to the future stuff. I wonder if a few characters will,or all, portal hop through time or what? Sounds like a lot of time to cover. 25 years later iz like after Armageddon. We shall see
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06/27/2014 11:53 PM (UTC)
KRINJ Wrote:
Awesomosity. Def. Over 20 years have passed since MK1. Time to speed things up a bit. I can only assume more back to the future stuff. I wonder if a few characters will,or all, portal hop through time or what?
Sounds like a lot of time to cover. 25 years later iz like after Armageddon. We shall see

I don't think it'll be a time-travel thing but instead a series of flashbacks.
06/28/2014 02:05 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I think some time-based events suck.

Like Kitana being 10.000 years old.. Its too much really.

When she was 10.000 years old she would have been the best fighter EVER, and Liu Kang and CO could not beat her even when they fought in a team.

Nah dawg. Time wouldn't make her the "best" fighter. If you've trained for a million years but you're a feeble old person then that time spent isn't going to mean you'll win fights.

Now, Kitana is a highly trained and seasoned fighter, but she obviously just doesn't have the natural proficiency in combat that Liu has. (No one does.) If Liu can best a god (Kahn practically is one) then all the time in the world wouldn't help Kitana.
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06/28/2014 02:53 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I think some time-based events suck.

Like Kitana being 10.000 years old.. Its too much really.

When she was 10.000 years old she would have been the best fighter EVER, and Liu Kang and CO could not beat her even when they fought in a team.

I always thought of it as she's 10,000 yrs old in EARTHREALM years. Maybe shes actally say idk 25 in EDENIAN years. Maybe to them:

1 Edenian year= 400 Earthrealm years

I mean they're different realms, maybe time is different in each realm. But I guess since MKX was introduced, the whole 25years thing defeats this theory. Cuz if that's 25 EARTHREALM years, that's basically like a second in Edenian years, and so basically nothing happened there. And if its 25 edenian years, that means basically 400 years have passed since MK9 and MKX and everyone would be dead (well the ones that were alive) and Cassie would be johnny and sonyas great great great granddaughter.

My theory still has some errors, but I think it could be plausible. tongue

I guess since Kitana was raised in Outworld, it would be Outworld years instead.Which adds another layer of time merging and a whole lot of headaches to explain.
06/28/2014 04:23 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
If Liu can best a god (Kahn practically is one) then all the time in the world wouldn't help Kitana.
Shao Kahn is part of the same race of beings that Raiden is part of and Lucifer was part of. So, yeah.
06/28/2014 06:00 AM (UTC)
Or maybe the story will be series of events that we didn't see during MK9, right after MK9, and then 20 years later to MKX.

Like Puzzles that fit the story. Things that were happening behind the scenes, that we didn't get to see, like when reiden would suddenly teleport somewhere we didn't know, character hiding and watching conversations or events.

I have a feeling that now that subzero and Scorpion got their revenge on each other in MK9 they will play a big part in the story line, like heroes or something like that.

I feel like this time around the story will focus more on Outworld than earth realm now that is more difficult for people to travel in between, which in my opinion is more interesting.

I see Cassie Cage going into outworld looking for someone of something, and so far she seems like the only character that is from earth realm so far.

I See Raiden gathering more new faces to fight evil or whatever.

I see Quan chi and shinnok also gathering Some new evil characters to do whatever they have planned.

But what puzzles me is who the surprise returning boss will be.

Maybe is Onaga

and shinnok will be like the sub-boss, like shang tsung and Shao Kahn in MK9

I cant wait for the game to come out to find out what happens next.
06/28/2014 06:08 AM (UTC)
It would be very interesting if this time around we have two final bosses
shinnok and Onaga fighting to take the throne that shao Kahn left behind.

Evil characters against other evil characters.
and then Raiden in between trying to stop great destruction or something like that, and then Cassie Cage walks in looking for something or someone and gets capture or whatever.

Im not a fan of normal human character
Jonny cage

But I do think that one is enough and i hope that for this game Cassie Cage is the only one.
06/28/2014 08:48 AM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
It would be very interesting if this time around we have two final bosses
shinnok and Onaga fighting to take the throne that shao Kahn left behind.

Evil characters against other evil characters.
and then Raiden in between trying to stop great destruction or something like that, and then Cassie Cage walks in looking for something or someone and gets capture or whatever.

Im not a fan of normal human character
Jonny cage

But I do think that one is enough and i hope that for this game Cassie Cage is the only one.

Marry me baby! I like your thoughts.

Anyway, Kitana would have been better off being 2000 years old, instead of the extreme 10.000 years old. What age is sindel really? 20.000 years old?
06/28/2014 11:14 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
eddiesol Wrote:
It would be very interesting if this time around we have two final bosses
shinnok and Onaga fighting to take the throne that shao Kahn left behind.

Evil characters against other evil characters.
and then Raiden in between trying to stop great destruction or something like that, and then Cassie Cage walks in looking for something or someone and gets capture or whatever.

Im not a fan of normal human character
Jonny cage

But I do think that one is enough and i hope that for this game Cassie Cage is the only one.

Marry me baby! I like your thoughts.

Anyway, Kitana would have been better off being 2000 years old, instead of the extreme 10.000 years old. What age is sindel really? 20.000 years old?

I brought this up in another thread a while ago, I can't remember if anyone answered it it not. Where did the 10,000 years old thing come from? I think it was actually first stated in the movie. Correct me if I'm wrong please. It was in the movie, then they put it in her bio in UMK3. I could be wrong though. Anyway, who's idea was that? Where did it come from? Shang is 1000, Groro is old too right? He's like 2000 I think. The oldest ones would have to be Kahn and Sindel, maybe Raiden too.

Maybe it's NRS's way of never having to age most of the "hot" female characters (Kitana and Jade, and Tanya I guess too).

06/28/2014 08:54 PM (UTC)
I hope that Ed boon realizes how important the story is at this point.
Is not just making cool characters and fighting styles and giving them names and their origin.
Now people care more about who this characters are and where they come from.
To be honest what I looking forward the most is the story.
I hope they don't disappoint us.
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06/28/2014 09:10 PM (UTC)
Yeah better the story better the gameplay value is.grin
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Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

06/28/2014 10:45 PM (UTC)
What bothers me about the 10,000 year old thing, or even the 1000 year old thing is how MK9's Kitana is written. Like, she's been alive for 1000-10,000 years, but the moment she meets Liu Kang, THAT'S why drives her to question her morality. That's the moment that drives her to question Shao Kahn's motives. She spent 1000-10,000 years being completely clueless.

It made sense in the original timeline because Kitana was waiting. She was waiting for someone like Liu Kang to come by and win the tournament. She spent all those years knowing that she's going to have to betray her father and sister. All those years plotting.

The worked so much better than just... "Oh! OH! Am I doing something wrong?!?"
06/28/2014 11:46 PM (UTC)
Insider2000 Wrote:
What bothers me about the 10,000 year old thing, or even the 1000 year old thing is how MK9's Kitana is written. Like, she's been alive for 1000-10,000 years, but the moment she meets Liu Kang, THAT'S why drives her to question her morality. That's the moment that drives her to question Shao Kahn's motives. She spent 1000-10,000 years being completely clueless.

It made sense in the original timeline because Kitana was waiting. She was waiting for someone like Liu Kang to come by and win the tournament. She spent all those years knowing that she's going to have to betray her father and sister. All those years plotting.

The worked so much better than just... "Oh! OH! Am I doing something wrong?!?"

Lack of attention to detail on NRS's part.

Again, I was really hoping story mode in MK9 was going to answer all the questions and confirm or disconfirm any speculation that had just become part of Kitana and Mileena's story just because it was speculated for years. But they just fucked the whole thing up.
Like was Kitana really the favorite?
When and how did Kitana find out about her true origins? And what made her turn on Kahn after knowing him as her father for her entire life?

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Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

06/29/2014 12:04 AM (UTC)
I like to imagine Shao Kahn preferred Kitana, even when she was betraying him, purely because she was a born leader. She used Liu Kang to obtain her own freedom and the eventual freedom of Edenia. She proceeded to convert her best friend (Jade) and her brain washed mother to join her side through persuasion. She brought back Edenia, managed a treaty between Earthrealm, Edenia, and the Shokan. She even gave up her relationship with Liu Kang for the sake of her country.

Mileena wasn't a leader, she was a follower. She hid underneath her father's wing and constantly wanted his love. She often acted out of jealousy, and the one time she lead an army, she was disguised as her sister (a plot that went wrong because she couldn't get along with Baraka, Tanya and the Tarkatans).

Such is why I wish Mileena could develop and obtain her father's throne. Not that I dislike her character, but I'd like her to reach even playing fields with her sister.
About Me

I will rock you.

06/29/2014 12:17 AM (UTC)
I hope the good guys win but not too many of them in storymode.glasses
06/29/2014 12:22 PM (UTC)
Insider2000 Wrote:
What bothers me about the 10,000 year old thing, or even the 1000 year old thing is how MK9's Kitana is written. Like, she's been alive for 1000-10,000 years, but the moment she meets Liu Kang, THAT'S why drives her to question her morality. That's the moment that drives her to question Shao Kahn's motives. She spent 1000-10,000 years being completely clueless.

But maybe propaganda and Stockholm syndrome played a part in her actions.
06/29/2014 02:40 PM (UTC)
Insider2000 Wrote:
I like to imagine Shao Kahn preferred Kitana, even when she was betraying him, purely because she was a born leader. She used Liu Kang to obtain her own freedom and the eventual freedom of Edenia. She proceeded to convert her best friend (Jade) and her brain washed mother to join her side through persuasion. She brought back Edenia, managed a treaty between Earthrealm, Edenia, and the Shokan. She even gave up her relationship with Liu Kang for the sake of her country.

Mileena wasn't a leader, she was a follower. She hid underneath her father's wing and constantly wanted his love. She often acted out of jealousy, and the one time she lead an army, she was disguised as her sister (a plot that went wrong because she couldn't get along with Baraka, Tanya and the Tarkatans).

That is the version I like the best also. Another thing that I would have enjoyed seeing in story mode if they kept the old story is what Jade and Mileena's relationship was like.
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