04/03/2015 10:00 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
The non-Amazon ones are fake. Too many contradictions. (Why would Liu Kang's bio make such a big deal of him still having his scars when he doesn't have them?)

Again, according to you. There's still bits and pieces he miraculously got right, Kotal Kahn and Erron Black, so until they are proven fake 100%, anything is up in the air. It's quite possible these bios aren't actual bios at all and were tossed together based on what the person who supposedly played the game saw in the story.

As for Havik being the blood thingy, I'm assuming if there's still another twist coming Kittelsen wouldn't spoil it. So until then, we still don't know. For all we know Havik could be just as possessed as everyone else.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/03/2015 10:02 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Also, Kintaro mutiny? Kills Goro? Wuh?

That came right out of the blue, especially considering Goro's role in the comic.

Yeah for real.

I actually feel bad for Goro. Being plotted against via Reiko/Mileena, getting owned by Kotal, and now, flat out murdered? By another Shokan no less.

I have to wonder where King Gorbak comes into play in all this. Comic #6 mentions a Shokan army led by him against Kotal and his allies. Unless Kintaro fooled him into believing Goro's death was Kotal's doing.
About Me


04/03/2015 10:05 PM (UTC)
Quan chi is such an evil manipuler ! He resurrected Queen Sindel and made her slay the vast majority of the heroes and quitely changed the main storyline in MKCX thanks to Sindel and Shao Kahn !furious
04/03/2015 10:07 PM (UTC)
alican_zero Wrote:
Quan chi is such an evil manipuler ! He resurrected Queen Sindel and made her slay the vast majority of the heroes and quitely changed the main storyline in MKCX thanks to Sindel and Shao Kahn !furious

I just wanted to say your posts amuse me. Keep doing you. tongue
04/03/2015 10:10 PM (UTC)
If the boss is who he says he is then i will ruin my disc with jizz.
04/03/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
The non-Amazon ones are fake. Too many contradictions. (Why would Liu Kang's bio make such a big deal of him still having his scars when he doesn't have them?)

If so, I'll be a little disappointed in regards to Ermac's, because it's very interesting and fits his physical state to a T. (I think the word they wanted was "erratically," not "irrationally," but that's just the grammar Nazi in me.)

Jax's, on the other hand, was some of the laziest writing I've seen. "Oh, yeah, I spent a few years as Quan Chi's revenant. Now I'm suddenly alive and kicking again. So, what's for dinner?"
04/03/2015 10:12 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
The non-Amazon ones are fake. Too many contradictions. (Why would Liu Kang's bio make such a big deal of him still having his scars when he doesn't have them?)

If so, I'll be a little disappointed in regards to Ermac's, because it's very interesting.

Jax's, on the other hand, was some of the laziest writing I've seen. "Oh, yeah, I spent a few years as Quan Chi's revenant. Now I'm suddenly alive and kicking again. So, what's for dinner?"

As I said above, the way these are written, IF they are true, I think they were tossed together based on what the person who supposedly played the game saw in the story and that they aren't official bios.
About Me


04/03/2015 10:16 PM (UTC)
There are so many questions to be replied and surprises awaits for us as well.glasses
About Me
MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
04/03/2015 10:37 PM (UTC)
I really, really want that final boss prediction to be true, and have that person be selectable.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

It would jibe with the "There Is a ruler" trophy and image, go hand-in-hand with my select screen observation, that an Emperor would be in that slot - Emperor Reiko above Kotal. And it would be a major turnaround to the expected Shao Kahn return - fucking denied.

And seriously, in a game completely devoted to capturing the Outworld throne, how in the shit does Reiko not have one of the single biggest claims on this? And friggin' w00t MK4 presence.

I can already picture a tribute to his MK4 ending in a cutscene where the helmet descends onto his noggin. Pimpin'.

Also, Goro dying and coming back would be a fine explanation for his arms now being fine and dandy.

04/03/2015 10:42 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
The non-Amazon ones are fake. Too many contradictions. (Why would Liu Kang's bio make such a big deal of him still having his scars when he doesn't have them?)

Again, according to you. There's still bits and pieces he miraculously got right, Kotal Kahn and Erron Black, so until they are proven fake 100%, anything is up in the air. It's quite possible these bios aren't actual bios at all and were tossed together based on what the person who supposedly played the game saw in the story.

Nah, according to all the things he's gotten wrong. And he hasn't gotten anything about Erron right, him having a Tarkatan arm doesn't prove anything in that bio whatsoever. Plus, I just cannot believe that his source somehow memorized this much. If he saw all of this in January, why was he quiet for so long? And why would he even bother mentioning stuff from the comics like Cassie and Jacqui getting kidnapped when they were younger as though that was going to be mentioned in the game's plot at all? The comic was written long after the game script.

He's wrong about Takeda witnessing his mother's death.

He's wrong about the reasons behind the Shokan rebellion. It has nothing to do with Kintaro seeing Goro as weak, it's being led by Gorbak to bring down Kotal Kahn. Kintaro's just one of the soldiers leading the charge.

He was wrong about Liu Kang having scars as a revenant. Why would Quan Chi need to heal them to have his "cooperation" for anything? He can just freakin' mind control him like the rest, this contradicts SO MUCH.

He was wrong about Kung Lao being freed after the Netherrealm War. Per the Briggs trailer, he's still a revenant 25 years later. He could be resurrected and killed again, but given that we haven't seen old Kung Lao in the story at all, not even in the Shaolin trailer, that seems more and more unlikely.

He was wrong about Quan Chi abandoning Shinnok to fight Earthrealm by himself. There was no scene showing that, Quan Chi and his revenants were all KO'ed when Shinnok began fighting.

The Outworld Civil War began when Kotal overthrew Mileena. We're seeing it in the comics right now. Sonya has done the exact opposite of opening portals all over the globe to help its inhabitants, despite what the fake bio says.

He says that Goro is a revenant in Quan Chi's bio, but also said elsewhere that he has no alt costumes? What?

He says that all of the costumes he mentioned are unlocked through the Krypt, yet all of the klassic costumes he got right are DLC. And even if they were originally all going to be in-game... Kitana's Klassic costume, the only one that was confirmed before this "leak", was never going to be? What a coincidence! Also, how does Liu Kang's young alt fit into that?

He made no mention of the Jinsei Chamber in his stage list. It could never have been the Sky Temple because that has its own stage, and "Wu Shi Academy", "Shao Kahn's Tomb", "Warrior Katakombs"... none of those names fit it. A chamber for the Jinsei energy is literally all that it is, and exactly what it's been called in-story. In fact, none of his new stages names were right. Absolutely none. Even Quan Chi's Quarters is Quan Chi's Fortress. If that doesn't further spell out how wrong he is...

It's been said the game won't have as many DLC costumes as Injustice by NRS employees themselves, yet all of the costumes this guy listed plus all of the DLC ones are going to put it well over the amount Injustice has. This is such a direct contradiction it should really spell out how fake this crap is.

Sareena is apparently in story mode, but he never mentioned her in his list. And with him acting like that was ALL of the cameos in story mode, how can any of his crap be trusted at all?

He's wrong about Havik being the blood demon. If he wasn't, Kittelsen just wouldn't say anything. He even said the blood demon would be revealed at the end of Chapter 12, it's obvious that it is just Havik and there is no secret plot twist being hidden.

He claims to have a list of DLC characters. How would a guy in Germany have that from seeing the game in January when they wouldn't have been worked on at that point? Never mind that any post-Kombat Pack characters would be little more than names on a drawing board at this point when they still have to finish the Kombat Pack guys first. And why did he completely neglect to mention Tremor when he listed them?

Getting one or two things does not prove him right at all, KenshiMaster16, and I know you say you're just trying to be "devil's advocate", but you really do reach a lot to try and keep his crap within the realm of possibility like you honestly do believe it. Is it really going to take the game being released to show to you that he's wrong when he's already full of enough holes to sink a ship? Hell, I just looked on his twitter and he's saying that Shinnok is the story mode unlockable now, not Liu Kang! He's constantly lying and going back on what he said... good lord, he is so far from someone who should be seen as trustworthy and taken seriously.
04/03/2015 10:47 PM (UTC)
He's fucking toying with my emotions now;

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bodyless entity that is blood demon is very, very scarily similar to that of Damashi.... Hmmmmm....
About Me

04/03/2015 11:45 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
To reiterate from a previous thread:

RIP Red Dragon.

I liked the concept of them much more than the Black Dragons. I guess Orin and Caro are going down the shitter with the Red Dragon Clan.

SwingBatta Wrote:

Yeah, I felt bad for both Sektor and Daegon supporters (yes, they're out there) when I first read these bios. Killing characters offscreen like that is the worst. But hey, as long as we get even more of the same old Sub/Scorp BS, then it's all good, right? Right?

No, enough of that.

sharefrock Wrote:

Yeah, I also liked the Red dragons.

unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
I guess Orin and Caro are going down the shitter with the Red Dragon Clan.


I liked them both quite a bit.

Let's bring back my boy Daegon. Kool character, shame they hate the 3D era, he had so much potential. Sektor too. Petition?
Edit: They ain't even dead yet grin So, I'm referring to after....
04/03/2015 11:55 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
Nah, according to all the things he's gotten wrong. And he hasn't gotten anything about Erron right, him having a Tarkatan arm doesn't prove anything in that bio whatsoever. Plus, I just cannot believe that his source somehow memorized this much. If he saw all of this in January, why was he quiet for so long? And why would he even bother mentioning stuff from the comics like Cassie and Jacqui getting kidnapped when they were younger as though that was going to be mentioned in the game's plot at all? The comic was written long after the game script.

He's wrong about Takeda witnessing his mother's death.

He's wrong about the reasons behind the Shokan rebellion. It has nothing to do with Kintaro seeing Goro as weak, it's being led by Gorbak to bring down Kotal Kahn. Kintaro's just one of the soldiers leading the charge.

He was wrong about Liu Kang having scars as a revenant. Why would Quan Chi need to heal them to have his "cooperation" for anything? He can just freakin' mind control him like the rest, this contradicts SO MUCH.

He was wrong about Kung Lao being freed after the Netherrealm War. Per the Briggs trailer, he's still a revenant 25 years later. He could be resurrected and killed again, but given that we haven't seen old Kung Lao in the story at all, not even in the Shaolin trailer, that seems more and more unlikely.

He was wrong about Quan Chi abandoning Shinnok to fight Earthrealm by himself. There was no scene showing that, Quan Chi and his revenants were all KO'ed when Shinnok began fighting.

The Outworld Civil War began when Kotal overthrew Mileena. We're seeing it in the comics right now. Sonya has done the exact opposite of opening portals all over the globe to help its inhabitants, despite what the fake bio says.

He says that Goro is a revenant in Quan Chi's bio, but also said elsewhere that he has no alt costumes? What?

He says that all of the costumes he mentioned are unlocked through the Krypt, yet all of the klassic costumes he got right are DLC. And even if they were originally all going to be in-game... Kitana's Klassic costume, the only one that was confirmed before this "leak", was never going to be? What a coincidence! Also, how does Liu Kang's young alt fit into that?

He made no mention of the Jinsei Chamber in his stage list. It could never have been the Sky Temple because that has its own stage, and "Wu Shi Academy", "Shao Kahn's Tomb", "Warrior Katakombs"... none of those names fit it. A chamber for the Jinsei energy is literally all that it is, and exactly what it's been called in-story. In fact, none of his new stages names were right. Absolutely none. Even Quan Chi's Quarters is Quan Chi's Fortress. If that doesn't further spell out how wrong he is...

It's been said the game won't have as many DLC costumes as Injustice by NRS employees themselves, yet all of the costumes this guy listed plus all of the DLC ones are going to put it well over the amount Injustice has. This is such a direct contradiction it should really spell out how fake this crap is.

Sareena is apparently in story mode, but he never mentioned her in his list. And with him acting like that was ALL of the cameos in story mode, how can any of his crap be trusted at all?

He's wrong about Havik being the blood demon. If he wasn't, Kittelsen just wouldn't say anything. He even said the blood demon would be revealed at the end of Chapter 12, it's obvious that it is just Havik and there is no secret plot twist being hidden.

He claims to have a list of DLC characters. How would a guy in Germany have that from seeing the game in January when they wouldn't have been worked on at that point? Never mind that any post-Kombat Pack characters would be little more than names on a drawing board at this point when they still have to finish the Kombat Pack guys first. And why did he completely neglect to mention Tremor when he listed them?

Getting one or two things does not prove him right at all, KenshiMaster16, and I know you say you're just trying to be "devil's advocate", but you really do reach a lot to try and keep his crap within the realm of possibility like you honestly do believe it. Is it really going to take the game being released to show to you that he's wrong when he's already full of enough holes to sink a ship? Hell, I just looked on his twitter and he's saying that Shinnok is the story mode unlockable now, not Liu Kang! He's constantly lying and going back on what he said... good lord, he is so far from someone who should be seen as trustworthy and taken seriously.

Honestly, you care about this WAAAAAYYYYYYYYY too much.

In several days, he's either going to get validated or proven false and the day after, guess what? No one's going to give a shit either way because everyone will be OOOOHing and AAAAAHing over leaked footage. No one will care if he was right or wrong. We will be too busy dissecting gameplay footage.
04/04/2015 12:03 AM (UTC)
I care so much because you and some other people are still talking and caring about it as well; you still insist on believing so strongly that this guy could be real, and are so adamant against anything indicating that he isn't. I'm just aghast to see this stuff still being talked about. If it doesn't matter, stop defending it and I'll stop posting why it's fake. smile
04/04/2015 12:04 AM (UTC)
He said 8 characters die in Story Mode. Do you remember what characters were?
04/04/2015 12:06 AM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
I care so much because you and some other people are still talking and caring about it as well; you still insist on believing so strongly that this guy could be real, and are so adamant against anything indicating that he isn't. I'm just aghast to see this stuff still being talked about. If it doesn't matter, stop defending it and I'll stop posting why it's fake. smile

I'm only defending what is potentially true from it, not all of it. I'm only saying people should be cautious about it because he has gotten lucky. I'm not saying the guy is 100% legit, I'm saying the guy correctly guessed some stuff and could have potentially correctly guessed more. I think most are in agreement he's either full of shit or is being played by someone who knows stuff but is handing him a bunch of bullshit at the same time.
04/04/2015 12:15 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
I care so much because you and some other people are still talking and caring about it as well; you still insist on believing so strongly that this guy could be real, and are so adamant against anything indicating that he isn't. I'm just aghast to see this stuff still being talked about. If it doesn't matter, stop defending it and I'll stop posting why it's fake. smile

I'm only defending what is potentially true from it, not all of it. I'm only saying people should be cautious about it because he has gotten lucky. I'm not saying the guy is 100% legit, I'm saying the guy correctly guessed some stuff and could have potentially correctly guessed more. I think most are in agreement he's either full of shit or is being played by someone who knows stuff but is handing him a bunch of bullshit at the same time.

I've seen you defend pretty much all of it, dude. Everything that he's been called out on as being wrong you've tried to defend under "devil's advocate." So really, don't say that I'm taking this too serious; I'm just taking it as seriously as others are choosing to.
04/04/2015 12:18 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
That Kung Lao one really gets me. How was he set free from being a Revenant after Shinnok is defeated if Jax is fighting him as a non Revenant? So many questions.

Yeah this, I though these bios were already proven fake since the source was very unreliable and kept lying to get some attention.

There are multiple points on those bios that contradict what we already know, and now we can add that in the recent Briggs trailer Jax has ben unturned and Kung Lao not.
04/04/2015 12:19 AM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
I care so much because you and some other people are still talking and caring about it as well; you still insist on believing so strongly that this guy could be real, and are so adamant against anything indicating that he isn't. I'm just aghast to see this stuff still being talked about. If it doesn't matter, stop defending it and I'll stop posting why it's fake. smile

I'm only defending what is potentially true from it, not all of it. I'm only saying people should be cautious about it because he has gotten lucky. I'm not saying the guy is 100% legit, I'm saying the guy correctly guessed some stuff and could have potentially correctly guessed more. I think most are in agreement he's either full of shit or is being played by someone who knows stuff but is handing him a bunch of bullshit at the same time.

I've seen you defend pretty much all of it, dude. Everything that he's been called out on as being wrong you've tried to defend under "devil's advocate." So really, don't say that I'm taking this too serious; I'm just taking it as seriously as others are choosing to.

I defended it under the guise that every other BIG leak NRS have shot down. This is the only big leak they haven't commented on. Whether it's because its true or because at the time had to deal with the real roster is up for debate but that fact still stands and thats why I defended it. I never said he was 100% accurate. I said it's possible. Big difference. I don't care whether he's real or not. he got stuff right where-as everyone else's bullshit theories did not. That's a game changer. As I said, he could be lying his ass off and got lucky, or someone is shoveling him a compilation of truth and lies mixed together. Either way, it does. not. matter.
04/04/2015 12:25 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
I care so much because you and some other people are still talking and caring about it as well; you still insist on believing so strongly that this guy could be real, and are so adamant against anything indicating that he isn't. I'm just aghast to see this stuff still being talked about. If it doesn't matter, stop defending it and I'll stop posting why it's fake. smile

I'm only defending what is potentially true from it, not all of it. I'm only saying people should be cautious about it because he has gotten lucky. I'm not saying the guy is 100% legit, I'm saying the guy correctly guessed some stuff and could have potentially correctly guessed more. I think most are in agreement he's either full of shit or is being played by someone who knows stuff but is handing him a bunch of bullshit at the same time.

I've seen you defend pretty much all of it, dude. Everything that he's been called out on as being wrong you've tried to defend under "devil's advocate." So really, don't say that I'm taking this too serious; I'm just taking it as seriously as others are choosing to.

I defended it under the guise that every other BIG leak NRS have shot down. This is the only big leak they haven't commented on. Whether it's because its true or because at the time had to deal with the real roster is up for debate but that fact still stands and thats why I defended it. I never said he was 100% accurate. I said it's possible. Big difference. I don't care whether he's real or not. he got stuff right where-as everyone else's bullshit theories did not. That's a game changer. As I said, he could be lying his ass off and got lucky, or someone is shoveling him a compilation of truth and lies mixed together. Either way, it does. not. matter.

There was another big "leak" around the time MKX was first announced. The one that said there would be 8 MK9 characters, 8 post-MK3 characters, 14 new characters, etc. I don't know if you remember that, but it was posted everywhere. As much as this one, at least. Now, NRS never commented on that. Shall we take that as meaning it was true all this time, too?

And man... I'm just looking at what you do. You say you don't care about whether he's telling the truth or not, but your actions tell a different story as you defend him whenever pretty much anyone points out something wrong with what he says. You say it doesn't matter, but you really, REALLY act like it does.
04/04/2015 12:30 AM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
I care so much because you and some other people are still talking and caring about it as well; you still insist on believing so strongly that this guy could be real, and are so adamant against anything indicating that he isn't. I'm just aghast to see this stuff still being talked about. If it doesn't matter, stop defending it and I'll stop posting why it's fake. smile

I'm only defending what is potentially true from it, not all of it. I'm only saying people should be cautious about it because he has gotten lucky. I'm not saying the guy is 100% legit, I'm saying the guy correctly guessed some stuff and could have potentially correctly guessed more. I think most are in agreement he's either full of shit or is being played by someone who knows stuff but is handing him a bunch of bullshit at the same time.

I've seen you defend pretty much all of it, dude. Everything that he's been called out on as being wrong you've tried to defend under "devil's advocate." So really, don't say that I'm taking this too serious; I'm just taking it as seriously as others are choosing to.

I defended it under the guise that every other BIG leak NRS have shot down. This is the only big leak they haven't commented on. Whether it's because its true or because at the time had to deal with the real roster is up for debate but that fact still stands and thats why I defended it. I never said he was 100% accurate. I said it's possible. Big difference. I don't care whether he's real or not. he got stuff right where-as everyone else's bullshit theories did not. That's a game changer. As I said, he could be lying his ass off and got lucky, or someone is shoveling him a compilation of truth and lies mixed together. Either way, it does. not. matter.

There was another big "leak" around the time MKX was first announced. The one that said there would be 8 MK9 characters, 8 post-MK3 characters, 14 new characters, etc. I don't know if you remember that, but it was posted everywhere. As much as this one, at least. Now, NRS never commented on that. Shall we take that as meaning it was true all this time, too?

And man... I'm just looking at what you do. You say you don't care about whether he's telling the truth or not, but your actions tell a different story as you defend him whenever pretty much anyone points out something wrong with what he says. You say it doesn't matter, but you really, REALLY act like it does.

I'm playing devil's advocate because I'm bored and because I like some of his ideas, others not so much. If you look through most my posts about it, I've said multiple times there's some stuff of his I hope is NOT true, like the character deaths. Also, NRS didn't start commenting on "leaks" until up around 2-3 months ago around the time JamessMK first started up, that's when they started de-confirming stuff. And it's highly possible they never deconfirmed JamessMK or this guy because they had the correct roster listed everywhere and didn't want it spoiled yet.

So why does it matter so much to you that me and others are entertaining this? You think the more you harp on it, we'll suddenly change our minds because it doesn't work that way. We will believe or entertain what we want, you can do the same. In a few days it'll all be irrelevant anyway, we're all just having a good time speculating and enjoying watching this guy make an idiot out of himself either way. Like I said, I believe bits and pieces, whether he got those correct by coincidence or not is up in the air, so why does it matter to anyone else what I believe? It's my thoughts, not yours.
04/04/2015 12:38 AM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
He said 8 characters die in Story Mode. Do you remember what characters were?

It was Johnny, D'Vorah, Torr, Mileena, Reptile (?), Kano (?), Quan Chi (?), and someone else.

I don't want to believe it, though. I don't think they would make 2 new characters just to kill them off. But, the way things are looking, it seems that D'Vorah betrays Kotal in the end.
04/04/2015 12:42 AM (UTC)
Bllake Wrote:
residentfan Wrote:
He said 8 characters die in Story Mode. Do you remember what characters were?

It was Johnny, D'Vorah, Torr, Mileena, Reptile (?), Kano (?), Quan Chi (?), and someone else.

I don't want to believe it, though. I don't think they would make 2 new characters just to kill them off. But, the way things are looking, it seems that D'Vorah betrays Kotal in the end.

The other person is Jax. (Yes, again)
04/04/2015 12:54 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
I care so much because you and some other people are still talking and caring about it as well; you still insist on believing so strongly that this guy could be real, and are so adamant against anything indicating that he isn't. I'm just aghast to see this stuff still being talked about. If it doesn't matter, stop defending it and I'll stop posting why it's fake. smile

I'm only defending what is potentially true from it, not all of it. I'm only saying people should be cautious about it because he has gotten lucky. I'm not saying the guy is 100% legit, I'm saying the guy correctly guessed some stuff and could have potentially correctly guessed more. I think most are in agreement he's either full of shit or is being played by someone who knows stuff but is handing him a bunch of bullshit at the same time.

I've seen you defend pretty much all of it, dude. Everything that he's been called out on as being wrong you've tried to defend under "devil's advocate." So really, don't say that I'm taking this too serious; I'm just taking it as seriously as others are choosing to.

I defended it under the guise that every other BIG leak NRS have shot down. This is the only big leak they haven't commented on. Whether it's because its true or because at the time had to deal with the real roster is up for debate but that fact still stands and thats why I defended it. I never said he was 100% accurate. I said it's possible. Big difference. I don't care whether he's real or not. he got stuff right where-as everyone else's bullshit theories did not. That's a game changer. As I said, he could be lying his ass off and got lucky, or someone is shoveling him a compilation of truth and lies mixed together. Either way, it does. not. matter.

There was another big "leak" around the time MKX was first announced. The one that said there would be 8 MK9 characters, 8 post-MK3 characters, 14 new characters, etc. I don't know if you remember that, but it was posted everywhere. As much as this one, at least. Now, NRS never commented on that. Shall we take that as meaning it was true all this time, too?

And man... I'm just looking at what you do. You say you don't care about whether he's telling the truth or not, but your actions tell a different story as you defend him whenever pretty much anyone points out something wrong with what he says. You say it doesn't matter, but you really, REALLY act like it does.

I'm playing devil's advocate because I'm bored and because I like some of his ideas, others not so much. If you look through most my posts about it, I've said multiple times there's some stuff of his I hope is NOT true, like the character deaths. Also, NRS didn't start commenting on "leaks" until up around 2-3 months ago around the time JamessMK first started up, that's when they started de-confirming stuff. And it's highly possible they never deconfirmed JamessMK or this guy because they had the correct roster listed everywhere and didn't want it spoiled yet.

So why does it matter so much to you that me and others are entertaining this? You think the more you harp on it, we'll suddenly change our minds because it doesn't work that way. We will believe or entertain what we want, you can do the same. In a few days it'll all be irrelevant anyway, we're all just having a good time speculating and enjoying watching this guy make an idiot out of himself either way. Like I said, I believe bits and pieces, whether he got those correct by coincidence or not is up in the air, so why does it matter to anyone else what I believe? It's my thoughts, not yours.

This is a discussion forum. You know, for discussion? Regardless of whether or not you like it, I can express my views on what you and anyone else who believes this stuff posts as much as I want, just like how you say you can entertain the possibility that this is real as much as you want. You're also still being pretty hypocritical here; you can play devil's advocate with those of us who think it's fake, yet we can't say how it's fake without you going "it's my thoughts, not yours"? How lovely.
04/04/2015 01:00 AM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
I care so much because you and some other people are still talking and caring about it as well; you still insist on believing so strongly that this guy could be real, and are so adamant against anything indicating that he isn't. I'm just aghast to see this stuff still being talked about. If it doesn't matter, stop defending it and I'll stop posting why it's fake. smile

I'm only defending what is potentially true from it, not all of it. I'm only saying people should be cautious about it because he has gotten lucky. I'm not saying the guy is 100% legit, I'm saying the guy correctly guessed some stuff and could have potentially correctly guessed more. I think most are in agreement he's either full of shit or is being played by someone who knows stuff but is handing him a bunch of bullshit at the same time.

I've seen you defend pretty much all of it, dude. Everything that he's been called out on as being wrong you've tried to defend under "devil's advocate." So really, don't say that I'm taking this too serious; I'm just taking it as seriously as others are choosing to.

I defended it under the guise that every other BIG leak NRS have shot down. This is the only big leak they haven't commented on. Whether it's because its true or because at the time had to deal with the real roster is up for debate but that fact still stands and thats why I defended it. I never said he was 100% accurate. I said it's possible. Big difference. I don't care whether he's real or not. he got stuff right where-as everyone else's bullshit theories did not. That's a game changer. As I said, he could be lying his ass off and got lucky, or someone is shoveling him a compilation of truth and lies mixed together. Either way, it does. not. matter.

There was another big "leak" around the time MKX was first announced. The one that said there would be 8 MK9 characters, 8 post-MK3 characters, 14 new characters, etc. I don't know if you remember that, but it was posted everywhere. As much as this one, at least. Now, NRS never commented on that. Shall we take that as meaning it was true all this time, too?

And man... I'm just looking at what you do. You say you don't care about whether he's telling the truth or not, but your actions tell a different story as you defend him whenever pretty much anyone points out something wrong with what he says. You say it doesn't matter, but you really, REALLY act like it does.

I'm playing devil's advocate because I'm bored and because I like some of his ideas, others not so much. If you look through most my posts about it, I've said multiple times there's some stuff of his I hope is NOT true, like the character deaths. Also, NRS didn't start commenting on "leaks" until up around 2-3 months ago around the time JamessMK first started up, that's when they started de-confirming stuff. And it's highly possible they never deconfirmed JamessMK or this guy because they had the correct roster listed everywhere and didn't want it spoiled yet.

So why does it matter so much to you that me and others are entertaining this? You think the more you harp on it, we'll suddenly change our minds because it doesn't work that way. We will believe or entertain what we want, you can do the same. In a few days it'll all be irrelevant anyway, we're all just having a good time speculating and enjoying watching this guy make an idiot out of himself either way. Like I said, I believe bits and pieces, whether he got those correct by coincidence or not is up in the air, so why does it matter to anyone else what I believe? It's my thoughts, not yours.

This is a discussion forum. You know, for discussion? Regardless of whether or not you like it, I can express my views on what you and anyone else who believes this stuff posts as much as I want, just like how you say you can entertain the possibility that this is real as much as you want. You're also still being pretty hypocritical here; you can play devil's advocate with those of us who think it's fake, yet we can't say how it's fake without you going "it's my thoughts, not yours"? How lovely.

lol I'm not saying that at all, so I'm sorry if that's the way it came off. You think he's a fraud, that's cool. I'm just saying you don't have to keep pointing me out like I'm some delusional dingbat, I've made my views clear enough. wink

I'm just having fun speculating about the guy. That's all. He's mostly full of shit, but there be specs of gold scattered in the shit. That's that. I still say you're taking all this stuff way too seriously. Just sit back, relax, and poke fun at the moron. Even if a quarter of his shit turns out correct, look at the bullshit on Twitter he now has to put up with. lol What a moron.
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