Would you like to see Hydro as a new character in MK10?
posted05/31/2012 07:50 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/19/2010 11:17 PM (UTC)
Threads have been posted lately about Skarlet, Tremor, Hornbuckle, etc.. getting their spot in the game, but now I'm throwing out my own.

Hydro has always been a talked about character. He first appeared in the comics and then in legacy so why not have him appear in MK10?

It's been established that we don't want Smoke as a cyber character, and it's also been established that Sub-Zero as a cyber character isn't a smart idea either. NRS seem to want a third cyber character though, so why not Hydro?

Some people say he would play too similarly to rain, but I don't think he has to have water powers. I haven't actually watched MK legacy but didn't the Hydro in legacy have electrical powers? Maybe he could have something along those lines. Maybe just maybe he could have ice powers as well. I think that with a little tweaking via NRS goofy ways, cyber subz could end up being Hydro.

I've had the theory that Kuai Liang was already attacked by Cyrax in storymode before he was captured at the end of his chapter, so why would Kuai Liang put himself out in the open to be captured like that anyway? Who knows? It's a possiblity that we haven't thought about.

Anything can happend in MK and I say that adding Hydro would be welcomed as it would finally give us a third cyborg that people wouldn't have to be up in arms about.
05/17/2012 01:54 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I'd preferr for Hydro to be human as a ninja character in a palette swap dark blue with the MK1 costume. If anything I would rather have a cyborg character combined into one character instead of a bunch of palette swap cyborg characters.
05/17/2012 02:04 AM (UTC)
Esoteric Wrote:
Yeah, I'd preferr for Hydro to be human as a ninja character in a palette swap dark blue with the MK1 costume. If anything I would rather have a cyborg character combined into one character instead of a bunch of palette swap cyborg characters.

Okay I would get annoyed with that idea though. Hydro would be rain with Sub-Zero's coloring then.

My idea. The lin kuei automated Hydro, but his water abilities somehow caused his mechanics to malfunction leaving him to have electrical powers. Either that or ice powers like I said.

I DO NOT want another ninja. I'm suggesting this as the possiblity for a third cyborg without having to automate Sub-Zero or Smoke. I finally took a look at Hydro a minute ago on legacy and I think he was a pretty cool dude. However, I don't like the idea of him being another ninja. HIm being a third cyborg would be awesome though. I could really get behind the idea.

I also want to see Nimbus Terrafaux while we are talking about guest characters. I could see him being a cool time manipulation character instead of taven who ended up so bland.

Heck I'll make a movelist for Hydro now.

Charge Kick (imagine a sweet chin music kick with sparks flying from his foot? works as a pop up)
enhanced (more damage)

Overcharge (purposely leaks water to make himself electrically charged, this makes it so that any normal move (not a special) that hits Hydro will cause damage to the opponent.

Shock Bomb (a malfunctioning bomb that when near the opponent stuns them allowing Hydro to move in for a hit). Basically a move like spear or freeze. It stops the opponent in their tracks.[
[enhanced] stuns the opponent longer

Rocket punch (fist detaches from Hydro toward the opponent)Hydro's projectile
[enhanced] does more damage

Charge cloud (moves at the speed of reptile's force ball, the difference is that the cloud goes above the opponent which keeps them from jumping)
[enhanced] makes the cloud move faster

Whip shock (throws out a low electrically charged whip which wraps around the opponents foot to trip them onto the ground)

X-ray (Malfunction) sprays the opponent with water from his chest then punches the opponent in the gut causing them to bend over (like in Noob's xray except without the puke) he then lifts his electrically charged leg directly up and drops it down on top of the opponents neck (like a scissor kick) this ends the x-ray.
05/17/2012 02:10 AM (UTC)
Hydro can replace Cybers Sub-Zero & Smoke. Maybe if he was an aquatic character with electric powers.

Kinda like the animals in the ocean. Raiden possesses electricity & Rain possesses water & the weather. No ice.
05/17/2012 02:51 AM (UTC)
There's a thread about the same topic in the General MK Discussion forum...

But I'll repeat myself: No

Scarlet was a rumored glitch, that I really never heard about throughout the years, that became a playable character. Who would have thought that in the past?

Tremor is just some crazed-fan character that apparently so many people enjoyed fighting against that they just demand that he should be a playable character. Despite that he's in Vita, I'm pretty confident on this one, that he's in there only as a mere,
"We finally cave into your whining requests to put him in the game, so here you go" character.

Hydro, okay, I've never seen anyone really demand that this character should be a playable character at all, with the exception of the said thread I mentioned. The only character that comes to my mind when I see this name being popped up every now and then, is that m.u.g.e.n. cyborg character that's supposedly the ice cyborg.

People here cannot just write:
"If they decided to turn Scarlet and Tremor into characters, then all these other characters that made appearances in non-fighting games or are background characters should come to life too." Because to be honest, does anyone really know how many characters there are with that? I mean, what about ALL of the other characters that were made from the comics, web series, or other medias for this game that aren't actual Mortal Kombat characters?

I'm just saying, if you put in one character, then all of them should become playable. I mean... I want Saing to make an appearance soon. How he becomes one is awesome.
05/17/2012 03:05 AM (UTC)
Might as well get out in the open what rumored characters we should want in this thread then as well.

What rumored characters would people suggest should actually become a playable character.

Skarlet doesn't count because she IS a playable character now.

here are some that have been thrown out:
Hornbuckle (no from me)

Hydro (If we are going to have a third cyborg then I think he would be the perfect fit)

Nimbus (I think he could be good if they gave him a try, again we need some new characters and I think Nimbus is an okay name)

Tremor( I'm meh to Tremor I could take him, but I could leave him too)

Is there any other rumored characters out there?

Honestly i think Hydro deserves a chance, they already got the ball rolling with cyber subz they should capitalize on it.
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05/17/2012 03:36 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Esoteric Wrote:
Yeah, I'd preferr for Hydro to be human as a ninja character in a palette swap dark blue with the MK1 costume. If anything I would rather have a cyborg character combined into one character instead of a bunch of palette swap cyborg characters.

Okay I would get annoyed with that idea though. Hydro would be rain with Sub-Zero's coloring then.

My idea. The lin kuei automated Hydro, but his water abilities somehow caused his mechanics to malfunction leaving him to have electrical powers. Either that or ice powers like I said.

I DO NOT want another ninja. I'm suggesting this as the possiblity for a third cyborg without having to automate Sub-Zero or Smoke. I finally took a look at Hydro a minute ago on legacy and I think he was a pretty cool dude. However, I don't like the idea of him being another ninja. HIm being a third cyborg would be awesome though. I could really get behind the idea.

I also want to see Nimbus Terrafaux while we are talking about guest characters. I could see him being a cool time manipulation character instead of taven who ended up so bland.

Heck I'll make a movelist for Hydro now.

Charge Kick (imagine a sweet chin music kick with sparks flying from his foot? works as a pop up)
enhanced (more damage)

Overcharge (purposely leaks water to make himself electrically charged, this makes it so that any normal move (not a special) that hits Hydro will cause damage to the opponent.

Shock Bomb (a malfunctioning bomb that when near the opponent stuns them allowing Hydro to move in for a hit). Basically a move like spear or freeze. It stops the opponent in their tracks.[
[enhanced] stuns the opponent longer

Rocket punch (fist detaches from Hydro toward the opponent)Hydro's projectile
[enhanced] does more damage

Charge cloud (moves at the speed of reptile's force ball, the difference is that the cloud goes above the opponent which keeps them from jumping)
[enhanced] makes the cloud move faster

Whip shock (throws out a low electrically charged whip which wraps around the opponents foot to trip them onto the ground)

X-ray (Malfunction) sprays the opponent with water from his chest then punches the opponent in the gut causing them to bend over (like in Noob's xray except without the puke) he then lifts his electrically charged leg directly up and drops it down on top of the opponents neck (like a scissor kick) this ends the x-ray.

Agreed, not a fan of a dark blue ninja with Rain's powers. WAY too close to Sub-Zero. I also like the the idea of a malfunctioning cyber-ninja with electrical powers. I mean, I'm not really a fan of cyber-ninjas, but at least your idea sounds pretty original. Whip shock would be a cool move, and I think that with electricity, there could be a solid number of moves to draw from that idea in general.

As for Hydro being in MK, I'd be more interested in a character like this than seeing Cyrax and Sektor again, or cyber Smoke or cyber Sub Zero.

But to me, the whole "they appear in an obscure role in a game or as a glitch so they should be a main character" or whatever thing, while nice, really shouldn't be the basis for arguing a characters inclusion anymore given how many times (Ermac, Rain, Sareena, Blaze, Skarlett, and a Tremor cameo) NRS has done this for fans.

If they can honestly come up with a good look, background, story and moveset for someone named "Hornbuckle" then sure, go ahead and put them in. But otherwise, I don't see any reason for NRS to restrict themselves to the names of some obscure characters, real or fan named if they can just as easily create something new and unique that completely fits what they're looking to create.
05/17/2012 04:07 AM (UTC)
A guy named Hydro not having any water moves doesn't make a lot of sense.

I mean, I'm fine with the "malfunctioning cyber-ninja with sparks and shocks" angle, but why not give him both? Like he could have a ground attack where he creates a puddle similar to Sub's ice patch, but instead of someone sticking in place or slipping, he sends a shock along it to do damage?
05/17/2012 04:18 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Might as well get out in the open what rumored characters we should want in this thread then as well.

What rumored characters would people suggest should actually become a playable character.

Skarlet doesn't count because she IS a playable character now.

here are some that have been thrown out:
Hornbuckle (no from me)

Hydro (If we are going to have a third cyborg then I think he would be the perfect fit)

Nimbus (I think he could be good if they gave him a try, again we need some new characters and I think Nimbus is an okay name)

Tremor( I'm meh to Tremor I could take him, but I could leave him too)

Is there any other rumored characters out there?

Kia, Jataaka, Tasia, No Face, Tiamat, Undead General, Monster, Wu Lae, Shadow Priest, Lava Priest, Shadow Assassin, Maskerd Guard, Bellok and Vorpax (the last two impossible).
05/17/2012 04:26 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
A guy named Hydro not having any water moves doesn't make a lot of sense.

I mean, I'm fine with the "malfunctioning cyber-ninja with sparks and shocks" angle, but why not give him both? Like he could have a ground attack where he creates a puddle similar to Sub's ice patch, but instead of someone sticking in place or slipping, he sends a shock along it to do damage?

I see your point there, but notice I did throw some water in his moves.

He uses water to cause himself to spark electricity in the move Overcharge. That's allows him to be safe from normal attacks momentarily.

Also in his X-ray he sprays the opponent with water before he hits his elecrically charged attacks. That causes his electric attacks to do more damage in the X-ray.

He could use a water puddle though, that would be fine. I really want Sub-Zero to have his old ice puddle back in the next game though, and I just think about little stuff like that when making a moveset for a character. I don't want them to be too similar to anyone. However, you are right he could use some water moves. Possibly a puddle like you suggested could work Razor. I like how he shocks them instead of them sticking in place.

I think Hydro in this form could be a really interesting character.
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05/17/2012 05:55 PM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Might as well get out in the open what rumored characters we should want in this thread then as well.

What rumored characters would people suggest should actually become a playable character.

Skarlet doesn't count because she IS a playable character now.

here are some that have been thrown out:
Hornbuckle (no from me)

Hydro (If we are going to have a third cyborg then I think he would be the perfect fit)

Nimbus (I think he could be good if they gave him a try, again we need some new characters and I think Nimbus is an okay name)

Tremor( I'm meh to Tremor I could take him, but I could leave him too)

Is there any other rumored characters out there?

Kia, Jataaka, Tasia, No Face, Tiamat, Undead General, Monster, Wu Lae, Shadow Priest, Lava Priest, Shadow Assassin, Maskerd Guard, Bellok and Vorpax (the last two impossible).

Kia and Jataaka were both side characters in MK Mythologies Sub Zero (part of Quan Chi's little harem of assassins with Sareena), No Face was another character from that wretched MK Special Forces game along with Tremor, Shadow Priests show up in various backgrounds, Bellok was and MK4 character created by never fully implemented by the company that was porting the game to Dreamcast, if I'm not mistaken (was it Eurocom?) and Vorpax and Tasia were both characters from the short lived live action MK show that was on TNT. Not sure how most of them are "rumored characters."

The other characters though? Tiamat, Undead General, Monster, Wu Lae, Lava Priest, Shadow Assassin and Maskerd Guard? Never heard of them. Someone want to catch me up on who those characters are?
05/17/2012 10:40 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Might as well get out in the open what rumored characters we should want in this thread then as well.

What rumored characters would people suggest should actually become a playable character.

Skarlet doesn't count because she IS a playable character now.

here are some that have been thrown out:
Hornbuckle (no from me)

Hydro (If we are going to have a third cyborg then I think he would be the perfect fit)

Nimbus (I think he could be good if they gave him a try, again we need some new characters and I think Nimbus is an okay name)

Tremor( I'm meh to Tremor I could take him, but I could leave him too)

Is there any other rumored characters out there?

Kia, Jataaka, Tasia, No Face, Tiamat, Undead General, Monster, Wu Lae, Shadow Priest, Lava Priest, Shadow Assassin, Maskerd Guard, Bellok and Vorpax (the last two impossible).

Kia and Jataaka were both side characters in MK Mythologies Sub Zero (part of Quan Chi's little harem of assassins with Sareena), No Face was another character from that wretched MK Special Forces game along with Tremor, Shadow Priests show up in various backgrounds, Bellok was and MK4 character created by never fully implemented by the company that was porting the game to Dreamcast, if I'm not mistaken (was it Eurocom?) and Vorpax and Tasia were both characters from the short lived live action MK show that was on TNT. Not sure how most of them are "rumored characters."

The other characters though? Tiamat, Undead General, Monster, Wu Lae, Lava Priest, Shadow Assassin and Maskerd Guard? Never heard of them. Someone want to catch me up on who those characters are?

Kripta MKD and MKDA.

Monster and Wu Lae are Konquest MKD and MKA.

Tasia was also in MKSF (and not at all Live).
05/18/2012 05:18 PM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Might as well get out in the open what rumored characters we should want in this thread then as well.

What rumored characters would people suggest should actually become a playable character.

Skarlet doesn't count because she IS a playable character now.

here are some that have been thrown out:
Hornbuckle (no from me)

Hydro (If we are going to have a third cyborg then I think he would be the perfect fit)

Nimbus (I think he could be good if they gave him a try, again we need some new characters and I think Nimbus is an okay name)

Tremor( I'm meh to Tremor I could take him, but I could leave him too)

Is there any other rumored characters out there?

Kia, Jataaka, Tasia, No Face, Tiamat, Undead General, Monster, Wu Lae, Shadow Priest, Lava Priest, Shadow Assassin, Maskerd Guard, Bellok and Vorpax (the last two impossible).

Those are not "rumored" characters. Most of those that you've stated have been featured in games and has never been mentioned that they could have a chance to enter a Mortal Kombat game.

The only exception would be Bellok since he was supposed to appear in Mortal Kombat 4, developers took him out because they thought he was too powerful. He's not a rumored character either.

A rumored character would be Jason, since many thought that he was going to be in the game since we have Freddy, and it would deem possible to have him in the game, unfortunately, that rumor was never true. THAT'S a rumored character, not any that you've mentioned.
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05/18/2012 06:32 PM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Might as well get out in the open what rumored characters we should want in this thread then as well.

What rumored characters would people suggest should actually become a playable character.

Skarlet doesn't count because she IS a playable character now.

here are some that have been thrown out:
Hornbuckle (no from me)

Hydro (If we are going to have a third cyborg then I think he would be the perfect fit)

Nimbus (I think he could be good if they gave him a try, again we need some new characters and I think Nimbus is an okay name)

Tremor( I'm meh to Tremor I could take him, but I could leave him too)

Is there any other rumored characters out there?

Kia, Jataaka, Tasia, No Face, Tiamat, Undead General, Monster, Wu Lae, Shadow Priest, Lava Priest, Shadow Assassin, Maskerd Guard, Bellok and Vorpax (the last two impossible).

Kia and Jataaka were both side characters in MK Mythologies Sub Zero (part of Quan Chi's little harem of assassins with Sareena), No Face was another character from that wretched MK Special Forces game along with Tremor, Shadow Priests show up in various backgrounds, Bellok was and MK4 character created by never fully implemented by the company that was porting the game to Dreamcast, if I'm not mistaken (was it Eurocom?) and Vorpax and Tasia were both characters from the short lived live action MK show that was on TNT. Not sure how most of them are "rumored characters."

The other characters though? Tiamat, Undead General, Monster, Wu Lae, Lava Priest, Shadow Assassin and Maskerd Guard? Never heard of them. Someone want to catch me up on who those characters are?

Kripta MKD and MKDA.

Monster and Wu Lae are Konquest MKD and MKA.

Tasia was also in MKSF (and not at all Live).

Ah, my mistake, I was confusing Tasia (MKSF) with Taja (MK TV show).

Kripta? Not sure at all what you mean by that.
05/18/2012 08:28 PM (UTC)
They were characters that Midway thought of adding but gave up as soon adicinou its concepts in Kripta (Tiamat, Undead General Lava and Priest).

Anyway you're right. This post was just to explain.
05/19/2012 12:03 AM (UTC)

Hydro can wear an original palette swap of the ninja attire from MK1 just with a dark blue color scheme. So instead he could wear a dark blue hood, and light blue undergarments with light blue loose fitting pants and light blue ninja shoes that are accented with a dark blue shin pads, dark blue v-shaped over garment and clothed mask along with the loin cloth. And finally he could also have the black wrist/forearm protection guards. His alternate costume could be that he wears a lighter shade of blue to go along with his dark blue accesorized and sleeveless undergarments such as the dark blue v-shaped garments, light blue hood, loose flowing pants, and shoes. Finally, he could have the wrists/forearm protection guards as well.

Hydro has a Ninjitsu based fighting style along with various forms of Hapkido and Akido throwing mechanics. He's is a proven expert in Taijustu in short ranged face to face and hand to hand combat. He has a mastery of impersonating targeted enemies of the Lin Kuei as well as espoinage techniques for gathering vital information need to complete missions and gaining leverage for plans of attack. He also has a keen skill in various assassination techniques covered in discretion and secrecy. One the defining qualities of Hydro that makes him standout as a gifted killer in the Lin Kuei is his iniate ability to adapt to various circumstances and apply various skill sets to changing circumstances, making him hard to read and understand in the face of his opponents. This unique quality would allow him to gain upperhands against his opponents being that he can flood them with a variety of different looks and disguise the means of his attacks into unrecognizable stances, forms and disciplines, making him unpredictable and spontanteous to his adversaries alike. Discreet and low key in nature, Hydro, is considered one of the more potent assassins within the ranks of the Lin Kuei with his Black Arts training. He possesses the ability to generate and manipulate water in all of it's phases such as solids, liquids and in it's gaseous states.

Born and bred inside the temples of the Lin Kuei, Hydro, was a raised to be a skilled killer for the Lin Kuei. In his early levels of infancy, as a screening mechanism and test, young Hydro was presented with a katana sword and a small rubber ball. In this scenario his elder beckoned him to choose the ball or the sword at his young age. Young Hydro, in this scenario elected to crawl towards the center and grabbed at both items. This in turn present a paradox towards Lin Kuei that they had never been presented with before, and in that case, they raised him to absorb and manifest the teachings of one of the sacred techinques of Lin Kuei Ninjitsu. He was also taught Black Art techniques that would allow him to generate and manipulate water in all of it's forms, gaseous, liquid and solid forms. The alias, "Hydro" would be bestowed on him as moniker fitting for his adapting and flooding styles of attacks. This would in turn cause resentment inside the temple of the Lin Kuei among his elders, and some of the more skilled fighters within the Lin Kuei inciting riots and conflict. Because of this constant bickering and chaos, Hydro would be exiled from the Lin Kuei by long time friend and associate Sub-Zero in a sudden act of aggression that Hydro wouldn't understand or come to grips with throughout time. Now with no affliations with the Lin Kuei, Hydro would then bear the differeniated markings on his uniform as an exiled Lin Kuei ninja and throughout his time would harnest and perfect his water and liquid techniques on the streets into getting what he wanted from others and also seducing attractive women. Eventually he would meet up with a person impressed by his skills, and would propose a way for him to make some real notority for himself and the answers from his past in a tournament being held involving world renown fighters from across the globe and beyond. The man would speak of his experience with a variety of skilled fighters, but seeing him action, was something he'd never seen before in all of his years. Now with the proposition resonating in his mind, Hydro would take up the offer made by the man and enter Mortal Kombat to find answers of his banishement from the Lin Kuei.

Hydrant Blasts - From fighting stance, Hydro, motions into a crouching disposition on one knee and thrusts both clinched arms towards his opponent and emits a immensely concentrated and powerful stream of water at his opponent that knocks them into a backwards stumble into a free fall on their backside landing face up.

Water Mist - From fighting stance, Hydro, morphs into a clouded mists of water vapor and sails through his opponent's body across the screen before rematerializing into his human form to transition into a jumping reverse heel kick to their backside, grab and pull the backside of his opponent into him and throw them over his back in Hapkido fashion, or to shove them with both hands propelling in a free fall face first across the opposite side of the screen on to the ground.

Puddle Uppercut - From fighting stance, Hydro, meltsdown into a sizable puddle of water and drifts across the plane of the ground only to materialize either in front or behind his opponent transitioning into a standing uppercut propelling them into a free fall on their backside landing face up.

Puddle Kick - From fighting stance, Hydro, meltsdown into a sizable puddle of water and drifts across the plane of the ground only to materialize either in front or behind his opponent transitioning into a jumping reverse heel kick to the sternum of his opponent sending them stumble backwards to a free fall on their back landing face up.

Skipping Collision - From long range, Hydro, jumps into a lunging motion towards the ground transitioning into a mass of water to skip across the surface of the ground like skipping a rock across the surface of a pond. He then collides into his opponent's lower and upper extremities via a big splash only to materialize into his human form. This sends his opponent into a back peddle to possible transition into some follow up combos.

Translucent - Hydro can morph into an embodiment of water temporarily rendering his opponent's attacks while in this form to be ineffective and harmless as if to sail right through his body, right before materializing himself into his human form. It would be like they were punching a stream of water.

Crashing Wave - Hydro motions into fully extended uppercut and with his punching hand, hearlds a minature tidal wave of water to crash into his opponent causing them to stumble backwards from the collision.

Tsunami Wave - Hydro motions into a descending spiral motion resting into a crouching disposition with both arms and hands sticking outward from his torso. He then from the motioning, unleashes a sizable wave of water across the screen that crashes and collapses his opponent free fall backwards onto the floor to where their land on their back face up.

Water Geyser - Hydro motions into a crouching dispostion on one knee and thrusts into a punch on the ground beneath himself which in turn causes a highly concentrated and powerful stream of water to rise up from underneath his opponent's feet causing them to be propelled into the air for a possible air combo and juggle.

Rainbow Hydrant Blasts - From fighting stance, Hydro, motions into a crouching disposition on one knee and thrusts both clinched arms diagonally upwards towards his opponent and emits a immensely concentrated and powerful stream of water at his opponent that arches across the screen only to collide upon his opponent's upper and lower extremities and knocks them into a backwards stumble into a free fall on their backside landing face up.

Upper Hydrant Blasts - From fighting stance, Hydro, motions into a crouching disposition on one knee and thrusts both clinched arms diagonally upwards towards his opponent and emits a immensely concentrated and powerful stream of water diagonally upward at his airbound opponent that collides upon their upper and lower extremities and knocks them backwards out of the sky into a free fall on their backside landing face up.

Solidification - From mid to long range, Hydro, motions into a crouching disposition on one knee disappearing in a rising cloud of water vapor only to quickly reappear into a liquid mass embodiement or a liquid casing of within his opponent's space where they stand. He than solidifies into an ice statue of himself and transitioning into arching his back slightly backwards flinging his arms back past his waist. It could look like he was breaking out of an ice casing mold like Sub-Zero's intro. This in turn propells his opponent from where they stand across the screen into a free fall on their back landing face up.

Riding the Wave - From long range, Hydro, motions into a crouching disposition on one knee and then makes a motion to lunge forward towards his opponent. This causes a rising wave of water to form underneath his feet and race quickly towards his opponent only for Hydro propell himself to transition into thrusting into a flying kick upon his opponent's chest right before the wave of water dissapates into water vapors in thin air. The mechanics of this move can be similar to a surfer riding an arching wave across the screen and using it as a spring or propelling device.

Hydro Planning - From mid to long range, Hydro motions into a crouching disposition on one knee and skates across the floor on an advancing puddle of water towards his opponent only to collide with him in a splash of water in an thinking man's pose. This sends his opponent's stumbling backwards from the collision.

Glaciers of Ice - From mid to long range, Hydro motions his hands over his head towards the heavens while staring down his opponent. A giant boulder of ice materializes in his hands in which in a double-handed throw, he can hearld the boulder of ice across the screen over at his opponent sending them into a free fall backwards landing on their back from the impact and also crumbling into pieces.

Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls - From long range, Hydro motions into a crouching disposition on one knee and thrust his hands straight up into a pair of clinching fists projecting a mass of water above his head and off screen only to come crashing down on top of his opponent's head. The gravity of the water's momentum can pin his opponent down to the floor on their face. Hydro can then jump into a forward ground roll foward for some follow up combos.

Ice Block Punch - From close range, Hydro motions into a bunch of fluid hand movements around his body only to thrust into a potent front jab twisting his punching hand into the sternum of his opponent. His punching hand while motioning into this manuever solidifies into a solid casing of his punching hand in the form of ice giving Hydro a more potent and impactful hit to his opponent's sternum before the ice casing of punching hand melts away. This sends them into a backwards free fall across the screen landing on their back face up.

Ice Block Kick - From close range, Hydro motions into a side stepping sidekick to where his kicking foot materializes into a solid ice casing of kicking foot in the form of ice giving Hydro a more potent and impactful hit to his opponent's sternum before the ice casing of kicking foot melts away. This sends them into a backwards free fall across the screen landing on their back face up.

Riding the Wave Pt. 2 - From long range, Hydro, motions into a crouching disposition on one knee and then makes a motion to lunge forward towards his opponent. This causes a rising wave of water to form underneath his feet and race quickly towards his opponent only for Hydro to transition into a series of front somersaults and thrusting into a flying punch upon his opponent's chest right before the wave of water dissapates into water vapors in thin air. The mechanics of this move can be similar to a surfer riding an arching wave across the screen.

Teleport - Hydro teleports leaving a blinking imprint of himself behind and transports himself across the screen behind his opponent transitioning into a flying punch, in front of his opponent or from a drop down sequence above his opponent only to transition from a somersault into a flying punching pose. While motioning into this manuever his punching hand materializes into a solid casing of ice to give his hit a more impactful hit to his opponent.

Hurricane - Hydro thrusts into a crouching punch toward the ground beneath them and generates a minature hurricane beneath his opponent's feet that propells his opponent into a series of full body twists acute or obtuse to the plane of the ground and towards Hydro for a possible air juggle/pop-up manuever.

Hydrant Lunge - From mid to long range, Hydro, motions into a lunge forward towards his opponent only for him to morph into a mass of water while in mid-air and to crash into his opponent's chest and upper extremities before transitioning down into a forward ground roll. This causes his opponent to stumble backwards from the collision. Hydro can then pop-up on his feet and executes some follow up combos.

Slam & Choke - From close range, motions backside leg around the back of his opponent's legs all while grabbing his opponent's neck. He then forcefully slams his opponent down to their back against the ground taking their feet out from underneath them in a crouching disposition grappling their neck. His grappling hand then liquifies into a potent stream of water pouring into the orficies of his opponent's face, particularly the mouth, and choking them out while they lay on their backside.

Avalanche - From mid-air, Hydro motions into a series of front somersaults and during the multiple rotations in the somersault, a giant boulder of ice materializes in his hands in which he in a double-handed motion slams the rock over his opponent's head sending them into a free fall backwards landing on their back or renders them standing disoriented for a series of follow up combos.

Backside Tidal Wave - From mid to long range, Hydro motion into a crouching disposition on one knee and flings his arms backward past his waist and launches a tidal wave of water from the opposite side of the screen that pushes them into a free fall forward face down.

Wash Your Face - From close range, Hydro grapples his opponent's neck single handedly and strangles them in mid-air for a split second, his grappling hand then liquifies into a highly concentrated and powerful stream of hot water in his opponent's face pushing them into a backwards stumble from the force of the stream and rendering them disoriented.

Seeps up from a puddle of water from the ground into a crouching disposition on one knee and hand on the ground like three point stance from a football player. He then materializes into human form and rises to his feet to take on his fighting stance.

Motions over his hands towards his pelvic region while standing over his fallen opponent and projects a small stream of water on their fallen body before walking back over to his position on stage.

Turns to the camera and respectfully bows his head with a open palm closed fist.

Head Rush to cause your Cerabellum to Bust - From close range, Hydro grabs one of the shoulders of his opponent and pulls them in to a free hand punch, while motioning into the punch with his other hand it liquifies into a stream of water in the mouth of his opponent. He then holds his liquified arm in the mouth of his opponent as the convulse from the overflow of water being spouted in their mouth. He then after a short time period yanks his hand out of their mouth and materializes it into a solid ice casing in the form of ice and then throws a cross over hook that knocks his opponent to their knees. They then fall over to their back laying rest face up on the pavement. Hydro strikes his winning pose.

During the course of the tournament, Hydro would encounter old and long time friend and associate Sub-Zero from the Lin Kuei. With the memory of his banishment still fresh in his mind, Hydro would confront Sub-Zero with a barrage of questions about what he was doing here and events that happened from his past. He would learn that with his inception and rise to power among the Lin Kuei garnered a lot of jealousy and envy from other members and even high ranked officials and elders. Many of the members wanted him killed, and in order to protect him from the attempts of assassinations, Sub-Zero would secretly banish him to an unknown place. And now that many of those Lin Kuei misfits have either been disposed of or have died throughout time, Hydro would reunite and reconnect with his long lost Lin Kuei family as a changed man from what he had once been. Eventually he would also have the respect in his skill set to teach and instruct a priviledged and deserving set of young fighters the most sacred and highly famed skills of the Lin Kuei water techniques. Eventually throughout time, Hydro would marry Artica a member of the Lin Kuei and rise to be one of the more respected and powerful priests of the Lin Kuei transforming it's members to be better ninja and respected members of the community that they would serve.

05/29/2012 12:01 AM (UTC)
smileyes i would but what will he look like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MOD EDIT: One smiley is enough.
05/30/2012 12:09 AM (UTC)
I don't know who Hydro is but in my opinion, i would like to see the return of Freddy.I would also like to see Jason,and Fujin in the next game.
05/30/2012 02:16 AM (UTC)

Dang dude. You always make like 2 page long posts. I am never going to read all of that.

Plus I already know that I wouldn't like it because Hydro is just another ninja. We can't be having more ninjas in here. Sub-Zero is already blue ninja, and Rain has water powers. We don't need a ninja that everyone would confuse for Sub-Zero who uses water powers.

Just being honest.
05/30/2012 02:41 PM (UTC)
I think that if Hydro does become playable, he'll be a cyborg first; and he should somehow take the place of Cyber Sub Zero so he can return to his ninja form. I'd also see him in a teal/turquoise costume or an almost purplish-blue.

I do have a feeling that we'll at least see: Sareena, Frost, or Hydro in some story to help free the 10 Dead Warriors from the Netherealm.

Yet I'd love for Rain to return, his moves are amazing and his story could easily change really big this time and go either way. I kinda see him, Tanya, Baraka, Reptile, and Mileena fighting for the thrown.
05/30/2012 07:28 PM (UTC)
I think it would be cool if their was a female reptile character.
05/30/2012 07:43 PM (UTC)
Submarine1 Wrote:
I think it would be cool if their was a female reptile character.

Khameleon anyone?

They could easily make Khameleon more likeable if they would make her a female version of Reptile almost. NO NOT A CARBON COPY. However, instead of copying other people's moves she could have one move that allows her to steal an opponents special move. It could be called blend. The others however could be modified Reptile moves to give her the lizard feel while still having her play differently from Reptile.
05/31/2012 02:55 AM (UTC)
I think it would be cool,if they brought back Raidens fatality from Mortal Kombat 1 that was on the SNES.If you don't know what i am talking about then i will tell you what he does.The screen turns black as usual and he turns them into dust by shocking them to death.This fatality would make a great download for both XBOX 720 and Playstation 4.
05/31/2012 07:50 AM (UTC)
Submarine1 Wrote:
I think it would be cool,if they brought back Raidens fatality from Mortal Kombat 1 that was on the SNES.If you don't know what i am talking about then i will tell you what he does.The screen turns black as usual and he turns them into dust by shocking them to death.This fatality would make a great download for both XBOX 720 and Playstation 4.

That's always been my favorite Raiden fatality.
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