Would you like MK to go down the color route.
posted12/21/2013 02:30 AM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
I'm saying would you like MK to do what like a lot of 2d fighters like, SF, Blazblue, Darkstalkers, Guilty gear and etc. does.

Instead Of the MK team making various outfits give the fans dozens of colors to choose from like if you press x on controller scorpion is gold, if you press circle he's red, etc. Would you like it or are you content with them making several outfits. This might save time and give the creators to focus more on gameplay then designing outfits.

Also would you like an color editor if it was provided. Would you even use it.

Just a thought.
10/30/2013 06:51 PM (UTC)
Hell no.

The next MK should have...

1. Primary Outfit
2. Alternate Outfit
3. Custom Outfit

Custom Outfit: Character customization similar to Virtua Fighter.
Allow us to change certain aspects of the character to make them unique, but not to the point they are unrecognizable.
10/30/2013 08:03 PM (UTC)
Palette swapping is quick for a game that uses sprites, because the alternative is the developers would have to hand-draw every frame of the character's animations twice...but in a game where the characters are 3D models, there's no reason to not have alt costumes.

Which is why Street Fighter 4 has alt costumes just like modern MK games do.
10/30/2013 08:38 PM (UTC)
While it's a nice idea, I'd rather just keep it to two costumes, primary and the alt.

I've never really been a fan of a fashion show in Mortal Kombat. tongue
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11/03/2013 01:32 PM (UTC)
I personally wouldn't mind it. Variety is the spice of life after all. It'd give some nice variation to people that want to use the same character in the same costume.

The only thing is MK characters are more closely tied to color than other fighting game characters who are more recognizable by style so it may not work.
11/05/2013 02:00 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
I personally wouldn't mind it. Variety is the spice of life after all. It'd give some nice variation to people that want to use the same character in the same costume.

The only thing is MK characters are more closely tied to color than other fighting game characters who are more recognizable by style so it may not work.

This right here.

Because MK is always changing costumes no character really has a consistent costume. Whereas SF characters never change costumes, so there's no confusion when changing their colors. But can you imagine seeing Scorpion in Blue? Sub-Zero in Yellow? Noob Saibot in Red? Kitana in Black? And Mileena in Orange?

People would think they were entirely new characters.
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-sig by MINION

11/05/2013 07:08 PM (UTC)
YEEEEAAAAH that might not work lol. But I still think that's something Mortal Kombat should have. They've been behind on the times before and I don't want them to be again. Almost every other major fighting game allows some sort of character customization except for MK.
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11/22/2013 01:52 AM (UTC)
we have p1 and p2 colour schemes, now we can choose them i think that's enough. Alt costumes are much better for showing diversity.
11/22/2013 02:12 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
we have p1 and p2 colour schemes, now we can choose them i think that's enough. Alt costumes are much better for showing diversity.

We don't have to settle for one or the other though. We could color the Alt costumes as well. Being able to customize colors is great because it lets you put your stamp on a character. Having that personalization is definitely something that could benefit MK.

There are times where I'd like to change a color on a character. Like for shits and giggles, I'd make Kung Lao's hat red. Or make Liu Kang's headband yellow, just because I can. Would be fun to put my own twist on the color schemes. Or even having the ability to change an already existing color to lighter or darker shades. That would be really cool as well.
11/22/2013 05:22 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
Hell no.

The next MK should have...

1. Primary Outfit
2. Alternate Outfit
3. Custom Outfit

This. Though more like Tekken than Virtual Fighter, imo.

Alternate costumes allow for greater diversity, as well as way to increase replay value, when the costumes are unlockable.

Also, I'm still waiting for the day NRS lets us customize costumes for MK characters.
11/26/2013 12:42 AM (UTC)
Color swapping doesn't really work in a game like MK. Certain characters(the Ninjas and Cyborgs etc.) are defined by their color scheme. Having Sub-Zero with a Red uniform just doesn't work. Sub-Zero is the Blue ninja, Scorpion is the Yellow one, so on and so forth. Changing that up just muddies the iconic images of the characters as hardcore and casual fans have known these characters for 2 decades now.

With that said, I agree with the idea of customizable outfits, but only to a certain extent. As Blacksaibot mentioned, it should be done only if the characters remain recognizable as that specific character.

For example:


The ability to wear his hat on his head, or on his back like in MK:DA.

-Straw (classic)
-Solid (MK11)

-No Sleeves

Simple stuff like that adds to the customization of the character, but retains the iconic look of the character.

Using someone like Scorpion:

Flaming Skull (Yes/No)

-MK1 Mask
-MK II Mask
-MK 3 Mask
-MK:DA Mask
-MK:D Mask
-MK '11 Mask

Swords on Back (Yes/No)


Those are just a couple small examples. You could offer more elaborate items to add to the characters appearance to really give them some added flare and personality to further separate them from the rest. The main point is that you still need to make sure whatever the outcome of the customizations are, it still looks like the character in the end.

I'm all for the Primary, Alternate, and Custom idea as mentioned.

A good thing to use as an example, would be Tekken, or even the new KI, in terms of how far the customization should go.
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11/26/2013 02:41 AM (UTC)

Tradition Schmadition!

Is it really that much of an issue seeing different colors on a character especially the overrated "ninja" characters? Apparently you can never even attempt to aggravate an "Iconic" purist fan/stan for your life depends it. If it's too much trouble Seeing your favorite blue ninja never wearing nothing but blue, just change the palette of his black garb into a different color. Honestly, I prefer the MK3 design of current Sub-Zero.
12/11/2013 10:32 PM (UTC)
Change the outfits completely.. maybe a post-apocalyptic feel?
12/12/2013 02:33 AM (UTC)
There's a way to customize characters and then there's just changing characters completely, and to be honest, I wouldn't be comfortable playing as a red Sub-Zero. Like blackcyborg stated, these guys have a color given to them and has worn it ever since. To change it now would just seem rather... odd.

I will, however, be down for the customizable parts to the costume such as having Raiden's hat on or off, as well as having a character's mask on or off.

But my issue with this is, let's say you're doing this for an online battle... Would there be presets that you can pick before a match, or would this option be completely scratched out for online battles? Because I wouldn't want to wait five minutes in the character select screen waiting for my opponent to choose whether or not Mileena should be showing off her face or not. If this mode was available for us for the next game, would there be a way to work around this issue for online stuff?
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

12/15/2013 04:42 AM (UTC)
Killer Instinct has it right I hope Mortal Kombat dose the same when it comes to costumes
12/16/2013 01:52 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Would there be presets that you can pick before a match, or would this option be completely scratched out for online battles? Because I wouldn't want to wait five minutes in the character select screen waiting for my opponent to choose whether or not Mileena should be showing off her face or not. If this mode was available for us for the next game, would there be a way to work around this issue for online stuff?

In other games where you can put accessories on your character, like Tekken and KI, it's either that you just do it once in the game's main menus before you start playing fights, and then your character is always wearing them until the next time you go back and change them, or it saves the costume you've created with the accessories and color changes as a new alt costume and adds it to the list of alts you can pick from when you pick your character.
12/19/2013 03:05 AM (UTC)
No thank you. Many characters are defined by their colour scheme so it wouldn't work. I mean Sektor wouldn't be Sektor if he wasn't red.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

12/20/2013 10:24 AM (UTC)
Having a 3rd customizable costume would be a great idea. So what if people don't use their iconic colors? Their personalities are what really defines them. I embrace the costume idea, just like with Tekken (when you play online, one Jin could look completely different to another Jin) It keeps things interesting.

Same thing goes with color swapping, it works well with other fighting games, why not MK? Some people like a blonde version of Ragna, while others like him with brown hair, while I like the original look, everyone's happy.

And last point is KAK, I think it's a good time to implement it now that we've had 3 next-gen NRS games (including MKvsDC). It was a great idea with MKA, from choosing appearances to choosing special moves to choosing combos (2-hits, 3-hits, knockdowns, launchers, etc). It's a pity character creation sank with that ship. I can't remember if we could make tarkatans, saurians, etc, but that'd be welcome, as well as Shokans. Actually, the move pools characters could choose from should be based on their race, realm, clan, and/or body size. For example, a larger-sized shokan brute may be slower but stronger, and have warrior-like moves such as stomps, charges, or weapon throws. On the flip-side, a sleeker reptilian would be quicker and have access to moves like invisibility, slides, acid spit, etc.

Maybe I'm getting to much into it, I don't know if they're considering it at all for the next game.
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12/21/2013 02:30 AM (UTC)
Yes. do something other than barely different shades of the same color or red/blue.


Liu Kang:
1.) Red
2.) Blue
3.) Gold (MK3 2p)
4.)Green (Hornbuckle)
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