01/22/2007 11:56 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
I'm not saying the classic 32 characters have to return all in ONE game. I'm saying they should still exist in the MK Universe and be playable every now and then, you know, keep recycling.

And if you guys are thinking that the characters' storylines are what mostly matter, you guys are retarted. Mortal Kombat is a fighting video game not a book. As long as cool characters keep returning looking awesome and being cool fighters, that's what mostly matters (to most people anyway..).

True, the storylines give the characters depth and personality, but that's not what should primarily decide if an MK character returns or not. I mean, Sindel's MKD storyline (locked in a cell while the other characters DID things) was boring as hell, but I still love her to death.

i find it funny that you mispelled retarded while calling everyone else a retard, IRONIC

sure MK is a fighting game, and in most most other fighting games, story takes the back seat, but not in MK i mean look at the reaction Armageddon got right after it was released an people realized the there was no story at all, people refuted the game until it was promised that Bios would be released, and now out of the "kindness" of their hearts were getting those bios

Gameplay will never be MK's strong point, but it's story? out of all the fighters out their MK is the only one that could properly be translated to a comic book, or even a novel

XiahouDun84 Wrote:
While it's true that since Edenia's been freed it's been becoming more distant from everything else. If Kitana is to come back, they would need to fix that (and I know how they can do it, too).

But it has nothing to do with Liu Kang.
Like you said, I don't want to go into a tangent, but Liu Kang has not, nor has he ever been, Kitana's sole objective for being in a game. The only time he really contributed to Kitana's role is in Deadly Alliance...when he was dead.
remember that's just my OPINION,
01/23/2007 07:46 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
The only thing that separates them is story and appearance. And personally, appearance is the last thing I judge a character on.

Well, to me, appearance is the most important thing. For example, if all the MK girls dressed like strippers, I'd have no interest in MK whatsoever. I'd play as Sindel who looks like an Evil Goddess a trillion times over and over again, then before ever picking Mileena in her MK:D alt.

Also, what if all MK characters were females?... Are you sure appearance is the last important thing about a character?

True, gameplay is a more universal thing for the characters, but appearance isn't. Would you like to play as a migit or a gorilla? I'm sure most people would agree human ninjas, a goth queen, or even cyborgs are more exciting to play as than migits and gorillas, even if they all had the same moves and fighting skills. Why?... Because of appearance.
01/23/2007 08:00 PM (UTC)
scorpionspupil Wrote:
i find it funny that you mispelled retarded while calling everyone else a retard, IRONIC

sure MK is a fighting game, and in most most other fighting games, story takes the back seat, but not in MK i mean look at the reaction Armageddon got right after it was released an people realized the there was no story at all, people refuted the game until it was promised that Bios would be released, and now out of the "kindness" of their hearts were getting those bios

Gameplay will never be MK's strong point, but it's story? out of all the fighters out their MK is the only one that could properly be translated to a comic book, or even a novel

Can't get nothing passed you, huh?

Okay... you said right after Armageddon got released everyone was pissed about how it had crappy storylines, right? Okay, but did that prevent the game from selling well? Uh... NO. A million copies were sold just after 3 months of its release. Why? ..Because it's a bad-ass fighting game, not a comic book. Yes, or course storylines are part of the game, but let the money speak for itself. People will love MK with or without fantastical bios.

Gee, who the hell puts a product's criticism before its success? (...retart)
01/23/2007 08:01 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Also, what if all MK characters were females?... Are you sure appearance is the last important thing about a character?

True, gameplay is a more universal thing for the characters, but appearance isn't. Would you like to play as a migit or a gorilla? I'm sure most people would agree human ninjas, a goth queen, or even cyborgs are more exciting to play as than migits and gorillas, even if they all had the same moves and fighting skills. Why?... Because of appearance.

As long as they play good and have a good story.
I wouldn't mind if they were all female characters. I like the female characters. What's wrong with little people? And hell, Moloch already looks like a gorilla.

I'm not saying appearance isn't important....but just because a character might look cool doesn't mean I'll like to play as him/her.

And getting back to the topic on whether the "classics" should all come back....how can you base it on appearance either? Some of the "classics" look cool, others looks stupid or boring. Same goes with the newer characters.
But appearances change with each game. Shinnok looked boring as hell in MK4, now he looks bad ass.
01/23/2007 08:16 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I wouldn't mind if they were all female characters. I like the female characters. What's wrong with little people? And hell, Moloch already looks like a gorilla.

I'm not saying appearance isn't important....but just because a character might look cool doesn't mean I'll like to play as him/her.

And getting back to the topic on whether the "classics" should all come back....how can you base it on appearance either? Some of the "classics" look cool, others looks stupid or boring. Same goes with the newer characters.
But appearances change with each game. Shinnok looked boring as hell in MK4, now he looks bad ass.

True, some classics did look boring. But I mean, each time a new MK game comes out, I always wonder are the returning characters before wondering who the new ones are.

Now don't change the subject,. This thread is about about Classic Characters vs.What Will Be A Cast Of Almost Totally New Characters For Next-Gen MK. It's not about appearance vs. story.

The appearance argument is just something you and I have going on seperately. ...I care about appearance more, you care about story more... And that's it. That's fine. Period. We simply have different preferences.
01/23/2007 11:42 PM (UTC)
Fighting Engine > Story > Looks.
01/24/2007 01:04 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
scorpionspupil Wrote:
i find it funny that you mispelled retarded while calling everyone else a retard, IRONIC

sure MK is a fighting game, and in most most other fighting games, story takes the back seat, but not in MK i mean look at the reaction Armageddon got right after it was released an people realized the there was no story at all, people refuted the game until it was promised that Bios would be released, and now out of the "kindness" of their hearts were getting those bios

Gameplay will never be MK's strong point, but it's story? out of all the fighters out their MK is the only one that could properly be translated to a comic book, or even a novel

Can't get nothing passed you, huh?

Okay... you said right after Armageddon got released everyone was pissed about how it had crappy storylines, right? Okay, but did that prevent the game from selling well? Uh... NO. A million copies were sold just after 3 months of its release. Why? ..Because it's a bad-ass fighting game, not a comic book. Yes, or course storylines are part of the game, but let the money speak for itself. People will love MK with or without fantastical bios.

Gee, who the hell puts a product's criticism before its success? (...retart)
a game can sell well and still be shit,

and MK:A is not that "bad-ass" of a fighting game especially by gameplay standards, actually by comparison to other fighters out there, it's shit
01/24/2007 06:42 PM (UTC)
That sounds like opinion to me.

Who the hell would want to buy shit?
01/24/2007 11:00 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
That sounds like opinion to me.

Who the hell would want to buy shit?
because of hype, hype makes people buy things, and people get burned because of it
01/25/2007 01:36 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Well, to me, appearance is the most important thing. For example, if all the MK girls dressed like strippers, I'd have no interest in MK whatsoever. I'd play as Sindel who looks like an Evil Goddess a trillion times over and over again, then before ever picking Mileena in her MK:D alt.

Okay...to say the least, Sindel doesn't dress any better than the other characters. She wears the same damned kind of skimpy clothing as the other Mortal Kombat women. And with her, it's just as - if not more - ridiculous. I don't know about you, but I don't really see the sensibility of the Queen of an entire realm walking into battle wearing nothing but a glorified swimsuit.
01/25/2007 01:45 AM (UTC)
Exactly unless, they put their brains to work.glasses
01/25/2007 07:26 PM (UTC)
Stahlgeist Wrote:
I don't know about you, but I don't really see the sensibility of the Queen of an entire realm walking into battle wearing nothing but a glorified swimsuit.

Me niether. That's why her alt was decided it was going to be more regal, more... queen-like. And it is. So shut up.

And NeroZero's reply shows what elements Sindel uses to make-up for the objectification that fucker Ed Boon plowed her primary c. with.
01/26/2007 01:04 AM (UTC)
This is a really interesting topic. I was kinda excited about the idea that the MK team were going to do away with the oldies and send in the newbies. It's such a unique concept that is almost shocking in a long-running game series. However, it didn't dawn on me as to how much the new characters would appeal to me.

Sure, the MK team has always had their hits and misses. But I generally enjoy at least half of the new characters in each game. And since there's usually 7 or so new characters, that isn't too bad of an average.
However, I just hope they only kill off half of the old MK characters. And, maybe put most of the surviving characters on hiatus, give their radical concept a chance. Have... what? 20 new characters and 10 old? Maybe have the other surviving characters referenced to for good measure.
If the game doesn't do as well as they hoped, MK9 can have the surviving characters to fall back on. And maybe 8 or so of the stand-out characters could return from MK8.
01/27/2007 06:14 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Stahlgeist Wrote:
I don't know about you, but I don't really see the sensibility of the Queen of an entire realm walking into battle wearing nothing but a glorified swimsuit.

Me niether. That's why her alt was decided it was going to be more regal, more... queen-like. And it is. So shut up.

And NeroZero's reply shows what elements Sindel uses to make-up for the objectification that fucker Ed Boon plowed her primary c. with.

I suppose one could call her outfit more regal, but it's still not that much better than the other Mortal Kombat women's outfits. Personally, I don't think it's all that "regal" myself, but hell, maybe Edenians would think differently.
And sure, Sindel has a brain and plenty of character, but other female characters (Not all, but some.) have a brain and character too. I don't think Sindel's unique in that regard.

Oh, and I'll shut up when I die. If you don't like it, too bad.
01/27/2007 07:48 AM (UTC)
What we need is the COOL newer characters coming back, Eg. Returning Characters that I would like to see- Havik, Kenshi, Nightwolf, Scorpion, Subzero, Raiden

Havik, Kenshi, and Nightwolf are all really unique characters with different abilities and looks, and this is what we need for the next game. Unique characters that have lots of personality. The reason alot of the newer characters suck is their boring. Their boring, random and that makes me not interested in them... You feel me?
01/27/2007 07:10 PM (UTC)
There will be at least three no four main guys coming back. Sub-Zero and Scorpion for sure, Raiden and possibly Liu Kang. all I'm saying is that these guys will probably be the only characters we will see coming back. the others... well they can go fuck a horse or something... except for Frost cuz i like her... that was pretty random.
01/28/2007 07:44 AM (UTC)
Who really cares about classic characters. Most of them sucked. Since the first two games I feel the only game worth taking any notice of since then was MK4. It had a few cool characters like Quan Chi, Reiko, Fujin. Since then no new character have caught my attention.

They should really do away with the old cast, sure keep one or two who can contribute to the storyline. But more than that really wouldn't be necessary.

It would be cool if maybe there were to be a new member from the Brotherhood of the Shadow, or a playable portal guard or something.

I though MK Mythologies had really cool level designs and concepts. And that made it feel a lot more MK should be.

MKA was far too slow, the gameplay wasn't improved apart from air kombat. And the characters look like beefcake cartoons.

Personally i'm looking forward to seeing whether the MK team can MK feel like MK again. And not some watered down pece of shit.
01/29/2007 03:54 AM (UTC)
Heres wht i think

Keep the following ninjas
Noob Saibot

Keep the following Cyborgs
Smoke (if Sektor Died already)

Keep the following Feamales

Keep the Following Males
Liu Kang
Jhoney Cage

........I think i put to much Classic Characters
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/29/2007 04:35 AM (UTC)
Chino_Cheng Wrote:
Who really cares about classic characters. Most of them sucked. Since the first two games I feel the only game worth taking any notice of since then was MK4. It had a few cool characters like Quan Chi, Reiko, Fujin. Since then no new character have caught my attention.

They should really do away with the old cast, sure keep one or two who can contribute to the storyline. But more than that really wouldn't be necessary.

It would be cool if maybe there were to be a new member from the Brotherhood of the Shadow, or a playable portal guard or something.

I though MK Mythologies had really cool level designs and concepts. And that made it feel a lot more MK should be.

MKA was far too slow, the gameplay wasn't improved apart from air kombat. And the characters look like beefcake cartoons.

Personally i'm looking forward to seeing whether the MK team can MK feel like MK again. And not some watered down pece of shit.

You sir have made my day. smile

Getting rid of the classic characters will be the best thing to ever happen to this series. Most of them were simplistic and outdated (dare I say...stupid?) and having an entirely new roster will be a breath of fresh air.
01/29/2007 04:23 PM (UTC)
scorpionspupil Wrote:
Gameplay will never be MK's strong point, but it's story? out of all the fighters out their MK is the only one that could properly be translated to a comic book, or even a novel.

You got that right. I refer to Mortal Kombat as the "Lord of the Rings" of fighting games.
01/30/2007 09:27 PM (UTC)
i think ALL of the classic characters should return or MK8 would stink!!
01/31/2007 02:12 AM (UTC)
collinssuarez Wrote:
i think ALL of the classic characters should return or MK8 would stink!!
01/31/2007 01:53 PM (UTC)
ReptileJr Wrote:
Heres wht i think

Keep the following ninjas
Noob Saibot

Keep the following Cyborgs
Smoke (if Sektor Died already)

Keep the following Feamales

Keep the Following Males
Liu Kang
Jhoney Cage

........I think i put to much Classic Characters

*Barfs everywhere*

Sub-Zero and Cyrax are the only two characters on your list who deserve to live.
01/31/2007 06:08 PM (UTC)
the only characters that should stay is the entire cast of MK1 and maybe a couple from mk2 (e.g Kung Lao). The characters from mk1 are the most beloved and most popular characters from the mk universe I believe. They're the classic Mk characters.
01/31/2007 08:29 PM (UTC)
I agree with QueenSindel about how the classic characters like Sub-zero, Kitana, Scorpion and such do give MK it's identity. Like she said when I think of Street Fighter i do think of the classic Ken, Ryu, Chun-Li ect...BUT..In my opinion the Street Fighter series has gotten stale to me because of the same characters in the games that were introduced those 10+ years ago.

The classic cast has had their time, but some of them need to be sent to the scrap heap. Characters like Jax, Lui-Kang, Johnny Cage, and others who are just decomposing in the story lines need to be buried. Especially Lui Kang...my god, he kicked the bucket and still returned. He's like herpes.....

Speaking of coming from the dead, No one in Mortal Kombat that has died has STAYED dead. Even in Sindel's ending King Jerrod returned to life and He's been dead before the first MK game. Just because Boon gets rid of the majority of the characters doesn't mean they wont appear later in future games.

Characters like Shinnok, Kintaro,Kai, Jerek, Tanya, Sheeva, Stryker, Night Wolf, Fujin, Rain, Chameleon, Jade and Sindel, who were in earlier games dissapeared until Deception and Armageddon. Some of the above were mentioned in the story line, but not actual playable characters until these last two games. Therefore, I would like an MK game with the majority of the cast to be new. I have tons of favs from the classic MKs, but some of them need to take a break and let some new fighters go at it because the classic characters can always pop up in the next gen.
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