Will Scorpion be alive by the end of MKX?
posted11/27/2014 09:20 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/19/2010 11:17 PM (UTC)
I've had this theory for a while that variations may be explained in the story.

Scorpion also has a ninjitsu variation which is heavy on just swords and not necessarily his hellish abilities. Could this variation represent a reborn Scorpion? Possibly rebuilding the shirai ryu?

The next thing that kinda goes along with this is one of the exchanges he has with Sub-Zero.

Scorpion: How does it feel to be a dead man?
Sub-Zero: You would know.
Scorpion: I was reborn, unlike you.

So, I think it raises the question, will Scorpion be brought back to life?

We have all been saying the character needs more development. Could a resurrection do this for him?

Again, this is all speculation, but I think it's a theory we haven't all looked at.
11/27/2014 06:51 PM (UTC)
He still has a teleport-punch in all 3 variations...not to mention the constants of white eyes that glow in animations, some fire in his normals, win pose, etc.
"Reborn" in his dialogue refers to the fact that he was reincarnated in a new form when Quan Chi made him into a spectre.
11/27/2014 06:56 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
He still has a teleport-punch in all 3 variations...not to mention the constants of white eyes that glow in animations, some fire in his normals, win pose, etc.

"Reborn" in his dialogue refers to the fact that he was reincarnated in a new form when Quan Chi made him into a spectre.

I realize that, but there are other ways for him to gain these powers. What if say he does become elder gods champion again and they grant him powers similar to his hellish abilities. Hell, Liu Kang uses fire, and it didn't take him being from hell to do so.

The demon summoning variation could be like the beginning of storymode whereas maybe the ninjitsu variation represents the end.

The eyes I can't explain, but maybe it is hard to give one model different eyes than another?
11/27/2014 07:07 PM (UTC)
The simplest answer is often the best.

Ninjutsu variation doesn't suggest he lost any powers, it's just one of his fighting styles.
11/27/2014 07:14 PM (UTC)
That's true. However, with Shirai Ryu being mentioned in the comic, the "reborn" comment, and the sword specific variation it just has me believing maybe returning to life and rebuilding his clan is in the works for Scorpion in MKX.

Plus, it would finally let him get past his stale character.
11/27/2014 07:29 PM (UTC)
What if that demon in his Inferno variation is his companion from the comics? Just a thought.
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11/27/2014 07:39 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
I've had this theory for a while that variations may be explained in the story.

Scorpion also has a ninjitsu variation which is heavy on just swords and not necessarily his hellish abilities. Could this variation represent a reborn Scorpion? Possibly rebuilding the shirai ryu?

No, it just means he's more than a guy that throws a spear and shits fire, the creators are trying to remind us of this. Scorpion was a ninja before his death, he didn't become one out of nowhere after. Him wielding a sword and using martial arts in a MK game is nothing new. The "reborn" was already explained here. It's simply when he got his hell powers. Nothing else.
11/27/2014 07:55 PM (UTC)
Another thing that makes me think that maybe Scorpion being ressurrected is the case is that The Shirai Ryu as of now doesn't exist. So far the team has not mentioned that MKX or its comics will delve into the past. Only directly after MK9 up to 25 years later, but nothing has been said of before MK9.

So, it kinda makes sense to me that maybe Scorpion is trying to rebuild his clan. Mix the reborn comment, the ninjitsu variation, and it just makes me think at the least Scorpion may not reside in the netherealm anymore.
11/27/2014 09:01 PM (UTC)
They need to kill Scorpion off in MKX, blandest character in the franchise.
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11/27/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)
He willingly threw the chance of reviving his Clan in MK9. Besides, as Hanzo Hasashi, maybe he was just a regular ninja family man, nothing like scorpion.
11/27/2014 09:20 PM (UTC)
So when you get to see Scorpion's face when his mask falls off after the face slice, isn't enough for you to believe that he has already been reverted to a human in MKX? NRS could have showed a skeleton face instead.


You could be right and he'll create his clan, then within the 25 year span, it all plays out in one way or another.

All in all it is pretty hard to say or think where NRS is taking the story. It'll surely be intense.
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