Will returning human characters stay old?
posted01/01/2015 10:49 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
I just don't see why popular human characters who were always young would be anymore likely to stay old than dead. If the next game still takes place 25 years later, or even farther in the future, then what will happen? Will they all die, and be brought back as their younger selves?
01/01/2015 06:38 PM (UTC)
If dead characters can be revived, including human characters, like it's nothing, i'm sure several ways can be found to make them age slower, stay young, or keep coming back old even after death.
01/01/2015 06:41 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I just don't see why popular human characters who were always young would be anymore likely to stay old than dead. If the next game still takes place 25 years later, or even farther in the future, then what will happen? Will they all die, and be brought back as their younger selves?

I highly doubt it. I really like how NRS is showing how a certain character changes over the 25 year span.

Also a part of me thinks that all the "old" characters will help usher in the "new" generation of MK.
I think they can always bring them back in a sort of way. Just like Kung Lao is the reincarnation of the Great Kung Lao, NRS can bring him back as another reincarnation of Kung Lao after this Kung dies. It's another person, but with the same moveset/skills from the previous one, just like Bi-Han/Kuai Liang thing. Of course, they won't bring back all of them (they could, but I think it's not likely) forever and ever, some may start to fade until they don't appear anymore.

Or after two or three games, when the character is very old, they can still use them as masters to help the newcomers to grow stronger and wiser. If they wish to bring eternal death (which I highly doubt they will) to the character, they can also use their offspring to keep the fans "pleased" in some form of way.

There's also the "how the time passes" thing for each character, which makes one or two be around for like 50 years but still looks like they are 20 years old. Idk, I just think it's hard to kill a character permanently, because there's a fanbase that wants to play with X character, so NRS will always try bring them back, even if it's like 100 years later in the game timeline story.
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01/01/2015 10:49 PM (UTC)
Remember, Ed has said it'd be tough to continue the story after this.

I'm really anticipating a complete 'real' reboot at some point in the next 10 years, where we'll be reintroduced to all or most of the classic cast at their normal ages once more, if not crossover games or a giant non-plot oriented tag team game of some kind.

Really, I'm just amazed we have the opportunity to see our cast change and grow to the extent that they are. Not too many series can boast that.
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